- Quality over quantity is the Golden Rule here, but this is a high-Casual roleplay. Please post at least three paragraphs. Two paragraphs will be accepted in a severe case of writer’s block.
- If you can't use proper grammar, please stop reading.
- This is not first come, first serve. I would like creative characters. Take your Mary/Gary Sues and leave. I might accept someone who posted after you simply because their character seems more interesting. Don’t cry about it. Put some thought into your character.
- Please note that this takes place in America. If your character is obviously Caucasian, please do not give them some hipster bullshit Japanese name. If you have a unique backstory which provides reason to this (ie, was adopted from Japan as a child), then it would be accepted. Just be culturally conscious.
- Real pictures only. Do not use a photo of a wildly renowned star or the like. An ambiguous actor most people won’t recognize is fine, but do not come to me with Harry Styles, Selena Gomez, Jenna Marbles, etc.
- Writing will be in the first person. It’s more personal that way.
- This is a comedy. There can be serious moments, but for the most part, just have fun with it! There’s no impending doom looming over our character’s shoulders, just the drama in a typical high school life.
- There won't be a posting order. However, once you've posted, wait for at least two other people to post before doing so again. This way, we avoid back and forth posting.
- No cybering. Period.
- No unrealistic romance. If you want, you can have your character be dating another with the permission of that person, but let's not have too many couples right from the beginning. Remember that these characters are from completely different cliques and therefore probably have clashing personalities, so be realistic.
- New rules may be added later.
***An asterisk indicates that the spot is taken.***
***The Populars: These are the glamorous, beautiful rich kids who basically rule the school. Hanging out with one of them is like hanging out with a celebrity, and as far as they know, they have everyone in the school eating out of the palms of their hands.
***The Jocks: The jocks are almost as well-liked as the populars. Everyone in Elton goes to watch the games, so the athletes who play them are like the school's stars. They're under a lot of pressure, though, as losing too many games can damage their star status.
***The Brains: These are the smart kids. They're the ones getting all the academic awards, and the ones the teacher can always call on to answer a question or do an equation on the board. A lot of kids think they're just know-it-alls, show offs, elitists, or all of the above.
***The Dorks: These are the kids you can see playing card games at the lunch table, reading comics, and talking about World of Warcraft and League of Legends. They're near the bottom of the food chain, and are always picked on by those bigger and stronger than they are. Even so, they are true to who they are and would never change that.
***The Goths: The rebels, the artists, and the lovers of darkness. Nobody talks to the goths. Yes, it does have to do with the fact that they're scary to look at, but also has to do with how reserved they are, and the hatred they seem to have for the people they go to school with.
***The New Kid: The new kid just got here, and thus, does not have a place on the social totem pole yet. Therefore, it is the goal of every clique to get them to join their group.
Name: First and Last
Gender: Try and keep the genders roughly balanced?
Clique: Pick from the ones above without an asterisk.
Extra-curricular Activities: If any. Appropriate to their clique.
Personality: Have it match their clique.
Bio: A bit of background.
Relationship Status: See the rule about romance.
Picture: See the rule about pictures.
Username: Your RPG username.
Sarah Bond | Female | Dork | Sarah attempted to create the D&D Club, but the teachers refused because of the "vulgar influences". As a form of protest, she refuses to join any school-sponsored extra curriculars. | | Sarah is loud and is set on always being right, even if she realizes she's wrong halfway through the sentence. With a stubborn mindset and a mouth that's hardly ever shut, it's a miracle Sarah isn't on the teacher's hate list. She is easily irritated, especially by alpha males and ditzy girls. Sarah is rather tomboy-ish, as her geeky interests are surrounded by boys. However, when it comes to her dork passions, Sarah is very serious and level-headed- unless someone interrupts... | In Sarah's childhood, her father was abusive to both her and her mother. Social services was quick to step in when Sarah spilled to her elementary school guidance counselor. It wasn't for very long, but it was long enough for the young girl to develop a hatred for both of her parents. Her father for taking advantage of her and her mother; her mother for not having the backbone to stick up for her only child. | Single | Sarah | Smilies
Jake Anatovich | Male | Goth | The things he likes to do aren't exactly encouraged in school. | He's hardened and often cynical. He tends not to trust people's intentions. Morbidity rolls off of him in one form or another. He'll go on and on waxing philosophical or cracking wise about death or war or hell. His actions and his sense of humor tend to be somewhat antagonising. He's just as likely to bully someone as he is to defend them from bullies. He's chaotic and though some people think it's just an act, he can seem genuinely crazy at times. If there is a method to his madness, the cliqueless might be the only one's who'll get any clues about it. God forbid he let his gruff and complex exterior down in front of the other goths. He has a reputation to keep up after all. | Jake has always been into rock music, strange books and dark art. But in highschool it all got a little bit darker. The music got more extreme. The books got older. Dark poetry. Philosophy. Military history. And the art scarier. Surreal and demonic. This is also when he started fighting, drinking and getting tattoos. And when he started playing guitar in a gothic metal band called Iconic Demise. | Recently Single. Just ended relationship and a friendship when he caught his now ex with his drummer. he's also looking for a new drummer. | Jake | Supreme Vampiric Evil
Ray Seung | Male | Popular | Student Council, National Honor Society, Orchestra, Swimming | Sarah In front of most people, Ray is seen as a hard-working, passionate guy with a winning smile. He is friendly to everyone and hardly anyone can hold a grudge against him. But in front of the cliqueless, he is incredibly laid-back and terribly blunt. Ray always tells it to you straight, no matter how biting it is, while keeping a calm demeanor throughout the entire conversation. He is also a borderline narcoleptic and frequently takes naps whenever he's hanging out with the cliqueless since it's usually the only time he can get any sleep. | Ray is a second-generation Korean-American whose parents immigrated from South Korea long before he was born. Both his parents studied at American universities and worked hard in their respective fields to earn salaries big enough to support an upper-middle class lifestyle. Knowing that education is the key to success, Ray's parents want to ensure that he has the same success that they had and pressure him a lot in his studies and to do as much extracurricular activities as possible for the sake of his college resume. His socioeconomic background and friendly personality made him an immediate addition to the populars but he soon regretted his decision when he saw the shallow personalities of his so-called friends. However, there was no way he could extract himself from the clique and had to continue living a double life while taking on the pressure and high expectations of his parents and teachers. It wasn't until he met Sarah and the rest of the cliqueless that he found a place where he could truly be himself. | Single | Ray | AgniSpirit
Hana Jacklin | Female | The New Kid | She really doesn't have any. She's new, afterall. | Hana is blunt and straight forward. She comes in a dangerous, yet petite package and she will stand up for herself. She is unpredictable and brave. She gets flustered very easily if the male gender gets too close. She has a tendancy to tease the more innocent girls, but is very innocent herself. She can be outgoing and quite the character at times, but others she is day-dreaming and being distracted. Hana doesn't fall under any specific place, so she doesn't really know how to feel about all the attention. | Her mother and her father have always shared a similar dislike for eachother. When they're not fighting, they're cheating. Hana found out about the cheating when mom's "friend" and her were caught on the couch while Hana and her father were coming home early from a weekend "work" vacation. Really, Hana was meeting her soon-to-be step mother. Her mother moved out with her boyfriend and lived in an apartment near a highschool. As Hana tried to stay with her father and stepmother, her stepmother wanted to start a new life with Hana's father and ONLY Hana's father. She moved in with her mother, not caring about the repercussions of leaving suddenly. Her father called to see if she was okay on the way there, but never forced her to come back. Her mother then enlisted her into Elton and now Hana is the new kid on the block. | Single | Hana | Savi
Izzy Sandoval | Female | The Brain | Scholastic Bowl Team Captain, volunteers at the school library during study period, Honors Society ever since Freshman year, once tried out for the debate team but couldn’t commit due to too much workload. | Izzy is a little know-it-all and if you don’t know it already, a single conversation with her will be more than enough to make that fact known. A front row, center seater and the first one to raise her hand, Izzy isn’t aware how show-offy and annoying her habits are. When she isn’t time and again answering questions – sometimes without even being called on – she’s correcting others for their grammar or their wrong answers to historical dates or chortling as the struggling students fumble for an incorrect answer. If ever there was a stuck-up brainy kid, Izzy fits the bill. The only time she speaks in class is when solving problems or telling the teacher goodbye. She is no stranger to rumors and insults, teacher’s pet and ‘snotty smart girl’ chief among them, and she does bring a lot of it on herself, but she sees no reason why she should have to apologize for being smarter than most of the people in any given class. It’s not as if she is going to be the valedictorian… but maybe the salutatorian. | Izzy lives with her grandparents in a small ranch house; her parents split up while she was in middle school. Her mother moved to a different state for business and her father didn’t want to leave his family business behind. Neither could agree to a compromise and both wanted Izzy to live with them; Izzy was taken in by her grandparents – on her father’s side – and that put an end to that particular squabble. Izzy had always enjoyed school, but it was her grandparents who inspired her to take things seriously; neither of them were able to complete their education due to differing reasons and such a future wasn’t what she hoped for. Even her father left high school in order to work in his father’s small convenience store, becoming the manager in his father’s old age. Izzy’s desire to be the first in her family to get a college diploma became her sole goal, having the negative impact of hampering her social life. While other kids enjoyed their weekends by socializing, Izzy locked herself in her room with biology texts or math workbooks. She has no idea what she wants to focus on in college or even career wise, she just knows that she wants to graduate. The urging of her grandparents is what led Izzy to make an attempt at having a social life, it hasn’t been truly successful thus far but attempts have been made. | Izzy once kissed a stuffed turtle when she was a child, but other than that she has remained single. | Izzy | Fabricant541