Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Leon didn't spend much time on the couch. Five minutes, perhaps more, perhaps less. He rolled off the couch, standing slowly and giving his limbs a good stretch. His new home had certainly grabbed his attention as he looked around, unused to anything being so... nice. Leon decided to stop stalling and took off to grab a room, forgetting his journal on the table.

He found the room he wanted after a few minutes of searching. It was a single, meaning he wouldn't have to worry about a roommate seeing his scars. It was also by the stairs, giving him a quick route out of the building at any given moment. It wasn't that he was paranoid of something happening, more that the proximity to the exit made him feel free. The room itself was quaint. A bed, bathroom, a small 3x3 metre area of space, and a holodesk. The thing that excited Leon most was the holodesk. It was a device reserved for the wealthy in his old home, being that it was able to perform all the functions of a school in the convenience of one's room. Leon could get used to this new life.

He got into the buff and climbed into the shower, flipping on the warm water. It was the first warm shower he had had in years and it was glorious. If the room hadn't already earned his approval, it had now. A few hours later, Leon wandered from his room, rested, clean, and dressed to the nines as he usually was. With a glance back to his door, he noted the name tag over his door. Leon Osiris Roth. He had never been fond of his name, particularly the middle part, but it was something he had come to terms with long ago.

The complex seemed pretty quiet now, perhaps everyone had retreated to their new rooms. A lot of people looked pretty worn out. They'd probably sleep like newborns through the entire night. Leon thought of leaving now, remembering his conversation with Aeria. A sigh trickled from his lips as he approached the rail that separated the walkway from the surprisingly deep pit and leaned over it. He'd give her an hour to appear and if she didn't... he'd probably wait another hour.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Mira followed Takeshi even though she was half asleep, she put her stuff inside her bag. Remembering something she rushed back inside the train and grabbed a something wrapped up in cloth, she opened it up.. it was from a Rakai Tree Pole, similar to bamboo, nearly extinct like bamboo is, much more sturdier and much more light, it was a pole, something her father gave to her, it was of finest craftmenship, it could withstand a horror blade, the weapons of the Old Guards.

"Almost forgot this" she smiled hurrying back..
"We should head to the dorms" she was shyly looking away from Takeshi, remembering she fell asleep on him twice.
"Apparently there's a piano in the Ignori Dorm" she said ecstatic to play it.

"I can play most instruments to an extent" Mira tried not to brag about it, as she swung the Pole up against her shoulders.
"Anyway's what about you guys, what are your powers" Mirabelle didnt realise how nonchalant she was, she waited for there response, as she walked a tad bit behind Takeshi.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

(Back in black, y'all. Diving head first!!)

Through out the train ride Rylan had kept to himself. Everything that he had just learned.. the place they were in. The truth. It was a lot to take in for an already troubled mind. He held his hand out and a small flame flickered to life in his palm before he extinguished it by closing his fist. 'Not so far fetched perhaps' he thought to himself. All of the announcements and the other kids he tuned out. Well, most of it anyway. He caught bits an pieces from the announcements, enough to keep himself informed. Once the luggage was passed and he found his bag, Rylan searched the small backpack to make sure his clothes and his journal were present. Once satisfied he closed the backpack and shouldered it with one strap.

The Sabore district had initially appealed to him, it being the apparently least populated. But he'd found himself drawn to Ignori. He closed his eyes and scoffed at himself. 'Always second guessing yourself Rylan..'

The fiery eyed teen had almost been left behind on the train he'd been lost so deeply in his own musings. Rylan eyed the device on his wrist with some skepticism until he activated the holographic display. 'Impressive' A multitude of functions were available most notably a map. 'I wonder if this thing can track other students.. or if they're monitoring our own whereabouts'

He looked up and realized most of the other students had cleared the platform. Rylan felt slightly embarrassed. How foolish he must look standing there obviously so lost.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

WinterNightSky said "Yeah, I heard him. Or her." She added the last part awkwardly. "Same here, I think i'm gonna take a short nap and a shower." She said as she looked at the path that the alien told them to follow. "I wonder if they have food.." She said silently to herself.

Tollank looked at the girl and chuckled, "Oh they better have food! Or else is going to get a piece of my mind!" At the thought of food Tollank's stomach let out a low grumble. He didn't realize exactly how hungry he was. Furthermore he could begin to feel squeaks coming from his bionic arm, no one could hear them yet but Tollank could feel them. Tollank's arm was a marvel of modern technology, and looked just as sleek as the day the doctors put it on. Tollank took great care in up keeping his arm, he was able to detach it at the shoulder and would wipe it down and oil every night. He found it comforting, almost zen.

Marx said "Boys n' girls of Ellexker," Leon yelled, "We're all gonna jet. If you don't wanna get lost, follow us!" He turned on his heel with his final step, facing the three of them, a small grin on his face. "Let's get the hell outta here, eh?"

Tollank instantly recognized the voice of Leon. "Now that's an idea I can get behind! Lets go!" Tollank followed Aeria down the path toward their new home. The footsteps of the other children giving him small glances of streetlights that dotted the path they were taking. After a few minutes of walking they approached a building. Stepping inside Tollank immediately noticed something. "This place is freaking huge!" He almost shouted this to attempt to get a clear view of the spacious inside. After clapping his hands a few times for good measure he pretty much had a good idea of a layout. Tollank turned to Aeria "We can catch up tomorrow, not to sound like a baby but I am tired, hungry, and I need to oil my arm. See you later!"

Tollank headed down a walkway to a row of rooms. A couple had people in them but the majority were empty. Tollank assumed that people weren't done socializing, oh well, their loss. He headed into the first unclaimed room, closing the door behind him. The small click from the door revealed that the rooms were fairly nice, all things considered. A single room with a shower and enough space for living, a desk was tucked away in the corner. Tollank walked over to the desk, it was long enough to hold his arm, and that's all that mattered. He reached over and grabbed his prosthetic arm near the shoulder. With a small turn and a kiss the arm detached from his shoulder. With a metallic clank he placed it down on the desk. It needed oiling, but first he needed a shower. He stripped and stepped into the bathroom. After experimenting with the knobs he dialed the water to the perfect temperature and stepped in.

The sound of the water hitting the shower's floor echoed through the room, leaving no detail out. It was almost like it was raining. Tollank smiled to himself as he remembered the rainfall. He felt like standing in the rain was the closest he would ever get to true sight. That was until Leon offered him sight. "Leon..." Tollank said quietly to himself. No one had ever went out of their way to offer him help like that. That's when it all became clear. He knew the answer to Leon's offer. He stepped out of the shower and dried off. Changing into some shorts he sat at the desk and produced some oils and polishes from his bag. Tollank sat there in his room, oiling his arm. Tomorrow he would find Leon, and accept his offer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 1 day ago

Gavin, quite frankly, had no idea what to do. After about ten minutes of waiting around for the station to become slightly less crowded, he'd suffered some sort of relapse from getting his head slammed very, very hard into a steel pole and had staggered a few paces before slumping over unconscious. Now he finally woke up, disoriented and nauseous, to find himself on an empty platform. His clumsy fingers fumbled with his wristband, but couldn't produce the desired result, and his head was still a little too woozy to understand what green lights on the ground would mean. As he attempted to sit up, he was instantly dragged down again before remembering that he had roughly thirty pounds of steel on his back, preventing him from rising. After some effort, he managed to wriggle out of the backpack's stranglehold and stand shakily, looking around drowsily. Something caught his eye and he focused on it.

Standing there was salvation in the form of a red-haired older boy with red-orange eyes, scrolling down his own map. Sidling up, Gavin attempted to speak.


His voice was raspy and dry, and constituted barely a whisper, but on the dead-silent platform, you could hear a pin drop. Gavin motioned to the holographic screen, concentrating on speaking a little more clearly. "Mind if I take a look at that?" He crossed his fingers behind his back, hoping that this guy wasn't like the people back in the old city.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rylan was entirely focused on his map display and didn't catch the initial greeting of the other boy. He blinked as he turned his attention in that direction. The boy standing there was about his age, perhaps a few months to a year younger. Grey eyes 'how unusual' Rylan quietly chastized himself for the thought. After all there was nothing normal about his fire colored eyes.. none of this was normal.

"um.." He looked from the boy to his holo map. "Sure.." his tone was apprehensive, perhaps a little too much. Rylan couldn't tell if he meant it to sound that way or not.
The other boy had a similar wrist device and he deduced that he hadn't quite figured out how to use it. It was by dumb luck that Rylan pressed the right button in the first place.
'I'll show him the button and be on my way… better that I'm alone as soon as possible' he thought as he held out his arm to give a clear view of the map. No need to be rude although he wasn't particularly looking for a friend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"She's Mira, she's a little shy though" Takeshi answered Sylvia's question for Mira. She seemed to be a little quiet. But she would perk up later. He started to get up, his baggage in tow, along with Mira and her baggage. They started to head to the dorms. "Wanna go together? It's a strange new place we are all heading into, it would be good to at least make some acquaintances right?" He smiled as his head indicated to leave for the dorms to Sylvia.
As they had just got off the train, Mira suddenly ran back in, and coming back with a Rakai Tree Pole. "Almost forgot this" she smiled, before turning away shyly and saying to hurry to the dorms. Takeshi smiled at her. "Sure let's go."

Early in their departure, Mira talked about a piano at the Ignori dorm, and her ability to play most instruments. Takeshi nodded, "I can play the piano a little actually, what about you Sylvia?" He asked turning to Sylvia, who at the moment, since they had only just left the train, was still with them. He put his wrist up, and touched the bracelet, turning it on. Takeshi blinked, this was a conditioned response. The electrons and their movements, electric fields and magnetism, appearing all at once along with the screen annoyed his eyes, but he could get used to it if he blinked at the first moment. (It's more like shutting his eyes for a moment). He got up a map, and started to lead the way with Mira, unsure if Sylvia would follow. Mira suddenly asked, "Anyways, what about you guys, what's your powers?" quite non-chalantly. Takeshi wasn't sure if Sylvia was there, and decided to turn around and see if she was there and would reply or not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lilth had finally caught up to the other Ellexker's. She had been hanging back hoping not to bump into anyone again. As she made her way to the building, she walked in and glanced around. Somewhat humbled by the large place. At any other time and in any other place, she would of been more then happy to socialize, but right now, she didn't feel like it, she felt like curling up in a ball and closing her eyes.

She walked along the hall looking for an empty room. The only empty rooms left she could see were some doubles, and she couldn't be bothered looking anymore, so she entered one. Setting herself down on one of the beds against the wall. The room was quite nice, spacious, 1 bathroom though, 2 beds against opposite walls, 2 desks. She sighed and laid back on her bed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Aeria walked through the halls in search for her room. She chose the room farthest from the staircase, wanting to be as far away from other people as possible. She opened the door and stepped in. She noticed that the room was already cold and everything was neatly prepared. She placed her bag on top of the holodesk and took off her coat. She placed it on the bed and headed towards the bathroom, taking off her shoes before entering. Her feet touched the cold tiles, giving her goosebumps.

She made her way over to the tub and filled it with warm water before taking her clothes off. She hung them them on the empty towel bar before stepping in the tub and laying down. She closed her eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.


She woke up thirty minutes later and stood up; the air was cold against her skin. She drained the tub and took a proper shower, grabbing the towel and wrapping it around her as soon as she was done. She went over to the sink to brush her teeth and wash her face before stepping out of the bathroom. She opened her bag, taking out fresh new clothes and changing into one of them. She wrapped her hair with the towel and headed to her bed, wanting to go back to sleep.

Aeria woke up just a few hours later and remembered that she was supposed to head out tonight. She quickly got out of bed and unwrapped her hair. It was fully dry and she quickly ran her fingers through her hair to fix it. She stepped into the shoes she wore earlier and headed out of her room. She was about to wait for Leon in the lounge area but as she headed towards the stairs, she spotted Leon from a distance. She didn't make a single sound as she made her way over to him. She walked past him and walked up the stairs casually. She looked behind her and gave him a smug smile, "What are you waiting for?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

He could feel the smugness before he heard her words. "What are you waiting for?" the familiar voice called out to him from slightly up the stairs. "Just my date," he said with a grin, figuring that'd get a rise out of her. Leon followed her up the stairs and out of the building, catching up with her after they got outside. "So, where shoul-" he started, his stomach letting out a growl that rivaled that of a tiger, "We should probably get a bite to eat. I think I saw a place we can actually order from too." Leon sounded a bit more excited as he said the second part. He grabbed onto her hand and started walking quickly toward the stand he saw on the way here. Food was a high priority on his mind at the moment, though embarrassing Aeria was equally high, hence the forced hand holding. He still wanted to get her back for the smug smile after all!

"I'd been thinking about what you told me. About your twin. If he's on this ship, I think we can find him." Leon said as they arrived at the food stand, a little hole in the wall named Hjem. The stand had a small bar inside and a few tables in the back, the stand mostly deserted minus the cook and his waiter, two blonde men with rough faces and rougher hands. "Hei! Seat hvor du vil!" the waiter said, giving the two a friendly wave. Leon smiled at the man, and released Aeria's hand, taking a seat at the bar. His eyes quickly darted through the menu board above the bar and rose two fingers, calling to the waiter, "Ørret filet, lam, to øl, to vann, sende regningen til Shiggneth!" The waiter nodded, jotted down the order on a pad and shoved it into the cook's hands. "This is a Norwegian place," Leon explained to Aeria, realizing she was probably feeling kind of lost at this point, "I ordered for us and told them to bill Shigganeth. I'm sure he won't mind."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylverblu
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Sylverblu The Citrus Fruit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mira, interesting name.

So, Sylvia now had a total of three acquaintances. How delightful. Sylvia mentally criticized herself for becoming associated with this many people so quickly, and even hurting one of them. She thought back to what Gavin looked like as she was leaving the train... Hunched over in pain. Perhaps she had been too hard on him...

Sylvia's train of thought was interrupted by Takeshi's question of whether she was musical or not.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, back home I played the guitar, viola, and bass. Of course I could only bring one of those," Sylvia said, motioning to a smaller, violin shaped case that was tied to her main bag. During the brief moment of silence at the end of this statement, Sylvia noticed Takeshi raising his wrist to check his map, flinching slightly as he did this. When inquired as to her mutation by Mira, Sylvia pondered for a moment as to how to explain. As Takeshi looked back at her, she said, "I can see through the eyes of others, allowing me to see things that I normally can't. For example if someone were to be in a room that I wasn't, I could track their vision. Also I have abnormally sensitive ears, which oddly enough seem to have been getting stronger instead of weaker with time. What about yours... and you Takeshi?"

Upon entering the building Sylvia was astounded. The architecture was flawless... She'd never seen anything like it before. Then again, it was likely that no one here had. Sylvia turned to the other two, and invited, "We should go get our rooms." Sylvia began a light run, unusually excited by this. Upon reaching the third floor up, Sylvia began to look for a dorm. A bit more than half way down the hall, Sylvia noted a small group of empty dorms near each other and picked the first one that she noticed, room 357.

Screw it, it can't hurt THAT much to trust these people right? And they're going to find out my name eventually any way. Let's make a statement.

Sylvia took her name tag out of her pocket, licked the back of it, and slapped it onto the door, just below the number plate. With a smirk and a wave, Sylvia bode goodbye to Takeshi and Mira before entering her room. It was only a second later that she reemerged, asking, "Just out of curiosity, are you two..." Sylvia paused awkwardly for a moment, thinking of how to phrase this tactfully, "going to be sharing a room? Actually - Nevermind. None of my business." Sylvia went into her room, apparently a double as it had two twin beds. She threw her duffle bag onto the bed closer to a large set of curtains, which she opened. Sylvia stepped out into the balcony and took in the beauty of the city, seeing the simplicity of the everyday life lived by local residents. Sylvia saw a few things, such as a residential district where the locals lived, a park, a few restaurants... She stayed out here for a bit, the curtains drawn closed behind her as she observed the sheer vitality of the ship.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brasslazer
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Brasslazer Snunch King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alan looked around the the platform. He had lagged behind, waiting for everyone to leave, and the Ellexkir platform seemed to be as empty as it would get. From what he had heard from the weird green guy who was in charge and apparently could speak telepathically, the wristbands they were all wearing had maps. Alan pushed a button, a myriad of holographic paths, buildings, and roads popping up, a map of the entire city. One thing that Alan noticed was the unfortunate lack of nearby alleys. Well there goes that plan of action. Alan sighed. Guess I'll have to get a dorm like everybody else. On the map was a path which appeared to match up with green lights on the road. He followed them, eventually getting to the dorms. His first chose was to be away from everyone, so he went to the dorms farthest from the suitcase. That one being taken, he hoped to take the one next to it, until he say the name on the door. No way I'm rooming next to the vanilla she-devil formally known as Aeria. Alan thought. He instead chose a dorm a couple doors away, not paying attention to the what it said on the front. He got in, put down his luggage, happy to get rid of the heavy load, and turned around to see an orange haired girl lying on one of the beds of his new, incidental double room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lily was happy being alone, she lay on her bed, her legs bent up a bit, it was quiet. Her eyes glanced to the door as a familiar boy walked in. She narrowed her eyes at him as he set his stuff down and turned to her. She rolled her eyes when she had finally figured out who it was "You're vanilla boy right?" She let out a soft chuckled "I guess that's rude, what are you actually called?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tollank woke with a start, sweat running down his face. He hadn't been asleep for more than half an hour, but a night terror woke him up. Usually they give me a bit more sleep than that. He thought to himself, rising from bed to walk over to the desk. Tollank didn't sleep with his arm on, he learned the hard way what happens if you combine tossing and turning with an arm made out a rather hard material. The arm was heavy in his hand, he hadn't realized that it was so stout. It doesn't seem so bad when its attached to your shoulder. A small hiss echoed through the room as he connect the arm in its socket, he still hadn't gotten used to the feeling of it reconnecting to his nerves and doubted he ever would. Testing the fingers he sent a few brainwaves down the length of the arm, without the extra nudge with his mutation the fingers would barely even bend. Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by a growl. He had forgotten to eat in the excitement of moving in. He quickly went into the bathroom and washed up, changed, and headed out the door.

A few people were standing outside, but the majority had turned in for the night. Tollank recalled passing a small restaurant on his way into the dormitories, so he would start there. Tollank walked down the path towards his destination, but noticed something. The air was crisp and fresh, it actually smelled as if he were outdoors. If he didn't think about it he could almost forget he was actually on the lower level of a ship, almost. Honestly it didn't bother Tollank too much, these aliens really did seem to have good intentions, and they sure as hell treated everyone better than the average people back home. After walking a but further he arrived that the small shop, a clap directed at the sign revealed the name to be Hjem.
He entered the building, and was immediately greeting by a plethora of wonderful aromas. Four people were seated at the bar, and Tollank recognized two of them. "Leon! Aeria! I see I wasn't the only person whose stomach woke them!" He walked to the bar and took a seat to Leon's left, between him and the other patrons. Tollank looked at the waiter, "I will have what they are having!" Bringing his attention back to his two friends he smiled, "How did you guys like the dorms? Have any trouble finding one?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rylan had showed the other kid how to activate the wrist band map and without another word, stepped off the platform and into the streets. 'Im sure he can figure out the rest' he thought. After all, the easiest way to learn a gadget was to toy with it. His own map display highlighted a route to the Ignori dorms. He stopped at the street that the map bade him to. It was all so.. clean.. and gave the appearance of wealth. The city as a whole. The city within a ship.. Rylan recalled once more that he was not on solid ground but in space. It unsettled him that everyone was trapped here with him and his awful mutation and there was nowhere to run. No other place to hide. Quickly he noticed his temperature rising and took few deep breaths to calm down. Anxiety wasn't nearly as bad as anger but he had to remind himself to keep it under control. Instead of following the map, Rylan turned it off completely and kept going past the suggested route. Perhaps he would walk for a while and explore on his own. Hands in his pockets, the fiery eyed boy in the black vest walked on.

Minutes became hours as he walked, lost in both himself and the majesty of the city ship. His anxiety was gone entirely and Rylan saw only the beauty and elegance of it all. The dorms were probably no less impressive. It was evident that these aliens had gone to great lengths to make the students comfortable 'What game are they playing' the sound of chatting and friendly banter shook him from his thoughts. In his exploring, it would seem that he'd inadvertently returned to the general vicinity of the Dorms. Not his intention but perhaps.. a subtle push from his subconscious. Or an external entity ever so cunningly manipulating his actions.. "tch.." he scoffed. 'Over thinking things again'
It occurred to him now that he was over tired and more than a little hungry. Rylan glanced towards the conversation. Kids from the train.. other mutants sitting and dinning at some food place with a name he could not pronounce. Socializing was something that the reclusive teen did not look forward to and he was about to be on his way when his stomach began to fight him. 'Not now.. dammit…' He stood there a moment, hands in his pockets and looking from the ground to the bar. With a deep breath and a drawn out sigh Rylan submitted to his need for sustenance and took a seat at the bar farthest from the others.

The menu was strange, or at least the names of the food items were. Rylan was about to flag down the waiter for an order but realized he had no money to pay with. "Damn." he cursed under his breath and folded his arms on the bar counter, burying his face in them. "Stupid.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Mira was surprised, when both Takeshi and Sylvia said they could also play instruments.
"Um... I can ignore gravity ... and " Mira spoke softly and shyly, before being interrupted
"I can create something from nothing!" Takeshi had interrupted.
Mira looked at Takeshi. She was a little confused. She knew his mutation was alchemy, but how did that come about making something from nothing.

Upon reaching the dorms, the inside was huge, it seemed clean and so beautiful, Mira was awestruck. With a light run, behind Sylvia, who seemed just as excited as she was, and Takeshi, they went to a room, 357. Sylvia seemed to paste her name tag under the number. It was evident she was taking the room. She then seemed to awkwardly ask,
"Just out of curiosity, are you two..."
Mira moved her head to the side, curiously, wondering what she was about to say.
"going to be sharing a room? Actually - Nevermind. None of my business."
Mira blushed and turned away.
Sharing a room? The thought crossed her mind, but she was too embarrassed about it. Before she could answer it, Sylvia went into her room. Mira turned to Takeshi, he was also blushing.
"Um... let's take separate rooms next to each other, okay?" he then said.
Mira was shy, she wouldn't want to share a room with someone else, but to share it with Takeshi .... she was not sure about it.
"Yeah, if they have single rooms at least." she then replied.

Moving along, up the building, they reached 458 and 459. A lot of the rooms didn't seem to be for singles, at least on floors 3 and 4, that weren't occupied. They were not too far from a flight of stairs, which was good. These two were singles next to each other, with a connecting balcony. It seemed. This was good for them. Mira felt tired, she decided she would take a shower and go to sleep. "I'm tired, I think I will go to sleep. Good night." Mira said, entering the room 458.
"Good night" Takeshi smiled back at her.

She put her bags away, and started to take her clothes off. Putting the flower that Takeshi made for her away carefully. While taking a shower, she started to hum a tune. When she was finished, she dried herself, went through her clothes to find something suitable to sleep in, and went to bed.

"Oh, that's interesting" Takeshi said to Sylvia, after she spoke about her ability to play the guitar, violin and bass. He wanted to jest that they could create a trio or something, but with Mira's question, Sylvia then answered that she could see what others could see and heightened hearing.
Intriguing was all that he thought about it. With Mira answering Sylvia's question, Takeshi decided to interrupt. He was sure Mira didn't really want to talk about her ability to control the cold.
"I can create something from nothing!" He shouted, with a laugh. Well, it wasn't a completely lie. To others, it would seem like something from nothing sometimes. He once made a small diamond, from the carbon dioxide in the air. It took him about 15 minutes to make it a size that people could see. It was about as large half a grain of rice.

When they reached the dorms, Takeshi was amazed. It was larger than he imagined. "Oh, there's the piano." he pointed. It was situated on a stage in the main hall, where they stood. It looks like it was designed for performances.
"We should go get our rooms" Sylvia said, starting a light run. She seemed excited. Takeshi followed with Mira in tow. Mira also seemed excited. Takeshi just smiled at the thought of this.

They reached a room, 357. Sylvia was evident that she would take this room, placing her name tag under the number. As he was about to leave to find some rooms with Mira, saying "We will see you around Sylvia." She spoke.
"Just out of curiosity, are you two..."
Takeshi was thinking, hm... what is she about to ask. A thought that she might ask if they were dating crossed his mind. As he was about to say "No we aren't dating." She then asked, "going to be sharing a room? Actually - Nevermind. None of my business."
Takeshi blushed and looked away.
I think she thinks we are already dating. Oh man ... sharing a room ... He was embarrassed of the thought. He wouldn't mind, but this was something he would feel shy about. It might make things awkward. With Mira turning to him, he then turned to her.
"Um... let's take separate rooms next to each other, okay?" He suggested.
"Yeah, if they have single rooms at least." She replied.

They went around the rest of the floor, and found no unoccupied single rooms near each other. Upon going up to the next floor, reaching rooms 458 and 459, they found two single rooms next to each other. When they inspected them, they had a connecting balcony. This was a good choice for them. Mira then spoke.
"I'm tired, I think I will go to sleep. Good night." Entering her room.
"Good night." Takeshi replied with a smile.

Takeshi stepped into his room. It was a nice room, it had even a small kitchen and a shower. He took out some of his swords to decorate the room. Not all of them, just some of them. And they were just decorative swords. It was a little unfortunate there wasn't space to train. The room was clean, a little plain, before he put the swords up. But it was a room that felt comfortable. He then decided to take a look at the nightscape. There were a few things, like a residential district, parks, restaurants. He tried to look for an empty looking free space or mini forest, where he could spend some nights to train his sword work. While he was looking around, he saw Sylvia just below him, to the left.

"Hey Sylvia." He called out to her. "Looks like we will be right above you" he said stating the obvious. A thought came to mind. She did ask if they were going to stay in the same room. With what he said, it might seem that way. "Um... When I said we, I did mean Mira nad myself, bu ... but ... connecthing roms by balcony." He stuttered, a little, trying to clear things up. Clearing his throat, he spoke again, more clearly. "We have neighboring rooms, connected by the balcony." When he finished, his stomach rumbled.
"Uh ... looks like I'm hungry. Mira said she would go to sleep. Wanna go out grab a bite?" He suggested pointing out to what seemed like a nearby restaurant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


Member Offline since relaunch


Mira finished her shower, "Ugh... stuff sleeping" her emotional personality was all over the place.. she swore, remembering about her medication for the disorder.
guess I'll contact Takeshi, she thought, "seems to be out.." she thought again.
She turned on the holograph from her wristband, like she knew what she was doing, which was true she had one back aboard the Old Vessel.
Immediately she noticed she was given contact Id's for every single Ignori District Member inside her dorm area, "Lovely" she smiled.. messaging Takeshi "Hey, I'm gonna go out, I couldnt really sleep.. I'll talk to you when I get back" Mira walked outside, to a nearby coffee shop, it was basically a large city with everything they wanted.. they could get jobs after they finished there 3 years of education, she overheard Illisthoth or someone talking to a guard or something about it... He just wanted us to settle in for now, that we will be taken to the districts once we have finished some sort of test or something. Mira put her necklace on remembering her mother her last words.. "Mirabelle" where did she find the time to give me such a unique name.

Mira and the other retributes had information on the wristbands, like "Your wristbands are used to pay for goods and purchases" aswell as saying we have no balance right now, our expenses are covered by the Institute of Voyage, which was the Government basically, Mira wondered if anyone else had checked there wristbands as she ordered a cappuccino, with soy milk and 3 sugars, while expanding her holograph onto the table reading a news article titled "The Retributes have Arrived!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 1 day ago

After a long period of slogging through the streets slowly, Gavin finally drew upon the building. As he walked into the cubical structure, the blast of cool air caused him to shiver slightly as he looked around at the odd interior. Sighing slightly, he headed to what looked to be the dorms. Walking with his head still ringing slightly, he noticed a small note pasted on one door. Squinting at it, he made out "Sylvia". Strange, this looks...familiar...ah well. Opening the door, he walked in, letting out a relieved breath as he let the steel bars clang loudly to the ground. Making his way over to the couch, he slumped down, talking loudly to himself. It was a habit that he had picked up from long hours alone. "Gah, my head...what was her problem? Granted, I may have started shouting, labeled myself a freak forever and whispered some questionable things in her ear, but that is NO reason to slam my head into a pole!" Standing up, he began pacing with the energy and coordination of anger. "And blowing up about her brother and my sister's funeral! What the hell was that about?" Unzipping his bag, he yanked out a bar and gripped it tightly as it quickly and jerkily transformed into a short sword made of steel, slicing it at the curtain.

The curtain remained staunchly unsliced.

A guttural noise came from his throat as he tossed the blade aside and yanked open the curtain, trying to get at some fresh air to cool down. He took half an angry step forward, then froze. In front of him was a familiar person, staring at him with a flat expression on her face.

Sweat beaded on his brow as he slowly slid the curtain shut, turned around, calmly walked behind the couch and crouched down, praying for his life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brasslazer
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Brasslazer Snunch King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Oh no." Alan was in a panic.
"Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no...." Alan burst through the rooms door and looked at it. On it, an electronic display showed the message that would seal Alan's fate:
Lilith Conrad
Alan Gulley

Alan walked back into the dorm, dejected by his new roommate's gender.
SaekoGami said
Lilth had finally caught up to the other Ellexker's. She had been hanging back hoping not to bump into anyone again. As she made her way to the building, she walked in and glanced around. Somewhat humbled by the large place. At any other time and in any other place, she would of been more then happy to socialize, but right now, she didn't feel like it, she felt like curling up in a ball and closing her eyes. She walked along the hall looking for an empty room. The only empty rooms left she could see were some doubles, and she couldn't be bothered looking anymore, so she entered one. Setting herself down on one of the beds against the wall. The room was quite nice, spacious, 1 bathroom though, 2 beds against opposite walls, 2 desks. She sighed and laid back on her bed.

It was on the front of the door, so Alan saw no need to lie.
"Alan. Alan Gulley." he said, siiting on the side of his bed, keeping his eyes on the orange haired girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylverblu
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Sylverblu The Citrus Fruit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sylvia had been standing on her balcony, observing the city life outside of the ominous cube, when Takeshi called down to her, mentioning his position above her. "Oh, I guess that could be convenient if we ever wanted to talk," Sylvia said, a hint of interest and compassion in her voice. She was beginning to warm up to this 'Takeshi'. He was ranting in an attempt to explain his living situation with Mira when Sylvia heard the sound of a door opening inside of her dorm. Someone had walked in and sat down, and apparently dropped something. Based on the familiar angry voice, Sylvia figured that the being inside was Gavin. Sylvia was about to enter and say hello when who was presumably Gavin began a short tirade on the injustice of the light beating that he had received earlier, leaving Sylvia feeling slightly insulted. "Uh ... looks like I'm hungry. Mira said she would go to sleep. Wanna go out grab a bite?" Takeshi inquired. "I'm afraid we'll have to take care of that later, right now there are asses to be kicked," Sylvia said, turning around and leaning on the railing, arms crossed as she thought of how to deal with Gavin. Soon, however, the curtains jerked to the side with a gleam of silver, before they were opened and the boy himself stepped out.

He looked shocked as he stood there, greeted by Sylvia's piercing eyes. For a few seconds, the two of them just stood there, a fake sun settling on the horizon behind Sylvia. Then, Gavin retreated back into the dorm, whimpering quietly. Sylvia called up to Takeshi, "Call me later and we can figure something out for a meal." Sylvia entered the dorm and closed the curtains behind her, also closing a glass door. She wandered the room for a few moments before coming upon Gavin, attempting to hide behind a sofa.

For a moment, Sylvia pondered how to react to Gavin. After all, he had just waltzed into her dorm, rambling about what a terrible person she was. But Sylvia knew better. And, whether she liked it or not, she liked Gavin. He was interesting. Wordlessly, Sylvia outstretched her hand as if to help Gavin up.
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