Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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"Have fun with that Ryan, I can give you a pillow if you want. We are out of rooms." Forest declared as she watched Ryan put his hand in his pocket and then turned to see what Kai was eating. "That sounds gross, I need to try it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kai watched the news.. but nothing there was interesting.. he decided hmm "Be right back" he said thinking .. "what if I blinked for a second".. so he did.. he flickered out of sight.. to see if he'd make a move.. if he stayed still he wouldn't see his particles..

Hmm.. he looked at Ryan he had his hand in his pocket.. he saw something red.. "Wtf" he thought.. If he was here to do something horrid.. he'd no undoubtedly tick.. but he planned on stopping it..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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That was the first time someone had said her speaking put them at ease. She remained looking down, and said, "A-a-as buh-buh-buh-bad as m-mine?" She asked, risking a glance up, her eyes appearing rounded, and alight. "I f-f-f-find that h-hard to b-believe"

She returned her gaze to Hope, still petting the dog. "i...I a-am s-s-s-s-sorry f-f-f-for all t-that has h-h-happened to y-you. It isn't f-f-fair"

She looked up after a minute and asked, "W-w-what e-elements c-c-c-can you c-c-c-c-c-c-control?" it seemed like a generally question asked her, so she figured why not ask?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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"Never asked for help did I? I'll gladly take the pillow however, better than just the grass. Wouldn't want to intrude on your little home of yours." This was a bit diffcult. While the dark color of the jeans he had on ensured that the blood would just look like any other liquid based stain... This Kai boy was getting on his nerves. "I'll find my keys... eventually."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kai got worried he had something in his pocket.. hmm could he do it? Flicker with Forest. well it did seem to work with small things like surrounding leaves.. he had to get her out of here.. he didn't want something bad to happen to her.. but what if this hurt her?

hmmm Kai flickered back in grabbing Forests hands and flickering out landing outside.. under the veranda so Ryan couldn't see him.
"I don't like this guy.." she was astonished..
"Besides I think i'll go mental if a feather falls on my head.." he worried.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

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Caits said
That was the first time someone had said her speaking put them at ease. She remained looking down, and said, "A-a-as buh-buh-buh-bad as m-mine?" She asked, risking a glance up, her eyes appearing rounded, and alight. "I f-f-f-find that h-hard to b-believe" She returned her gaze to Hope, still petting the dog. "i...I a-am s-s-s-s-sorry f-f-f-for all t-that has h-h-happened to y-you. It isn't f-f-fair" She looked up after a minute and asked, "W-w-what e-elements c-c-c-can you c-c-c-c-c-c-control?" it seemed like a generally question asked her, so she figured why not ask?

James laughed a little, "Sometimes his was worse than yours...he would get so mad that he couldn't say something that he would turn red." James actually seemed happy for once, "I control Air...and water somewhat now i guess." He twisted a warm breeze through the room, "And besides...If all that hadn't happened to me i wouldn't have met some of the greatest people in my life." He smiled brightly, "And I wouldn't be having this wonderful conversation with you...so in the end I think it was worth it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Nytem4re said
"Never asked for help did I? I'll gladly take the pillow however, better than just the grass. Wouldn't want to intrude on your little home of yours." This was a bit diffcult. While the dark color of the jeans he had on ensured that the blood would just look like any other liquid based stain... This Kai boy was getting on his nerves. "I'll find my keys... eventually."

"Sorry, I think I was quick to judge." Forest replied as she casually looked around for Kai. "What happened to Kai?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kai fell down after flickering forest out of their.. and he knelt down "Jesus.. I gotta stop using that.. It's wasting my energy" he said
"I saw something in his pocket, there was blood on his hand" he whispered.. "I honestly don't know whats happening here, first I get chase and now what?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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"What the hell Kai? You didn't ask for my consent, you didn't even show yourself!" Forest rolled her eyes and put a hand on her hip. "You should have asked. Ryan seemed nice."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

makarov said
James laughed a little, "Sometimes his was worse than yours...he would get so mad that he couldn't say something that he would turn red." James actually seemed happy for once, "I control Air...and water somewhat now i guess." He twisted a warm breeze through the room, "And besides...If all that hadn't happened to me i wouldn't have met some of the greatest people in my life." He smiled brightly, "And I wouldn't be having this wonderful conversation with you...so in the end I think it was worth it."

Nessie blinked and swallowed. Wonderful conversation? With her? How could that be? Were people just trying to be nice? She didn't know, couldn't tell. She hesitated before speaking, "S-s-s-sometimes it g-g-gets s-so bad I j-just c-c-can't continue s-s-speaking and then I t-think that people t-think I am s-s-stupid" She looked up, and shrugged.

"M-my f-father s-said I d-didn't s-s-stutter when I was a t-toddler, and j-just learning to talk. He s-s-says it h=happened after my m-mother d-died and I didn't t-talk for w-weeks. he s-said that it was s-s-strange b-because I was a v-very talkative c-child. H-he would j-joke that he and my m-mother said they r-regretted teaching me to t-talk, b-because I n-never s-shut up" Nessie said softly, as she talked her stutter seemed to lesson, as she told this story, and she smiled, then sighed, "W-when I started talking again, the s-s-stutter was t-there my dad s-s-said, and has been every s-since"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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CallaLily180 said
"What the hell Kai? You didn't ask for my consent, you didn't even show yourself!" Forest rolled her eyes and put a hand on her hip. "You should have asked. Ryan seemed nice."

"I'm telling you I wouldn't of done it.. If I wasn't sure.. there was something BLEEDING his hand out.." he said.. with his shy tone..
"Seriously.. why do you think he put his hand in his pocket.. one hand in his pocket as soon as I left the room" He said
"I'm not letting anything happen to any of my friends.... Arghhh" he knelt down... "that took a toll on me... flickering with you as well as me is not easy, hope I didn't burn you in the process" he said... struggling to stand up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Caits said
Nessie blinked and swallowed. Wonderful conversation? With her? How could that be? Were people just trying to be nice? She didn't know, couldn't tell. She hesitated before speaking, "S-s-s-sometimes it g-g-gets s-so bad I j-just c-c-can't continue s-s-speaking and then I t-think that people t-think I am s-s-stupid" She looked up, and shrugged. "M-my f-father s-said I d-didn't s-s-stutter when I was a t-toddler, and j-just learning to talk. He s-s-says it h=happened after my m-mother d-died and I didn't t-talk for w-weeks. he s-said that it was s-s-strange b-because I was a v-very talkative c-child. H-he would j-joke that he and my m-mother said they r-regretted teaching me to t-talk, b-because I n-never s-shut up" Nessie said softly, as she talked her stutter seemed to lesson, as she told this story, and she smiled, then sighed, "W-when I started talking again, the s-s-stutter was t-there my dad s-s-said, and has been every s-since"

James nodded, "That sounds allot like me honestly." He looked down at the ground and with a sigh said, "I used to be able to fly. I could fly and my dad and i flew together constantly." Hie face turned grim and his eyes seemed to hollow out, "I don't remember what happened all i know is i woke up in what was left of my house with my mom and dad tossed across the downstairs. I tried to wake them for 4 hours...thats when the Police came and took me to an orphanage but i didn't stay there long." James let out a long drawn out sigh, "I'm scared of heights now...haven't flown once since that day."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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"I'm sorry...are you OK? I believe you, where are we though?" Forest looked around and knelt down in front of Kai. "Thank you?" She said as she put a hand on his shoulder and smiled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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"Where under the veranda of our dorm... I couldn't flicker fast.. only out of Ryan's sight.." he said..
"Jesus my stupid mark is trying to take control of me.. my hair changed color oddly.. and my mark is back to normal with no spread" he said... he fell over sitting down..
"I can't get up Forest.. It hurts way too much"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Nessie glanced up, "oh" she said softly, then, "W-we are all s-s-s-scared of s-something I'm s-s-s-sorry that happened to y-you" She looked down. She was lousy are offering comfort. "It s-s-sounds h-horrible, to n-not do s-something you once loved"

She wished she could be better at expressing things, wished she knew how to. She shifted in her chair, curling up once more, feeling like an idiot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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"Then you have to stay here. I'm not going to drag you." Forest just noticed the change in Kai's hair color and sighed. "You are a strange one indeed." She joked as she took a hand off of his shoulder to rub her eyes and look again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

James laughed, "I'll be able to again one day." He went and sat next to her and placed his hand on her shoulder, "And you won't always stutter." James had a kind look in his icy blue eyes, his light blue hair was swept out of his face, "And if it makes you feel any better i really love hearing you talk...it brings me home."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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"Hmm.. I don't know why.. like... it's stupid.. I can say this though.. I'd never go crazy psycho on my friends.. if that's what is happening to Ryan" Kai smiled..
Kai started getting sleepy and muttered "No.. I'm feinting again!" he fell to the ground and everything went black.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Forest panicked, she had nothing left to do really. "Kai?" She poked him before just giving up and using Phorros to make him a temporary bed as she sat next to him and watched the surroundings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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"W-well, then, I am h-happy I c-can o-o-o-oblige in t-that t-then" Nessie said, glancing up at him. She didn't shake his hand off, but she let her hair fall across her face slightly, "B-but I t-think the s-s-s-s-stuttering is a part of m-me as m-much as E-e-e-elpis and V-v-v-v-v-viper" She shrugged
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