Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emoteen


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"You know, you kinda are to."
I say with a soft smile, then opening my palm to her, a blue rose bud growing from it, then quickly blossoms and opens.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Celia blushed even harder then her expression turned awed when a blue rose grew in his open palm. She reached out an gently touched a soft, waxy petal. "Its so pretty." She breathed, smiling at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emoteen


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Eh, I'm a bit more interested in something else."
I say with a bit of a flirty smirk
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Celia blinked, not sure what he meant. "Oh? Like what?" She asked curiously as her dragon finally deformed and the water soaked back into the dirt. "I'm interested in drawing. Do you like to draw? Is that what you're interested in?" His flirtatious smirk went right over her head, the girl continuing to sit there oblivious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emoteen


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I chuckle softly
"Yeah, something like that."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

chukklehed said
Caroline jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder, lightly pushing her back down. Looking up into James' face, she nodded slightly. "I don't know any songs that people sing to, but I'll try." Putting her hands back on the keys, she closed her eyes and tried to remember how to play. Almost instantly her mussel memory took over, and she began to play , trying to slow down enough that James could keep up.

James smiled brightly and kept his hand on her shoulder as she played, "i'll start a song and you keep up okay?" James couldn't help but smile at her, it was on super rare occasions that he got to sing. A his voice picked up he started singing in his baritone sound and filled the room with slow and peaceful music. His eyes were glowing as his sang and the wind in the room seemed to caress his face.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Hmm Kario wondered.. as he got up and decided to right a note on the door, it read

there's another room left, it has 2 bed's and extra stuff, my room has one more bed inside the room.
You're welcome to join dorm 43, Sincerely Kairo
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Celia blinked up at him, sensing that she was missing something completely. She mentally shrugged. No sense in worrying about it now. "So, what do you like to do in your free time?" She asked Tat curiously as she picked some wild flowers that grew next to the tree and began weaving them into a flower crown.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


Member Offline since relaunch

After Kairo finished packing out, he put his stuff next to his bed, and there was a weird locker, it was activated by using your powers, hmm.. maybe we had elemental signatures or something. I used both Lucen and Viper and shaped it into a small mark, that resembled my head sign.

I had to redo it to unlock the draws for my side of the room, I unpacked my stuff and went off to find somone to talk to, maybe Nyx again..
Kairo, was beginning to think Nyx would be a good person to have around.

He decides to sit at a tree and read a book he found inside his dorm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Forest was wiping away the small tears that had formed in her somewhat gentle eyes, thinking she could just be alone she wandered over to a small group of trees that wasn't exactly large enough to be a grove. She was disappointed when she found a man sitting in that same group of trees. "Hi, I'm Forest."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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"uh" Kairo seemd nervous all over again, he looked down at the ground... "I'm Rennorkai Kuroshizimaki, or Kairo for short he said" with a shy look on his face..
"If you wan't you can sit down, I didn't notice you come with the rest of the group, are you an extra or something?" he stuttered as she sat down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Forest sat down next to him and focused on his face, when she finished studying it she turned away with a sigh. "Yes, I am new. What are you reading?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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"It's a guide book it seems, I went to the Lucen and Viper section, hence my powers to see if there was something recorded in here, but it wasn't" Kairo had a determined face on himself and then looked up and smiled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Forest nodded as she turned back over to him with a comment. "I don't see why we would need guidebooks, we are certainly special and what I have heard from rumors is that they are only here to kill us anyways. Which makes me doubt we need training. Which is nonsensical in its own right because why would they make a safe place if they were only going to kill us anyways? And if they weren't then why are we here? To be trained? If so I would then see why we would need guidebooks, yet that is only a theory."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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"Hmm, but the thing is.. I got sent here after they discovered my powers, somehow, I teleported.. I think its something to do with the fire and wind, spreading my body" he said
"But, nothing about it is in this bool, I swear it would be.. if it was normal for defects with Lucen and Viper, here go look in your area's.. maybe you can find something" he smiled handing over the book.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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"No, I would love to find things out on my own. Feel free to read it but I will not be participating, my powers are very well matured." Forest said before going completely quiet and then sighing. "May you show me around?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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"Oh yeah, sure.. I only needed to look for one thing... other than that it's complete rubbish.." Kairo said standing up
"I'll show you to the dorms first, so you can set your locker and what not" Kairo said leading them north towards the dorms

When they reached there, Kairo said "The rules are there, dorms work odd here.. if you want you can have the female bedroom, in my dorm group.. no one has join yet.. plus you can choose beds, it's the best dorm, that I could find" Kairo smiled as he opened the door letting Forest in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Forest observed his dorm and tilted her head. "Why would they allow boys and girls to be together? What if they were in a relationship? That could lead to dirty sheets." She shook her head at last and frowned as she put her hair into a striped bun and started to walk around. "Seeing as you may have relations with an unpractical girl I will not be joining you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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"Uh-h, but but... I've..only spok-spoke to you and another p-person, besides.. you didn't even notice that the rooms where separate" Kairo said walking into his dorm
"Whatever you say, but..I've only talk'd to three girls.. my whole entire, you.. er my foster mother.. who wanted me gone anyway and.. A girl here named Ny-Nyx..
please don't accuse me of, sleeping around with girls, but yeah whatever you want, my door is still open.." Kairo went back into his dorm room unaccompanied, by anyone.. like usual.. he's alone, as well as forgetting about giving forest the tour, his bad experiences with girls in the past made it hard for Kairo to properly socialize and communicate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Forest followed him with a sigh. "I am not going to give up an experience. So, tell me where I am staying." She smiled softly and her green eyes seemed to brighten with excitement. "So, can you do tricks?" She asks, her colored hair also seems to grow brighter. "I enjoy them."
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