Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Kyron was still pissed that his cave date with Caroline was ruined, but at the same time, this got to give him the chance to see how everyone else was. So far, it seemed the girls were the bravest, which made him dissapointed in the guys. However, after seeing what the others could do, he stepped up. "Z baby! Good to see you again sunshine! I think its time I take my turn now!" he said with his expression suddenly going battle ready as he prepared for a fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Z showed no expression to the boy's 'I'm such a bad ass attitude', knowing this soldier wouldn't survive long with his attitude. He didn't even bother looking at the disgustingly confident guy as he opened the gate and allowed him to climb in, hoping that the Creature would break his pretty little jaw before Z got the chance. "Release it." He yelled, crossing his arms again.

All Nyx could do was smile and nod, she felt like if she opened her mouth she would vomit everywhere or worse pass out. She had to be faster, that's all. She was pretty fast wasn't she, she took a deep breath. She can't disappoint Alex, she had to prove her worth, prove she wasn't someone who could just cheer on the great soldiers but be one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline leaned back and sat down hard, letting her breath out as she finished the healing. The gash wasn't completely closed, but he wouldn't bleed out and the wound was clean. she moved herself so she could lean against the wall and just managed to catch sight of Kyron stepping into the cage. "good luck." She muttered, still trying to get her breath back. "I'll just wait here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Kyron stood and watched with a cocky grin as the mutated creature lunged for him the second it was released. Opening his palm, the stones from the ground rose and encased his palm all the way up his forearm. He took a fighting stance and waited for the right moment, right when the beast was leaping for him, jaws wide open, that Kyron spun, swinging his stone encased arm clockwise and decking the creature with a backhand to the head.

"And down he goes! Scratch that up for Kyron! Hey Z, you watchin this hun?" he said cockily as he began to hop on the balls of his feet like a boxer, encasing his other arm in the process. He whistled at the creature as it got up, taunting it. "Here boy, come on now!"

The creature was wary now, circling him slowly, waiting for an opening. Soon Kyron got bored with waiting, and charged the creature himself. It sidestepped, Kyron rushing past it, allowing the creature to sprint at him from behind. It slashed at him with its claws and managed to catch his shoulder, tearing the shirt and the skin underneath. He grunted in pain and his eyes flashed with anger. Kyron then kicked back at the beast and created a platform under his feet, launching him up and over the beast. Using the encasing as projectiles, he launched them off his arms and shot them at the beast, hearing the crack as they met its spine.

Kyron landed behind it and decided to deliver the final blow, generating two walls on the sides of the creature, he smirked and said "nighty night!" and clapped his hands together, slamming the two stone walls onto the creature, crushing it.

"And thats how you kill a monster!" he said in his cocky fashion, looking at the others. He pointed up to Z and winked "Stay beautiful sunshine!" and left the fighting area. He then proceeded over to Caroline where he saw her healing one of the others. "Hey, how did your round go?" he asked her, motioning to the guy with a "how is he?" look, trying to ignore the blood soaking into his own shirt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline looked up at him and smiled. "I don't really remember it all that well," She said, "But I won." She put her hand to her head again and groaned, her headache having developed into a migraine from healing Mason. "He'll be fine. He just needs to rest for a while now. I could do with some myself, actually, but I have to wait until this is over."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Kyron nodded, understanding what she meant. He had a fight today already, and was already tired before this. Now with this fight, he was exhausted. He figured though it would be better to stay around in case Caroline or someone needed help with anything. He tried crossing his arms to watch the next match, but winced and thought better as the cut began to burn like hell. "Damn that beast mutant thing and its claws" he hissed under his breath.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline looked up at him, noticing his cut for the first time. She grabbed his other arm without a word and pulled him down until he was kneeling by her. Grabbing some more water, she started working on his cut. "We should try going to the caves tonight." She said quietly, squeezing his wrist gently. "After we rest up."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Austin quickly offered himself up next as the bait, stepped into the cage ring once ready, lava immediately forming on his hands, and moving up to cover his forearms. He waited no time in charging the beast, right as the beast was released. His right hand swung up, as the beast jumped off of the ground and into the air. His lava covered fist darkened to solid rock, where it slammed into the jaw of the beast, his left swinging up, slamming into the chest of the beast, causing it to flip over him in midair. The punches jarred his body, but not enough to effect his fighting. In mid turn, he felt claws rake his back and let out a hiss of pain, but didn't stop. He spun, his leg arching up in what would have been a round house kick if it connected, instead lava slammed straight into the body of the beast, throwing it back against the wall, where he shoved his hands forwards towards it, the lava flying off of him and solidifying into two solid, hard rock, where it impacted the beast at its chest with a sickening crunch, where it fell down dead.

He watched it for several moments, as if to make sure that it was dead. Pain highlighted his face, but he kept his relatively unemotional expressions. He could feel the blood running down his back, and each step towards the exit sent a new strike of pain through his body, but he did not falter as he make it to the exit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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"Hm?" said Kyron as he was suddenly pulled down to a kneel by Caroline, realizing she was using her water again to heal his shoulder. He was about to object, but was silenced as she said they could go to the caves after they rested a little. He smiled gently at her, placing his free hand over hers that was gripping his wrist. "Sounds good to me. And between you and I, the way you kicked that beasts ass was pretty... pretty damn hot" he said with a small wink at her.

Looking back over, he noticed that one of the other guys had just defeated the monster yet again, but not without come claw marks of his own. "Seems like youll be busy nurse Caroline" he said half jokingly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nessie smiled once more and turned to Thank Carol for helping Mason. She then returned to James, wondering when he was going to go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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"Alright, who is next?" He said with a bit of bluntness in his question, these fights were dragging on forever and he wanted some excitement. "Someone really put on a show for us, rip it apart." He said with a glint in his eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alex pretended he didn't hear what was being said behind him and instead moved forward to catch Austin by the shoulder as he left the cage. "You fought well, let me take care of that for you." He said, placing a hand on the boy's back. The wounds from the beast's claws began to close themselves, and Alex nodded. "I wouldn't mind training a fighter like you myself." He said in a matter-of-fact way
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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Kyron looked over at Alex as he helped heal the guy who had just came out. Damn I really gotta learn these peoples names he thought to himself as he sat next to Caroline and the other two. Well, better time to learn names now while these people are here. Turning his head to the girl that was with the injured boy, he gave a small nod and flatly said "Sup? Whats your name?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"M-me?" Nessie said, looking up, then just as quickly down, "n-n-n-Nessie" she said softly, "w-who are you?" She asked, glancing back up again and this time not looking down
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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Nyx stood up and looked at Z telling him she was ready. Her heart was in her throat as Z looked at her mockingly, but she could barely understand what he was saying to her by the ringing in her ears. She hadn’t made a decision, she had no idea what she was going to do. She stepped up and stood in the blood covered cage and stared at the metal door. She planted her feet and tried to take deep breaths but the heart monitor was bellowing so badly it seemed like she would put herself in to cardiac arrest before the fight started. It slowly began to open and the claws of the beast quickly began scratching the floor wanting to get out and have another taste of blood.

“I can’t do this!” Nyx screamed as the door opened and the creature ran towards her. Instinct kicked in and violet and sapphire flames burst from her palms and she quickly spat a few ball towards the best. She moved herself to a different corner as the creature dodged each and every one of her fire balls. I am nowhere near fast enough. She had seen the beast fly at her in slow motion as it quickly and easily pinned her to the right hand corner.
She threw her hands up in a horizontal block where the creatures claws tore through to her bone, lashing the skin away from her flesh. She bit her lip, avoiding to scream as she kicked the monster in its stomach with force pushing it back far enough to stand upright but the creature caught itself and pounced right back shoving her to the ground, his teeth grinding in to her shoulder blade, releasing and taking another bite, breaking her collar bone in half.

All Nyx could feel was pain and exhausting as the monster snarled in her ear while tearing her apart coming close to her neck. The heart monitored slowed drastically, only hearing a beat every few seconds. She pinched her eye closed shut, centering herself. She growled and then screamed as energy surged from her lifeless hand and directly in the center tearing the entire middle of the beast and disintegrating it yet the teeth of the beast were clamped in to her shoulder where she had to slowly reach up and tear it out. She then took a few deep breaths and made eye contact with Alex while a large smile grew on her face and she even began to laugh. “I can’t believe I did it.” She whispered. Her chest had been torn open, her shoulder had been ripped along with her disoriented bones connecting to her shoulder, her forearms were ripped to shreds as a large pool of blood started to become her death bed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alex felt his heart stop, and he wanted more than anything to just look away. His eyes fixed on her, horrified, and everything seemed to stop. Finally he reacted, not even waiting for Z to say anything or open the cage before just walked into the bars, blowing them apart with nothing more than a thought. He knelt down and practically ripped all the water he could out of the air, surrounding Nyx's body in it. He tried to heal her, but there wasn't enough left to go on. "It's not enough." He said, clenching his fists. As he bent over the water pod, everybody in a 10 foot radius suddenly felt weaker as he pulled in more energy from any source he could, pouring it directly into the pod. "I won't lose you again." He said through clenched teeth as the healing started to take effect.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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She fell unconsciously only momentarily until awoken by the large blast which made her jump and hiss and whine in pain. She blinked to see a blurry outline of Alex, the water touching her skin made her want to cry out in agony as it practically lifted her, her arms closed majorly but huge gashes and bite marks surrounded her, and her bones were still out of place and broken. She smiled and reached up, "Stop. It's okay, you've healed me enough. I'll survive." She caressed his face before four large men came to pull Alex away from her making the water drop her back to the ground which made her scream. Other arms cupped her under her arm which only made her cry harder, "Wait wait! Please, that hurts!" She begged as they carried her out of the cage, the pain became so much everything went black as they quickly placed her on the the bench and began to attend her wounds. One of the ladies tending to her looked up to one of the gaurds "Go get her. Now." The gaurd nodded and disappeared but not for long before bringing the water elemental combat mentor Luna.

"Oh my child." She gasped as she looked at the wounds, "I can heal you, but you will be sore and your bones will ache." She stood close to Nyx, the water glided from her fingertips and inside of her wounds, and up her shoulder. "This is going to hurt." She warned as Nyx could feel the bones moving and seizing in place which made her cry out. "This should be a good lesson for you my dear, you need a lot of training." She whispered as she closed most of the wounds but even her strength didn't give enough to heal all of the gashes. "Once they are healed we will get rid of the scars but you must deal with them for now. Alex, come for her." She said calmly as they began to bandage the left open wounds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alex tried to fight off the guards that grabbed him but he had used all his power to try to heal Nyx. He struggled weakly for a few moments before he gave up, knowing he was beaten. In the amount of time it took Luna to heal Nyx the rest of the way he had regained some of his strength and was well enough to pick her up. He gently folded her in his arms, wincing at the pain he knew she felt, and silently carried her out of the room. Over and over he told himself he should have stopped her, that she wasn't ready, but he knew that she would have gone with or without his blessing. Instead he had to be glad she was still alive, and carry her back to his room. When he closed the door, he coated the outside of the ice with fire, not only barring people from entering but punishing them for trying. As he lay her on his bed and stroked her hair, he hissed her softly on the forehead. "You're gonna be alright, Nyx." He said, trying to keep the tears out of his voice.
Caroline didn't watch the whole scene, but she hadn't been able to shut out the sounds. When it was over, she gently tugged on Kyron's shirt sleeve to get his attention. "Can you get me out of here? I'm not sure I can walk right now, but I don't want to be here anymore."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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She was only slightly concious as Alex picked her up, but she could feel all the pain course through her body. How embarrassing, she practically got herself killed in front of all the students, how naive and weak did she look now? Alex was right, she didn't belong down there she wasn't meant for fighting, but she would become a fighter. She'll endure all this pain as a lesson and learn to overcome it, but for now she wanted to rest. Alex looked so disoriented the entire walk, avoiding most eye contact with her due to the pain that leaked from her soul and down her cheeks. When she was laid down, it was the first moment she could feel herself relax. "I need you.. to freeze.. my shoulder.." She weakly moved her head to look at him. "If it's numb.. I won't feel it so much." Her voice was raspy and short breathed. "I looked like an idiot." She cried.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

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Seeing so much blood so much gore, it took James to a place he had been trying to forget for many years. Home. James started shaking as anger and vengeance flowed into him, "Nessie...I love you." he stepped forward and told hope to stay back. James looked up at Z, "A good soldier completes the mission...A great soldier Makes sure his brothers complete it with him." James looked angry at the cage, "I will go next...But not for you...I go to defend my friends..." James stepped forward, "Because you will not own me...You can not own the wind."
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