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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Gyrin said
Keita looked up, "Not much man.. how was it for you, I mean do you remember how we got here, I just remember a bunch of shooting and running" he laughed."As well as that, Shigganeth is pretty slick you know, I like him" he sat down and waited for Leon to answer back. Keita hand't seen Leon in forever, wondered how he was like now, they where the best of buds.. it was so clear on how they met... Leon was always they're to stick up for Keita.. always>

Leon shrugged, "They asked me to come along and I complied. What else was I gonna do? Shigganeth seems pretty interesting though. I think he's definitely the most transparent of the aliens. Makes me trust him a lot more than the others." Leon stopped talking when things seemed to go awry in the car. A boy was losing his mind, hollering about something that couldn't have mattered in the slightest. 'Whatever,' Leon internally shrugged looking back at his group. Keita had taken off to talk to some new cat. Leon heard his name being mentioned, but couldn't be bothered to get too invested. Really, he wanted to get back to the other two and keep talking. Leon slid by the two that were standing by the seats and plopped down next to Aeria, The bags were where he was previously sitting and now he was sitting across from Tollnak. "Hey, hey." Leon said, looking at the two for a moment. Leon could feel Aeria's distaste at the current situation, being the bug-boy insulting her, and let out a sigh as Tollnak said something to her.

"She's annoyed because the bug boy said something rude to her for no real reason." Leon explained, having the gist of Aeria's personality and that she wasn't much of a conversationalist. Leon reached across and picked up his luggage, yanking it over to his lap. His luggage was a simple rucksack made with scavenged cloth that he found scouring the slums he grew up in. In his pack was the only thing he still had, having sold everything he owned in order to buy what he wore today. Leon untied the drawstring keeping his rucksack closed, and shoved a hand in retrieving a small black book. He sighed in relief, dropping his journal back into the rucksack. He had been recording life events in the journal sometime shortly after he and Keita were separated.

The holotrain was beginning to slow now, they were perhaps five minutes away from their new homes. "I think we're almost at our destination." Leon said to his two companions, letting out a small sigh, "This train's gotten a little too crowded for me. I'm just not the social animal you two are," he said truthfully to Tollnak, before giving a teasing grin to Aeria.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

With the girl who got his bag walking away, saying "That's irrelevant" Takeshi simply shrugged. Oh well he thought. He carefully placed his luggage at his feet, trying to not wake Mira. Taking out one of his swords, he admired it closely.

It was one of his favorites. He made sure there was no dust, or anything wrong with it, checking it's sharpness. It was in good condition. He placed it back into his bag, and brought out a smaller one.

He wore it on his waist, on the side away from Mira. Takeshi watched as she slept quietly. What a blissful face he thought, smiling over her. He noticed the holotrain begin to slow. He guessed they were getting close to their destination.
"Hey, Mira. Get up. I think we are almost there." Takeshi decided to wake her up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

BuriedComic7 said
"Hey I am really sorry that I was kinda out of it for a bit, its just that Leon's offer really caught me off guard. I was lost in thought and I kind of zoned out." Aeria looked rather annoyed, and Tollank really hoped that it wasn't due to his zoning out. "What is wrong Aeria? Did something happen?" He waited for her reply, but he didn't feel like he should press her any further.Tollank felt a shuffling towards the back of the train. He took note of the boy standing there, awkwardly slurping at the contents of a can. Tollank was surprised to see that under his bandana he was hiding the mandibles of a large insect. , Tollank thought to himself. The boy was trying to hide his mutation for some reason, but since he was trying to hide he felt like he shouldn't mention it to anyone. Tollank smiled to himself, these people were going to be his family from now he. He really hoped that they would all be as cool as Aeria, Leon, and boy whose hand he shook.

Aeria was busy thinking about a lot of things so it took awhile before Tollank's words registered in her mind. "It's okay, his offer was rather surprising." She said nonchalantly. Before she could answer his question, She noticed that something had caught Tollank's attention and he followed his gaze to the boy with the bandana. "Nothing at all. Someone just managed to put me in a foul mood.." She paused, "Possibly, the one you're staring at." She finished with a half smile. She rested her left arm on the chair's arm rest and glanced at Matthew to see what he was doing as he suddenly got quiet.

Marx said
Leon slid by the two that were standing by the seats and plopped down next to Aeria, The bags were where he was previously sitting and now he was sitting across from Tollnak. "Hey, hey." Leon said, looking at the two for a moment.

Aeria flinched a little in surprise as Leon suddenly came out of nowhere but she tried to cover it up by clearing her throat. She sat up straight and moved her attention to him. "She's annoyed because the bug boy said something rude to her for no real reason." She raised an eyebrow and looked at him, "For someone quite far away, you're pretty observant." She responded as a small smile crept across her face. She looked out the window when Leon mentioned that they were almost at their destination. She was actually pretty excited to reach the place, she wasn't a fan of train rides because she hated staying in one place for too long.

"This train's gotten a little too crowded for me. I'm just not the social animal you two are," he said truthfully to Tollnak, before giving a teasing grin to Aeria.

"Ha-ha oh really." She tried to stop the smile that was forming on her lips so it came out as a half smile. She tried to hide it by rolling her eyes and looking away, pretending to enjoy the view outside the window.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Mathew just stands there and watches them. Wondering who they were talking about and why. He looks around the train a bit and sighs as he sits down, he looks at Aeria. "So who are you talking about? And what did he do?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 27 min ago

Gavin started a little in surprise as Evelyn walked over to him, asking about what was wrong. He briefly toyed with the idea of messing with her, but instead simply groused, "So...bored...SO...BORED..." Sighing, he walked over to his stash of metal, twisting it into a spiral before melting it into cold liquid. "What do you do whenever you can't think of...ah, nevermind, you probably just look into peoples' minds or whatever it is you do, I don't even remember..." The metal slowly melted around his hands and solidified, turning into fists like hammers. He smacked them together, boredom temporarily forgotten. "What was I talking about before, when we had just gotten on the train...? Riiight, the aliens. They're going to gas us all, or vaporize us, or eat us, or something. And then...OF COURSE!" People around him looked at him strangely as he chuckled self-consciously and and apologized.

"Anyway, it all makes sense now! That blonde kid must've been an agent for the aliens, searching for dissent! I bet he can read minds! He saw what I was thinking!" He shook the young lady. "They're coming for me! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! RUN FOR WHAT LITTLE SEMBLANCE OF LIFE YOU MIGHT HAVE REMAINING...! Or he was just some random kid. NOPE, definitely an agent spying on us." He pulled her in closer and whispered in her ears. "If you see him, break his neck as fast as you can so he can't report it to them. You never know, he could be anywhere...
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

WinterNightSky said "It's okay, his offer was rather surprising." She said nonchalantly. Before she could answer his question, She noticed that something had caught Tollank's attention and he followed his gaze to the boy with the bandana. "Nothing at all. Someone just managed to put me in a foul mood.." She paused, "Possibly, the one you're staring at." She finished with a half smile.

Tollank continued to study the boy with the mandibles, his constant crunching of the cans and the slurping allowing shockwaves to wash over his body. All the better to see you with Tollank thought to himself. It was perhaps one of the strangest things that Tollank had ever seen, a blend of flesh and hard exoskeleton. He shifted his focus to Aeria, "Well then, whatever could that sweet little boy have done? All he seems to do is want to eat peaches. Not that I can blame him though, peaches do happen to be one of my favorites as well." Tollank suddenly felt footsteps approaching, announcing the return of his new friend Leon.

Marx said "Hey, hey." Leon said, looking at the two for a moment. Leon could feel Aeria's distaste at the current situation, being the bug-boy insulting her, and let out a sigh as Tollnak said something to her. "She's annoyed because the bug boy said something rude to her for no real reason." Leon explained, having the gist of Aeria's personality and that she wasn't much of a conversationalist. Leon reached across and picked up his luggage, yanking it over to his lap.

"Bowtie returns! Well I guess everybody picked up on the whole insect making Aeria mad thing, damn my habit of over concentrating." Watching Leon open his bag reminded Tollank that he should check on the condition of his luggage. He moved the small duffle bag from the seat next to him onto his lap. Unzipping it he snapped his fingers, sending a small wave of sound into the bag. A few shirts and pants, a couple pairs of shorts if it was warmer. His MP3 player was in his pocket, he would never let that thing leave his side. Suddenly a thought occurred to Tollank.

"Leon......what color is my bag? I just kinda grabbed it before I had to leave. Please say it looks halfway decent..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Yeah, I've always been a pretty observant," Leon said to Aeria, giving a small shrug, "It's more a curse than a gift though." A small smile accompanied his last statement because it wasn't exactly a lie that being observant had its faults, but it sure as hell had its benefits too. It was a little interesting that the one person Leon expected to be more observant than himself was the one who completely missed the small fiasco. If anything it made Leon want to work on Tollnak more. There seemed to be a lot that he could learn about his new friend.

"Oh, that's your bag?" Leon rose an eyebrow at Tollnak, deciding immediately to have a bit of fun with him. "I assumed it was Aeria's bag, what with it saying Girl Power in bold print across the front of it." Leon held back a smile, giving a gentle nudge to Aeria with his elbow. He wanted her to join in on the fun. In truth the duffel was a dull navy blue that anyone in their right mind wouldn't bat an eye at. Leon didn't pay much attention to the other bloke that sat down by the group. He seemed to have missed the entire conversation up until this point and truth-be-told, Leon was already having a hard enough time being around so many people. The guy would just have to figure out for himself, unless Aeria or Tollnak had any interest in filling him in.

The train reached the station shortly after Tollnak asked what colour his back was and for a moment, Leon thought of being truthful with Tollnak about the bag. Sure, he'd never really know until he asked someone else or someone ruined the joke, but if Leon could restore his sight.. He wasn't too sure he liked the idea of Tollnak giving him a wallop for his joke. 'For the greater good of comedy', he decided as he leaned slightly back into his chair, giving a final peak into his bag. He noticed his, his being a relative term of course being that it was stolen, gilded pen with an intricate design interwoven into the golden sheet. So, he officially had four items in his possession now. That being the clothing on his back, his pen, his journal, and his bag. Leon began to put the rucksack down between his legs when the bag ripped open and spilled forth his pen and journal into the aisle of the train. He sighed and lobbed the bag into the corner of the train, reaching down to grab his pen and journal. So, now he was back down to three things.

Leon peered around Aeira at the train station which appeared to be freshly cleaned, every meter of the place holding a certain shine to it. The station seemed particularly crowded, a group of students bound for the Sabore district transferring at this station to make the final trip to their new home. "No way in hell I'm gonna walk around a crowd like that again anytime soon." Leon muttered under his breath, plopping back down into his seat. "Ya'll can hop off the train without me," Leon said aloud to no one in particular, "I'm going to stay behind and wait for the crowd to die down." Leon brought up his notebook, quickly flipping to a fresh page and scribbled on it with his pen to test the ink cartridge. It seemed to be working, much to his relief. Slowly he wrote down a message, one that was short, simple, and to the point. With another bump from his elbow, he looked to grab Aeria's attention, his journal aimed to be in clear view of Aeria and himself.

The note read simply; I know you saw my hands when I first got onto the train. I'd like to speak with you. I'll be waiting in the next car.

With his message conveyed, Leon got out of his seat and took a brief look around the room. "I'll see y'all later tonight, I'm sure." Leon simply said, walking along the aisle and disappeared into the next traincar, closing the door behind him. He took a seat on one of the small tables in the center of the car and flipped open his journal, putting pen to paper, beginning to write out everything that was important from today as he waited to see if the girl who commanded air with a whim would drop by.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylverblu
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Sylverblu The Citrus Fruit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lemons said
Gavin started a little in surprise as Evelyn walked over to him, asking about what was wrong. He briefly toyed with the idea of messing with her, but instead simply groused, "So...bored...SO...BORED..." Sighing, he walked over to his stash of metal, twisting it into a spiral before melting it into cold liquid. "What do you do whenever you can't think of...ah, nevermind, you probably just look into peoples' minds or whatever it is you do, I don't even remember..." The metal slowly melted around his hands and solidified, turning into fists like hammers. He smacked them together, boredom temporarily forgotten. "What was I talking about before, when we had just gotten on the train...? Riiight, the aliens. They're going to gas us all, or vaporize us, or eat us, or . And then...OF COURSE!" People around him looked at him strangely as he chuckled self-consciously and and apologized."Anyway, it all makes sense now! That blonde kid must've been an agent for the aliens, searching for dissent! I bet he can read minds! He saw what I was thinking!" He shook the young lady. "They're coming for me! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! RUN FOR WHAT LITTLE SEMBLANCE OF LIFE YOU MIGHT HAVE REMAINING...! Or he was just some random kid. NOPE, definitely an agent spying on us." He pulled her in closer and whispered in her ears. "If you see him, break his neck as fast as you can so he can't report it to . You never know, he could be

Sylvia visibly took a step back, mouth gaping as Gavin's volume rose. As he grabbed her, she began to force him away. With Gavin's rant closing with an uncomfortably close whisper, Sylvia took him by the back of the head and brought his face into collision with the pole on which she had been balanced. Ignoring the onlooking bystanders, Sylvia gathered her bags and headed towards the back of the car, saying, "We're done here." Once again she passed Takeshi, now with the girl having returned, wearing a different set of clothes and asleep on his arm. With eyes turning to a paler shade of green, Sylvia checked to see if Takeshi was examining her as she walked past. As she noted him placing a short, curved blade onto his hip, she instinctively put her free hand into her pocket, gripping her knife.

However, Sylvia's irises soon returned to the lively shade that was the natural color of her eyes, and she stood in the back of the slowing train, wishing only for a chance to be out of this confined space. Out of nervous habit, Sylvia fiddled with her knife, twirling and flipping it in the air while thinking to herself.

People. Pfft.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aeria looked away from the window and glanced at Tollank's bag when he asked Leon about the color."Oh, that's your bag?" Leon rose an eyebrow at Tollnak, deciding immediately to have a bit of fun with him. "I assumed it was Aeria's bag, what with it saying Girl Power in bold print across the front of it."

She gave Leon a surprised and questioning look that said "Seriously?" She could see through Leon's useless efforts of trying to hold back a smile because he was practically beaming. He gently nudged her with his elbow and the sudden physical contact made her speak. "Uhh.." She was now looking at Tollank but was sending Leon nervous glares from time to time. "Um y-yeah. It's even pink.." She stuttered and faked a small laugh which came out flat and unnatural. She cleared her throat and rubbed her palms together to stop them from trembling slightly. She wasn't used to lying and as far as she could remember, she has never told a single lie. She made a mental note to kill Leon for this later. Not literally, of course.

The train came to a stop and the train station had caught Aeria's attention. She gazed out the window, looking around the train station in wonder. It didn't go unnoticed that the station was spotless, polished, untarnished and gleaming. To put it into simpler terms, it was very clean. She could hear Leon speaking but she couldn't understand his words because she was too engrossed in what she was seeing as she observed the place.

Her train of thoughts broke as she felt another nudge from her side and she glared at Leon before her gaze wandered down at the note.
I know you saw my hands when I first got onto the train. I'd like to speak with you. I'll be waiting in the next car. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and her face showed a bewildered expression. At the back of her head, she was still thinking about the place they had just arrived in and was mentally planning to head to the next car.

Saw his hand? Of course I saw his hand, I have ey- Oh.. Realization hit her when she remembered the deep scars that ran across his hands and she gave him a nod of understanding. She watched as he stood up and made his way to next car and she sat there in a momentary silence as another gentle breeze came. What could be so important? She thought in curiosity.

She shook her head to get rid of the jumbled thoughts and focused on Tollank who was sitting across her. "Let's head to the next car?" She said and stood up to pick her bag up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 2 hrs ago

*Mathew looks at them as they talk, but his eye is mostly on the train station. Finally he snaps out of it and looks at them* "Wait are you going to leave me here alone?" *He joked as he picked up his bag and smiles at Aeria and Tollank* "Or did you two want your privacy?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brasslazer
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Brasslazer Snunch King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alan licked the last couple of drops from the can. Delicious he thought, content with his meal. As he was heading back to his seat, he felt the shudder of the train slowing down and looked out the window. The first thing that he noticed was the lack of insects in the station. It was strange, there wasn't a single fly or cockroach. Great, these tall things are bug-haters too he thought with a grimace. He looked back at the other riders. Nobody else was leaving. Well Alan wouldn't be the first to leave. One of them probably had back-stabby mutations or something. He leaned back and crossed his arms. He would wait for another hour if he had to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Marx said "Oh, that's your bag?" Leon rose an eyebrow at Tollnak, deciding immediately to have a bit of fun with him. "I assumed it was Aeria's bag, what with it saying Girl Power in bold print across the front of it." Leon held back a smile, giving a gentle nudge to Aeria with his elbow

WinterNightSky said "Uhh.." She was now looking at Tollank but was sending Leon nervous glares from time to time. "Um y-yeah. It's even pink.."

Tollank listened to Leon and Aeria describe his bag, and he almost believed them for a moment. However it obvious that there was some kind of rouse going on, Leon was practically choking trying not to smile and Aeria was obviously uncomfortable with her statements. Well if they are gonna have, I might as well have some too...
"Oh thank you two so much! With me being blind and all I can't see colors, so thank you for telling me about my bag before I made a fool of myself!", Tollank hunched over in a huge fit of laughter, the sound echoing through the holotrain. "The next time you guys try to pull a fast one on me, at least TRY to make it believable!"

The holocar came to a halt at the station, and the squealing of the breaks gave Tollank a clear view of the station. People were already shuffling out of another holocar, Tollank assumed that they were the kids who picked a different district. Your loss kids, at least my alien seems to be a trustworthy one. Each footstep of the crowd gave Tollank a little picture. The place had been scrubbed clean, with no discarded wrappers or insects scurrying around. In a few places he could even see where there was a slight bit of water left, it had not yet dried from the cleaning.

Marx said "No way in hell I'm gonna walk around a crowd like that again anytime soon." Leon muttered under his breath, plopping back down into his seat. "Ya'll can hop off the train without me," Leon said aloud to no one in particular, "I'm going to stay behind and wait for the crowd to die down."

Tollank looked up at Bowtie and smile knowingly. He knew that crowds weren't most people's forte, and unlike him people with sight were actually hindered by a large number of people. "Its all good bro, take all the time you need." Tollank went to zipping up his bag and slinging it across his shoulder, when he looked up Leon was already walking into another traincar.

WinterNightSky said She shook her head to get rid of the jumbled thoughts and focused on Tollank who was sitting across her. "Let's head to the next train?" She said and stood up to picked her bag up.

"Oh, sounds good too me!" Tollank stood up and stretched out his legs, he turned to the boy whose hand he shook and sat next to. "Sorry we didn't talk too much, maybe we can meet up in the city sometime?" He smiled at the boy and then turned to follow Aeria into the next train car.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aeria faces Matthew and nods an apology because of the lack of attention she had given him due to the multiple conversations she had to keep up. It was rather exhausting but.. nice. "We'll see you in the city tonight." She said with a warm smile that didn't match her cold eyes. She moved through the train with a bit more ease, seeing as the crowd had died down. She steps into the next traincar and waits for Tollank to get in before closing the door behind her. This place had more people inside, standing by the exit and waiting for their turn to get out so they could finally explore the wonders that Ellexkir had to offer.

It took her awhile to spot Leon who was sat at the small round table at the middle, pen in hand, scribbling down something in his journal. She turns to look at Tollank and slings her bag over her shoulder. "You can go on ahead without me. I'll catch up as soon as I can." She smiled and reached for the pocket watch inside the pocket of her coat. "In 30 minutes or an hour, maybe? I just have.. some business to attend to." She said in a gentle manner as her eyes flickered to where Leon was sitting. She all of a sudden had her guard back up before walking over towards him. Has she tumbled upon an information she wasn't supposed know?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


Member Offline since relaunch

Mira awoke.. as the trains slowed.. "Thanks, Takeshi" she got up well rested and a bit less bubbly..
"I got real childish back there didn't I" she laughed, her personality had changed from super bubbly to a calm smile with, the one thing that wasn't there before maturity, having a split personality disorder wasn't normal these days, it was considered "genetically cured" but she was one of the first to have symptoms of this disorder again.

"Hey, nice swords" Mira said as they sat aboard the holotrain, it had stopped now.. but the doors weren't open.
"I guess somethings wrong" Mira watched as everyone else was getting off there trains.. and Ignori's train had one door open.. which led into a tunnel, is this what they meant by eccentric.. Mira's personality.. finally settled in between her bubbly and mature state, it was odd for it to switch so fast.

"Hmm.. ok I guess we go down the tunnel with everyone aboard" Mira said shyly.. as everyone was making a ruckus.
Shy was her thing obviously.
"Hey Takeshi, do you have a nickname" she said looking slightly up at him.
Illisthoth outside Sabores train leading everyone through the markets and then saying
"For the first day, you will stay inside here, there are dorms north of here.. by now everyone must've noticed that there are wristbands on well your wrists, they sould display a holographic menu, most of the "Wealthy" families at home would of had these, they where what was used as phones and games and everything.."
"That is all, follow the map inside the wristband, it is pretty easy to use" he smiled as he walked
"Feel free to follow me and ask questions, I am here to be your friend" as he walked off chiildren Mak'ari swarmed around Illisthoth, he smiled petting them on there heads, he was basically the All Father.. In terms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Don't worry," Leon said plainly without avert his gaze from his journal. It was densely filled with scribblings which looked like a bizarre hybrid of Cyrillic and Norwegian. He signed the bottom of the page Leon Osiris Roth. When he looked up, he greeted Aeria with a warm smile. "I swear, I'm not going to attack you or anything. I just want to explain what you saw and ask your for a favor. Pinkie promise and all that."

Leon hopped off the table and took an empty seat, waving her over. It was less likely to draw attention if he were to explain things here. "So..." Leon started, taking off his gloves slowly. He took the time to undo his cuff-links and rolled back his sleeves slightly, all with his right hand, revealing a deep scar running from along the center of his left wrist, a circular scar going around his right forearm. "They don't stop there either, but it'd be rude to take off my shirt in front of a girl I hardly know. Though there is.." Leon brought a hand up to his long golden hair, pulling aside his hair enough to show his right ear. The top half of it missing completely. "Anyways... with you being the first person ever to see any of my scars, I just felt like I should say something. I just don't want it to get out that I'm covered in scars, or how I'm missing part of my one of my ears, or that my left arm is paralyzed. I mean, if I can't properly heal myself, how can anyone trust in me to heal them?" Leon adjusted himself in his seat and leaned forward slightly, his elbows pressing into his knees.

"Sorry to lay all this onto you, really." Leon said with a sigh, "And sorry to put you on your guard." Leon sat up slightly, beginning to unroll his sleeves. He slid the cuff-link that resembled a rod with a snake wrapped tightly around it into his left sleeve and pulled on his leather glove, concealing his hand once more. "If you have anything you want to say or any questions, please share. I won't be going anywhere for awhile," Leon quietly chuckled as he began the challenge of trying to get his cuff-link back into his right sleeve, not having a left hand to take care of the job.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tollank stood up and began to follow Aeria into the next traincar, however soon Aeria stood aside and allowed him to enter the traincar first. There were quite a few more people in this traincar compared to theirs, but it still didn't compare to the number of people that were gathered into the previous meeting hall.

WinterNightSky said She turns to look at Tollank and slings her bag over her shoulder. "You can go on ahead without me. I'll catch up as soon as I can." She smiled and reached for the pocket watch inside the pocket of her coat. "In 30 minutes or an hour, maybe? I just have.. some business to attend to." She said in a gentle manner as her eyes flickered to where Leon was sitting.

"That's okay, I have nothing but time." Tollank looked towards the row of seats that lined either side of the holocar. "I am not too keen on losing track of my two new friends just yet. I may sit down and rest my eyes for a bit, just come and nudge me when you are done." Tollank walked over to the seats on the adjacent wall and sat down. He watched Aeria walk over to Leon, and eventually move to a different spot in the traincar. Tollank leaned his head back and closed his eyes, it had been a long day so far, and he felt it was only gonna get longer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Before Mira got up, it seemed the girl who did not give her name saw Takeshi placing his tanto. He did not look at her, directly, just felt that she was looking and seemed to have gone to grab something. Watching Mira get up, Takeshi smiled and nodded as she spoke about how childish she was before. "So, you realize that" He replied. Mira commented on Takeshi's swords, "Oh, so you noticed them?" The train had stopped moving, with all but one door open. This door lead to a tunnel. It seemed they needed to walk the rest of the way. Takeshi sighed a little. The people around them started to make a ruckus, some people were walking in through the door to the tunnel, some were anxious about whether they should go through.

Mira turned and looked slightly up at Takeshi, asking if he had a nickname. Cute He thought, but he was still quite composed.
"I've been called Ta-kun before, but you can call me anything you want."
"I think we should wait a little longer, wait for most of the others to leave, so it's easier than in a big crowd." He suggested.
Takeshi left his suitcase and large bag at his feet, waiting for the other passengers to leave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylverblu
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Sylverblu The Citrus Fruit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The masses were filing out of the now still train car onto the spotless station, and stood there briefly before they, and Sylvia all heard Illisoth's announcement. Sylvia listened absent-mindedly, at least until she realized that she had been wearing a small, slate coloured band with golden accents and two transparent disks on her wrist. She looked around and indeed, everyone was wearing one, though there were several different designs. She pressed the lower of the two disks, and a holographic display was projected from the other, with several functions available. She selected the 'map' function and quickly memorized the instructions to get to her "dorm" as it was called.

Turning off the display, Sylvia wondered why such an expensive, elaborate form of technology had just been given to them to use as a map. While the situation was indeed odd, the thought was fleeting and Sylvia gathered her bags to prepare to leave. Moving through the crowd was a pain, but getting back into the train was even worse. The air outside of the train was a bit warm, and she didn't want to sacrifice her jacket with all of its storage space and comfort. Quickly stepping into the train's back room, she changed into a lighter tank top and placed her T-shirt into her bag. As she stepped out of the compartment, Sylvia noted that in the brief time that she had taken a significant portion of the car had already left. As she passed Takeshi and his friend, she was putting her jacket back on with the hand that was not carrying her bag. As it swung onto her shoulder, the contents of her pocket spilled out, dropping a butterfly knife, silvery white coin, and the name tag that had been on her bag to the floor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 27 min ago

After a minute or so, Gavin finally recovered from the ringing in his head. I think I just got headslammed into a pole. Yep, that happened. Rubbing his nose ruefully, he suddenly noticed that the train had stopped, and had indeed been slowing down for the past few minutes. Still just as clueless as ever, he mentally sighed, then shouldered his bag of metal, grunting at the weight, and walked to the door. Outside, the air was warm and muggy, the humidity well past 80 percent. He groaned under his breath, taking his hoodie off and shoving it into his bag with the steel. Rolling his shoulders, he settled his t-shirt properly, then grasped the bag again.

Hearing a slight sound from the train, he glanced back, seeing "Evelyn" dropping a small assortment of items. The coin? Meh. The metal was too pale for steel or iron, probably silver, and was thus useless to him. The knife was a little bit more interesting. Silver knives were impractical, so it was most likely made of stainless steel. The final piece was the most intriguing. It looked to be a name tag. Before somebody walked in front of him, he could read the letter "S" as the first letter. He smiled with a sort of joyless satisfaction and muttered, "I knew you were lying about your name..." under his breath. That left the question, what was her real name? Reflecting on how to find out, he mirrored her actions, pressing hard upon his solid-steel armband and scrolling through the menus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Don't worry"

Aeria stood there and watched him as he signed the bottom of his journal, careful enough not to look at the contents for it might be private. "I swear, I'm not going to attack you or anything. I just want to explain what you saw and ask your for a favor. Pinkie promise and all that." She smiled a little because the attacking part never really crossed her mind. He sat down on one of the empty seats and she followed him, taking the empty seat to his right. "So..." Leon started to removed his gloves. After that, he undid his cuff-links and rolled back his sleeves, all in a very slow motion. From this distance, she could see that the scars were much deeper than they looked from when she first saw them.

"They don't stop there either, but it'd be rude to take off my shirt in front of a girl I hardly know. Though there is.." She let her gaze wander around the scars a bit more before looking up to see what Leon was hiding behind his blonde hair. It brought her concern and curiosity but her facial expression remained unchanging. Blank. A wind swept across them, blowing their hair slightly to the direction. "Anyways... with you being the first person ever to see any of my scars, I just felt like I should say something. I just don't want it to get out that I'm covered in scars, or how I'm missing part of my one of my ears, or that my left arm is paralyzed. I mean, if I can't properly heal myself, how can anyone trust in me to heal them?" She stayed silent as she watched his face which was filled with worry.. and a little bit of sadness? She thought.

Marx said
"Sorry to lay all this onto you, really." Leon said with a sigh, "And sorry to put you on your guard." Leon sat up slightly, beginning to unroll his sleeves. He slid the cuff-link that resembled a rod with a snake wrapped tightly around it into his left sleeve and pulled on his leather glove, concealing his hand once more. "If you have anything you want to say or any questions, please share. I won't be going anywhere for awhile," Leon quietly chuckled as he began the challenge of trying to get his cuff-link back into his right sleeve, not having a left hand to take care of the job.

She sighed and gently grabbed his right wrist so she could put the cuff-link back herself. She had a habit of taking care of things for other people whether they needed it or not, and not saying anything abut it or letting them react. She contemplated on whether she should ask the question that's been bugging her, but once it crossed her mind that this might be the last time they ever get to talk about it, she decided to ask. They don't really know what's gonna happen in the district and since a war was brewing according to the aliens that brought them here, a lot of things could happen. "What happened?" She asked after being so silent the whole time. She slid the cuff-link back to his right sleeve and once she was able to secure it, she let go of his arm slowly and looked at him as she waited for an answer.

Although there was no more wind, the smell of vanilla still lingered in the air and she ran her fingers through her hair due to the sudden headache she got. Although this was her scent, she never really liked the smell of vanilla in the first place.
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