Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder, lightly pushing her back down. Looking up into James' face, she nodded slightly. "I don't know any songs that people sing to, but I'll try." Putting her hands back on the keys, she closed her eyes and tried to remember how to play. Almost instantly her mussel memory took over, and she began to play the first song she had perfected, trying to slow down enough that James could keep up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emmeltine18


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Mastery? Oh dear... Cassandra hadn’t mastered very much at all! She could manipulate fire that already existed (sort of) and sometimes she could get a tiny flicker of flame to dance among her finger tips but that was all. She’d once had an accident with her fire that almost burnt their family home down, but luckily her parents were around to control it. Since then she’d lost her confidence and she wasn’t sure how she would ever get it back. Cassie noticed him use a slight gust to push the knife towards him and was immediately jealous that his powers were at least useful.

“Didn’t expect someone like you to blush much. I thought you must get compliments all the time, given how pretty you look.” Another blush emerged. “Me, eh, not so much, given that I don’t have much redeeming qualities”.

“I like your hair!” Cassie blurted out. Damn, she was making such a fool of herself. “I mean, I’ve never seen a younger person with grey hair before, but yours looks kinda good, as in, it suits you” She smiled. “Sorry, I’m not used to meeting new people, my family was kind of isolated. You can call me Cass or Cassie by the way, Cassandra is so long winded. You didn’t tell me your name?”

She was still thinking about how he’d used the wind before when she noticed the jug of water on the table. She concentrated really hard on moving the water, but all she managed was to make a few drops lift slightly, and then drop back into the jug. It was barely noticeable. What a failure. She hoped the boy didn’t notice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Ryan smiled a bit, as his hair color usually didn't get compliments. Usually people thought he was close to death or something. "Yeah, one usually doesn't have grey hair around my age. And no, I didn't, sorry. Guess I got a bit carried away. The name's Ryan. Pleased to meet you Cass. As for me, when you live on the streets, you end up meeting a lot of people, whether you want to or not. Though I suppose I've met enough cops for a few lifetimes..." Ryan was just about to start eating his orange, but he stopped as he saw the laws of physics being broken in front of his eyes. Liquids weren't supposed to do that. He blinked a few times, and turned to Cassandra. "I think I'm tripping out or something... Just saw water flow out of the water jug there, and fall back down.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emoteen


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I sit back up in my tree, tracing intricate designs in the bark with my fingers, the designs staying on the tree after my finger passes on from it. I lift my finger and smile softly to myself as a small twig of a branch grows up from where my finger was, growing thicker as I pull my finger farther away. I stand up and watch with amazement as the branch grows thicker and longer, then begins sprouting branches of it's own.
I step back from it with a wide smile, then as an idea pops into my head I press my hand against the trunk and feel a pull in my stomach as the tree begins to grow slowly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emmeltine18


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Cassie liked this boy, she couldn’t help it he just seemed like someone she would get along with. Although she didn’t like the sound of him getting in trouble with the police, but she chose not to question him about it. Ryan, yes it suited him.

After her failure with the water, unfortunately Ryan did notice. His eyes grew wide as he gasped “I think I’m tripping out or something... Just saw water flow out of the water jug there, and fall back down...” Cassie was tempted to pretend she hadn’t seen it, but that would be rude. Also, when he found out she could control water later on he might put two and two together and be offended she didn’t tell.

“Oh, my secondary element is Elpis, but I’m not very good...” she mumbled quietly, hiding her face behind her hair a little. “I know it’s strange, fire and water...”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Austin listened to the various conversations, not minding that people didn't approach him. He cupped his hands together, the fire growing into a large, softball sized ball of fire. He gazed at it, holding his hand out. He narrowed his eyes, and began to lift in up with his mind, altering the shape to that of a dragon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Member Seen 3 days ago

"Hey, don't beat yourself up about it. At least you can open a sauna, charge exorbitant prices, and become rich. I'm a Lucen obviously, and a Phorros. How am I gonna make money outta that? And look at the bright side. You're better at manipulating Elpis and Viper than me, eh?"

Ryan laughed a bit at his own joke and went back to eating his orange. "I suppose that notion won't cheer you up that much, but who knows? With a little practice, you just might be the best. People aren't going to expect someone who is both Elpis and Viper. You've got the element of surprise on your side. Maybe it's just a sign, that perhaps you have to be stronger, more confident."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emmeltine18


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Ryan’s words comforted her quite a lot. “Together we have all four elements!” she giggled. “We both have elements that are perfect opposites too! Fire versus water and air versus earth. I’m from Nexus, if you’re from Sethos then we really do have everything between us”

Cassandra only just realised that the girl had returned to the piano. The song she played was beautiful, especially accompanied by the boy’s voice. So many talented people were in this place.

As she was listening to the piano, Cassie’s eyes drifted across the room, drawn to the fire that had just been created. She watched in awe as the boy increased the size of the flame and then changed it into the shape of a dragon. It was beautiful. “Oh, why can’t I do that?” she groaned, accidentally saying what was meant to be an inner thought. Realising she spoken aloud she tried to change the subject. She jumped up from her seat and turned to the boy sat next to her. “Come on Ryan, want to go see where we will be living?”

(OOC: I’ll edit this if James doesn’t sing)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Member Seen 3 days ago

While he didn't think about it at first, the fact that they were polar opposites surprised him. What were the odds? "Holy shit... I am from Sethos. Who knew? Opposites really do attract. I guess we'd really do well as a team I suppose, as together we'd have all the elements... we'd be prepared for everything..."

The sound of the music drifted around the rec room, and it was pleasant and easy on the ears. The woman on the piano knew what she was doing. Perhaps even concert quality perhaps, it seemed the woman played the piano well. Perhaps he'd go figure out who was playing later on in the day.

“Oh, why can’t I do that?”

Cass was a nice girl... but she had poor self-esteem. Ryan opened his mouth to comment, but..

“Come on Ryan, want to go see where we will be living?”

Cass had beaten him to the punch. He'd ask her about it later...Ryan stood up as well. "Yeah sure. Lead the way.. I'll be right behind you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emmeltine18


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Cassandra made her way to the dorm houses with Ryan following her, glad there were signs to direct her. She spotted a bulletin board and ran over to it, reading the rules. “Oh I hadn’t thought about having to share a room” Cass mentioned. “But I think it’s cool we can share dorms with guys! I loved being with my brothers, I can imagine I get on better with guys rather than girls. But what the hell is this 4am rule? I’m not sure I’m gonna be able to stick to that! I like my beauty sleep! Oh man, I hope all the good rooms aren’t gone already”

Cassie skipped ahead and peeked into each of the dorm areas, taking her time in deciding. She hoped Ryan would share a dorm with her, seeing as he was the only person she knew, however she’d totally understand if he didn’t want to. As she looked into dorm 43, she realised there was someone already in one of the rooms. He was laid on the bed. Unsure as to whether she should disturb him to say hello or not, she hovered in the doorway, looking to Ryan for help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Member Seen 3 days ago

"Calm down Cass. It's only a day. You'll still be beautiful, trust me." The rooms within the dorm were pretty nice compared to the living conditions he had to sleep under. At least the beds looked more comfortable than grass.. That being said, it seemed that they were one of the first people here.

Watching Cass was like watching a kid at the candy store. She seemed excited to see all of the different rooms, and he lagged behind, taking a quick glance at each room himself. He didn't really mind which room he got, they all seemed good enough for him. Perhaps he'd get a room close to his new friend... that sounded nice.

Ryan saw that she had stopped at one room. Looking inside room 43, he saw that there was already someone else inside. A male. He didn't really know exactly why she stopped... but it was probably because of her social awkwardness. "What, you want this room? We could also go beat that guy up and claim it as yours, you know.. It'll be a curbstomp with us two, eh?" Ryan grinned and cracked his knuckles. He was joking, but he acted dead serious at the moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Celia gave him a smile but was unable to answer his question before he walked away. She smiled down at Hope, scratched the dogs head once more before she glanced around and noticed Tat was not among them. She exited the room and wandered around searching for him. She eventually found him standing in front of a tree and she smiled shyly up at him as she stepped to his side. "Hey." She greeted shyly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emoteen


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I say with a smile pushing my dreads back, out of my face.
"How are you feeling?"
I ask plopping on the ground, leaning against the tree and patting the ground next to me, gesturing for her to sit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Celia joined him on the ground, copying his action of leaning back against the tree. She shrugged her shoulders delicately. "I am as well as I can be in this kind of situation I guess. I just wish I knew why we were brought here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emoteen


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Probably cuz we're freaks."
I say with a soft chuckle
"People tend to make it a habit to fear what they don't know."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emmeltine18


Member Offline since relaunch

Cass had managed not to blush this time at the compliment. Yes!

“What, you want this room? We could also go beat that guy up and claim it as yours, you know... It’ll be a curbstomp with us two eh?” Ryan said whilst cracking his knuckles.

“Don’t be silly” Cass giggled, giving him a soft punch in the arm. “I’m deciding whether to say hello! He looks like he’s asleep... I think we should leave him alone for now, but we can come back after we’ve claimed our rooms right?” Cass went further into the lounge area and realised this dorm only had two rooms anyway. She wandered out of the dorm and into the next one. It was very much the same layout except this one had three rooms instead of two. “Oohh, I like this one” she gushed, running over to examine the ancient-looking log fireplace. She’d love to sit by that when it’s lit at night. She checked out each of the three rooms, they were all very similar. She picked one at random and plonked her small backpack down on the bed, declaring “this one is mine” with a giggle. She ran back to the lounge and sat down on the sofa, it was super comfy, much comfier than her one back home. She looked longingly at the unlit fireplace for a moment, then back at Ryan.

“So, it’s your turn to decide now! Want to go explore some more?” She hoped he’d pick a room in her dorm, but she didn’t want to push the matter. They’d only just met after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Celia shrugged again. "I guess." She said softly. She dug her fingers gently into the soil, feeling moisture sitting just underneath the surface. She slowly pulled her fingers up slowly, trails of water following after. She brought her hands to together then twisted her fingers together. The water flowed together and formed into the shape of a dragon. She smiled as the water dragon flew over and around her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emoteen


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I watch with a soft smile
"It's beautiful."
I murmur
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Member Seen 3 days ago

"Hey, don't break my arm. I need it you know.. We can go say hi when he decides to wake up." He rubbed his arm in feigned pain, and soon followed Cass, but stood in the doorway as she made herself at home in her new room. "You sure know how to pick a living space... At least you can light your own fires eh? You'd just need the firewood and you'd be set."

“So, it’s your turn to decide now! Want to go explore some more?”

Ryan had never been much of a stickler about interior design. He was glad enough that he had a roof over his head now, and he was sure he'd already slept in the most uncomfortable places before, anything else would be an improvement. There were probably several more rooms, but.. Since he didn't care much...

"Eh, I think I'll just take the room next to this one."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Celia blushed as she glanced up at him, giving him another shy smile. "T-Thank you." She said as the dragon began performing loops and backflips in the air.
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