Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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Member Seen 13 days ago

John looked around the room in awe. He'd never seen anything so amazing, though his father had described the Elpis Capital Building as being quite luxurious. He followed Nyx to the robot, running his hands along the piano as he passed it. After Nyx placed her order, he stepped up and said, "I'll have a bacon hamburger with a large soda and throw in a fried chicken wing," his stomach rumbling. He then looked at Nyx who he was starting to think was pretty cool and asked, "So what are your two elements?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She blinked at him, that definitely was not a normal question someone would usually be asked and it through her off gaurd. She stared at him blankly as if she couldn't remember her elements. She finally opened her mouth. "I'm a Viper and a Elpis." Her voice was nervous as she felt. She shot him a nervous smile knowing how bad it seemed to be two complete opposites.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

James smiled at her brightly, "No you're fine. Hope's harmless and shes quite the attention hog." James laughed a bit smiling, "I am James and as you know thats hope...and because of my hothead you already know a bit about me." James smiled, "may i ask about you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline came into the rec room just as the first two were getting their food. Seeing the piano, she immediately forgot her hunger and crossed to the instrument. She ran her fingertips lightly across the keys before sitting down at the bench, spreading her hands over the ivory bars with the gentleness of someone petting a long lost animal. Before she actually started playing, though, she remembered she wasn't alone and started to flush with embarasment. "I'm sorry, you probably don't want to hear me play right now, do you?" She started to stand up again, planning on just getting her food like she had meant to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emmeltine18


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Cassandra followed nervously behind the group. She wasn’t very good at controlling her fire, and was even worse with water. Seeing the amazing things the others could do already made her feel like an outsider. When the others were all talking together she stayed silent in the shadows, wishing she could stop picturing her family being destroyed by the war. She didn’t cry though, she’d cried too much already it were as if there were no tears left.

When they got to the room everybody immediately went to get food, still chatting away. One girl went over to the piano as if she were about to play, then changed her mind and went for food. Pity, Cass had been interested in hearing her play. She heard one girl say she was a Viper and an Elpis, the same as herself! She didn’t say anything though, the girl was probably much better than her at controlling them, and she didn’t want to embarrass herself.

Cassie sat down in a chair as far away from the others as possible, wishing this was all a dream. She didn’t want to be here, not knowing what was happening back home. She felt lonely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Austin around the rec room, eyebrows arched up on his forehead. He did not expect this. He expected a dungeon really. Instead of getting foot, he walked over to the seating, and sat down. He iooked at the wall, still refusing any reaction between the others and himself. Absentmindedly, a small ball of fire formed in his hand, where he began tossing it back and forth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Ryan entered the rec room, and it seemed several people had already grouped together. He was about to see if he could join them as well, but a lone female caught his eye. Huh. She had sat a fair distance from the others. A shy one? Seeing how the others had acted before, he was surprised. Ryan was sure that the others would have grouped around her as well.

He took a seat next to her, and turned it around so it was facing her. "Hey there. Shouldn't you be with the others over there? Seeing how they normally flock towards pretty girls, eh? I'm sure they'd just eat you up."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Kairo, wasn't noticed by anyone.. he didn't even know what was going on, she heard a girl walk to everyone inside the rec room.. and he noticed her sitting in the dining room and eating, he was timid.. but he went and sat down, she seemed a bit friendly atleast.

"Hello, I said.... c-c-can I sit here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nyx was lost in thoughts before a small voice seemed to be directed towards Her. She turned to see another boy who was obviously shy but who could blame him. The diversity in everyone's personalities can be a lot to handle. Her smile was gentle as she turned herself to him. "Hi, and sure. I don't mind."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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"Thanks I'm Kairo, er what's going o-on around here?" Kairo said with a bit more confidence now that she's smiled, making him feel more comfortable.. as he loosens his shoulders.

"I heard you've got Elpis powers, er-r I've got Lucen, and Viper" he smiled a bit, trying talk to a girl.. "s-sorry, I rarely talk to girls, especially ones like you" he blushed.

It was the only way he knew how to be nice was complement someone and be as nice as possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

James put his hand on her shoulder and a big smile came across his face, "No please I never get to hear music...and i would love to hear you play." James eyes brightened up allot, "Hey I'll make you deal," A bit of a mischievous smile came across his lips, "You play while i sing?" Hope however was still focused on Celia and licking her hand and arm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nyx found his nervousness kind of a relief, even though she didn't show it her nerves were a bundled wreck. She continued to smile even though she didn't know why she was smiling too much. "I'm Nyx. I am also a Viper as well." Her smile faded, she never liked admitting she was both fire and water but it didn't seem to bother people around there. Her eyes widened trying hard not to match the red hue that had gone across his own face. "Oh uh.. What do you mean?" Now she felt nervous but she was curious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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"Oh, heh.. before i came here two female viper thugs, ambushed me..." He said
"that's when I used my Lucen and Viper powers together, it was instinct.. I remember being tied up and then i closed my eyes and I was behind them, and they where knocked out" he said

"What i'm trying to say is u-uh, most girls I've ever came across where not really nice, unlike you and some of the others here" he smiled
"I wasn't even noticed by anyone, like always" he had a annoyed innocence on his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She shifted uncomfortably at the beginning of his story, not really knowing how to react to it. She had never been in any sort of combat and wouldn't know what to do if people attacked her. She also didn't know how she felt about how much violence was to come which she had a earie feeling would be soon enough. She smiled as he finally spat out the conclusion of why he didn't talk to girls, and then felt uncomfortable again as he mentioned not being noticed. She turned a bit looking away not really knowing what to say, she didn't mind being alone or being unnoticed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Emmeltine18


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“Hey there. Shouldn’t you be with the others over there? Seeing how they normally flock towards pretty girls, eh? I’m sure they’d just eat you up” She heard the voice before she realised the boy had sat down next to her.

“Oh...ummm... I’m not- I mean, thank you I guess” stammered Cassandra, blushing like a tomato. She hated compliments, she always got really embarrassed and then her blushing made her even more embarrassed. It was a vicious cycle. To give herself a moment to compose herself, she examined the boy. She could only just see his symbol poking out from under his grey fringe; he was a Lucen, cool. She wished her second element was Lucen, it would go much better with Viper than Elpis does.

Now she had recovered, and her face had gone (mostly) back to its normal colour she said “I’m Cassandra” and gave a slight smile. She was surprised someone had wanted to speak to her; she wasn’t used to meeting new people but had assumed they usually gravitated towards the most popular looking crowd.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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"Hey, Nyx.. btw my actual name isn't Kairo" he smiled again like he always did.
"it's Rennorkai Kuroshizmaki.. I think it's easy to say that it's long right?" he laughed
"I wonder when where gonna start classes" he said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She blinked at his name, her name was literally three lwtters. That was it. She didn't know why, her family all had normal names except her. She just smiled. "Thats interesting, I don't think classes will start until they're assigned to us. It's still the first night. " She shrugged and stood from the table. "I think I'm going to try to find the showers. Catch you later. " She beamed her smile at him once more before wandering off passing the others without glancing at them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Since he had purposely not gotten close to the others Daniel wasn't surprised no one noticed him before they arrived at the cafeteria. When it was his turn to order food, he decided to treat himself a bit and asked the robot for his favorite. "Lasagna and a brownie please." After he had gotten his order he wondered what to do now. He actually preferred to be still alone for a while, but also knew that making friends wouldn't be that hard right now. To compromise he decided to sit down at the same table as someone but also make not to sit next to anyone, leaving the decision up to them. After a few seconds he found a suitable table.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Who knows Kairo, wandered off and ate food, he eventually found the male showers and took a rinse.
He then found the dorm houses, where people would stay, there was a bulletin board showing the rules.

Rule 1 - Respect the times others are sleeping.

Rule 2 - Keep a healthy sleep routine

Rule 3 - The Dormitories have no strict rules on genders, but keep male and female rooms separate, therefore allowing genders to be in the same dorm area, but in different rooms. We took this approach, so you can mingle a lot easier.

"Of course" Kairo thought

Rule 4 - wake up at 4 AM each thursday, no questions asked.

Rule 5 - Your dorms are chosen every year, who ever is there first gets the best dorm room, simple enough.
The first student inside a dorm is the owner of the room, and decides who is in the dorm with him.

Kairo walked into the dorms and looked for the best dorm to see if it was taken, he found it room 43, it had 2 rooms and a small loungey area, there was a balcony up the top aswell.

Kairo picked his bed and lay down for a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Seeing the girl fluster, Ryan thought he should keep the compliments to a minimum, at least until he was more acquainted with the redhead. "Cassandra. You're a Viper, unless I'm mistaken. Maybe you can show your mastery of fire to me another time... It'd be great, seeing stuff burn. Could use some time to get used to the smell though." Having grabbed an orange, he used a gust of wind to inch a knife towards him, which he promptly picked up to peel the fruit. " Didn't expect someone like you to blush much. I thought you must get compliments all the time, given how pretty you look. Me, eh, not so much, given that I don't have much redeeming qualities."
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