Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

While waiting for the rest of the passengers to leave, Takeshi noticed the girl who got his bags, swinging her coat. With this motion, a butterfly knife, silvery white coin, and a name tag dropped to the floor, next to him. He went to pick up the items, noticing the name "Sylvia" written as the tag. It didn't seem like she noticed what was dropped. For a quick moment, he thought about why she would remove the name tag so quickly, but did not ponder on it too much.
"Sylvia, you dropped these" he called out to her, holding her stuff out to her.

"I don't know why you would remove the name tag so quickly, but if you want, I could change the name on it to something else if you would prefer." Takeshi smiled.
It was a simple task. With his alchemy ability, and easily discerning the ink, he knew the lattice and the atomic structure of the ink with ease, all he needed to do was move the ink, and change it's bonding to the tag itself. He held the butterfly knife and the silver white coin in one hand and the name tag in the other. If one were to look at the name tag, they could see the letters become slowly become sloppy, and then reverting to their original form. Takeshi was ready to change it, if Sylvia would like him to do so. In an unknown place, it is better to make as many acquaintances and friends as possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylverblu
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Sylverblu The Citrus Fruit

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In the turmoil of the station, Sylvia had hardly noticed the clanging of her belongings to the ground. Needless to say, when Takeshi called out her name she was astonished as she hesitantly turned around to respond. She wondered whether or not he could read minds as part of his mutation. It soon became apparent, however, that her bag's ID had fallen out of her pocket, as well as her knife and coin. Sylvia was embarrassed, having failed to do something as simple as keep her personal items in a pocket.

You brought this on yourself.

Her self-critical thoughts continued, at least until Takeshi spoke up again. ""I don't know why you would remove the name tag so quickly, but if you want, I could change the name on it to something else if you would prefer," he said. The thought of changing her name to Evelyn was quickly dismissed as Sylvia realized how it would not only be suspicious to Takeshi, but also would become confusing.

"No thank you," she responded, claiming her items from Takeshi. "Thank you though, I don't know what I'd do without these," Sylvia said, briefly gesturing to her knife and coin, replacing the former into her pocket whilst twirling the latter between her fingers. Sylvia noted that the girl that Takeshi had been sitting with was now both awake and present, and that this would be as good a time as ever to get to know her.

"And you are?" Sylvia asked the girl, also gesturing that the small group should begin exiting the train.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brasslazer
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Brasslazer Snunch King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Still waiting, Alan's head lifted up, his mandibles picking up a familiar scent

There it is again! he thought, the smell of vanilla once again in the air. It hadn't killed him earlier, so it probably wasn't poison, but he still wanted to figure out what it was. This time, however, he could track the source of the smell to the next train-car. He walked over to the door, and burst through.

"Okay, what's the deal with all this vanilla!" he shouted, looking around to see the old-timely dressed boy, his eyes then focusing on the girl who had taken the bags earlier.
"Oh, I see you had something to do with it." he said, his voice full of contempt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tollank was finally getting a few moments of rest when he was awoken by someone shouting.

Brasslazer said "Okay, what's the deal with all this vanilla!" he shouted, looking around to see the old-timely dressed boy, his eyes then focusing on the girl who had taken the bags earlier.
"Oh, I see you had something to do with it." he said, his voice full of contempt.

Tollank quickly sat up to see the bug faced boy from earlier, standing in the doorway of the traincar. Tollank still didn't know what Leon and Aeria were talking about, but he assumed it was important if it required they went to a less crowded place. And peaches here was gonna mess all of that up. Tollank rose to his feet and walked over to the boy.

"Hey Peaches, the name's Tollank, My friends here are trying to do a little conversing in private and I don't feel like they would want to be interrupted." Tollank puts his hand on the boy's shoulder, "How about you and I go wait outside, and when they are finished we can come back in and sort all of this out?" Tollank turned his face towards Leon and Aeria, "We will be waiting outside, just come and get us when you two are wrapped up." Gently leading the boy he opens the door of the holocar and steps out into the station.

The door clicking behind him, Tollank lets go of the boy. "I don't know what beef you have with Aeria, but I couldn't imagine her hurting anyone, she is way too quiet for that. If you want vanilla so badly I am sure we could find some once we get deeper into town. If Aeira or Leon wants to talk to us then they will come get us," Tollank moves himself in front of the doorway and crosses his arms, "but for now we are gonna wait right here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brasslazer
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Brasslazer Snunch King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

BuriedComic7 said
Tollank was finally getting a few moments of rest when he was awoken by someone shouting.Tollank quickly sat up to see the bug faced boy from earlier, standing in the doorway of the traincar. Tollank still didn't know what Leon and Aeria were talking about, but he assumed it was important if it required they went to a less crowded place. And peaches here was gonna mess all of that up. Tollank rose to his feet and walked over to the boy."Hey Peaches, the name's Tollank, My friends here are trying to do a little conversing in private and I don't feel like they would want to be interrupted." Tollank puts his hand on the boy's shoulder, "How about you and I go wait outside, and when they are finished we can come back in and sort all of this out?" Tollank turned his face towards Leon and Aeria, "We will be waiting outside, just come and get us when you two are wrapped up." Gently leading the boy he opens the door of the holocar and steps out into the station.The door clicking behind him, Tollank lets go of the boy. "I don't know what beef you have with Aeria, but I couldn't imagine her hurting anyone, she is way too quiet for that. If you want vanilla so badly I am sure we could find some once we get deeper into town. If Aeira or Leon wants to talk to us then they will come get us," Tollank moves himself in front of the doorway and crosses his arms, "but for now we are gonna wait right here."

Alan turned on the boy, angry at being forcibly taken out of the car.

"Listen, Tollank, or whatever your name is, I'm just trying to figure out where this constant, nauseating smell of vanilla is coming from. And I don't even begin to see why you would be friends with that woman, or any in general. Woman are horrible beings who can't be trusted, and the biggest mistake a man can make is believing that one can show any honest emotions at all!" Alan was shaking, every shouting word filled with hatred. He began to walk back to the luggage "You'll find out pretty soon what it'll get you, I can guarantee that. Meanwhile, I'm going to stay here where I don't have to be near that vanilla-scented filth."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

His smile never left as Aeria went about helping him put on his cuff-link. He watched her in silence as she fiddled with his wrist, the scent of vanilla greeting his senses once again. "I don't think I could get sick of that scent," he mumbled, sinking slightly into his seat as he allowed himself to relax some. He hadn't scared her off with his appearance, though he also had not shared much. Still, it had been nice to share something. When she asked him "What happened," he paused for a moment, putting the glove back onto his hand. A long sigh dragged out of his lips as he wrung his hands together. "It's not a real pretty story," Leon said, flashing her a dreary smile, "but you asked. No backing out now!"

"Around six years ago I started working in the food distribution center. I was part of the group that would butcher meat and send it off to be sold. There were a lot of us there, plenty of older guys, people who've been working with their hands their entire lives, people who're veterans with knives. We got along pretty well at first. I worked my ass off and they appreciated it. I wasn't paying attention one day and cut my hand open and didn't think twice about healing it. Word got out and spread like a wildfire. Apparently one of the worker's kids got killed by a guy with a mutation that let set people on fire or something. Guy wanted to take out his anger, I was there, and I wasn't able to fight back. A few guys held me down and..." Leon brought a finger up to his ear, then down to his collar, which he pulled slightly, flashing the beginning of a scar across his throat. "My arm was hacked off, my throat slit, and well... There's a reason I dress like this. That was back when I was unable to create shields, back when I could only heal myself. My mutation hadn't really developed yet, so I did an awful patchwork job putting myself together. I'm still working on fixing things, like the dead nerves in my arm. A couple of months ago, I was still a mute."

The yelling of bug boy could be heard across the entire train, him going off about smelling vanilla. Tollnak pulled the kid aside, not that it did much good. Bug boy was not the type to quiet down easily, not that this was much of a surprise to anyone on the train. "Ya'know, I've gotten pretty good at working with vocal cords," Leon rubbed his throat for a moment, an eyebrow raising as he looked toward the direction of the bug boy's yelling, "I can't imagine if it would be all that difficult to take away the gift of speech." A slight smirk crawled across his face and he put on Aeria's forearm, "Thanks for being listening, Aerira. I appreciate it, I really do. If you don't mind, could I ask you a question though?" Leon hesitated, fearful of putting her off, "Why do you try so hard to hide your emotions? You have a wonderful smile and it's not fair to keep it to yourself!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I don't think I could get sick of that scent." Leon murmured. "You'd probably get tired of it if you smell it everyday." She smiled. Like I did. She added silently to herself.

Marx said
A long sigh dragged out of his lips as he wrung his hands together. "It's not a real pretty story," Leon said, flashing her a dreary smile.

At that moment, she regret asking the question. But just as she was about to tell him that it's alright not to tell her, he continued.

Marx said
"but you asked. No backing out now!"
"Around six years ago I started working in the food distribution center. I was part of the group that would butcher meat and send it off to be sold. There were a lot of us there, plenty of older guys, people who've been working with their hands their entire lives, people who're veterans with knives. We got along pretty well at first. I worked my ass off and they appreciated it. I wasn't paying attention one day and cut my hand open and didn't think twice about healing it. Word got out and spread like a wildfire. Apparently one of the worker's kids got killed by a guy with a mutation that let set people on fire or something. Guy wanted to take out his anger, I was there, and I wasn't able to fight back. A few guys held me down and..." Leon brought a finger up to his ear, then down to his collar, which he pulled slightly, flashing the beginning of a scar across his throat.

Her eyes widened a little, just enough for it not to be noticeable. A certain emotion that couldn't be read flashed across her eyes for a second as she watched the scar across his throat. She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat as she tried to imagine how that would have felt. Although she was tough and brave, she had low pain tolerance which she always hated about herself because to her, weakness was not acceptable. Only the strong survive. She does a great job hiding it though when people are around and only then when she's alone does she truly express the pain that she feels.

The sound of Leon's voice brought her back to reality, "My arm was hacked off, my throat slit, and well... There's a reason I dress like this. That was back when I was unable to create shields, back when I could only heal myself. My mutation hadn't really developed yet, so I did an awful patchwork job putting myself together. I'm still working on fixing things, like the dead nerves in my arm. A couple of months ago, I was still a mute."

She was about to say something when a sudden familiar voice that immediately triggered her to feel annoyed was heard. She turned to face the direction of the voice and she stared blankly at the boy who stood there, filled with contempt and rage. The negative aura that was radiating off him made her headache worse. Tollank came and brought him out of the train and she sighed in relief and gratitude. That was nice of him.

Brasslazer said
."Listen, Tollank, or whatever your name is, I'm just trying to figure out where this constant, nauseating smell of vanilla is coming from. And I don't even begin to see why you would be friends with woman, or any in general. Woman are horrible beings who can't be trusted, and the biggest mistake a man can make is believing that one can show any honest emotions at all!" Alan was shaking, every shouting word filled with hatred. He began to walk back to the luggage "You'll find out pretty soon what it'll get you, I can guarantee that. Meanwhile, I'm going to stay here where I don't have to be near that vanilla-scented filth ."

His loud voice could still be heard and she smirked lightly. He was just as distrustful as she used to be although she was much calmer and in control. She hoped that he would soon learn to control his emotions. "Thanks for being listening, Aerira. I appreciate it, I really do. If you don't mind, could I ask you a question though?" Leon hesitated. She turned her attention towards him, wondering if he was gonna ask her a personal question. "Why do you try so hard to hide your emotions? You have a wonderful smile and it's not fair to keep it to yourself!"

Her expression softened but it still didn't give away a hint about how she was feeling. She blinked and looked at him for a few seconds, studying him and trying to discern whether he was being sarcastic or not. She gave him a small smile and leaned against the chair, relaxing herself. Her smile faded and she closed her eyes, "The longer I live, I find myself becoming harder.." She said silently. She opened her eyes and for a second, it held an emotion. She laughed lightly and sat up straight, "Just kidding. I don't know why I do." she said with a smile but her eyes gave away that she wasn't exactly happy. "It's strange how someone like you who went through so much could still smile." She said with a feeling of reverential respect.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"It's easy to still smile," Leon said, sitting up now, putting a hand on Aeria's shoulder as he did so. "You can learn a lot from staring into the abyss. It changed the way I look at most things. I still hide things, like my scars, and when I feel weak I usually avoid other people, but I try my best to enjoy life and the people around me." Leon shrugged, dropping his hand from her shoulder. His eyes left her as he looked around the car, noticing the ever dwindling number of people. "We should probably take off soon, I'm sure bug boy is eagerly waiting with Tollnak for us and we shouldn't keep 'em waiting too long, should we?" Leon started to stand up, giving a quick check over his clothing, making sure everything was in shape and his scars were all concealed once again.

"You know, it wouldn't be so bad to let people in sometimes. It'll make you a lot happier," Leon stepped out into the aisle of the train, remembering the journal he left in his seat. "If you think it'd help, I recommend you get one of these," Leon said softly as he reached across her and grabbed his journal, tucking it back between his arm. "Unless there's anything else you wanna chat about, let's jet." He said, offering her a hand to get up. In truth, he didn't want to leave just yet, but it would be rude to leave Tollnak alone much longer. There'd be plenty of time to chat in the future anyway, Leon figured. Though with a leader like Shigganeth, the future was an uncertain beast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lily had avoided making any contact with any of the others for awhile now. She was hoping to keep it this way. Most of them were either in their own little groups, or spouting out nonsense about vanilla. She had tried her best to sleep most of the trip but to no avail. She yawned and sat up properly, cracking her knuckles, knees, ankles, toes then her neck. She groaned slightly as she stood up, she started walking down the isle.

She wasn't paying attention when she bumped into the shoulder of another boy standing in the isle. She stumbled back slightly and her sunglasses fell to the floor. She quickly closed her eyes and muttered an obscenity before dropping to her knees and patting the ground around her looking for her sun glasses.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Leon placed a hand on Aeria's shoulder and her body made a quick, nervous movement as a reaction to the strange unfamiliar feeling. "We should probably take off soon, I'm sure bug boy is eagerly waiting with Tollnak for us and we shouldn't keep 'em waiting too long, should we?" She agreed silently and grabbed her bag which was next to her. She looked over at Leon who was looking at his clothes to make sure that all of his scars were properly hidden.

"You know, it wouldn't be so bad to let people in sometimes. It'll make you a lot happier," Aeria leaned her back against the chair once again to get a momentary relief from the headache that was bothering her. "If you think it'd help, I recommend you get one of these," He said as he grabbed his journal and tucked it between his arm. That caused a knowing smile to form on her lips as she looked down on the floor, embarrassed. "I actually have one of my own." She answered in a soft, low voice. Telling someone that she kept a journal wasn't exactly that easy for her.

Leon offered her a hand and she took it while using her other hand to sling her bag over her shoulder. The sudden motion of standing up caused her to go dizzy and she shut her eyes for a second. Out of nowhere, a girl with reddish brown hair bumped into Leon and her sunglasses fell on the floor. Aeria bent down and reached for it and a locket fell off from her pocket without her noticing. It opened when it made contact with the ground, revealing a picture of a boy with silver hair, just like her's. She picked the sunglasses up and placed it on the girl's hand as she studied her for a second. "Here it is."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As Aeria placed the sunglasses in Lily's she smiled slight and put the on, only then opening her eyes again once they were on. She stood slowly "ah, thanks so sorry about that, I gotta be more careful" she glanced over to the man she knocked over and quickly out stretched a hand to help him up "Are you okay?, I'm really sorry".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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A goofy smile crossed Leon's face when Aeria mentioned that she owned a journal, her voice giving away how difficult it was for her to share that with him. Leon said nothing further as he helped her up to her feet, noticing she seemed a bit light headed as she closed her eyes. In the moment of distraction, a figure bumped into his shoulder and as he stumbled backward and dropped onto a seat next to him, he saw a flurry of red hair suddenly drop to the ground. In usual fashion, Leon cocked an eyebrow at the girl, using his ability to quickly figure out what her deal was. "That can't be overly useful," he muttered after realizing that she had a mutation that gave her thermal vision. Which was nice and all, but it took away her regular vision. Two steps forward, three steps back. His mental monologuing was cut short by the sight of something dropping from Aeria's pocket.

A small locket with a equally small picture. Leon leaned down and snatched the locket up, snapping the locket shut between his pointer and thumb. Spying on Aeria's personal life wasn't particularly high on his list, though he couldn't help but notice that the picture was of a boy with hair similar to Aeria's. A rather unusual hair colour clued him in that the boy was probably a sibling of hers, possibly a non-mutant who was left behind. Leon wouldn't press that button. If she wanted to talk about whoever was in the locket, eventually she would. At least, that's what Leon figured.

His thoughts were put aside as a fresh voice and an unfamiliar hand were directed at him. "Ah, cheers." he said softly, taking her hand and taking a stand once more. "Don't worry about it," Leon shrugged. He reached out with his right hand and gave Aeria a nudge in the wrist before putting his hand on hers for a moment, returning her locket. "You dropped that," he said before offering the other girl his hand, expecting to shake it. "Name's Leon, this is Aeria," Leon said to the new girl, giving a nod to Aeria when he said her name.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lily hesitantly took this Leon's hand, she was a little concerned that he could tell what her mutation was so easily, must of been his ability. She let out a slight mumble "You can say that again" hiding her voice before speaking a little louder "Ah nice to meet you both" She smiled slight before pulling her hand away and adjusting her glasses.

She watched them through her glasses, just two redish orange blobs, she sight softly "I better get going" She walked passed him, more careful this time and stepped out of the train.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

She stood up and dusted her hands. Though the train station was very clean, the train had a bit of dust from the shoes of the people who walked by. She was tempted to grab the hand sanitizer from her bag but she didn't wanna come off as a neat freak. She felt a nudge on her wrist and her head turned towards Leon. She stiffened a little when he suddenly placed his hand on hers and she looked down to her hand when she felt the cold surface of a metal. She saw the locket and surprise was clearly written on her face. She quickly brought it closer to her and sighed in relief when she saw that it was shut close. She placed the locket back in her pocket and her hand stayed there, now afraid that she might drop something that was precious to her again.

She gave the newcomer a small smile and watched her as she stepped out of the train.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"If you keep stiffening up from stuff like that' I may just have to force you to hold my hand." Leon teased quietly to Aeria as the new girl walked away. "She has infrared vision," Leon said out of nowhere once the girl stepped off the train, "poor thing..." He took a few small steps toward the exit, pausing and letting out a sigh. "I can't mislead you like that," Leon scratched the back of his head, turning to face her, "It wasn't closed when I picked it up. I won't ask any questions though. If you wanna share with me, I'll be happy to listen sometime."

Leon stepped closer to the the exit, giving Aeria a final glance before he slid out of the train. "I guess we both have a habit of seeing thing we weren't meant to see," He smiled toward her, hesitating to hop off the train. "I'm going to go exploring tonight," he said suddenly, "If you wanna tag along you're more than welcome." With that he quickly hopped off the train, clueless as to what everyone was supposed to do next.

Like on cue, a familiar voice reached the minds of every member of the Ellexkir group, "Welcome to your new home, your journey is almost complete. Follow the path from the station and soon you will find the housing complex we prepared just for you." The warmth of Shigganeth's presence vanished as soon as he stopped speaking, making it clear that he wasn't planning on having a conversation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"If you keep stiffening up from stuff like that, I may just have to force you to hold my hand." Leon teased. This guy was really observant, she thought.

There was a hint of color on Aeria's pale skin and she looked away when she felt her face warm up. "Keep quiet." She said in a stern voice which held a tiny hint of embarrassment. She walked towards the exit just as Leon did and she stopped when he suddenly paused in front of her. "I can't mislead you like that," Leon said and she looked at him, wondering what he was talking about. "It wasn't closed when I picked it up. I won't ask any questions though. If you wanna share with me, I'll be happy to listen sometime." he finished and she was left speechless, not really knowing what to say to that.

Aeria stood still in silence as Leon moved closer to the exit. "I guess we both have a habit of seeing things we weren't meant to see," He smiled. "I'm going to go exploring tonight," he said suddenly, "If you wanna tag along you're more than welcome." With that, he hopped off the train. Aeria followed after him and slowly stepped out of the train. She placed her hands inside her pocket and looked at the floor as she moved closer to where he was standing. "That was my twin brother." She started slowly. She thought back at how Leon had told her his story and she felt unfair for not telling him more. In a way, he deserved to know. "He went missing a few years back." She continued. "I'm still searching for him.' She added the last part quietly, it barely came out as a whisper.

Her gaze left the ground and she looked up at him and smiled, "I was planning to do the same. Except I was planning to go alone." She pulled out her hands from her pocket and crossed her arms as she looked around her to observe the place. "But yeah sure, It would be nice to have someone with me because I suck at directions anyway." She answered absentmindedly. As soon as the words left her mouth, she immediately wanted to smack herself in the face. She hated revealing her embarrassing weaknesses to people.

All of a sudden, a voice entered her mind and she recognized the speaker to be Shinnageth or Shigganeth, she wasn't sure which one of the two was right. She wasn't very attentive to names and easily forgot the complicated ones. Anyway, she was thankful for the sudden interruption. "Welcome to your new home, your journey is almost complete. Follow the path from the station and soon you will find the housing complex we prepared just for you." She quickly moved to where Tollank and the bug boy were standing, not giving Leon a chance to throw in another comment to tease her. "Hope that didn't take too long." She gave Tollank a small smile and gave the boy a quick glance before looking behind her to see what Leon was up to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ever vigilant, the bionic armed boy stood guard outside of the door. Just moments ago he had stopped an assassin from taking the life of two diplomats that were currently inside the very train car he was standing outside of. However only a single assassin had been thwarted, there could be more lurking around any corner. He had to be on his toes, using his sonar sight to peer into every shadow, behind every door. Suddenly the door behind him opened! It could be a..

WinterNightSky said "Hope that didn't take too long." She gave Tollank a small smile and gave the boy a quick glance before looking behind her to see what Leon was up to.

"Nonono! Not too long or anything! I definitely wasn't daydreaming or anything like that, cause that would just be silly...." He let his voice trail off slightly. "I hope everything went well with Leon, he seems very trustworthy." Tollank stretched his arms, they had grown tired from having them crossed for so long. "Did you hear what Shigganeth said? I don't know about you but I could definitely use some good shut-eye. We should wait for Leon though." Tollank clapped his hands together, the sound echoing through the station. "We should hurry though, it looks like everybody is leaving."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

She sighed and stepped off he train, swearing at herself in her head. Before she could get to deep into her self loathing a voice interrupted her. Shigganeth's voice to be precise, "Welcome to your new home, your journey is almost complete. Follow the path from the station and soon you will find the housing complex we prepared just for you." She cringed slightly. She didn't like how Shigganeth's voice echoed through her head, it gave her a little head ache, but she was happy to find out that they were going to some housing complexes. It would be a nice relaxing break away from the strange people around her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Leon said nothing. Really, he didn't know what to say. He could have tried to say something to console her or give her some kind of advice, but what could one really say to something like that? From how she spoke it was clear the wound was still fresh, with her voice barely audible as she mentioned that she had yet to give up searching for him. There were already so many things he wanted to ask her, so many questions that would probably yank her heartstrings at the thought of her missing twin. Leon knew he could do something about this. With his ability he could trace her genetic makeup and search the ship for people that match hers, but that would take a lot of time and that would be going off the gamble that her twin was also a mutant and was on the ship in the first place. If he were a mutant, he could have had an experience similar to Leon's, with a very different outcome though. Not to mention that he was still committed to repairing the damaged nerves in his body, as well as his scars, and repairing Tollnak's eyes. He couldn't repair Tollnak's eyes without learning how to repair nerves. He couldn't put Tollnak off after pitching he idea to him, what kind of friend would that make him? The only solution that came to Leon's mind was to sac some work outside of the needs of his friends for awhile and focus on the, now, three projects at hand.

Her sudden smile caught him off guard, as did her saying that she'd go explore the district with him tonight. Without thinking, he blurted out something absentmindedly as well, "It's a date!" He nearly froze after saying that, wishing he could disappear. You're an idiot, he thought to himself, unable to muster up anyway to correct himself. Shigganeth's sudden appearance in his head distracted him for a moment from what he had said, the news being a decent relief. He'd have some time to get acquainted with his new home and have some time to breathe and do some much needed maintenance on his arm. Leon looked back toward his friends, Tollnak and Aeria, and the bug boy. He caught Aeria giving him a glance and Tollnak seemed to be expecting him to join up with the group, but Leon stood there, staring back. He had not realized that it was his first time really getting to know anyone in quite awhile. Between the time he was butchered to today, he spent a lot of his life in alleys and shelters trying to reforge his body in secrecy, unable to speak and looking like a horror show draped in rags. Now he was surrounded by people that treated him as a fellow human being. It was nice and it was majorly refreshing.

Leon rejoined the group shortly after Aeria and Tollnak chatted, his hands casually fiddling with his bow tie which was becoming undone again. When he got near the group, he turned around taking his last few steps backwards as he cupped his hands around his lips. "Boys n' girls of Ellexker," Leon yelled, "We're all gonna jet. If you don't wanna get lost, follow us!" He turned on his heel with his final step, facing the three of them, a small grin on his face. "Let's get the hell outta here, eh?" Before any of them had a chance to respond he cut through the group on his way to leave the station. He didn't have much to say, what with the recent events. His mind was racing with ideas of how to go about fixing the problems that he were surrounding him, most of his ideas being utter garbage, but it was part of the process. On the walk toward the housing block that was awaiting them, Leon had nothing to say and if anything had been said to him he completely missed it.

They were guided by a path of green light that ran along the ground and after a five or so minute walk culminated before a large cube shaped building, a striking glow emanating from the incredibly futuristic building, almost mocking the old antiquated building styles of their previous home. Shigganeth stood, or rather hovered, by the entrance, beckoning his future students in with his hands. Leon gave the alien a nod as he passed by, which in retrospect felt a little silly. The door opened directly to a pathway which lead straight into the building. The inside of the building was unlike anything he had ever seen before. The building appeared to be much larger inside than outside, the floors of the building going deep into the ship, far below the streets the just walked. "Huh..." Leon said aloud, taking the first few steps in, giving the place a look around. "Your rooms will be the floor below us. Beyond that are your facilities." Shigganeth reached out to his students, his voice giving the impression that he was proud to have them in this building. "Facilities?" Leon said, walking further into the building. "The very place each of you will unlock your potential." the alien answered, unaware that that statement could be rather... disconcerting.

Leon walked toward an area on the ground floor where several couches were gathered and dropped onto one, tossing his journal on the table in front of the couch. He supposed he should go and claim a room, but that could wait. Right now he just wanted to sit down and relax.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aeria heard Leon blurt something out but she pretended not to hear him because he clearly hadn't meant it. His jokes were gonna be the death of her. She looked back at Tollank, wondering why it was taking him some time to respond. It crossed her mind that he might not be a patient man and waiting might have annoyed him.

BuriedComic7 said
"Nonono! Not too long or anything! I definitely wasn't daydreaming or anything like that, cause that would just be silly...." He let his voice trail off slightly. "I hope everything went well with Leon, he seems very trustworthy." Tollank stretched his arms, they had grown tired from having them crossed for so long. "Did you hear what Shigganeth said? I don't know about you but I could definitely use some good shut-eye. We should wait for Leon though." Tollank clapped his hands together, the sound echoing through the station. "We should hurry though, it looks like everybody is leaving."

She looked at him in relief when she figured that he wasn't actually mad or anything. She tried to hold back a smile, his defensiveness giving away the fact that he really was daydreaming. She looked at him and nodded as Tollank stretched out his arms. She glanced at his bionic arm in curiosity and she could tell it was well taken care of. "Yeah, I heard him. Or her." She added the last part awkwardly. "Same here, I think i'm gonna take a short nap and a shower." She said as she looked at the path that the alien told them to follow. "I wonder if they have food.." She said silently to herself.

Marx said
"Boys n' girls of Ellexker," Leon yelled, "We're all gonna jet. If you don't wanna get lost, follow us!" He turned on his heel with his final step, facing the three of them, a small grin on his face. "Let's get the hell outta here, eh?"

She was quietly thinking when someone suddenly yelled. She instinctively took a step back in surprise and when she saw that it was just Leon, she sighed in relief and looked at him as he was grinning. She was about to throw in a comment but before any of them could even react, He cut through the group and followed the path. Aeria rubbed her eye gently to rid herself of the drowsiness and she started to wonder how Leon could have so much energy right now.

They followed the path and after a 5 minute walk or so, they were greeted by the sight of a marvelous futuristic building. Aeria took a moment to appreciate the architecture before walking inside after Leon. The alien stood by the entrance and Aeria only looked at the creature in the eyes, refusing to be submissive. The door opened and she paused for a moment as she took in the sight. It was much bigger inside and she couldn't help but notice how everything was once again so clean. How did they even keep it clean when it was extremely huge? Right, must be through their powers or something, she thought.

Aeria saw Leon head towards the couches but she decided to head to the rooms, curious as to how her room would look like. She turned back to Tollank, "I think I'll go head to my room. I'll see you guys later." She said with a smile and she headed to the stairs that led to the floor below them.
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