Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"It definitely is a muscle," Leon said to Tollnak's thoughts, "When my mutation first awoke I could barely repair paper cuts. Now I can... Do a lot of stuff." As he stopped speaking, Aeria chimed in with her thoughts, her demeanor quickly changing to her typical cold as ice style. "Looks like she's back to being our ice queen." Leon said as he watched he walk away from the food stand, turning to Tollnak. "Not sure I like what she's saying. Especially the fighting part. I mean, me being a pacifist and all. That doesn't really bode too well. Anyway, we should probably jet too, ja?" Leon slid off of his stool, following Aeria out. He hadn't even touched the other two beers and that was practically a crime against nature, but he was sure he'd be back soon enough. There was no way he could ignore this little place that seemed to exist for him.

"So," Leon started, catching up to Aeria, throwing a glance over his shoulder to make sure that Tollnak was coming, "You seem to have somewhere in mind. Something catch your eye on the way here?" It was when he was standing by Aeria that he took a moment to really look around, noticing how quiet it was. The streets were completely empty, minus the few mutants and the human run restaurant, which when Leon thought about it was incredibly odd in itself. Were the owners of the dive bar also mutants? Would the aliens really let regular humans come onto the ship and set up shop?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rylan lifted his head as he felt the pat on the back and heard the other guy. "Eat up guy, meals on me." He blinked in response as the other, named Leon, walked back to his own seat. The waiter smiled and gave Rylan a thumbs up when he turned to regard the man. Kindness… something he wasn't used to and yet he felt that the majority of the other students would show him nothing but. That is until they witnessed him lose his cool and control. 'Kiss all that kindness goodbye' he thought to himself as he ran the scenario in his mind. 'They'd go from buying me meals to shunning me.' Despite his own doubts and worries, Rylan managed a smile of his own. Maybe things would be different. Maybe… just maybe he might make some friends here. The girl in their group made a comment about Leon making a move on him and that brought a chuckle, ever so slightly from the red haired boy.

A few minutes went by and the waiter brought him his meal. A meat he'd not seen and some vegetables with a side of soup. Rylan bowed his head to give silent thanks to Leon. This meal would not be taken for granted. He grabbed his fork and dug into the meat first, savoring its flavor. Whatever it was it sure was delicious!! Tender and juicy, Rylan couldn't remember the last time he'd had food like this! Though he savored and enjoyed every last bit of the meat, he quickly transitioned to the vegetables, and finally the soup. Plate emptied and stomach full, Rylan reclined on his stool with a hand over his stomach. 'That was amazing. I wonder if any other place around here makes food of this quality.' He patted his stomach and stood, offering the waiter and the cook a smile and a thumbs up. Rylan cleared his throat and took a deep breath to compose himself before walking over to the trio, Leon specifically. "Hey.. uh… thanks.. for the meal, you know?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Marx said
"So," Leon started, catching up to Aeria, throwing a glance over his shoulder to make sure that Tollnak was coming, "You seem to have somewhere in mind. Something catch your eye on the way here?" It was when he was standing by Aeria that he took a moment to really look around, noticing how quiet it was. The streets were completely empty, minus the few mutants and the human run restaurant, which when Leon thought about it was incredibly odd in itself. Were the owners of the dive bar also mutants? Would the aliens really let regular humans come onto the ship and set up shop?

Aeria looked around and didn't avert her gaze when Leon came up to her. "Hmm.. I think it's strange how it's too quiet." She said to no one in particular. She looked behind her for a moment to check if Tollank had already caught up to them before taking a few steps forward as she looked at the empty streets. "The chef and waiters in the bar were mutants." She said suddenly. "Every mutant has a unique smell to them. Mine's Vanilla and yours is.." A smile crept on her lips and she looked at him, her eyes holding a glint of amusement. "I think it would be funner if I didn't tell you." She laughed lightly.

"And no, not really. Do you have somewhere in mind?" She asked. Aeria was very bad at directions so leaving this to Leon would be better for all of them. Besides, she didn't want to be the one to suggest a place, thinking that maybe Leon already had one in mind. The streets were empty, aside from the few people around. It was starting to get dark and the moon had already shone in the sky. Aeria got a sudden chill on her spine and she moved closer to where Leon and Tollank were standing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Marx said "It definitely is a muscle," Leon said to Tollnak's thoughts, "When my mutation first awoke I could barely repair paper cuts. Now I can... Do a lot of stuff." As he stopped speaking, Aeria chimed in with her thoughts, her demeanor quickly changing to her typical cold as ice style. "Looks like she's back to being our ice queen." Leon said as he watched he walk away from the food stand, turning to Tollnak. "Not sure I like what she's saying. Especially the fighting part. I mean, me being a pacifist and all. That doesn't really bode too well. Anyway, we should probably jet too, ja?" Leon slid off of his stool, following Aeria out.

"I agree with you," Tollank said in response about the mutations being like a muscle, "If I focus really really hard I can move the fingers of my arm when it isn't attached, and sometimes I can get other machines to react to me. So if I keep practicing maybe I could learn to control some other tech?" Tollank let a small smirk cross his face when Aeria mentioned fighting. "I don't like fighting either, however I do like running. With my sonar its surprisingly hard to hit me, and I would be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy seeing people getting frustrated that they can't hit the blind boy."

WinterNightSky said "Hmm.. I think it's strange how it's too quiet." She said to no one in particular. She looked behind her for a moment to check if Tollank had already caught up to them before taking a few steps forward as she looked at the empty streets. "The chef and waiters in the bar were mutants." She said suddenly. "Every mutant has a unique smell to them. Mine's Vanilla and yours is.." A smile crept on her lips and she looked at him, her eyes holding a glint of amusement. "I think it would be funner if I didn't tell you." She laughed lightly.

Tollank had gotten up and followed Leon outside to Aeria. He too noticed the lack of sound, it was getting rather hard to see. Tollank clapped his hands together a few times, giving him a good enough idea of the area to move around. "Sorry about the clapping," he said walking back up to the group, "its kinda hard to see out here without noises. So if the noise doesn't pick up I may have to do this every so often." Tollank clapped his hands again. Even he had to admit that his claps could be super annoying, especially if people ENJOY the quiet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brasslazer
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Brasslazer Snunch King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Alan waited for his food, he glanced back to the bar, where several beers stood, two full. Another kind of fermentation, Alan enjoyed alchohol greatly, and had had plenty of it back home. Alan couldn't help but think that it was a shame someone would run up a tab like that and just leave. At the mention of tab, Alan suddenly released that he had no money to pay for the meal he was awaiting. A strong stench was coming from the kitchen, and as Alan turned his head, he saw a waiter coming out with a dish of raw, fermented trout. It was too late o turn back now, so Alan had no other choice. When the waiter put down the dish in front of Alan, Alan pulled back his bandana, extending his mandibles to a threatening position. It was just enough to surprise the waiter, giving Alan a chance to grab the rakfisk and shove it into his hoodie's pocket. He then ran away as fast as he could, taking a small detour to grab the two full beers. Just like old times. he thought, looking back to the still disoriented waiter. Out of nowhere, he flew through the air, flipping over onto his back, a beer falling out of his hand, spilling everywhere. He looked up to see a cast of familiar faces, as well as a now alchohol soaked red haired boy he had apparently tripped over. Smiling awkwardly, he looked around at the faces around him, taking a sip of the beer still in his hand.

"Hey, what a coincidence running into meeting you guys here! How ya doing?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Yawning, Gavin awoke, sleepily rolled to the side, and promptly fell off the couch. Rubbing his head where it had made contact, he noticed his wristbandmajigger glowing, and so he pressed the button and read Sylvia's message. His eyes rapidly flicked between the time it was sent and the small clock in the upper right corner and he swore. Finding where he slung the steel bars, he placed his hand on them and they quickly morphed into a skateboard of some sort. Gavin stared at it distastefully, then sighed and dropped his head. "Guess it's really all I can do, huh? This should be faster than walking, at any rate."

As he dashed towards the entrance of the building, his locomotion under his arm and a map projected in front of him, a bolt of pain shot through his head. He stopped dead, skidding to a stop. After some seconds, the pain disappeared. Somewhat disconcerted, he completed the made dash to the entrance and, stepping outside, mounted the board, pushing off with his right foot and placing it behind his left. He shot off like a rocket.

Only a few minutes later, he arrived at Sabor, breathing a little more heavily than usual. He'd had to stop again en route, but nothing to severe, and hey, he was here now. Finding nothing to do with the metal, he shrugged and left it in it's current form, walking over to a table currently populated by Sylvia and...uh...whatever their names were, a boy and a girl. I'll deal with names in a minute, so why trouble now? Taking a seat, he gazed warily at whatever Sylvia was drinking, and gulped nervously at her slurred speech. This could end very, very poorly...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

WinterNightSky said
Aeria looked around and didn't avert her gaze when Leon came up to her. "Hmm.. I think it's strange how it's too quiet." She said to no one in particular. She looked behind her for a moment to check if Tollank had already caught up to them before taking a few steps forward as she looked at the empty streets. "The chef and waiters in the bar were mutants." She said suddenly. "Every mutant has a unique smell to them. Mine's Vanilla and yours is.." A smile crept on her lips and she looked at him, her eyes holding a glint of amusement. "I think it would be funner if I didn't tell you." She laughed lightly."And no, not really. Do you have somewhere in mind?" She asked. Aeria was very bad at directions so leaving this to Leon would be better for all of them. Besides, she didn't want to be the one to suggest a place, thinking that maybe Leon already had one in mind. The streets were empty, aside from the few people around. It was starting to get dark and the moon had already shone in the sky. Aeria got a sudden chill on her spine and she moved closer to where Leon and Tollank were standing.

Leon rose an eyebrow at her statement about mutants having a certain scent to them, though mostly to her not telling him what his was. That was going to bug the crap out of him now. What the hell could his scent be? Was it something similar to the owner? Aeria was pale as pale could be and she was vanilla, of course, but if that theory was correct, what could Leon be? His hair was blonde, so maybe wheat or something? It had to be something that made sense, something the represented him. His scent clearly was sexy as fuck, whatever it was. Anything else just wouldn't make sense... right?

When asked if he had anywhere in mind, Leon shrugged. "Not really, though I could probably think of something..." his voice trailed off as he noticed her shiver and close the gap between herself and the two guys, a sudden clap grabbing his attention.

BuriedComic7 said
Tollank had gotten up and followed Leon outside to Aeria. He too noticed the lack of sound, it was getting rather hard to see. Tollank clapped his hands together a few times, "Sorry about the clapping," he said walking back up to the group, "its kinda hard to see out here without noises. So if the noise doesn't pick up I may have to do this every so often." Tollank clapped his hands again.

"Hey," Leon said slamming his cupped hands together to create as loud a clap as he could create, "Do whatever you gotta do. I don't mind and I'm sure Aeria doesn't either." He was about to make a comment about the three of them not being the loudest group, outside of the bar scene, when a fresh face appeared.

Baconator said
Rylan cleared his throat and took a deep breath to compose himself before walking over to the trio, Leon specifically. "Hey.. uh… thanks.. for the meal, you know?"

"Oh, sad bar guy, yeah. It's no problem, really. You just looked a little down and a little... Not Norwegian." Leon looked him over, taking a guess at his age before his mutation probed the red head, letting him see a comprehensive, and rather intrusive, list of information on the kid. He was their age, just a little rough around the edges. "You're not from this district are you? You come all the way over from Sabore or Ignori?" Leon questioned, digging a hand into his pocket as he checked the guy out, getting a good feel for what his mutation was. It appeared he had the pyromaniac mutation. How... interesting. Of course he was a red head too. The caricature draws itself. When their old friend, bug boy appeared, Leon inwardly sighed. Of course.

"Få tilbake hit du litte dritt!" the already familiar voice of Hjem' waiter roared, the man running after bug boy, sword like metallic blades jutting out of his wrists, his teeth like that of a sharks. It appeared that the waiter had the mutation Leon once read about known as Blade Regalia. He could extend blades from many points of his body, wrists, feet, hands, shoulders, knees, and ever his mouth. Almost like a human blender. "Uh..." Leon gasped, reaching out with his right hand at Alan. He opened his palm upwards and tightly balled his hand into a fist. Nothing happened. At first. A groan could be heard that echoed through the street, like that of a building falling in on itself or something experiencing tremendous pressure. Then in a sudden boom of noise, in a ring around Alan, the metal street rose up, sealing him in a dome. The dome had sealed moments before the waiter made his arrival, the blades at his wrists slamming against the barrier of metal protecting (and trapping) Alan. "Kelner, uansett hva han gjorde, bare legge til min regning!" Leon quickly said to the waiter, waving a hand to grab his attention. The waiter looked upward sharply, his metallic fangs retracting, the blades following suit. His demeanor quickly shifted back to the friendly man he was minutes early. "Oh ... Veldig godt, ha en fin kveld!" The man said, turning on his heels and walking back to the stall, a whistle coming from his lips.

"You idiot." Leon growled at the dome, knowing full well it was probably too thick for Alan to hear him, "I just saved your ass from becoming the next fucking side dish!" Leon walked toward the dome and put his hand against it, pausing for a moment and then giving it a knock. It was thick, but not thick enough that bug boy couldn't hear them. He looked back at the other three, "Bug boy tried to skip out on paying the bill, now it's been added to my tab. Oh, and the waiter wishes us a pleasant night. There, now we're all caught up on that..." He glanced at the dome behind him, "Now then... I could lower the barrier and let him out or we could let him chew his way out." Leon started walking away, shoving his other hand into his pocket, "I saw a place on the way here, looked like the entrance to an underground park. Might be worth checking out." He stopped and turned around, facing the ground. If they wanted him to let Alan out now, much to his disliking he'd do so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


After getting back, and being handed a menu, Takeshi ordered "I'll just have some spanish roasted chicken with chips." He ordered. It seems they understood English. "Mira, you gonna order?" He turned to Mira. She had gone into shy mode it seems. "The special." She whispered to him. She was clinging onto him. "And The Special." The waiter jotted the order down. Sylvia's speech was slurring. [i] A weak drinker or just a strong drink?[i] he was curious for a moment, when another person came to sit down. "Hey there, the name's Takeshi, and she's Mira, what's yours?" He asked the man who came to sit down.

"I'm assuming you two are friends?" he asked Sylvia, since he had not met the other man. "Anyway, please order," he turned to the other man. "We've already ordered."

Being dragged by Takeshi into the bar, she saw Sylvia in the sitting, drinking her alcohol. Suddenly she started to feel shy. Sitting next to Takeshi, she started to cling to him. He then asked her about what she would order, she had yet to look at the menu, and was unfamiliar with the place, so she just asked for the special, whispering the words to Takeshi. She watched as another man came to sit with them, and she became shyer, clinging closer to Takeshi. Takeshi had introduced her, and she nodded her head, trying to say hi with a movement. She watched on as the conversation went on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Marx said
Leon rose an eyebrow at her statement about mutants having a certain scent to them, though mostly to her not telling him what his was. That was going to bug the crap out of him now. What the hell could his scent be? Was it something similar to the owner? Aeria was pale as pale could be and she was vanilla, of course, but if that theory was correct, what could Leon be? His hair was blonde, so maybe wheat or something? It had to be something that made sense, something the represented him. His scent clearly was sexy as fuck, whatever it was. Anything else just wouldn't make sense... ?

Aeria looked at Leon who became quiet for a moment and she could see the curiosity in his eyes, causing her to smile triumphantly. Judging from how he was thinking so hard, he was probably looking for some kind of pattern or making wild guesses about what his scent could be. The scents, however, were completely random. Just like the different personalities that each and everyone possesses. Though from her observation, most scents were somehow linked to their mutations. A suddenly clapping broke her train of thoughts and she turned to see who it was coming from.

BuriedComic7 said
"Sorry about the clapping," he said walking back up to the group, "its kinda hard to see out here without noises. So if the noise doesn't pick up I may have to do this every so often." Tollank clapped his hands again. Even he had to admit that his claps could be super annoying, especially if people ENJOY the quiet.

Aeria laughed lightly as she thought about how ridiculous they might have looked to other people right now. "If you ever get tired of clapping, I could always help." She told Tollank with a smile. The sound of someone clearing his throat caught her attention and she looked at the red headed stranger who approached Leon. She watched him in curiosity, wondering what his mutation might have been. Aeria took a deep breath and the scent of burnt ash greeted her.Fire? She made a wild guess. His hair was red too so it would make a lot of sense. A smile crept to her lips and she gently nudged Leon, "Ooo, looks like your wooing worked." She teased before laughing. Something caught the corner of her eye and her eyes widened a little. "U-um careful." She warned the red head but it was too late.

Brasslazer said
Out of nowhere, he flew through the air, flipping over onto his back, a beer falling out of his hand, spilling everywhere. He looked up to see a cast of familiar faces, as well as a now alcohol soaked red haired boy he had apparently tripped over. Smiling awkwardly, he looked around at the faces around him, taking a sip of the beer still in his hand.

"Hey, what a coincidence running into meeting you guys here! How ya doing?"

She blinked a few times as she watched the fire guy get soaked in beer. She made a mental note to ask for his name after this. Aeria turned to face the newcomer and was met by a familiar face. Bug boy. Without having enough time to react, the waiter in Hjem came with blades protruding out of his wrists. Everything happened so fast and the next thing she knew, Leon already had a barrier around bug boy. Leon's scent filled her nose and she just stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to make out of the situation. "Kelner, uansett hva han gjorde, bare legge til min regning!" Leon explained to the waiter. "Oh ... Veldig godt, ha en fin kveld!" The waiter said in a surprisingly calm manner. He walked back to his stall and let out a whistle. Aeria just stood there quietly, speechless about the sudden turn of events.

"You idiot." Leon growled. "I just saved your ass from becoming the next fucking side dish!" Leon walked toward the protective barrier he had just created and knocked on it. "Bug boy tried to skip out on paying the bill, now it's been added to my tab. Oh, and the waiter wishes us a pleasant night. There, now we're all caught up on that..." He explained. "Now then... I could lower the barrier and let him out or we could let him chew his way out." Leon started walking away, putting his hand into his pocket. Aeria was still glued to the ground as she tried to process the information. She glanced at the fire guy who was now soaked in alcohol.

Marx said
"I saw a place on the way here, looked like the entrance to an underground park. Might be worth checking out." He stopped and turned around, facing the ground. If they wanted him to let Alan out now, much to his disliking he'd do so.

"Umm.. Leon? Your boyfriend right here kinda got soaked in alcohol." She said as she tried to get his attention. She walked toward the barrier he just made and touched it in curiosity. Leon's scent still lingered in the air but she was probably the only one who could smell it. When a mutant uses his or her power, that's when their scent grows strong. The same way that the smell of vanilla fills the air when she uses her mutation. She didn't know why the others were able to smell it though, must have had something to do with her controlling the wind. She opened the palm of her hand and formed a small sphere of wind that spun around in a very fast speed. She made the ball of wind touch the protective barrier but it only made a scratch. She made the wind in her hand spin faster and faster and she sharpened the edges a little bit more. It ground into the metal, successfully forming a small hole, enough for her to see bug boy. "Ooh, I did it." She chimed in satisfaction. The smell of vanilla replaced the smell of mint and she sighed, really disliking the scent. Now that she thought about it, bug boy didn't like it too. Guess even they had something in common. "Your name?" She asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylverblu
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Sylverblu The Citrus Fruit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Finishing her second tall glass of amontillado, Sylvia listened as Takeshi and Mira ordered, while Gavin was still deciding. Then Sylvia thought back to what Takeshi had ordered. Mind clouded with the power of alcohol, Sylvia recalled him saying something along the lines of, "Roast that Spanish chicken with chips." Confused and slightly drunk, Sylvia took this as a threat, saying that she was a Spanish coward that Takeshi wanted to... Eat with chips?

How strong is this? Sylvia wondered, swirling the small puddle in the bottom of her glass. She dismissed the threat, realizing that is must have been a mishearing.

"¿Mesero, sirve vodka?" She asked. The bartender nodded, and began to pour a shot. "No, no, no, ese vaso," Sylvia said, gesturing to the twice-emptied wine glass. As the food arrived—rather quickly to Sylvia's drunken surprise—a dish of meats, vegetables and beans was places before her, as some bits of chicken of sliced fried potato were placed before Takeshi and what the chef claimed was "angulas" was placed before Mira. Sylvia doubted that Mira would enjoy the dish of baby eels. The meal passed in relative silence. After finishing her meal and her vodka, Sylvia looked over at Gavin.

"Gabins?" She said, eyes drooping. "I sory 'bout earlier. I shunuh hit'chu with the pole. You dun' need think I'ma ebrr do dat agin, M'kay?" Sylvia flopped her arms around Gavin in an attempt to hug him. "We gon' be gud frends." Sylvia felt a prick on her wrist. A hologram was projected from the wristband that stated:

Blood alcohol content:

Please return home - a taxi has been called for you.

"Welp, I guess I gotta go. See y'all's tomoruh," Sylvia said, clumsily paying the waiter before flopping out the door. Taking a pre-paid taxi back to the dorm facility, Sylvia practically fell up the stairs to the third floor before spending an embarrassingly long time trying to figure out how to open the door. After finally getting angry enough to do something right, Sylvia opened the door, dropped onto her bed, and blacked out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


Member Offline since relaunch


She sat there shyly watching Sylvia walk off.
She whispered to Takeshi "Are you like that when your drunk?" curious, she had never drank alchohol before, she didn't intend to start now.
She sat there waiting for her meal to come and when it did she sat there and nibble at the plater, the special was a fancy burger of sorts, not to big, nor to small, enough for a few bites into Mira's small stomach.

She wondered, what was happening.. she was so clueless.. she closed her eyes, remembering a night when her father was hitting her, she had nothing else to think of but dark thought that have been stored away for eons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rylan paused for a moment upon being asked about his district. In truth he didn't really think that it mattered. He'd thought of Sabore but had boarded the train with Ignori in mind. He blinked a few times. "Well… i uh.." his eyes shifted towards the left as if he was trying to dodge the question. "I just sort of.. happened over here, i suppose… from Ignori.." Satisfied with his answer Rylan turned his attention back to Leon with a slight nod. Through his peripheral vision Ryan noticed the girl eyeing him curiously and he looked at her. 'Whats her deal?' he thought. 'Like she's never seen a guy with red hair or something'

"Ooo, looks like your wooing worked." she joked, towards Leon he suspected.
"Tch.." Rylan scoffed and crossing his arms. The temperature around them rose sharply for a moment, reflecting his mild annoyance.
The girls eyes went wide. "U-um, careful." She stated.

Puzzled, Rylan went to look over his shoulder but before he could turn his head a force slammed into the left side of his body and he felt a cool liquid splash over him. That force turned out to be one of the other mutants from the train and the liquid that now soaked his hair, vest, shirt, and pants.. was alcohol. Of all the beverages known to man to now grace his person, of course it would be the most flammable. That was just his luck. Rylan glanced at the boy who'd just ran into him wearing an obviously irritated expression. Perhaps a little too irritated.. accidents happen and who was he to judge? A noise behind him alerted him and he turned to see the waiter rushing towards them looking like something out of a horror film with bladed teeth and another pair of blades protruding from his wrists. Instinctively Rylan took a step back and assumed a defensive posture, hoping the man would relent before it came to blows.

The ground beneath his feet shook and a loud groaning could be heard. Glancing back, he saw that where the boy had been on the ground there was now a metal dome and Leon was shouting to the waiter in a dialect he could not understand. Curiously, the demeanor of the man changed in a one eighty direction going from murderous to cheerful as he walked off whistling. Rylan blinked and lowered his guard. 'What… the hell just happened?' He looked between Leon and the waiter several times before he concluded that the Dome was Leons doing and he'd made amends for whatever offense this new boy had made.

Marx said
"You idiot." Leon growled at the dome, knowing full well it was probably too thick for Alan to hear him, "I just saved your ass from becoming the next fucking side dish!" Leon walked toward the dome and put his hand against it, pausing for a moment and then giving it a knock. It was thick, but not thick enough that bug boy couldn't hear them. He looked back at the other three, "Bug boy tried to skip out on paying the bill, now it's been added to my tab. Oh, and the waiter wishes us a pleasant night. There, now we're all caught up on that..." He glanced at the dome behind him, "Now then... I could lower the barrier and let him out or we could let him chew his way out." Leon started walking away, shoving his other hand into his pocket, "I saw a place on the way here, looked like the entrance to an underground park. Might be worth checking out." He stopped and turned around, facing the ground. If they wanted him to let Alan out now, much to his disliking he'd do so.

Rylan huffed. "Well that explains it." The thought of releasing the boy rolled around in his mind a few times. Bug boy was lucky.. Leon had saved him from being diced like a tomato, after he'd attempted to steal food. He put himself in this position and deserved to see the consequences of his actions. Though.. Rylan also recognized that the boy was just hungry like he was and was just unfortunate not to see Leons kindness before this whole ordeal. He noticed the girl looking at him again.

"Umm.. Leon? Your boyfriend right here kinda got soaked in alcohol." she said before making her way to the imprisoned boy and attempted to breach the dome using her wind mutation.

Rylan clenched his hands into fists and took a step forward to add some weight to his words. "I am NOT his boyfriend!" As he finished the declaration his eyes flashed a bright red and the temperature spiked. His own bodily temperature rose and ignited the alcohol that drenched him into flames. The alcohol quickly burned up and the flames subsided, leaving him dry as a bone. Rylan stared for a moment and cursed himself for his loss of control. "I… I'm sorry.. i have to go." He turned on his heel and started walking at a brisk pace in the opposite direction with his hands in his pockets and head hanging low, dwelling on what sort of insults they would have for him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brasslazer
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Brasslazer Snunch King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Marx said "Uh..." Leon gasped, reaching out with his right hand at Alan. He opened his palm upwards and tightly balled his hand into a fist. Nothing happened. At first. A groan could be heard that echoed through the street, like that of a building falling in on itself or something experiencing tremendous pressure. Then in a sudden boom of noise, in a ring around Alan, the metal street rose up, sealing him in a dome. The dome had sealed moments before the waiter made his arrival, the blades at his wrists slamming against the barrier of metal protecting (and trapping) Alan. "Kelner, uansett hva han gjorde, bare legge til min regning!" Leon quickly said to the waiter, waving a hand to grab his attention. The waiter looked upward sharply, his metallic fangs retracting, the blades following suit. His demeanor quickly shifted back to the friendly man he was minutes early. "Oh ... Veldig godt, ha en fin kveld!" The man said, turning on his heels and walking back to the stall, a whistle coming from his lips."You idiot." Leon growled at the dome, knowing full well it was probably too thick for Alan to hear him, "I just saved your ass from becoming the next fucking side dish!" Leon walked toward the dome and put his hand against it, pausing for a moment and then giving it a knock. It was thick, but not thick enough that bug boy couldn't hear them. He looked back at the other three, "Bug boy tried to skip out on paying the bill, now it's been added to my tab. Oh, and the waiter wishes us a pleasant night. There, now we're all caught up on that..." He glanced at the dome behind him, "Now then... I could lower the barrier and let him out or we could let him chew his way out." Leon started walking away, shoving his other hand into his pocket, "I saw a place on the way here, looked like the entrance to an underground park. Might be worth checking out." He stopped and turned around, facing the ground. If they wanted him to let Alan out now, much to his disliking he'd do so.

Stuck inside the small metal dome that made Alan happy claustrophobia wasn't one of his many fears, Alan couldn't help but smile. According to the profanity filled words he could just barely hear, dome boy didn't know about his protective exoskeleton. The worst the blade waiter would've done would be a few scratches, maybe a small gash at most. And now, Alan could sit back in the calming darkness and relax, maybe eat some of his stolen food. Taking a swig of his beer, he heard a slight whirring sound as he nibbled on his rakfisk, almost like a drill. There was a pause, and then it came back, this time faster and more intense. Eventually it broke through the barrier, just in time to bring with it both the stench of vanilla and a view of a roaring fire.

"Holy shit!" He yelled, jumping back as much as was possible in such a small enclosed area, hitting his head on the top of the dome in the process. After the fire died quickly died down, he heard a small question from an unfortunately familiar voice.

"Your name?" it asked, taunting Alan with the fact that he was in it's owners control. Alan closed his eyes. He would have to act friendly, but he needed to remember that she would betray him in a second if he actually gained any feelings of friendship or, god forbid, love for this vanilla demon.

"Well, Aeria, my name's Alan, and it seems we've gotten off on the wrong foot. I'm sorry, I was just really tired on the train, and I get a little bit weird when I'm tired. Please, if you were to let me out of here, I would love to hang out and get to know you better." Alan said, in the most sincere voice he could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tollank couldn't help to smile at the fact his fiends didn't mind his clapping, it was a small gesture that meant the world to him. He had heard Aeria's comments about scents and couldn't help but be a little curious. He wondered what his was, freshly cut grass? Pickles? Raw Meat? The possibilities were truly endless. Soon Tollank heard footsteps approaching them, each dull thud giving him a brief picture of the world around them.

Baconator said Rylan cleared his throat and took a deep breath to compose himself before walking over to the trio, Leon specifically. "Hey.. uh… thanks.. for the meal, you know?"

From Leon and Aeria's statements Tollank could gleam that it was the other kid from the bar, thanking Leon for his actions back at the restaurant. Aeria poked fun at him about the whole Leon "flirting" thing. He wasn't sure if the new kid would get the joke or not. Oh god what if he thinks she is serious Tollank thought to himself. Soon enough though their group was interrupted by yet another entrance. Alan flipped into the group, spilling a beer all over the boy who entered the group earlier. To make matters worse it seemed the waiter from Hjem was chasing after him, but he was far scarier this time. Blades jutted from his wrists and from the soft clanging coming form the man's head he could only assume his teeth were similarly augmented. Tollank was about to shove Alan out of the way when Leon bolted past him. Suddenly a barrier of metal formed from the ground beneath Alan. The barrier was just in time too, for the waiter crashed into it, swinging wildly with his arm.

[quote="Kelner, uansett hva han gjorde, bare legge til min regning!" Leon quickly said to the waiter, waving a hand to grab his attention. The waiter looked upward sharply, his metallic fangs retracting, the blades following suit. His demeanor quickly shifted back to the friendly man he was minutes early. "Oh ... Veldig godt, ha en fin kveld!" The man said, turning on his heels and walking back to the stall, a whistle coming from his lips.[/quote]

"That was close. Like really close, I thought for a second were gonna be ordering Alan off the menu. Good job bro," Tollank said patting Leon on the back. "I am sure Peaches can dig his way out or something." Tollank stood next to Leon, but could see Aeria walking up to the metal dome. She drilled a small hole into the side of the dome, to let air in perhaps? She said something to the newcomer and suddenly Tollank felt a great source of heat coming from his direction, along with the slight whoosh of a fire starting.

Baconator said "I… I'm sorry.. i have to go." He turned on his heel and started walking at a brisk pace in the opposite direction with his hands in his pockets and head hanging low, dwelling on what sort of insults they would have for him.

"What should we do? Should we go after him? I mean he is in the wrong district...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Baconator said
"I am NOT his boyfriend!" As he finished the declaration his eyes flashed a bright red and the temperature spiked. His own bodily temperature rose and ignited the alcohol that drenched him into flames. The alcohol quickly burned up and the flames subsided, leaving him dry as a bone. Rylan stared for a moment and cursed himself for his loss of control. "I… I'm sorry.. i have to go." He turned on his heel and started walking at a brisk pace in the opposite direction with his hands in his pockets and head hanging low, dwelling on what sort of insults they would have for him.

"Good lord," Leon muttered, running a hand through his hair, "Lay off on the queer jokes for a bit, Aeria. I don't mind them, but fireboy doesn't take too kindly to 'em." The new guy was walking away, still reeking of beer, his clothes slightly singed from the flames. Leon couldn't help but think, this is why hormonal teenagers shouldn't have super powers. They're already reckless enough, give one the ability to shoot flames out of his body and mix it with an easily angered teenager and you have a recipe for disaster. When Tollank chimed in, asking what they should do, Leon let out a heavy sigh. "Don't worry about it. Just keep an eye on bug boy, alright?" Leon started to walk after the red head, moving past Aeria and the imprisoned bug boy. He could hear Alan talking to her, trying to make peace. "If it wasn't obvious already," Leon said as he walked by, "He's lying through his... whatever his equivalent of teeth are,"

Leon broke into a light jog after the read head, who was trying to powerwalk his way out of the area, putting a hand on his shoulder when he caught up. "You gotta relax," Leon said, bringing a hand up to the red head's forehead, putting his fingertips against the boy's forehead suddenly.The boy would feel a sudden surge of ease, "I just pumped anxiolytic into your head. It's to treat anxiety and should help you relax a bit." Leon removed his hand from the boy's head, continuing with his one-sided conversation, "If you want, you can go to the Ellexkir dorms and use my shower to wash up and get rid of that beer smell. I don't care if you crash there either, since your district is a good while away. I'll be out most of the night anyway. Do whatever works for you though," Leon said with a shrug, turning his back to him once again. "Oh and you gotta learn to take a joke, buddy. Even if it ain't all that funny." He called over his shoulder, hands digging back into his pockets.

When Leon got back to the other two, he stopped a few feet from the dome. "So, you two wanna just leave him and head to that place I mentioned earlier? Right down the street." He then looked at the dome, "And I take it we're leaving him to his own devices?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aeria could smell the strong scent of burnt ash and she turned to look over the fire boy's direction, knowing well enough that it was his scent. "I am NOT his boyfriend!" he yelled and was immediately engulfed in flames. Aeria just looked at him blankly as he walked away from them. "If it makes you feel better, I only said it to get Leon's attention." She said with disinterest as she walked in circles around the dome. "Lay off on the queer jokes for a bit, Aeria. I don't mind them, but fireboy doesn't take too kindly to 'em." She stopped in her tracks and looked at Leon. "I'm not going to censor myself to comfort someone else's anger issues." She replied curtly.

Aeria glanced back at the small hole, ready to return to her previous conversation with bug boy. "Well, Aeria, my name's Alan, and it seems we've gotten off on the wrong foot. I'm sorry, I was just really tired on the train, and I get a little bit weird when I'm tired. Please, if you were to let me out of here, I would love to hang out and get to know you better." He said in a voice that was far different from before. She was about to speak but was interrupted, "If it wasn't obvious already," Leon said as he walked by, "He's lying through his... whatever his equivalent of teeth are." Aeria just stared at him as he walked toward fire guy. If she had planned not to let him out, that was sure going to change now. She was a bit stubborn, although she never admits it. "I know he's lying. But I don't blame him for stealing food. He was just hungry." She replied though Leon probably didn't hear her because he was busy talking to the new guy.

Marx said
When Leon got back to the other two, he stopped a few feet from the dome. "So, you two wanna just leave him and head to that place I mentioned earlier? Right down the street." He then looked at the dome, "And I take it we're leaving him to his own devices?"

Aeria glanced at Alan before looking back at Leon. She stayed quiet for a few moments before letting out a sigh. She pat the dome gently before giving a small smile, not the kind that meant she was happy. "I want him out." She blurted. "I mean, if you get to invite fire boy, I should be allowed to take bug boy with me too." She added. Her gaze left Leon and she turned to face Tollank instead, "Please." She said, not forgetting her manners.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lilith couldn't sleep, she could never sleep, whenever she closed her eyes she could still see everything. There was no point so she got up. Pulling her long red hair into a pony tail and straightening her cloths she left her room, making sure her glasses were on properly. Not of lot of people were around, if any. They must all be out exploring or getting food She thought to herself. Her brain going off on a tangent when thinking of food, she was probably hungry, so she made for the door.

Flicking her finger against the bracelet triggered it, she didn't really understand a lot of it, but she assumed food icons meant food so she headed for the closest one. Many thoughts went through her mind, including but not restricted to, if the food was edible, how she would pay for the food, if she had to pay, what kind of food is it, and it could probably be poisoned. She shrugged to herself and kept walking, the loudness of her stomach growling shattering her thoughts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Takeshi's food was placed in front of him. He didn't expect a whole chicken, but, he would still eat it all. He was capable of it. Taking a couple of bites out of the chicken, he saw Sylvia start to talk to the other man, who had yet to introduce himself. She called him Gabins. Gabins? Gabin? Did she mean Gavin? That's more of a name than Gabins. Probably meant Gavin Takeshi thought, She's drunk. He watched her flop her arms around Gavin, and then saw her bracelet project a hologram. She had a BAC of .19 ... That's off the charts. he thought. She then stumbled out of the restaurant catching a taxi. "See you tomorrow" he called out to her.

Mira whispered to Takeshi "Are you like that when you're drunk?". She was curious. "Do you think I am allowed to drink?" he whispered back a reply. "Well ... I've had some to be honest, but I never go out to drink enough to get drunk. I keep myself steady." Takeshi continued to eat his chicken and his chips. He watched Mira eat her meal while doing so. It seems it was just right for her. She then closed her eyes. Another nap? he thought, reaching out to pat her gently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylverblu
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Sylverblu The Citrus Fruit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The girl had just climbed through one of the mansion's windows, and found herself in an unlit hallway. She began to walk, searching for anything expensive. Soon enough she came upon a room which, upon further inspection, was home to several exotic animal pelts and golden statues. A trophy room, the girl thought. Many of the statues were too large or bulky to fit into her backpack, so the girl continued to look through the room. Though it was dark, she eventually came upon a black safe labeled, "Stock". After several minutes, the girl managed to open the safe, but in doing so activated all of the lights and triggered a loud, piercing alarm. Reaching into the safe, she grabbed several handfuls of silver wafers and stuffed them into her backpack and pockets. She then ran back out into the hallway and leapt out of the window that she had entered, falling two stories. She landed on her knees, but slid for a few inches due to the knee and shin guards that she was wearing. She ran.

The girl had been running for several minutes when she finally looked behind her to see several men in suits chasing her. The girl had a significant head start, but was weighed down by the silver and would inevitably be caught unless she could devise an escape. She was still looking behind herself when a familiar voice called out her name. She looked up and found herself engulfed in a young man's arms, which held her tightly. The man asked what she was doing out running so late. Attempting to break free, the girl merely stated that she needed escape. The boy looked up and saw the running men, and looked back at the girl. His face quickly turned to disappointment. He let the girl go, but it was too late. She had only made it a few meters before she was tackled and restrained. The guards ripped off her backpack and began to search it, whilst also forcefully searching her pockets. When the girl resisted, they began to beat her down. The boy ran over and tackled one of the men, but then was pushed back and knocked down. The guard that had been tackled picked up a brick from the road and attacked the boy. Another guard got up and began to fight, leaving the other two guards to continue to assault the girl.

The boy was on the ground now, and one of the guards began to beat him about the face with the brick. Blood sputtered out from various wounds as the boy's resistance gradually became weaker. The man raised the brick high before striking down, causing an audible crack as the boy's head caved in a bit. He stopped resisting. The two guards then picked up the twitching boy's body and held the head in a nearby artificial lake. The boy tried to resist, but could not match the strength of the guards. His movements became more faint as blood seeped from his head into the water, dying it a deep red. Soon, the boy failed to resist at all, and the bubbles that had been coming from his mouth stopped. The girl was still held back as a pile of bloodied silver coins formed behind her. Her face a mess of blood and tears, the girl struggled against the guards to no avail. The two standing guards held the boy under for a few more seconds before rolling his corpse into the lake, leaving a trail of red ink on the lake's surface. The two then walked back to the girl and discussed what to do next. One of them simply looked at her agonized face and said,

"I think she's learned her lesson."

After a final blow to the girl's face, the men gathered the coins and began to head back to the mansion, straightening their ties and jackets. The girl lay there, soaking in a puddle of her own blood and sweat, defeated. She passed out.

A few hours later the girl woke up, and in a rush of emotion stumbled to the edge of the lake. She began to fumble about in search of a body, but found nothing. Knee deep in the water, the girl fell and began to cry. A few minutes later, she stood back up and began to head home. As she walked, she noticed a glint on the road. As she approached it, she noted that it was one of the silver wafers from earlier. It must have fallen under her back during the struggle. She picked it up and examined it. One one side, in the centre, the letters, "Ag." On the other, off to the left, the word, "Sterling®." She gripped it in a fist for a moment before shoving it into her pocket and limping off.

In her sleep, Sylvia gripped her pillow fiercely, a solitary, anguished tear dripping from her eye.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


Member Offline since relaunch

Mira opened her eyes, after a second noticing Takeshi patting her back.. she eventually finished her meal.. getting up.
"I need to go to the bathroom, where is it?" she indirectly asked Takeshi,. She wanted get out of here.. she hadn't had her medication for too long.
It felt like her "Disorder" was something else.. she was afraid.
She waited for somone to answer and as soon as they would she would bolt towards the designated place they had given directions to.

She really wondered what was wrong with her, it felt like she had been taking that medication since she was born, it was mos likely her body trying top cope without the medication.
Maybe she was just paranoid, maybe everything was fine and this was a dream.. she needed something that would cheer her up..
Mira had a surge of thoughts, racing through her mind, memories.. things she hadn't remembered for ages.. things she shouldn't even know..
Her face was pale.. she felt like she was gonna be sick..
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