Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kario's eyes lightened up, usually girls where so mean, never bothering to talk to him.. let alone look at him at all.. he never had the chance to have much friends
"Well, the girls room are on the right.. through there, If you want I can suggest Nyx, to be in there with you, instead of somone you don't think'll fit. You have to use your powers for the locking system, I don't know how it works but there's a panel, that you use a small bit of both of your powers on, basically like entering a password twice." He smiled and went outside onto the balcony of there dorm room.

"Finally" Kairo thought, "I'm making friends."

He said finally when she came back out "Yeah, I can try and show you the teleport thing.. over there, Kairo pointed to the open space below the balcony.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Forest listened to her instructions but didn't exactly follow through. Instead she went around the dorm looking at everything except the locker with no reason. When she finally got to the locker she stopped and observed it curiously. "Hello, what do I do with you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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"Oh, use a tad bit of both your powers, I just tried making my mark out of my powers" said Kairo, he swiped back his hair to show his marking which was, some abstract thing with a dragon inside it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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"I'll get to that later, your mark is cute." Forest points to her smaller mark that is already spreading down her face. It is a small decorative sun that looks as if iit was just tired of glowing. "Mine isn't fancy."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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"It's already spreading, If my marks cute, then your hair is cute" Kairo joked
"Hey by the way, if it's not rude to ask, but what are your two powers?" Kairo asked, awkwardly again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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"Oh yes of course, I didn't want it to spread. Apparently it has a bizarre sense of humor. I don't like it at all, in fact I would prefer to get rid of it. And my powers are Phorros and Elpos." Forset sighed and tryed to blow some hair in front of the mark. "I am not sure if I am human."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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"Hmm, who knows." Kairo laughed.. "I wonder how mine is gonna spread.. is your mark ever itchy for you? mine sure is" Kairo felt confident now

"Watch this" Kairo decided to teleport from where he was down to the open area, it worked., you could see tiny pieces of fire, flowing with the winds as he spread his body and in seconds was down there.

"Hey, you, up there" he laughed

She smiled and was surprised that he could already automatically do it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Forest watches him and smiles, she starts to watch the ground and suddenly a huge vine starts growing from the ground. She hops on it and joins him down at at the bottom as it lowers at a comfortable pace. "Very good, I am surprised."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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"Same, I never knew Phorros where plant manipulators aswell, I heard a Phorros user smashed somone with a giant boulder once" he said curiously.

"Hmm, you know what.. Kairo was my past.. call me Kai instead" he smiled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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"Water, earth, and light creates plant life. I like Kai by the way.' Forest laughed and ran a hand through her hair causing the loose bun to break apart. As hair flew over her face she sighed and started to wip it away. "So Kai, how do things work here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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"I honestly don't know.. I honestly layed on my bed for a couple of hours, board out of my mind,
Kai realised his hands where heating up with Viper, it was an emotional thing.. Girls where nice and pretty here, it wasn't going to be helped.
So he started formations, he was doing martial arts.

"Heh- I guess, being able to fight for myself on the streets was a good asset" You could see the Viper flow around him as he moved.

Then Kai remembered when he found a soccer ball once. "Hmm I wonder", he used Viper and Lucen to form a spherical ball and bopped it on each of his feet lime playing hacky sack.

He stopped "Well, that's really all I've been able to do, just play around with my powers.

He itched his head and the tail on his mark grew, upwards a tad bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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As Forest watched him with some interest she found that the small mark of his dragon's tail had seemingly moved. She didn't tell him and instead waited to see if he could figure it out.

"Yes, self defense is always fun. Why do you scratch your head like that?" As she questioned him her tone was hinting and slightly excited.

"Oh by the way, the reason I don't think I am human is because of my hair and eyes. They are strange in a sense." She threw that into the mix to see if he could focus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kai noticed "My... Mark it just spread upward did it?" he started freaking out "They say it usually spread to the shoulders.. what do I do! Ahhh" he panicked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emmeltine18


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Cass spotted a pile of firewood in one corner of the room and she began to move a few pieces to the fireplace

“Eh, I think I’ll just take the room next to this one” he replied.

“Oh, really?” Cassie barely concealed the huge grin appearing on her face. He was going to think she was such a goon! She knelt by the fireplace as she felt the warmth in her hands and knew it would be a good time to try, so she made a small flame appear in her hand and then focussed on moving it towards the logs. Damn, all it did was flicker a little bit. Oh well, she moved it towards her finger tips and spread it across each one. Then she put her hand on the wood, watching it singe rather than catch fire.

“Okay I know we have completely different elements but you gotta help me!” She wailed. “It’s your new duty as dorm buddy” she announced giggling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kai eventually calmed down, and said "Well we should go back up and start a fire, inside the fireplace" he paused "But first I gotta go back to the rec, room I left my scarf there" he said.. leaving Forest, "I'll catch up later, he smiled more confident than he'd ever been in his entire life.

He walked through the dorm hallway, and heard a girl.. trying to light a fire she said to the guy "It’s your new duty as dorm buddy, to help me" and giggled
I secretly sent a flame into the fire as she tried again and she saw me as I walked off to head for the rec room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Austin took a deep breath, narrowing his eyes further as he focused. He hadn't heard any conversations in the rec room as of right now just the piano and someone singing, but it wasn't like he was paying attention. Swirling his other hand dirt rushed to his aid, where he combined it with the fire, creating lava. His frown deepened as he watched it. He could use both elements easily when separated, but it was harder to do when he combined it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kai got to the rec room, and saw a guy using Viper and Phorros combined, to swirl it around him.

Kai approached him, "well nice going, wanna see what I can do?" Kai had gained a certain ego, after getting to know everyone.
It was like he was a whole new person.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Austin's head turned slightly. His luck just had to run out. He looked up at the person, his face devoid of most emotion," not really no." He turned back to his dragon creation. It wasn't easy to hold them in unison like that, but he was able to hold it for longer then he has before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kai, got a weird reaction from the guy... "No reason to be melodramatic on me" he said
then Kai dispersed his body and was instantly behind the guy.

"Unless you're afraid, of losing a sparring match" he joked
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Austin scowled in annoyance, his body tensing in frustration. Why couldn't people leave him be? His dragon dissipated, the fire extinguishing and the dirt dropping the floor. He turned around to face him, annoyance evident on his face. He said," I could care less about some stupid sparring match." By the expression on his face, he obviously wasn't the joking type.
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