Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rylan hardly heard the foot steps behind him and as he turned Leon put a hand on his shoulder. "You gota relax." He said and touched his forehead. Almost instantly a wave a calm rippled through him and he felt at ease. The annoyance, the anxiousness, all of it melted away and was replaced by clarity and peace of mind. Ever had it been so long that Rylan was at peace with himself and the feeling was alien though pleasant. It was because of the anxiolytic, Leon called it, and Rylan knew it was only a temporary thing. Once it was out of his system the feeling would follow suit though he wished it wouldn't. As he watched Leon walk back to the others he pondered at the offer to take a shower and crash for the night. The smell of alcohol was still strong on him despite the liquid itself evaporating in the flames. A slight chuckle escaped his lips. 'A passerby would likely think me drunk. I should pass though.. I've bothered him enough.' Rylan thought to himself with a smile and called back to them.

"Thank you again for everything!! I must decline your offer for tonight though. I'm sure we'll meet again and ill repay you!" With a wave he turned once more in the direction he'd been walking though this time with a little more pep in his step and looking forward with a smile instead of hanging his head. Perhaps he would finally go settle into a room back in the Ignori dorms and shower there. 'Yea.. enough wandering for tonight.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

WinterNightSky said Aeria glanced at Alan before looking back at Leon. She stayed quiet for a few moments before letting out a sigh. She pat the dome gently before giving a small smile, not the kind that meant she was happy. "I want him out." She blurted. "I mean, if you get to invite fire boy, I should be allowed to take bug boy with me too." She added. Her gaze left Leon and she turned to face Tollank instead, "Please." She said, not forgetting her manners.

"Well it looks like someone had a change of heart!" Tollank said towards Aeria, and then shifted his focus to Leon, "I don't mind if Peaches tags along, but if starts freaking out there is no promises that I won't knock his head in." It seemed that their little group of friends was starting to grow in number, and Tollank didn't mind at all. Firestarter over there seemed cool enough, and his mutation was freaking killer. If Aeira wanted Bug Boy to tag along it meant that he said SOMETHING in that dome that she felt warranted a second chance, and they could at least give him that.

"That place down the street does sound killer though, so after we get Peaches out we should definitely head there, also I have been thinking," Tollank said to Leon, "Shigganeth has been doing a lot of reaching into our minds, when do you think we will get the chance to see him again? I mean we did kinda choose him to lead us. Plus from what he has been saying to us he does seem nice enough." Tollank looked around the street again and clapped a few more times. It was really quite large, all things considered, and the size of it made him miss the rain even more, When it rained Tollank could be in the biggest city and see with perfect clarity. The sound of raindrops became the most comforting sound he knew. "Wait...how do they have vegetables and other plants for cooking aboard a ship? Do you think they make it rain sometimes? Or maybe just greenhouses..." Tollank said to no one in particular, he really wished it was the first option.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Please," Leon said back to the redhead, resisting the urge to groan, "Don't mention it." He had never been keen on having people repay favors. They were favors for a reason, not loans after all. When Aeria made her comment about Leon releasing bug boy since he had invited the redhead, Leon shrugged. "Who said I invited him? And if he ain't comin', neither should bug boy." Leon gave her a shrug, walking past her, a small smirk on his face as he passed by. He removed his right hand from his pocket, cupping the open air. His hand flattened out and as if awaiting his cue, the dome that withheld the boy with mandibles opened up, returning to the way it once was. He turned slightly, looking at Tollnak as he spoke. "We'll probably see him tomorrow. Or... at the very least, hear from him."

Leon started walking once more, making his way down the road that led to their apartments. "I hate to break it to ya', Tollnak." Leon said, not looking back this time, "Chances are they only have greenhouses. We are on a spaceship after all. We might get some rain where we're going." Leon ran his good hand through his hair, letting out a long sigh. He never bothered to check if the others were in fact walking behind him, his legs on auto pilot as his mind raced. There was a lot to consider, what with the recent developments in the past day. He was now among renegade mutants, running from their old homes, being harbored by aliens who were genetically similar to them, despite heir very different appearance. Leon was still far from realizing how to repair his arm and even farther away from repairing Tollnak's eyes. Aeria had a missing twin. Bug boy was already getting along poorly and would need an intense amount of TLC before he could ever really be a functioning member of society. The new guy had a misguided notion that he had to pay Leon back for something trivial. Oh, and probably the two things that bothered Leon the most. There were matured mutants on the ship and Shigganeth had plans to test the new mutants.'

For some reason Leon couldn't shake the feeling that there was something that they weren't being told. Something important. Some people were convinced that there might be fighting down the road. Leon was beginning to wonder just how far down that road went. When Leon noticed the sign for the underground park, he rose a hand, giving a small wave to the others, turning and trotting down the staircase. There was a metallic door before him that slid open as he approached, a wall of fresh air crashing into him, thick with the scent of grass and dew. The park wasn't particularly large, a river running through the mostly grassy plains that were dotted with trees. Near the back left corner, farthest away from the entrance to the park was a small island with a single large oak tree in the center of it where the river forked, a stone bridge arching over the gently flowing river connecting the island to the rest of the park. Flowers were blooming sporadically through the field, though they were nothing new to Leon, everything within this park having ancestors of Earth foliage.

Leon was about to say something aloud, freezing as his mutation picked up the presence of another mutant in the park. It was a first that he had ever experienced, the mutant being completely invisible to his normal senses, only having his presence visible. His vitals, his mutation, everything, was completely hidden from Leon. Leon closed his eyes, taking a long, slow, deep breath before turning around. "Doesn't look to bad, eh?" he said with a smile, doing his best to not reveal to the others that anything was out of place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Thoroughly confused, Gavin looked around the table. Where did all that food come from...? How long have I even been here? The area behind his forehead was beating like a painful drum, and as he looked around, he noticed small distortions in his vision. Urgh...damnit, Sylvia...Messing with my head...

Sighing, he dropped his head into one hand and rested his elbow on the table, using the other hand to slowly massage his temple. Suddenly remembering that he had company, he looked across the table at them. One was a brown-haired boy (who looked a little bit manic, admitted Gavin to himself) What was his name...Takeshi, I think... and the other was a girl with white hair, who at the moment looked pale and quite agitated. Mira, right? Yeah. Gavin looked at her with concern. "Hey, are you okay?" Granted, the chance that she would actually answer him was slim to none, since he had never seen her in his life, but he was willing to take the risk of social interaction if it meant doing something to get his mind off of the ache in his head. Remembering suddenly that his name was unknown, he threw in as an afterthought, "Oh, and my name is Gavin, no matter what my drunken roommate says."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Marx said Leon started walking once more, making his way down the road that led to their apartments. "I hate to break it to ya', Tollnak." Leon said, not looking back this time, "Chances are they only have greenhouses. We are on a spaceship after all. We might get some rain where we're going."

Tollank's heart sank a bit, even though the statement made sense. Logistically it was far easier to supply water to a few greenhouses as opposed to running water lengths of entire cities to simulate rain. Now Tollank couldn't wait to arrive at their destination, if for nothing more than simply water falling from the sky. Tollank began to follow Leon down street, but quickly motioned Aeria to join him in heading to Leon's destination. After a short trek down some stairs Tollank was met by a large door, which quickly slid open to reveal a very large open space.

Tollank could hear a river running through the length of what appeared to be a large underground park. With a few quick claps Tollank was able to fill in the gaps in his vision that the sound of the river didn't allow him to see. He took a few steps into the park, completely in awe. It smelled of earth and nature, not the artificial smell of the city block they just left.

Marx said Leon closed his eyes, taking a long, slow, deep breath before turning around. "Doesn't look to bad, eh?"

"Are you kidding? This place is amazing! This is going to be my favorite place in this whole ship, I bet that river feels awesome!" Tollank ran towards the river, stopping at its edge. He took off his shoes and socks before rolling up his pant legs and sitting down on the bank. Tollank let his feet dangle into the water, gently bobbing to and fro beneath its surface. The water was warm, like a summer sun had been shining on it for hours. Leaning back Tollank looked to the sky and smiled. This evening just kept getting better.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Takeshi patted Mira's back, the one who he believed was named Gavin asked if she was ok. They were both concerned about her. Gavin then introduced himself. So it was Gavin Takeshi thought. Seeing Mira get up, she asked where the bathroom was. "Um... Just over there" he pointed to a hall with a sign indicating where the bathroom was. With Mira leaving, he turned to Gavin.
"So... what was that about a pole that she hit you with? What happened there?" Takeshi asked, trying to make some small talk. He continued to eat his meal, regardless if Gavin told him or not.

He had finished eating, but Mira had not come out. "Excuse me for a bit, I am going to check up on Mira." Takeshi told Gavin, getting up to leave. He approached the bathroom area. It was not a separated system. Just a few small unisex bathrooms. Only one of them read "Engaged". Takeshi knocked on the door to the bathroom. "Mira? Are you in there? Are you okay? Did something happen? Whatever it is, just to let you know, I'm here for you." He called from behind the door. Standing there, he waited for an answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brasslazer
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Brasslazer Snunch King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Marx said
"Please," Leon said back to the redhead, resisting the urge to groan, "Don't mention it." He had never been keen on having people repay favors. They were favors for a reason, not loans after all. When Aeria made her comment about Leon releasing bug boy since he had invited the redhead, Leon shrugged. "Who said I invited him? And if he ain't comin', neither should bug boy." Leon gave her a shrug, walking past her, a small smirk on his face as he passed by. He removed his right hand from his pocket, cupping the open air. His hand flattened out and as if awaiting his cue, the dome that withheld the boy with mandibles opened up, returning to the way it once was. He turned slightly, looking at Tollnak as he spoke. "We'll probably see him tomorrow. Or... at the very least, her from him.

Alan stood up, retracting his mandibles and pulling his bandana back up. Thank god he didn't have to go with them, they were probably planning to kill him. Although the one girl had been quite an advocate to free him. Maybe she wasn't that ba-

Alan stopped himself. Don't be stupid! he thought, back to his normal, hateful self. She just wants to gain your trust so she can crush it underfoot. Bleh, women. He walked away at a brisk pace, trying not to make eye contact with any members of vanilla demon's entourage, hoping to get back to his dorm without any other meetings. Almost as if on cue to make this day one of the worst Alan had ever had, the unmistakable flare of orange hair and black shades of his roommate came walking down the path, coming nearer and nearer with each step he took. Alan lifted his hood over his head and looked away, trying to be as unnoticeable as possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Gavin poked at what little crumbs of food remained on the table, a pensive expression on his face. "Well, that went well..." No idea how long I was here for, but was it really long enough that they're just going to leave? Hang on, Mira did say something that sounded logical...Ugh, I'll figure it out later.[/i Gavin's eyes narrowed a little bit and he stood abruptly. [i]I didn't even eat anything. They can cover the check, he rationalized, trying to ignore the tiny worm of guilt that settled in his stomach. Huffing a bit, he turned, grabbing up the steel skateboard and narrowing it out, reshaping it into a large metal claymore, leaving aside a bit of steel, which he shaped into a chainmail backstrap. Slinging the claymore into the strap, he walked off, in no particular hurry Let's just see how far I can get without getting arrested for having this on my back...

Surprisingly, there was no arrest made. There were some funny looks, to be sure, but he made it back to the apartment complex with no major incident. Turning his doorknob, he sighed. Locked.

His bracelet flowed down his arm and across his hand, slipping into the lock and molding into the perfect shape of the key. Twisting the metal, he heard a click as the door unlocked, then retrieved his metal and walked into the room as it returned to its usual shape on his wrist. He turned, not seeing Sylvia, then walked into the bedroom. She was there, gripping the pillow in the most adorable fashion he had ever seen, like it was a precious jewel. He smiled in spite of the single tear dripping down her face, muttering softly: "You don't have to be tough all the time." Turning towards the couch, he threw a "'Night." back over his shoulder before the door quietly clicked closed. Settling on the couch, he breathed deeply, settling quickly into sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lilith continued walking, she had found a place to eat, are then came back, luckily she didn't need to run into anyone that wanted to strike up conversation, as she kept walking a hooded person walked passed her. It was walking to the dorm, she only assumed, but was sure if it "hey, you know if you didn't want to talk, you could of just not talked to me...really, hiding?, that's a little sad"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

BuriedComic7 said
"Well it looks like someone had a change of heart!" Tollank said towards Aeria, and then shifted his focus to Leon, "I don't mind if Peaches tags along, but if starts freaking out there is no promises that I won't knock his head in." It seemed that their little group of friends was starting to grow in number, and Tollank didn't mind at all. Firestarter over there seemed cool enough, and his mutation was freaking killer. If Aeira wanted Bug Boy to tag along it meant that he said SOMETHING in that dome that she felt warranted a second chance, and they could at least give him that.

Aeria looked at Tollank with a horrified look in her face. "Wait, change of heart? Um, no.. That wasn't what I was.." She sighed and placed a palm on her face. "Nevermind." She said, too tired to explain herself.

Marx said
"Who said I invited him? And if he ain't comin', neither should bug boy." Leon gave her a shrug, walking past her, a small smirk on his face as he passed by. He removed his right hand from his pocket, cupping the open air. His hand flattened out and as if awaiting his cue, the dome that withheld the boy with mandibles opened up, returning to the way it once was. He turned slightly, looking at Tollnak as he spoke. "We'll probably see him tomorrow. Or... at the very least, hear from him."

She turned to look at Leon as he spoke. She glared at him and crossed her arms as she caught the smirk on his face. "I meant to say that you invited him to your room. Sheesh." She paused for a second before realizing how wrong that sounded. She uncrossed her arms and raised her right hand, her right palm facing Leon, urging him to let her finish. "That's not what I meant to say. So don't tell me to Lay off on the queer jokes, Aeria." She teased as she repeated his words and tried to follow his voice. She laughed lightly as she walked over towards Tollank, trying to get away from Leon. Knowing Leon, he might have some revenge plan or something.

BuriedComic7 said
"Wait...how do they have vegetables and other plants for cooking aboard a ship? Do you think they make it rain sometimes? Or maybe just greenhouses..." Tollank said to no one in particular, he really wished it was the first option.

Tollank's question made her think. She never really thought about it until he asked. With the different kinds of mutations, maybe some mutants were able to make plants grow? And maybe others can manipulate the temperature and such. Mutants who were able to manipulate water at will would be helpful in that department too. "I hate to break it to ya', Tollnak." Leon said, "Chances are they only have greenhouses. We are on a spaceship after all. We might get some rain where we're going." She caught the sad expression on Tollank's face and that made her feel bad. After all, she herself loved the rain. "They probably have sprinklers on the roof as a substitute for rain." She blurted out as she tried to cheer him up, but realized only after saying it that it kind of sounded depressing. "Or the water mutants could make it rain." Aeria added. She wanted to put a hand on her mouth before she could say anything else that wasn't helpful.

Marx said
When Leon noticed the sign for the underground park, he rose a hand, giving a small wave to the others, turning and trotting down the staircase. There was a metallic door before him that slid open as he approached, a wall of fresh air crashing into him, thick with the scent of grass and dew. The park wasn't particularly large, a river running through the mostly grassy plains that were dotted with trees. Near the back left corner, farthest away from the entrance to the park was a small island with a single large oak tree in the center of it where the river forked, a stone bridge arching over the gently flowing river connecting the island to the rest of the park. Flowers were blooming sporadically through the field, though they were nothing new to Leon, everything within this park having ancestors of Earth foliage. Leon was about to say something aloud, freezing as his mutation picked up the presence of another mutant in the park. It was a first that he had ever experienced, the mutant being completely invisible to his normal senses, only having his presence visible. His vitals, his mutation, everything, was completely hidden from Leon. Leon closed his eyes, taking a long, slow, deep breath before turning around. "Doesn't look to bad, eh?" he said with a smile, doing his best to not reveal to the others that anything was out of place.

As Aeria noticed the sign for the underground park, Leon rose a hand and gave them a small wave, motioning for them to follow after him. She carefully walked down the staircase and was met by a metallic door. It slid open as they approached and they were greeted by fresh air that carried the scent of grass and dew. "Not trying to ruin the mood or anything, but this place smells a lot like bug boy. It reminds me of his scent." She said as she casually walked forward, stopping beside Leon. The river running through the grassy plains caught her eye and it reminded her of the river nearby her house. She used to play there with her brother when they were little. "Looks a lot like earth." She said as she looked around, spotting the small island that had a large oak tree in the middle. When she heard Tollank clap, she let out a low whistle. The wind swept across them gently and she looked over at Tollank with a small smile. She wanted him to see every bit of detail in this place.

Aeria's smile faded and she paused in place as she caught a weird vibration in the air, like someone or something was watching them. She looked at Leon and Tollank, wondering if they had sensed the same thing but it didn't look like they were bothered by anything so she shrugged it off, ignoring whatever it was. It was probably nothing. Aeria watched as Tollank excitedly ran towards the river and she followed after him, glancing back and motioning for Leon to follow. "You planning to just stand there or something?" She smirked before turning back and closing the gap between her and the river.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

A warm smile crossed Leon's face when Tollnak took off toward the river, yanking off his socks to put his feet in the water. A light breeze passed by him, Leon figuring it was Aeria giving Tollnak a helping hand in seeing everything around him. When she mentioned bug boy's scent, he rose an eyebrow, about to make a comment about how familiar the two were all of the sudden, when she mentioned that the park looked a lot like Earth. Did it? Leon had no idea. He had never been, nor had he ever seen images of the planet. He caught the fading smile on Aeria's face, something about her expression giving him the impression that she caught on to the other presence in the park. He made no comment and gave no visual cues when she looked from Tollnak to himself. When she did follow Tollnak, motioning for him to follow along, he watched in silence, his expression flat.

Leon's eyes closed tightly, his entire focus being shifted to his mutations ability to find people and give him a comprehensive understanding of their biology. When he reached out this time, there was nothing around him. Nothing beyond Aeria and Tollnak. Which either meant that this person was particularly good at hiding themselves or... The metallic door slid shut, his eyes opening wide as he spun toward the door, finding it closed. Or they had already left. "Gods," he muttered, spitting in the direction of the door, genuinely unnerved by the presence. There was no way to know what the presence meant for him or his friends, but Leon couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He let out a long sigh, mostly one of relief and ran a hand through his hair, rubbing the back of his neck with his finger tips when he reached it.

Leon made his way over to the river after his little would be encounter, stopping when he reached the bank of the river. He didn't want to get his shoes wet and removing his shoes and socks would reveal some very unsightly blemishes, his feet being about as bad as his hands are. For once, Leon said nothing because for once, Leon had nothing to say.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AliceZaru


Member Seen 12 mos ago


Sighed, holding his feline cat 'Mere'. He sighed stretching out his arms as he waited on a subway. Laying his head back onto the wall he tapped onto the ground as he wanted. He was at the wrong place and at a late time. He needed to be some where...some kind of dorm I suppose? He asked himself sighing hearing as the train finally comes by. Mere hopped onto his shoulder. Kis stood up and began walking to the doors and no one at the moment was there to storm inside. He sat down near a Illisthoth. He looked odd but he wasn't 'oddly' odd. He once again layed back his head and waited until the train stopped.

He reached his destination and could see the building from here. Though he didn't want to eat or go to some door but he..just felt like doing some homework or some kind of boring crap he could do.

He walked towards the doors of the building and finally opened them as he saw a few people eating and drinking but he saw a unique looking group. He sighed knowing that it might be the 'people' he was supposed to eat and meet up with. He sighed crouching down and trying to pass the reservation service and the crowd. He sighed once more, standing up and staring at the ones sitting at the table, waving his hand and smiled while his cat swiftly moved her way through the croud.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brasslazer
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Brasslazer Snunch King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

SaekoGami said
Lilith continued walking, she had found a place to eat, are then came back, luckily she didn't need to run into anyone that wanted to strike up conversation, as she kept walking a hooded person walked passed her. It was walking to the dorm, she only assumed, but was sure if it "hey, you know if you didn't want to talk, you could of just not talked to me...really, hiding?, that's a little sad"

Alan walked by, quickening his pace, ignoring Lillith completely. Soon, he was able to make it to his dorm and shut the door behind him. Walking carefully, paranoid that someone had rigged the room with some sorta trap, Alan made his way over to his bed. While lifting off his suitcase, Alan paused and decided to take an item out of it first. Rummaging his hand through the many rocks it was filled with, he was able to find what he was looking for: a picture of his father. Staring at it for a second, Alan put it into his pants pocket, removed his hoodie, revealing a black shirt underneath, and got into his bed, noting that it was the first time he had slept in a bed in quite a while.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

She let out a sighed before she continued walking ahead. At a slow pace she made it to the dorm. Opening the door slowly she didn't even need to check if Alan was in his bed, she could see his heat signature. She closed the door quietly, walked over to her bed, she sat down then fell on her side on her bed, taking off her glasses and closing her eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aeria stood by the river as she watched Tollank dip his feet, smiling as he looked up at the sky. The sudden smell of mint hit her senses and she glanced back at Leon, who's eyes were tightly closed. He was using his mutation for something.. She brought her gaze back to the river, not wanting to interrupt whatever he was doing. She stayed alert and tucked a piece of her silver hair behind her ear to hear better. Aeria had a really good sense of hearing. After all, sound travels through air. Sound is transmitted from a source to the surrounding air particles, which vibrate or collide, and pass the sound energy along to our ears.

The metallic door shut close, and Aeria stopped herself from turning back. "Gods." She could hear Leon mutter. So she didn't imagine the weird vibration she picked up earlier after all. The reason why Leon did not say anything about it, she didn't know. Aeria stared at a distance, the small island coming into focus. She could hear Leon walk toward them, And neither of them said anything to each other as they stood by the river bank in silence. Whatever it was, it was too uncertain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


Member Offline since relaunch


Mira sat in the bathroom, and as takeshi knocked on the door, her "Special" main course was spewing out into the toilet..
"Ugh, I'm not so fine.." she said when Takeshi asked her if she was fine.....
"I used to have some sort of medication" she started spewing again.... eventually opening the door... when she got the chance..
Mira kept talking, well trying too, she eventually stopped and realized that her makeup was coming off, she must of been crying.. she couldn't remember.
"Thanks for being nice, sorry i've been such a clutz as well as a bore" she was actually acting herself for once.

She wanted to go apologize to the guy named Gavin, whom was asking if she was ok, they where all pretty nice.
Mira grabbed the paper, wiping the residue away from her mouth, luckily she didn't get her dress.
"I guess.. we should head back to the dorms.. I feel like playing that piano" she smiled.. as she tied her hair back into a ponytail, brushing herself off and getting rid of the smudged make up.
"Shall we?" she smiled.. still feeling awful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tollank was beaming while his feet sat in the water, this place was magical. Tollank always enjoyed nature, even more so after his mutation manifested. Nature as a whole is usually never a quiet place. From bird chirping, to rivers lapping against their shores, all the way to a deer pleading for help as a pack of wolves tears it away from its family group to bite its soft neck so it will bleed out so the pack may eventually feed upon its carcass, nature is a noisy place. Whenever Tollank went outside he had no trouble seeing, and he loved every second of it. And if it happened to be raining as well? Well that was a whole other world of sight. Suddenly's Tollanks dream-like state was interrupted by the sound of the door that they entered in slamming shut. The noise the door made offered a pretty good picture as to the area around it, but something was off. There didn't seem to be anyone on either side of the door. Tollank then noticed that Leon and Aeria had walked up behind him.

"Hey did you guys just hear the door shut? I couldn't see anybody coming or going though, did either of you guys?" Tollank turned his upper bod around to face his two companions. "Either way you guys should at least dip your feet in, the water feels great!" Tollank turned back around to look at the river once again. "Where I'm from, we didn't have places like this. We had farmland, long stretches of flat ground and we planted crops on. There were a few clusters of trees here or there, but nothing that I would ever call a forest. Growing up I heard stories of other places, with trees that touch the sky, and water as far as the eye can see. I never got to see them myself, hell I don't even know if they were just stories, but they gave me hope. Hope that I would get away from that damn farm, with its endless chores and my father prattling on." Tollank clenches his hands onto fists, accidentally pulling up clumps of grass in the process. "He said I got in the way, that a blind boy was no good to him. Mother was the one that loved me, not him. But then she left, the ones that love ALWAYS LEAVE!" Tollank's voice echoed through the park, reverberating off of the walls. Tollank turned around to face his friends, "I....I am so sorry....I....I don't know what came over me...." Tollank didn't want to drive away his new friends with all of his emotional baggage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Leon looked toward Tollnak when he mentioned dipping his feet in the water. Leon wanted to, he honestly did, but even though Aeria knew the truth and Tollnak would be understanding, he knew the answer too well. "I can't." He muttured under his breath, looking toward the cool river when Tollnak began to speak again. When Tollnak mentioned where he came from, Leon was reminded of his origins. For a majority of his life, he lived along the poverty line, staying in government housing. Seas of gray concrete, indenture jumpsuits that debtors would wear, shitty food and defeated faces. It wasn't until the attack that he left the prisons that were debtor housing to live wherever he could be left alone, back when he had the appearance of a leper. As Tollnak continued on, Leon could feel the changing of chemicals in Tollnak's head, the rapid changing of emotion. And there it was. Tollnak believed that he was alone. Leon had no idea what happened to Tollnak's mother, though his guess was that she was no longer among the living. Had he still been deeply spiritual as he had been in his youth, he would have offered words of advice, reassuring Tollnak on the topic of death and the challenges of life, though that time had long passed,

"We all got baggage," Leon said simply, his eyes drifting from Tollnak, to Aeria, and back to him, "If you think you gotta apologize for that, you're bein' an idoit. And besides," Leon smiled softly, taking a step towards him. "We won't be ditchin' ya. You're my guinea pig, remember? And Aeria is a big ol' tsundere outcast who doesn't want to share how much she likes us idiots. Ain't that right?" Leon put his palm on Tollnak's head, contemplating giving him a surge of chemicals to give him some relief, Leon stopping before he followed through. Leon blew air out of his nose, hating that he wanted to just take the easy way out of this situation. "We've got your back, Toll," Leon decided, patting the blind boy's head, "That's what friends are for, da?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aeria looked at Leon when he mentioned that he couldn't dip his feet into the water, and only then did she realize that his scars reached that far. "I'll pass too. I easily get cold." She replied. Tollank shared the story about his home and his past hardships but Aeria couldn't say a word. Unlike him, she was actually one of the privileged people in the community. She was somehow afraid that if Tollank knew that, he would think of her differently, and not in a good way. "He said I got in the way, that a blind boy was no good to him. Mother was the one that loved me, not him. But then she left, the ones that I love ALWAYS LEAVE!" His voice rang aloud, sorrow evident in his voice. Aeria just stood there silently as she stared at the stream of water, allowing Tollank to vent out the emotions that he kept hidden from them.

"We all got baggage," Leon said after Tollank apologized. Through the corner of her eye, she could see him glance at her for a second before turning back to Tollank. She swallowed the lump in her throat, not knowing what to say to console his new friend. It seems that they both share the pain of losing someone important. Though Leon knew about her missing brother, he didn't know the story completely, and Aeria had no plans of telling anyone. Leon was the kind of guy who felt obliged to help everyone, and she couldn't give him more things to worry about. She wanted him to focus on helping Tollank instead.

"We won't be ditchin' ya. You're my guinea pig, remember? And Aeria is a big ol' tsundere outcast who doesn't want to share how much she likes us idiots. Ain't that right?" That caused Aeria to groan, and she rolled her eyes before looking at Leon. "How confident are you that I don't dislike you?" She asked jokingly. "We've got your back, Toll," Leon patted Tollank's head, "That's what friends are for, da?" Aeria smiled, amused by the new nickname. Toll. Really? She let out a breath that she didn't realize she was holding in, "It's true, Tollank. We'll always be here." She said. "Warning though, I might occasionally disappear when i'm feeling anti-social, but Leon will be here for you." She added, patting Leon's arm twice, with a smug smile on her face. There were days when she would prefer the company of herself. Her smile faded, as much as she wanted to promise them that she won't ever leave, she couldn't. Aeria had one goal that she had to achieve, no matter what.

"Oh yeah, when should we head back to the dorms?" She asked. She left her pocket watch in her room, so she had no idea what time it was. They weren't told about any specific rules but it would probably be better if they didn't get back too late. There were too many things they didn't know about this place yet, the unknown presence earlier, included. Although she particularly didn't care, maybe the others did. Aeira instinctively looked back, checking if there was anything else that seemed odd. Nothing else seemed out of place to her so she brought her attention back to her friends. She bent down and reached her hand out to the water, wanting to feel it before they left. The water was warm against her touch, and it brought back memories of the past. She looked at the island from afar, and she couldn't help but think about the book that was hidden in her father's bookshelf. The one that contained pictures of Earth. She only got a few glimpses of the first few pages before her father had taken it away from her, throwing it into the fireplace to be burnt, and forever be gone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Keita kept to himself, even through out the basic training that Shigganeth was holding, how was Leon here? He decided to go actually introduce himself.. and forget about the past.. be happy for once. Keita walked through the streets, figuring out where Leona and his group of friend have gone off too. He wondered if it would be ok if he joined them, or whatever..
He stopped by a coffee shop, well Mak'ari Coffee, which was ten times better. Keita searched everywhere, finding cool places and still wondering where Leon was, and his group of friends. Keita decided to be cheerful and not worry about absolutely anything that happened to him and Leon in the past.

As Keita walked down the streets, he eventually came down to an underground park, he could go and put of some thought here.. maybe even think about things that needed to be let out.
He walked down the metallic stairs, opening the door, and he found himself.. In a park, with a nice flowing river.. "Woaah" he said, walking down.. Then Keita noticed.. Leon over with his group of friends that where in the dorms. He walked over, eventually getting them to noticed him,
"Sorry for being so anti-social and all you guys probably didn't notice me, can I join you and you're friends Leon?" he sat there with his normal attitude.. just happy to be there.
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