Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tollank took a deep breath and loosened his fists, the torn blades of grass falling back down onto the ground. He really didn't enjoy dumping his emotions onto others, in all honestly he would much rather be the person to help someone else with pent up emotions. Tollank's family hadn't crossed his mind in quite some time. His family wasn't exactly supportive, and even though most of his chores were neigh impossible without sight he was forced to do them. Then his mother went into town to get some groceries, foods that they couldn't grow on their farm. While in town she was mugged, and in the process was stabbed. His father swore they could treat her injury using their first aid kit at the farm. Eventually her wound got infected and she passed away. Tollank was there holding her hand when she passed.

"That really means a lot guys, you have no idea what you guys are saying means to me," Tollank stood up and wrapped an arm around each one of his friends, "I will always be there when you guys need me too. You two are pretty much stuck with me." He looked over to his metallic appendage draped over Leon's shoulders, "Mom sold her grandmother's jewelry box to afford that fine-ass piece of machinery, Dad was so pissed, it was nicer than all of his equipment put together. I mean it was only fitting though, his hay baler was the goddamn thing that ripped the real one off." Suddenly Tollank noticed a boy walking up to the trio of friends, he recognized it as the boy whom Leon talked to on the train. "Speaking about events of the past," Tollank whispered to Leon, before turning his focus to the approaching boy. "Long time to see! What brings you to our little slice of heaven?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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"We should probably head back eventually," Leon shrugged, "It'd be nice to sleep in a bed for once too." His eyes drifted around the park, settling on the island. Perhaps he would spend some time there first though. That could be nice. It couldn't have been that late, after all they only had dinner about half an hour ago. Though, they also had no idea what time it was when they went out to eat. Still, until tomorrow, time was sort of irrelevant. They were in a spaceship after all and in a spaceship there was no rotating around a giant ball of flaming gas. There was only the simulated day and night cycle that their alien friends had set and they were still unfamiliar to that cycle. If tomorrow didn't have so much unspoken tension building behind it, Leon would've considered pulling an all-nighter. Though with Leon, nothing was ever really off the table. He had always been a bit too much of a flow with the wind kind of guy. A small smirk crossed his face when Aeria caught his eye, any way the wind blows.

Tollnak expressed his gratitude to the two of them, something that Leon appreciated. It was nice to see how genuine and kind Tollnak was a trait he could only wish others saw in himself. Leon winced slightly at the mention of a hay baler ripping Tollnak's arm off. He looked down toward his left arm, which has partially hidden by Tollnak's own arm, remembering the butcher's yard, remembering losing the arm and desperately trying to reattach it. He and Tollnak were more similar than he like to admit sometimes. Leon could only hope that he had his friend's good qualities in addition to his misfortunes.

Keita's presence was known to Leon well before the door to the park opened up, his mutation sensing the approaching mutant a good distance back. It was only surprising that the boy managed to stumble upon their little hole in the wall. Much like the little Norwegian bar from earlier, the park was neither particularly noticeable nor well advertised, and yet the mutants kept on coming. Leon couldn't help but suspect that mutants were unconsciously directed toward one another. Anything else just didn't make sense to him. "Uh, yeah, sure." Leon said to the artifact from a time long since passed. He didn't really recognize Keita anymore, being that it had been almost a decade since they were close. When Leon saw Keita, he saw his scars.There was no other remnant of his old life and if Leon had his way, he would just forget about it all and yet, here he was. Here. He. Was. "Good to see you," Leon smiled, ducking and slipping out from under Tollnak's arm, spinning on his heels. "Christ, Odin, Thor, Osiris, the Holy Spirit," Leon muttered, stepping to the water's edge by Aeria, "One of you help me."

Leon bent down by her, putting his hand by his mouth, using his teeth to take the glove off and dragged his hand through the water, the water feeling surprisingly cold along the ridges on his hand. It was a byproduct of the nerve damage though, his ability to sense temperature practically shot in some parts of his body. He cupped his hand, a small globe of water forming in his hand which he brought to his lips, taking a long slow drink. The globe dropping away from his hand when the muscles relaxed. He gave a shake of his hand, droplets of water falling away and in a quick motion, he slid the glove back onto his hand, covering the scars once more. "You sensed it too, didn't you?" Leon spoke, in almost a whisper to Aeria. "Did you catch his scent?" Leon asked quickly, hoping that she had. Not that he was comfortable with the idea that there was some person stalking them, but he needed to know if he was still sane or not. Keita alone was enough to make him question the state of his mind. This new entity, whomever it was, was enough to make Leon wonder if he was sharp as a knife or completely mad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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He laughs, "Old friend of Leons" he says..
"So.. how have you guys been going.. I think I blew my energy out on the speech back in the theater, he laughed." He was happy, he was gonna forget about his and Leon's past.. the mark on his back, it might haunt him forever, only because it's what started that mess, anyways it was time for Keita to forgive and forget.

Keita's refelexes, made him flinch looking straight behind him.. between a bunch of iron bushel's nearby, some sort of Mak'ari self sustaining, bush like organism.
With Keita, he could literally have access to more than his brain than anyone else.. he was able to recall things or even think differently.. It was always just "there' (Limitless reference)
"So, shall we head back.." he said..
"This place is awesome and all.. just feel like we shouldn't be here.. or something, I know it doesn't make sense.. but I have a hunch or reflex.." he laughed at his own joke, not realizing that he hadn't even introduced himself properly.

"Hi, if you didn't know already.. I'm Keita, call me Keit" he smiled.. like he was innocent, which was his overall habit.
He looked at Leon, they had a way of reassuring they are on the same page, even if it had been years at least that was still there.. he looked at Leon, just to make sure he knows.. that whatever happened in the past.. stays there and doesn't bug them ever again, he usually understands it when I look at him..
Just a thing, he was basically his brother, after his parents where murdered... for some reason.. no matter what Keita thinks, he will always have the urge or the hunch of the past.. slowly ever creeping back upon him and Leon again.. maybe they can't help it... maybe it needs to be explained.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Aeria was so busy thinking back to the series of events that had happened in the past, causing her to miss the rest of the conversation. An unsettling feeling settled in her stomach, breaking her from her trance. She suddenly had a bad feeling in her gut. Aeria was intuitive, and whenever she got a bad hunch, it could only mean one thing. Something bad was going to happen. What, how, and where? She wish she knew the answers to these questions. The only thing she could do right now was to let her guard up at all times. Aeria's train of thoughts broke when she caught the scent of a newcomer. She was about to look back to see who it was, but Leon suddenly came in a bit of a rush,
"- the Holy Spirit, One of you help me." He muttered and she raised an eyebrow in question.

She looked at him, and was surprised when she saw him taking his glove off. "Leon?" She tried to grab his attention. He placed his hand in the water, feeling the temperature before cupping his hand and drinking from it. The hunch she got earlier had suddenly made her feel paranoid. What if there were harmful substances in the water? It probably wasn't the case, but it still crossed her mind. He shook his hand to get rid of the droplets of water before putting back his glove in. She could see his hands trembling slightly, and that got her attention. What would cause Leon to be so frightened? He was usually so bubbly. "Leon, calm down. What is it?" She asked, before glancing back to see Leon's friend, Keita. Did it have something to do with him being here? She wondered.

"You sensed it too, didn't you?" Leon spoke, and it came out like a whisper. "Did you catch his scent?" He asked frantically. Aeria took a moment to process his words, and realized that he was talking about the presence they had sensed earlier, and not Keita. She glanced at the water for a second before looking back at him, "You mean the one that you sensed when we entered the park?" She asked, not really sure if he was talking about the one earlier or if he had sensed it again. "About that.. Leon, that presence didn't have any scent." She said at a slow pace, not sure what to feel about it.

It didn't make any sense, even to her. If the entity they sensed was using his or her mutation to make one's self invisible, then the scent should be even stronger. A mutant's scent is at it's strongest when using one's mutation. Aeria didn't pick up any hint of it, and only felt the presence through the way the air particles were moving. It was barely there, and if she hadn't been paying any attention, she would have easily missed it. Another breeze of wind came, as her curiosity went beyond the questions about the mysterious presence.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hearing the spewing, all Takeshi could do was be concerned. There wasn't really anything he could do since the door to the bathroom was locked. "What happened to that medication?" he asked once Mira had opened the door, after mentioning the medication she used to take. Tears running down her face, she tried to speak, but all he could hear were sobs, it was hard to tell what she wanted to say.
"Thanks for being nice, sorry I've been such a clutz as well as a bore" she said. He looked on with concern.
"It's fine, I told you, you can call for me and that I would come and help right?" he spoke gently to her.

Mira had cleaned herself up a bit. Suggesting to go back to the dorms, so she could play the piano. "Yes, let's go back to the dorms, but, I think you should rest. Rather than play the piano." he smiled gently back at her, but it was a little out of place, with part of his face showing his concern for her. As they started to walk out, he used his bracelet to pay for the meal, and slowly walked, making sure Mira was ok. Takeshi paid for both of their meals.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Mira walked along Takeshi as they went back to the dorms. She was pretty silent. She only wanted to play the piano, because it was her getaway.
"I didn't stop taking it." Mira said..
"I don't have any, so I think my body is getting used to not having it in my system" she smiled, she didn't have the urge to spew anymore, which strengthened her reason to sit it that amazing piano. MIra liked Takeshi, he was such a nice person, he opened doors for her.. helped her whenever it was needed, she decided they should go lie down and talk casually sometime.

Eventually Mira got to dorms and went inside.. she sat down at the piano, after making sure no one was asleep. She might of missed somone, but her piano wasn't loud.. it was peaceful.. well at least the song she started playing was. Mira smiled as she sat down at the piano, running her fingers across the Piano, It was amazing.. how did they get one of them? Mira eventually lifted the lid of the Grand Piano and propped the stand. She took two deep breathes and started playing.

(Theme Song, for this reason)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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(You didnt see anything)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tollank looked at the newcomer to the group. He recognized him as being on their holocar, but didn't really know much about him. He seemed to have some sort of past with Leon, which seemed to be a pretty big deal. The kid seemed friendly enough, a major improvement from the standoffish behavior on the holocar. It did strike Tollank as odd though that the kid would pop up now of all times. "Good to meet ya Keita, my name is Tollank." and Tollank extended his hand to the newcomer. Tollank stood quite a deal taller than the new kid, and Tollank assumed he was older than the kid. Then he noticed Aeria and Leon hunkered down by the river. "Will you excuse me for one second," Tollank said to Keita before walking over to his two friends.

Tollank noticed that something was up with these two, they seemed upset or at least worried. "Hey guys, is everything alright? You two act like something is up, I mean if its none of my business I understand but I feel like I should at least ask." These two were really the first friends that Tollank had, and they had just said they would always have his back just a few minutes ago. So he should be nice enough to return the favor. "And Leon, how do you feel Keita will do with us? I could head back to the dorms with Aeria with you want a moment with him. Its your call."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

It didn't have any scent? Leon bit down on the inside of his cheek, something he did when he felt particularly stressed, biting unusually hard, a sharp pain spiking through his head, followed by the warm thick liquid that tasted like iron. He closed his eyes tightly in annoyance, turning his head to spit the blood into the river, his mutation already patching up the latest wound. "Sorry, my manners escape me in these situations..." Leon said quietly, embarrassed at his current form, "So you couldn't smell it." Leon muttered an obscenity, "I don't want to make this a big deal or anything, but it's definitely not something to take lightly. I know it was a human. My mutation let me see that it had a mutation, but I couldn't pry beyond its existence. The fact that it's so good at hiding from us is the thing that really scares me." Leon paused, furrowing his brow, "And it let us know that it was around us..." Leon quit speaking when Tollnak stepped over, suddenly remembering that Toll was still right by them.

"Yeah Toll, don't worry about it. It's all good," Leon started, doubling back, "Well, sort of. We were being watched earlier by someone with a mutation that makes them almost completely undetectable. I'm a little perturbed, I'm not gonna lie." When Toll mentioned Keita, Leon closed the distance, his voice becoming a whisper, just barely audible, "Please, don't do that to me." He stepped back, his eyes hard, relaxing quickly as he took a second step back. Leon couldn't be around Keita. Not now, not for awhile. Leon was finally getting over the incident where he was slashed to ribbons. Seeing Keita brought back his past and made that day all too real once more. "If you wanna head back, by all means." Leon said to Toll, looking briefly to Aeria. He looked past Toll, "Keita, head back to the dorm with Tollnak here." Leon ran his hand through is hair, "I'm going to stay here for awhile. I need to think." His hand slid into his pocket and he took his first step away from the group. He looked from Tollnak to Aeria, giving a cursory glance to Keita before he turned away from the three of them.

Leon walked along the bank of the river, humming to himself an old hymn his mother would sing to him as a child, his mind slowly retracing the day, trying to recall if there was any reason in particular moment when the unknown began to follow them. The only moment he could imagine that their stalker would have begun to follow them was that display outside of Hjem. Beyond that, what would attract anyone to them? Though, as Leon noticed from the mutants they've been running into all day, Mutants seemed to be unconsciously drawn to mutants. Would that have really been enough to drag anyone to them? Leon walked across the small bridge leading to the isolated piece of land in the corner of the park, taking a seat against the lone tree. His head leaned back against the rough and slowly his eyes closed, his mind coming to a slow, ideas slowly beginning to escape him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aeria looked at Leon, and she could see the worry that was clearly written on his face. Due to her nonchalant attitude, the case with the undetectable mutant didn't particularly bother her. But if it got Leon so angst, then it must be something that she shouldn't overlook. Though, for now, they didn't know if the unknown mutant had any malicious intent. Leon spit blood into the water, and Aeria grimaced in disgust before kicking him into the river. hah jk " "Sorry, my manners escape me in these situations..." He said quietly. She paused for a moment, "No, it's alright." Aeria couldn't help but notice that Leon had been very uneasy since Keita's arrival. It had been the same when they were on the train. Leon and Keita must have had some kind of past, she thought. As much as she wanted to ask, she did not want to pry.

Marx said
"So you couldn't smell it." Leon muttered an obscenity, "I don't want to make this a big deal or anything, but it's definitely not something to take lightly. I know it was a human. My mutation let me see that it had a mutation, but I couldn't pry beyond its existence. The fact that it's so good at hiding from us is the thing that really scares me." Leon paused, furrowing his brow, "And it let us know that it was around us..." Leon quit speaking when Tollnak stepped over, suddenly remembering that Toll was still right by them.

"Hey guys, is everything alright? You two act like something is up, I mean if its none of my business I understand but I feel like I should at least ask." Aeria looked up at Tollank before looking back at Leon, giving him the chance to explain it himself. There was no need for them to keep him in the dark. "Yeah Toll, don't worry about it. It's all good," Leon started, "Well, sort of. We were being watched earlier by someone with a mutation that makes them almost completely undetectable. I'm a little perturbed, I'm not gonna lie." He finished. Aeria stood up and dusted herself off, "It was there when we entered the park. Did you notice anything?" She asked. He probably didn't, considering how excited he was when they got there, but every little detail they could gather could help somehow.

When Tollank mentioned Keita, Leon's face darkened. That confirmed Aeria's suspicion about Keita being one of the causes for his uneasiness. She wondered what Keita could have done to cause this much tension around Leon. Keita, on the other hand, was acting completely normal, like nothing was wrong. She put her thoughts away when Leon asked Keita to head back to the dorms with Tollank. She stood there awkwardly, not entirely sure if he had meant to include her. She thought about it for a second and came to the conclusion that it wouldn't be a good idea to leave him alone here, not while there was a mysterious mutant follow them around. "I'm going to stay here for awhile. I need to think," Leon stepped away from the group, giving each of them a glance before turning away. Aeria glanced between Tollank and Keita, "I'll stay here until he decides to leave. Or until I get bored." She said calmly. She nodded towards Tollank and Keita, letting them know that they will be following shortly.

Aeria turned back and glanced at Leon's direction, watching him as he crossed the bridge and sat under the tree. She had never seen him so bleak before, not even when he told her his secret, and she wasn't used to it. He was always so cheery and warm that it sometimes got into her nerves, making her want to mess with him constantly. She walked toward the bench that was located nearby, not following after him and deciding to leave him to his thoughts. She, herself, had some things to think about. She sat down and leaned against the bench, relaxing herself before allowing her mind to think about what just happened. The questions that came to her mind was, who was this mutant? And more importantly, why did it follow them around? She sighed, not getting a single clue no matter how hard she thought about it. Another important question to ask would be whether it was a friend or an enemy. She wouldn't mind either, but the first would definitely be less bothersome. She let out a long deep breath, "What a drag.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Keita was looking at the tall guy, by the name of Tollnak or Tollank.. well, he was quite nice.. Keita thought he'd make a great friend.
There was so much going on inside Keita's head.. he didn't wan't to make a scene.. but Keita's mind was set on track, they couldn't just hide the past.. they can't forget it.. whatever was the past is stuck with us, until we deal with it.

"I will go back, only if we sort this out.." he looked sensible, thinking right.. Keita knew he was right.. just hiding it wasn't good enough.
"If you think the past is gonna change us, It isn't Leon. You will always be apart of me.. you where the brother I never had Leon" Keita didn't care if anyone else heard this... it might be awkward, but nothing was gonna change the fact the Leon was his best friend, his only friend.. his first friend ever.
"I'll be at the dorms, come talk to me when you want" Keita wasn't angry, no emotion was showed.. except mateship, you could tell Keita was looking out for whom once looked out for him. Keita smiled as he walked off, he was happy he said that.. he needed to say that, he couldn't bare the silence.

Without a word Keita went to the metal door and waited for Tollank, so not to be rude. Keita searched his brain of the past, scattering through memories.. family, the snow storm, the countless times Leon has saved his ass, good times, bad times.. all of this was experienced with Leon. Then something weird happened, for some reason he went "Missing" which was rather odd, rather odd that his parents would say he was dead, I knew he wasn't and that's the only reason I didn't act like I saw a ghost when I spotted him inside the theater, they both acted like themselves then, they didn't even flinch at there old memories, nothing was stopping them from just saying Hi. No matter what, Keita would be there for Leon, he doesn't care what split them apart, he doesnt care.. because now there reunited, there friends again.. brothers that weren't biological. Keita doesn't know about Leon, but he swear he hasn't changed a bit, yet Keita did of course. When Leon left, that was when he discovered his "Unusual" mutation, he only found out because he started thinking differently and seeing the place differently from everyone else, nobody understood him.. not one soul on that burden of a lie.

Keita asked Tollank "Is there anywhere I can punch a punching bag?" Keita realised how odd that sounded and reassured he wasn't angry.
"I'm not angry" he laughed,
"Just feel like I should get back into practice mode" he laughed at the thought of it, he was used to sparring and training his reflexes every day, he hasn't done it for a while..
"It's nothing special, just apart of what apparently I've concluded about my Mutation" Keita has still been puzzled about his Mutation since the day he found out.
Keita wondered, was "it possible that Leon remembers something I don't?"
"Did I do something, that I don't remember?" it could of been anything.. he was thinking silently, waiting for Tollanks reply.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Leon heard every word Keita had to throw at him, ignoring him with every step. He wasn't interested in rekindling a childhood friendship and honestly, it didn't make sense that Keita was so rabid about it. He wasn't even sure he still knew Keita. Sure, his name was familiar, but when he first saw the guy, he didn't even recognize him. It's been a fuckin' decade, man. Leon put his hand to his face, fingertips pressing against his closed eyes. Why is it that I can't get a break? His hand dipped down from his face after a few minutes, knowing that he can't let this get to him much longer. He didn't have to rekindle his childhood friendship with Keita nor did he have to talk to the guy, but he did need to teach himself to relax in these situations. It was the first time in weeks that his heartbeat was racing from something other than adrenaline. His eyes slowly scanned the park, finding that Keita and Tollnak had taken their leave, Aeria staying behind. "Thank you," Leon muttered, watching her from afar.

Leon lingered for a few minutes, wanting to be sure that Keita was long gone before he left his little island. He owed Tollnak for taking Keita off his hands, perhaps he'd send a nice gift basket. A smirk crawled across his lips, Leon always happy to laugh at his own joke, especially when no one was around to hear it. He pulled himself to his feet, turning to give the tree a pat before he walked off. It wasn't that he was thanking the tree for its service, though he did appreciate it. He had just never actually touched a tree before. The novelty hadn't exactly worn off. Leon gave his head a shake before running a hand through his hair, letting out a long, much needed sigh. It had felt like he had been holding in his breath for minutes, the air tasting stale and rotten, completely devoid of oxygen. As Leon made his way back across the bridge, his eyes wandered about the park, eventually homing in on Aeria. What he saw brought him to a halt, the air in his lungs vacating, his blood freezing over. For a moment, he was still as a statue, his eye as lifeless as dirt.

He quickly straightened himself out, continuing to walk towards Aeria. "Hey there," he said with his usual smile, dropping down onto the bench next to her. He hung an arm over the back of the bench, leaving it to hang. For a few moments he looked off into the distance, his eyes on the rolling green field, so filled with life. "I'm really sorry about all that." Leon started, leaning his head back and slumping slightly into his seat, his smile fading somewhat. "When I saw Keita, it gave me a flashback of when I was younger. It made the whole incident that led to me looking the way I do very real again. His appearance, along with out new not so noticeable friend, just kind of knocked me onto the edge." Leon pausing. "I tried to think of a reason for why that mutant would want us and I only have an inkling of an idea, really. Remember how just you and I set out to Hjem, where mutant after mutant proceeded to stumble upon us? I think Mutants are unconsciously attracted to other mutants, maybe from the scents that mutants put off unknowingly. They're probably especially attracted to those that use their mutations more frequently..." Leon looked towards her, a small smile on his face, "And no mutant actively uses their mutation as much as either of us three. We're practically using our mutations constantly. We're like sugar to ants. Though Tollnak and I are much sweeter than you." His smile turned into a smirk as he looked away from her, giving her a pat on the back of the head with his hand that hung over the bench.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Removed upon GM Discussion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aeria could see Leon crossing the bridge through the corner of her eye, but she didn't look his way. Instead, she stared off blankly at nothing in particular. His eyes focused in on her and she could feel his hesitation before walking over. "Hey there," he greeted as he sat down next to her. "About time, Leon. I was starting to get bored." She muttered, though it wasn't entirely true. In fact, Leon didn't take that much time at all.

There was a moment of silence before Leon spoke, "I'm really sorry about all that," He apologized, the smile from his face dwindling. This time, she had earned Aeria's full attention. "When I saw Keita, it gave me a flashback of when I was younger. It made the whole incident that led to me looking the way I do very real again. His appearance, along with out new not so noticeable friend, just kind of knocked me onto the edge." She nodded in silence, finally understanding why it caused him so much unease. She didn't ask him to elaborate on the story, knowing full well that the emotional wound from the unpleasant experience was still there. "Okay," She chimed. I won't ask you about your past so long as you don't ask about mine." she proposed with a small smile. The more Leon told her about his story, the more she felt that she owed him her own, and she didn't want to say any more.

Marx said
"I tried to think of a reason for why that mutant would want us and I only have an inkling of an idea, really. Remember how just you and I set out to Hjem, where mutant after mutant proceeded to upon us? I think Mutants are unconsciously attracted to other mutants, maybe from the scents that mutants put off unknowingly. They're probably especially attracted to those that use their mutations more frequently..." Leon looked towards her, a small smile on his face, "And no mutant actively uses their mutation as much as either of us three. We're practically using our mutations constantly. We're like sugar to ants. Though Tollnak and I are much sweeter than you." His smile turned into a smirk as he looked away from her, giving her a pat on the back of the head with his hand that hung over the bench.

"Or.. maybe they're attracted to us because we're attractive." She grinned in a smug manner, sarcasm thick in her voice. She dropped her smile, "Fine fine. Jokes aside, I don't really know. Who cares, we'll figure it out later." She shrugged, not really wanting to put too much thought into it. They could always try and figure it out tomorrow, but for now, she just wanted to let her mind relax. As Leon made the comment about him and Tollank being sweeter, she turned her head to face him, giving him a bitter look. "Is that so? The way I see it, Tollank and I are the sugar. You're the ant." She snickered, her eyes holding a mischievous glint as she tried to hold back a laugh. She took a deep breath to calm her breathing, "We should probably head back, you know."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I see, I see" Takeshi replied to Mira's medication issue with concern. He continued to help her to the dorms. Once they reached the dorms, Mira went to sit at the piano. Suddenly she started to play a beautiful, calming tune. Takeshi closed his eyes, feeling the notes, listening to every key played. Once she had finished, he commented "That was a nice piece. Your own? It was very calming."

"Now then, if you don't mind. I think I deserve a turn." He suggested for Mira to get up so he could take over and play. There was a piece in particular he wanted to play. He waited for Mira to stand. Or at least he hoped she would.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tollank looked back to make sure that the dark haired boy was following him out of the underground park. In all honesty Tollank didn't want to leave the little oasis but it was getting late, and if Keita and Leon didn't take their reunion a little slower Tollank wasn't sure they would be able to make up at all. Either way it wasn't any of Tollank's business, he understood not wanting to think about your past and how it can really mess with your psyche. What did this little boy know that caused Leon so much stress? The two of them continued walking in silence, save the occasional snap or clap from Tollank so he could actually see. They passed the restaurant that they had ate at sometime earlier, silent, it seemed that no one was inside. Tollank thought back to the events at the park. Both Leon and Aeria sensed that someone was watching them, but couldn't feel them. If they were there then they made no sound, and THAT was what freaked Tollank out the most. If someone made no sound then he was helpless to them, and if it one thing that made Tollank upset it was being helpless. After a few more minutes of walking they arrived back at the dorms.

Gyrin said Keita asked Tollank "Is there anywhere I can punch a punching bag?" Keita realised how odd that sounded and reassured he wasn't angry.
"I'm not angry" he laughed,
"Just feel like I should get back into practice mode" he laughed at the thought of it, he was used to sparring and training his reflexes every day, he hasn't done it for a while..
"It's nothing special, just apart of what apparently I've concluded about my Mutation" Keita has still been puzzled about his Mutation since the day he found out.

"A punching bag huh?" Tollank said to Keita, " I really couldn't tell you, I really haven't went out exploring that much. Surely they have a gym around here somewhere." Tollank clapped his hands together to generate some sound. A majority of the other mutants had already turned in for the night, and the various levels of dorms had turned silent. "I don't know about you kid, but I am freaking beat," Tollank said to Keita before turning and walking down the path that would lead to his own dorm, "I both respect and understand the need to practice, but there is no sense on doing it if its just gonna leave you tired tomorrow. If I were you I would find the gym tomorrow and head in for the night, but its your call in the end. As for me I need some shut-eye, ninight!" Tollank opened the door to his room and then locked it behind him. He stumbled over and flopped onto the bed, not bothering to change clothes or remove his arm. It had been a very eventful day and besides, Tollank needed his beauty sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Keita was listening to Tollank, he had this "swagger" impression.

BuriedComic7 said
"A punching bag huh?" Tollank said to Keita, " I really couldn't tell you, I really haven't went out exploring that much. Surely they have a gym around here somewhere." Tollank clapped his hands together to generate some sound. A majority of the other mutants had already turned in for the night, and the various levels of dorms had turned silent. "I don't know about you kid, but I am freaking beat," Tollank said to Keita before turning and walking down the path that would lead to his own dorm, "I both respect and understand the need to practice, but there is no sense on doing it if its just gonna leave you tired tomorrow. If I were you I would find the gym tomorrow and head in for the night, but its your call in the end. As for me I need some shut-eye, ninight!" Tollank opened the door to his room and then locked it behind him. He stumbled over and flopped onto the bed, not bothering to change clothes or remove his arm. It had been a very eventful day and besides, Tollank needed his beauty sleep.

"Guess, I should do the same" he said before he shut his door..
Keita walked to his dorm-room, he closed the door, without locking it and lay on his bed.. staring at the emptiness that beheld the bed on the other side.
He realised how irrational he thought, when confronting Leon.. it was gonna make things worse.. so he decided to say sorry.. the only way he knew how..
He went to the front door of the Ellexkir Dorm and placed the necklace that once belonged to Leon.. but was given to him.. He hoped he'd take it as a "I'll leave you alone" signal.

Funny thing it bore the same sigil as the Sabore District, not as Ironic as it would be if it bore the Ellexkir Sigil though.

Mira finished playing the peace and decided to get up and let Takeshi on, "There you go" she smiled..
She sat down on the couch nearby the fireplace as she awaited for him to play.. she loved piano and would always love playing it till she died..
"Whenever you're ready" she said putting her glasses on, she only ever had them on inside, or whenever reading something.. It was a vision dysfunction that only she was diagnosed with out of everyone on the Old Vessel, something to do with weather and emotion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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"You know I can't promise that," Leon said to her when she offered him the deal of not asking about his past in exchange for him not asking about hers. She was a friend, just like Tollnak. He genuinely cared about the both of them and wanted to really know them. It wasn't healthy to bottle up one's past, especially to hide it from friends. They were friends, right? The mood lightened a bit when she made a joke about the mutants being attracted to them because they were exactly that. Attractive. "Well, I thought that was a given," Leon grinned, "I know the boys and girls can't resist Leon and all his glory." Leon reached up with his hand when she called him an ant, plant his palm onto the crown of her head. "If I'm an ant and you're sugar, I suppose I'm suppose to steal you away, aren't I?" His cheery smile had returned as he got up from the bench, letting go of her head and offering her a hand up as she mentioned leaving. "As much as I'd hate to leave, we probably should." Leon said as he helped her up, looking past her as she stood up. "Come on," he said with a jerk of his head, her hand in his, him practically dragging her as he moved toward the doorway.

As soon as the two of them were throw the doorway, Leon released her hand, turning to the open door to the park. He put his hand out, making a stop sign with his hand, the metal floor lurching up from the group like a water from a geyser, the metal sealing over the door, creating a wall. "I can explain," he said suddenly, turning to Aeria, "The reason I looked so... terrified when I was coming over was because... well... the guy from earlier was standing behind you. I could see his outline and I think he was letting me see him. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to freak you out..." Leon made the sign with his hand a second time, a new wall bursting from the floor of the ship over the other layer. "Can never be to safe... right?" He nervously smiled,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Keita rolled around his dreams.. there was fire.. it was a nightmare.. something that happened a while ago.. As he slept, the dream went on, eventually at the end into a continuous fall, this was all so sudden.. he only just got into bed and he was what half day dreaming half a sleep?He closed his eyes inside the dream and than woke up in a hyperventilation.. he culdn't have only slept for 30 minutes? Jesus.. not even close..

Keita jumped up and checked his wristband pulling up the help section, it showed a nearby gym, two blocks down from the Ellexkir dorm.He grabbed his shoes.. and ran out the door, knocking the necklace off without noticing, it fell on the ground, still very noticeable by anyone to pass by.Keita stopped running, transitioning into a energetic walk, wasn't his brain in action right now.. even though he can barely use it..He got to the Gym and there was so many things he could do.. there was no one inside and as he swiped his wristband the AI welcomed him with a Voice.. saying his name and showing his face on the biggest screen visible.. Keita knew what this place reminded him of, it was almost identical to his Gym back at the Old Vessel, but know it was open to everyone.

Keit smiled.. he walked up to the nearest panel and grabbed the holographs and placed them around him, forming AI that could fight him.. he started with one just to see if he still had it.. everything was perfectly easy to program and accurately easy to command and take out, All AI's where smart and efficient, set to his liking.. it got to the point of 15 against Keita, he was all over the place, fluently reacting to every opposite action that had come upon him, swaying from left to right.. using everything to his advantage, dodging all that was thrown at him... and he kept going, it wasn't just fighting. It was Art. He was trying to forget about that dream, with the fire and the falling.
He wanted to train his mutation, learn how to use it.. unlock his massive super brain on steroids. According to the Diagrams shown, Keit can only use 0.5% of his super brain and he was doing all this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Aeria paused for a moment. "Fine. But we only get to ask an equal amount of questions." She cocked an eyebrow, urging him to agree. When Leon made the statement about mutants not being able to resist him and all his glory, she just shook her head with a smile, knowing that even if she countered that, he would just counter back. She was pretty tired at the moment too. "If I'm an ant and you're sugar, I suppose I'm suppose to steal you away, aren't I?" He said, his usual smile back on his face. That was a relief, but at the same time, she would have to put up with his endless jokes. "If you put it that way, then it applies to Tollank too." She smirked.

Leon stood up and offered her a hand, and she remembered that he did the exact same thing when they were on the train. It must have been a habit, she thought. She took his hand, and was about to pull it away once she was up, but he just dragged her with him. Again, just like he did on their way to Hjem. She sighed in defeat. His hold on her was firm, so putting up a fight would be useless right now. She shouldn't be stubborn for once, at least not while she was tired.

She began to wonder where Leon got all of his energy from. They basically had no rest for the past few days. First, they were made to believe that they were being taken away from their families, when in reality, their families let them go to give them a better future ahead of them, or so they had hoped. Though, her father probably let her go to get rid of her. Next, they were being transported from the old ship to this new one. And after that, they had to take the train to their respective districts. She was worn down, and the idea of getting under a warm, soft, blanket sounded good right now.

Once they got out of the metallic door, Leon paused and turned to face the door. He placed a hand up, and the metallic floor rose from the ground and over the door, securing it behind. She looked at him questioningly, "I can explain," He started out carefully, as if he was trying not to scare her. "The reason I looked so... terrified when I was coming over was because... well... the guy from earlier was standing behind you. I could see his outline and I think he was letting me see him. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to freak you out..." She just stared at him blankly, as her mind processed his words. The possibility of it being a ghost crossed her mind, and it sent a shiver down her spine. She would never admit that she was scared of ghosts. They didn't exist after all, right?

Her face paled, but she tried to look as calm as she could. "Hah.. Oh please. That doesn't scare me at all." She said in confidence, but her voice quivered a little in the end, betraying that confidence. She cleared her throat and turned away. She took a few steps ahead of Leon, taking a deep breath and noticing that the air around here wasn't as fresh as it had been inside the underground park. She glanced behind her quickly, checking to see if Leon was following behind her, before continuing to walk off.

She walked at a slow pace, not wanting to widen the gap between her and Leon too much. As much as she hated to admit it, it got into her. She didn't care if it was a mutant, in fact, that would be completely fine with her. A creepy, stalking, mutant would be much better than a creeping ghost who liked to linger close to her, while letting Leon be aware of it's presence. Nope, definitely not a ghost. She chanted repeatedly inside her head to reassure herself.
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