Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sylverblu said
"I'm afraid we'll have to take care of that later, right now there are asses to be kicked," Sylvia said, turning around and leaning on the railing, arms crossed as she thought of how to deal with Gavin. Soon, however, the curtains jerked to the side with a gleam of silver, before they were opened and the boy himself stepped out.

Takeshi's eyes widened a bit, out of curiosity. He nodded and replied "I see, something interesting going on with your roommate I guess?" He could hear Gavin opening the curtains, but couldn't see him. Takeshi was interested in what the roommate did to deserve his ass to be kicked.

Sylverblu said
Sylvia called up to Takeshi, "Call me later and we can figure something out for a meal." Sylvia entered the dorm and closed the curtains behind her, also closing a glass door.

"Alright, I will head out first." Takeshi replied, watching her disappear.
Walking back into his own dorm, he pressed his holograph and looked at the maps, and traced a path out to some potential places. Then a message came up from Mira. Huh? Didn't Mira go to sleep? It read "Hey, I'm gonna go out, I couldnt really sleep.. I'll talk to you when I get back". She was already gone when he checked on her room. Damn, must of missed her. He thought, going down to the main hall.

He looked at the piano. It was a grand piano, and had a beautiful polish. Takeshi would of liked one of his own, but something on that scale was out of his reach for his ability. It would take possibly a straight month to get it right. His alchemy ability had the potential to do so much, since everything was made up of atoms in a structure. Potentially, he could make completely change a gas planet into a solid and livable planet. But that was way out of his reach at this point in time. Many decades would be required with the way he was now, and his own learning curve. Takeshi wanted to dive into the knowledge he could obtain from the Mak'ari, the aliens who had taken them in.

Takeshi took a stroll outside. It seems there was quite a lot to the districts. And there were trains connecting between them that were still running. Before exploring, he would have to wait for Mira to come along or go to sleep. He did not want to leave her and find out something happened to her while he was out exploring other districts. He found a small area with bustling restaurants. Pressing his holograph, he looked through some functions. It seems he could send mapping directions to people, and that everyone in Ignori had everyone else's ID to message. He sent a message to Sylvia, "Hey, Takeshi here. I found a small area with bustling restaurants. Not too sure you want to go anywhere crowded though. It seems Mira didn't go to sleep. She went off somewhere. *sigh* Well, message me back about when we will meet and we will discuss what to eat then."

Walking through the small bustling area, he found a nearby park. It had a fountain that lit up and was quite a sight to see. There wasn't anyone around either. He sat down on a bench, flicking through the holograph's features, seeing what else it could do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Brasslazer said
"Oh no." Alan was in a panic."Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no...." Alan burst through the rooms door and looked at it. On it, an electronic display showed the message that would seal Alan's fate:Alan walked back into the dorm, dejected by his new roommate's gender.It was on the front of the door, so Alan saw no need to lie."Alan. Alan Gulley." he said, siiting on the side of his bed, keeping his eyes on the orange haired girl.

She sighed softly looking back to her feet "Well Mr Gulley, Don't try to hide you're disappointment" She said sarcastically "Ya know, funnily enough I didn't exactly want a roommate myself, but here you are" She groaned and pushed her sunglasses further up her face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Mira finished reading the article and decided to meet up with Takeshi., she message him nonchalantly saying "Hey, this city is huge right? And where in the center!"
Mira shrunk her holograph back inside her wristband as she walked out of the shop and walked down the street.
It wasn't really called and they didn't really simulate weather and all, but they would be keeping an eye on me if they knew what caused the massive snowstorm.

Mira kept walking and stopped infront of a restaurant, not noticing Takeshi at the window, she didn't have her hair tied up, and it was dry since the shower, she had the flowers on the right side instead of the left now, and it faced directly at the window, she scrolled through her holograph, eventually leaning against the window.. wondering where Takeshi was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Marx said
He could feel the smugness before he heard her words. "What are you waiting for?" the familiar voice called out to him from slightly up the stairs. "Just my date," he said with a grin, figuring that'd get a rise out of her. Leon followed her up the stairs and out of the building, catching up with her after they got outside. "So, where shoul-" he started, his stomach letting out a growl that rivaled that of a tiger, "We should probably get a bite to eat. I think I saw a place we can actually order from too." Leon sounded a bit more excited as he said the second part. He grabbed onto her hand and started walking quickly toward the stand he saw on the way here. Food was a high priority on his mind at the moment, though embarrassing Aeria was equally high, hence the forced hand holding. He still wanted to get her back for the smug smile after all!

Aeria's smile disappeared from her lips. She shot him a glare and turned around to walk ahead of him. As soon as she got out of the building, Leon caught up with her. "So, where shoul-" he started but was interrupted by a loud growl that escaped from his stomach. That made Aeria realize just how hungry she was feeling. "We should probably get a bite to eat. I think I saw a place we can actually order from too." He said. Aeria nodded, "That's a good idea. I'm starving m-" He suddenly grabbed her hand and Aeria was forced to walk toward wherever he was headed to. He had long strides so she had to walk quicker considering the fact that Leon was inches taller than her. "You know, you look like a pedophile when you hold my hand." She joked, not even knowing Leon's age in the first place.

They arrived at the food stand and Aeria was greeted by the smell of food. "I'd been thinking about what you told me. About your twin. If he's on this ship, I think we can find him." She looked at Leon, surprised at what he was suddenly telling her out of the blue. "I somehow doubt he'd be on this ship.. He was probably left in the previous ship. I don't really know, he disappeared 7 years ago." She tried to say in a nonchalant voice. "Hei! Seat hvor du vil!" A waiter with blonde hair suddenly said with a wave. She just looked at him blankly, not really understanding the language. "Ørret filet, lam, to øl, to vann, sende regningen til Shiggneth!" She turned her attention to Leon, giving him a strange look. She was reminded of just how little she knew about him. The waiter nodded and wrote down the orders, handing it to the cook once he was done. "This is a Norwegian place," Leon explained. "I ordered for us and told them to bill Shigganeth. I'm sure he won't mind." Aeria smiled at the last part.

"When did you learn how to speak Norwegian?" She asked, curious. It was then that she heard another familiar voice call out. "Leon! Aeria! I see I wasn't the only person whose stomach woke them!" She watched as Tollank came walking toward them. He took the seat next to Leon and called out to the waiter, "I will have what they are having!" He brought back his attention to Leon and Aeria with a smile, "How did you guys like the dorms? Have any trouble finding one?"

She shrugged. "It's alright, I guess. It's very clean." She said curtly with a smile. She looked around her, observing the place and the different people before bringing back her attention to Tollank and Leon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"You know, for someone that knows my deepest darkest secret, you sure don't know jack about me, eh?" Leon grinned, his face souring immediately after, "And just how old do you think I am?" The famaliar voice of his only other friend rang out, grabbing Leon's attention. He immediately felt a pang of guilt for not inviting his new friend along, it wasn't that he didn't want him to come along. It was just that he forgot. Being observant and noticing the little things was Leon's forte. Social interaction, well, not so much. "Tollnak!" Leon cheered, raising a single finger in the air, "Et annet for at roboten!" The waiter nodded and snatched the note he gave the cook earlier, marking the order number from two to three. The waiter returned with the drinks, putting a water and a beer before each of the three. "Thank you!" Leon said, taking a long sip of the lager which reminded him of the honey comb he ate as a child. Lagers brewed with honey. This hole in the wall had already stolen his heart and came back for seconds. "I don't know if I should let you two be underage drinkers, you know..." Leon said, raising an eyebrow at Aeria, "Seeing as I'm an old man and all."

"I grabbed the first room I saw," he answered Tollnak's question, the waiter setting a basket down before the three that had a fillet of trout and a small rack of lamb. The waiter looked toward Leon, asking "Noe mer?" Leon waved his hand saying back "Nichto drugoye," his eyes widening for a moment. The waiter gave him a confused look as Leon did mental acrobats to remember the proper words. "Ah, uh... Ingenting mer!" He suddenly answered with a mixture of embarrassment and pride. "I jumbled my languages," he laughed softly, rubbing the back of his head, "Wish I could blame it on the beer." Leon took a bite of his lamb, chewing it slowly, enjoying the flavor to its fullest extent. He was hoping someone else would start up a conversation as he sat there chewing in silence, not really sure he wanted to explain how much of a culture bomb he was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

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Tollank was very happy to be back in the company of his two friends. With the sheer number of rooms Tollank was actually a little worried he would lose track of the other two. Now they were enjoying each other's company at this quaint little eating establishment. As Tollank sat down Leon spoke a different language, he realized this was a foreign dining establishment. That explains why the waiter didn't really respond when I said my order...

Marx said The waiter returned with the drinks, putting a water and a beer before each of the three. "Thank you!" Leon said, taking a long sip of the lager which reminded him of the honey comb he ate as a child. Lagers brewed with honey. This hole in the wall had already stolen his heart and came back for seconds. "I don't know if I should let you two be underage drinkers, you know..." Leon said, raising an eyebrow at Aeria, "Seeing as I'm an old man and all."

Tollank laughed and slid his beer towards Leon, "I don't really drink, and I don't think I want to make a fool of myself tonight, so you are free to finish mine." He picked up the water glass and took a drink, for lacking ice in the glass it was surprisingly cool. "I am glad you guys found rooms okay, I really like the setup, and the hot showers are the BEST. I would invite you guys to come see mine, but I feel they look exactly the same!" Soon the waiter returned the the three's meals. Baskets that appeared to have a filet of some fish, and a small rack of meat. Tollank dug into the meat first, it was amazing, almost melting in your mouth. Tollank immediately recognized the taste of lamb. "Mom loved lamb...." Tollank whispered to himself.

Marx said The waiter looked toward Leon, asking "Noe mer?" Leon waved his hand saying back "Nichto drugoye," his eyes widening for a moment. The waiter gave him a confused look as Leon did mental acrobats to remember the proper words. "Ah, uh... Ingenting mer!" He suddenly answered with a mixture of embarrassment and pride. "I jumbled my languages," he laughed softly, rubbing the back of his head, "Wish I could blame it on the beer."

"Don't worry! I can't even speak another language, so I am impressed that you know enough to get them jumbled with one another." Tollank looked at his two friends, enjoying their meals. "So did anything else besides food bring you out this far?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Marx said
"You know, for someone that knows my deepest darkest secret, you sure don't know jack about me, eh?" Leon grinned, his face souring immediately after, "And just how old do you think I am?"

Aeria looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Right back at you." She smiled. She then pretended to think hard before answering his question."Hmm.. You look about 26?" She lied and held back a smile.

The waiter placed 3 beers in front of each one of them and she just stared at it awkwardly. "I don't know if I should let you two be underage drinkers, you know..." Leon said, raising an eyebrow at Aeria, "Seeing as I'm an old man and all." She shot him a glare and pushed her beer toward him. "That's a good idea old man, I don't drink anyway." She smirked.

Tollank laughed and slid his beer towards Leon, "I don't really drink, and I don't think I want to make a fool of myself tonight, so you are free to finish mine." She laughed lightly because both of them have given Leon their drinks. She grabbed the fork and took a bite of her meal, nodding in satisfaction. "Tastes good." She commented. It became silent for a moment as they ate their meals. "So did anything else besides food bring you out this far?" Tollank asked. She still had food in her mouth so she just looked at Tollank and waited for Leon to answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

When no beatdown was forthcoming, Gavin unclasped his hands and looked up, where Evelyn—no, Sylvia—was stretching out hers. He cautiously took it, rising to his feet, still looking at her warily. That's...somewhat unexpected...well, I guess she doesn't want to slay me. But looks can be deceiving...I'll wait, I guess, until I can make my escape and not be threatened by...something. His gaze flicked to the sword in the corner and he gulped and smiled nervously, his bracelet slowly crawling up his arm until it reached his elbow, where it stopped. "Well, uh...Do you mind if I room in here?"

That was quite possibly the most random question I've asked, There're plenty of other rooms not occupied, and those that are occupied are probably occupied by people that are less likely to pole me. What in the hell possessed me to ask it‽ Outwardly, the only sign of his inner chastisement was a swift movement and the loud, meaty sound of a palm colliding with a forehead fast enough to set a land speed record.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

*Posted it twice, ignore this*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"More for me," Leon grinned, taking a long drink from his own beer, finishing it off. He was happy to drink theirs as well, seeing as his system was particularly good at processing alcohol due to his mutation. He was at least in control of the simple things that went on inside of his body. It also helped that he had been drinking casually since he was 14, among other things. A byproduct of his environment, really. Leon caught Tollnak's comment about his mother having loved lamb and his heart sank. A lot of mutants had gone through plenty of hardships and it would seem that even Tollnak had his fair share beyond the false arm. Leon wouldn't say anything about it now though. He knew the kind of pain that could be bred from those losses. If Tollnak needed to talk with someone, he'd probably do it when he was ready and with either Aeria or Leon, and Leon was comfortable waiting until Tollnak was ready, if he ever was.

When Tollnak asked if anything beyond food brought them out, Leon glanced toward Aeria expecting her to respond, only to see that she seemed to have no intention of answering. Her mistake. "We were going exploring, checking out the city and all that," Leon started, looking towards Tollnak with a mischievous grin. 'Play along' he mouthed at Tollnak, hoping he'd get the joke. "And we were trying to find a good place to make out. She didn't want to raise any suspicions by coming to my room." Leon glanced back to Aeria for a moment, "Ain't that right?" He grinned, deciding this would be the most fun way to get back at her for calling him old.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylverblu
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Sylverblu The Citrus Fruit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Gavin got up. "Well uh... Do you mind if I room in here?" He asked. After he said this, however, he seemed to facepalm, indicating either an itch or disappointment. "Sure, if you want. Do whatever makes you happy," Sylvia responded, letting go of his hand and walking back out to the balcony. Upon noting that Takeshi was no longer on his balcony, without turning around Sylvia said to Gavin, "I'm going out for dinner, you're welcome to come if you want." With this, she turned around and still without looking at Gavin headed for the door. With her hand on the doorknob, Sylvia halted and looked over her shoulder for a moment, "I'm sorry about earlier," she said, and with this exited the room.

Upon stepping outside Sylvia turned to face the door and identified certain features. The number '357,' inscribed into a brass plate. A peephole. A doorknob. And finally a display saying Gavin McFrewin & S----- --oom. Several letters were blocked out by the name tag that Sylvia had pasted into the door earlier. Sylvia was about to leave when she looked up at the names and pondered for a moment. For only a moment, a keen observer would have noted an expression on her face that seemed to be both rage, and relief. With a closing sigh, Sylvia turned and headed down the flight of stairs that led to the lobby. Taking one last glance at the performance area, Sylvia opened the doors and left.

After passing several different restaurants designed to cater to different human cultures, Sylvia happened upon one that interested her. Sabor was the name, and Sylvia chuckled when she noted how similar it was to the name Sabore. She entered, and seeing that many tables were either in use or dirty, sat at the bar. While waiting for service, Sylvia sent directions to the restaurant to Takeshi, Gavin, and Mira, with the note, "Party in the Spanish restaurant - Ignori's only." When a waiter finally did come around, Sylvia ordered, "Un gran vaso de amontillado," and waited for the group to arrive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brasslazer
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Brasslazer Snunch King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alan's distrustful and hateful staring was interrupted by the familiar feeling of hunger. He got up and walked out, not paying mind to his roommate "Lilith". Now where can I get something to eat? he thought, opening up his wristband's map. There were small burger-shaped icons on the hologram that seemed to be restaurants. Tapping the nearest one with his finger, he saw the name Hjem, a Norwegian place. He tapped another button and opened up their menu. Scrolling through, he saw a familiar name: Rakfisk. Alan's eye's widened and he started sprinting to the restaurant, arriving out of breath and winded.

"Hello? You guys speak English?" Alan was gesturing to the waiter, hoping to catch his attention."You know what? It doesn't matter. I would like an order of rakfisk please!" Alan grabbed a seat, his back to the bar, excited to finally try the dish he had always wanted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Marx said "We were going exploring, checking out the city and all that," Leon started, looking towards Tollnak with a mischievous grin. 'Play along' he mouthed at Tollnak, hoping he'd get the joke. "And we were trying to find a good place to make out. She didn't want to raise any suspicions by coming to my room." Leon glanced back to Aeria for a moment, "Ain't that right?" He grinned, deciding this would be the most fun way to get back at her for calling him old.

Tollank saw Leon mouth 'Play Along' loud and clear, with the clanging of pots and pans to the gentle conversation of the two men behind them he could see plain as day. This is going to be fun, Tollank thought looking down at his food to fight off a grin. "Wow! You two must have really hit it off! Aeria, I can't blame you though! Look at this fine specimen of manhood!" Tollank stood from his seat and stood between the two, draping his arms over their shoulders. Looking at Aeria, he continued his speech. "Just look at that bowtie! Why, he is the most dapper man I have seen all day!" Tollank turned his head to face Leon, excited to continue the charade.

"And you are playing it smart my friend, not going to your room! I mean you get here and all of a sudden people see you two sneaking into a room, and the rumors start! Actually I have a good idea!" Tollank walks back to his stool at the bar and put his robotic arm onto the bar. He reaches up to his shoulder and with a small hiss removes his arm, and lays it on the bar. "Now, instead of walking all the way to town next time you just hang that on the door! Its like a do-not-disturb sign! No one will come knocking with my arm hanging on the door!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Marx said
"We were going exploring, checking out the city and all that," Leon started, looking towards Tollnak with a mischievous grin. 'Play along' he mouthed at Tollnak, hoping he'd get the joke. "And we were trying to find a good place to make out. She didn't want to raise any suspicions by coming to my room." Leon glanced back to Aeria for a moment, "Ain't that right?" He grinned, deciding this would be the most fun way to get back at her for calling him old.

Aeria choked on the food she was eating and coughed hard, causing her eyes to tear up. She reached for the glass of water and drank it in an attempt to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling in her throat. She turned to face Leon with the hardest glare she could muster and the wetness of her eyes added to the effect. "Actua-"

BuriedComic7 said
"Wow! You two must have really hit it off! Aeria, I can't blame you though! Look at this fine specimen of manhood!" Tollank stood from his seat and stood between the two, draping his arms over their shoulders. Looking at Aeria, he continued his speech. "Just look at that bowtie! Why, he is the most dapper man I have seen all day!" Tollank turned his head to face Leon, excited to continue the charade. "And you are playing it smart my friend, not going to your room! I mean you get here and all of a sudden people see you two sneaking into a room, and the rumors start! Actually I have a good idea!" Tollank walks back to his stool at the bar and put his robotic arm onto the bar. He reaches up to his shoulder and with a small hiss removes his arm, and lays it on the bar. "Now, instead of walking all the way to town next time you just hang that on the door! Its like a do-not-disturb sign! No one will come knocking with my arm hanging on the door!"

Her gazed moved from Leon to Tollank and she looked at him in disbelief. "Manhood?" She questioned. She took a sip from the glass of water before taking a deep breath. "Tollank i'm so sorry, I shouldn't keep this as a secret.." She started out seriously. Her blue eyes looked at Tollank with the look of sincerity. "Leon's just trying to make you jealous because.. he actually likes you." She said with fake concern in her voice. "Remember when the both of us decided to have a private talk? He was actually telling me about how he really feels about you. He was really determined to improve his healing abilities so he could give you back your sight." Aeria placed a hand on her chest and pretended to be deeply touched. She looked over at Leon, not showing any hint of humor in her face. She reached out a hand and patted his back gently in concern. "I figured it was too hard for you to say it yourself." Aeria had an innocent smile on her face but her eyes held a mischievous glint. "No one in here will judge you, you know.. You can come out of the closet now." She assured him. "Anyway, why don't you tell Tollank about our real plans? You know.. How we decided to explore the city to find a perfect place for your first date." She grinned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

That was fucking glorious, Leon though as Tollnak popped off his arm and slammed it down on the table. "You're too kind my friend!" Leon grinned, looking back to Aeria as she went in to counter them. Leon feigned horror as she unveiled his 'secret' to Tollnak, mouthing Who, me!? as she said that he liked Tollnak. "We'll now that the cats out of the bag, I don't see any reason to hold back!" Leon said excitedly, jumping up from his seat and turning to Tollnak. "Kiss me you glorious bastard!" He said, grabbing Tollnak and leaning in, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I just couldn't hold back any longer!"

Leon turned back to Aeria, grinning. "Nice try, cupcake." he laughed, a figure catching his eyes at the end of the bar. "I'll be back in a second," Leon said, walking past Aeria, giving her a pat on the head as he passed by. He approached a boy with flaming red hair whose head was buried in his arms. "Servitør, en annen for at rødt hode, ja?" He called to the waiter, who grinned and went to tell the cook about the newest order. "Eat up, guy. Meals on me." Leon said, patting the red head on the back. Leon didn't wait for a response, nor did he particularly care for one. The kid was obviously hungry and he obviously didn't have the means to pay or didn't know how to speak the language. He returned to his seat, caching a glimpse of bug boy a few seats down, "Hey, Aeria. Your best buddy's here." he chuckled, taking a final sip of his beer before eating the last rib of lamb. "All kidding aside," Leon finally said to Tollnak, "Aeria and I were going to just go check out the city. What with us being away from the old city we all lived in for the first time in our lives an all." Leon rapt his knuckles on the bar, a thought racing through his head, "I think that Shigganeth is planning something for us. He did say the facilities in our home are for unlocking our potential. I mean, that sounds like something a supervillian would say, doesn't it? I'm not the only one that's a little concerned here, am I?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

WinterNightSky said Her gazed moved from Leon to Tollank and she looked at him in disbelief. "Manhood?" She questioned. She took a sip from the glass of water before taking a deep breath. "Tollank i'm so sorry, I shouldn't keep this as a secret.." She started out seriously. Her blue eyes looked at Tollank with the look of sincerity. "Leon's just trying to make you jealous because.. he actually likes you." She said with fake concern in her voice. "Remember when the both of us decided to have a private talk? He was actually telling me about how he really feels about you. He was really determined to improve his healing abilities so he could give you back your sight." Aeria placed a hand on her chest and pretended to be deeply touched. She looked over at Leon, not showing any hint of humor in her face. She reached out a hand and patted his back gently in concern. "I figured it was too hard for you to say it yourself." Aeria had an innocent smile on her face but her eyes held a mischievous glint. "No one in here will judge you, you know.. You can come out of the closet now." She assured him. "Anyway, why don't you tell Tollank about our real plans? You know.. How we decided to explore the city to find a perfect place for your first date." She grinned

Tollank blinked a few times, surprised mainly that the quiet little Aeria had such a brilliant freaking comeback for his little show. He promptly doubled over in laughter, almost falling off of his bar stool and his guffaws filled the room that they were sitting in. This evening was turning out to be fantastic, and quite honestly Tollank couldn't remember being this happy in quite a long time. These two people were quickly becoming his closest friends, and he was glad to have made them.

Marx said That was fucking glorious, Leon though as Tollnak popped off his arm and slammed it down on the table. "You're too kind my friend!" Leon grinned, looking back to Aeria as she went in to counter them. Leon feigned horror as she unveiled his 'secret' to Tollnak, mouthing Who, me!? as she said that he liked Tollnak. "We'll now that the cats out of the bag, I don't see any reason to hold back!" Leon said excitedly, jumping up from his seat and turning to Tollnak. "Kiss me you glorious bastard!" He said, grabbing Tollnak and leaning in, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I just couldn't hold back any longer!"

After this Tollank actually did fall out of his bar stool with laughter. "Oh my god! Oh my god! You freaking kissed me! Looks like somebody should stop drinking before those little pecks on the cheek escalate!" Tollank managed to sputter out between laughs. He stood up, grabbing onto the bar stool for some leverage with the one arm he had, and took his seat once more. With one smooth movement he picked up his arm and popped it back into place on his shoulder. "Aeria, if I may say, that was the single greatest comeback I have ever heard to ANYTHING, and Leon, how you just freaking rolled with it!" Tollank wiped a tear from his eye as Leon rose to greet another boy down the bar. While watching Leon move he noticed that Alan had entered the room, and was currently eating some kind of dish. Please don't cause a scene Peaches, Tollank thought to himself. Soon Leon returned to the group.

Marx said "All kidding aside," Leon finally said to Tollnak, "Aeria and I were going to just go check out the city. What with us being away from the old city we all lived in for the first time in our lives an all." Leon rapt his knuckles on the bar, a thought racing through his head, "I think that Shigganeth is planning something for us. He did say the facilities in our home are for unlocking our potential. I mean, that sounds like something a supervillian would say, doesn't it? I'm not the only one that's a little concerned here, am I?"

Tollank hadn't really thought about it before, but now it did seem odd. "That is a bit unsettling, but I mean we really can't do much now can we? I don't know about you guys but whatever this guy cooks up it wouldn't be half as bad as what would happen if I stayed home. You never know, maybe he really wants us to understand more about our mutations, and maybe they are like muscles and you can literally train them to make them stronger?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lilith groaned softly, she probably shouldn't of pissed off that Alan guy, she was bored, not that he would talk to her anyway. She got up and made he way into the bathroom. Turning on the shower and finding the right temperature before stripping down and getting in, She had to keep her eyes close the whole time, it was hard to wear sunglasses in the shower. It was good, it had been awhile, longer then she would like to admit. Once she was done she pulled on her cloths once again and climbed in, curling up as she closed her eyes tight, sighing softly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A message came up on Takeshi's holograph, as he was fiddling around. "Party in the Spanish Restaurant - Ignori's only" Cool he thought. Getting the instructions with the message. Looking at the directions, it was exactly where he was before in the bustling area with a bunch of restaurants. He walked back and found the Spanish restaurant "Sabore". Walking in, he found Sylvia, "Hey", he waved. "Hola, commo estas?" He asked her, then quickly added "Do not reply in Spanish please, I actually only know that phrase in Spanish and a few words at most." He laughed. Takeshi started to look up, and through the window he could see Mira. Before going to get her, he asked Sylvia. " Have you ordered yet? Did you order for the rest of us?" Once he had heard the answer, he nodded a bit.

He walked out to the front of the restaurant, "Mira, inside, Sylvia's waiting." He called out to her, smiling, and grabbing her hand. Takeshi dragged her in and got her to sit next to him, on the table with Sylvia.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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BuriedComic7 said
Tollank blinked a few times, surprised mainly that the quiet little Aeria had such a brilliant freaking comeback for his little show. He promptly doubled over in laughter, almost falling off of his bar stool and his guffaws filled the room that they were sitting in. This evening was turning out to be fantastic, and quite honestly Tollank couldn't remember being this happy in quite a long time. These two people were quickly becoming his closest friends, and he was glad to have made them.

Aeria kept a straight face as she watched Tollank burst into laughter. "Tollank.. You didn't think I was kidding, Did you?" She asked, her face still serious as she tried to hold back a smile. "You should really give Leon a chance. You guys look great together." She said with a sweet smile.
Marx said
"We'll now that the cats out of the bag, I don't see any reason to hold back!" Leon said excitedly, jumping up from his seat and turning to Tollnak. "Kiss me you glorious bastard!" He said, grabbing Tollnak and leaning in, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I just couldn't hold back any longer!"

Her face turned pale and she looked at them in horror. "Yeah.. I didn't need to see that." She chuckled as she reached for the glass of water to take another sip. She immediately placed the glass down and faced Tollank as he fell off the bar stool.
BuriedComic7 said
"Oh my god! Oh my god! You freaking kissed me! Looks like somebody should stop drinking before those little pecks on the cheek escalate!" Tollank managed to sputter out between laughs. He stood up, grabbing onto the bar stool for some leverage with the one arm he had, and took his seat once more. With one smooth movement he picked up his arm and popped it back into place on his shoulder. "Aeria, if I may say, that was the single greatest comeback I have ever heard to ANYTHING, and Leon, how you just freaking rolled with it!" Tollank wiped a tear from his eye

She looked back at Tollank and raised an eyebrow as she feigned innocence, "That wasn't a comeback. That was the truth." She smiled. She was gonna keep this up and she had no plans of taking it back anytime soon. "I'll be back in a second," Leon said, walking past Aeria, and giving her a pat on the head. She didn't answer but looked at him as he approached a red head and ordered food for him. As he went back to his seat, Aeria sighed and faked disappointment. "So now you're hitting on another guy? Poor Tollank.." She shook her head in disapproval. "Hey, Aeria. Your best buddy's here." he chuckled. She looked behind her and spotted the bug boy. She just shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly before looking back at Leon. "Oh, are you crushing on him too?" She joked. She picked up her fork and ate the last piece of lamb on her plate before giving him a smug look.

"Anyway, I don't really care what Shigganeth's plans are. Besides, I don't want to worry about what's yet to come. If time comes where we'll have to fight, I wouldn't mind." She said casually, her facial expression back to normal. Her eyes were cold and her face held no emotion. She took the glass and drank the remaining water before getting down the bar stool. "Just tell me when you wanna leave." She said and walked to the opposite direction of the food stand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylverblu
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Sylverblu The Citrus Fruit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Little_Ninja said "Hey", he waved. "Hola, commo estas?" He asked her, then quickly added "Do not reply in Spanish please, I actually only know that phrase in Spanish and a few words at most." He laughed. Takeshi started to look up, and through the window he could see Mira. Before going to get her, he asked Sylvia. " Have you ordered yet? Did you order for the rest of us?" Once he had heard the answer, he nodded a bit.

After Takeshi's greeting, Sylvia knew that she couldn't miss the opportunity. "Ah, ¡Takeshi! Que bueno que se presenta aquí. Pero, ¿Dónde está Mira?" Sylvia looked out the window and saw the answer to her question: Mira was standing awkwardly outside of the restaurant. "I kid Takeshi, I kid. And no, I didn't order food for you, you're all big boys and girls, I figured you could do it on your own." Sylvia said, before calling out to one of the waiters behind the bar, "¡Mesero! Otro vaso de amontillado por favor! Y favor de preparar un cocido montañés por yo. Y para mis amigos..." Sylvia looked up at Mira and Takeshi. "What do you guys want to eat?" She said, her speech beginning to slur as she finished off the glass of the rust coloured drink. She lethargically handed Mira and Takeshi each a menu with English translations.
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