Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Mira's shyness had worn off a while go.. she was always childish when she was floating, she decided to act more mature.. for a bit.
She was hiding her true personality from Takeshi, a habit she had.. she would act normal around him the more comfortable she got.

"I'm never this childish, yah know" trying to act confident..
Noticing the train moving she dropped down again..
"What the.." she sat next to Takeshi. He asked her about hobbies..
"Playing in the snow... ironicly" she gave a feint laugh. Mira's habit was a multi-personality disorder combined with disorder that's like bi-polar.. but less severe, more subtle.
"I also like knitting, mainly scarves.... I hope my bags haven't been touched" she looked down..
"Hey do you remember how we got here" she said.
"I remember my parents actually wanting me to go here like the knew." she paused..
"The last thing I remember was a bunch of us running towards a large hangar bay door.. dodging projectiles from the government" she didn't cry this time.
"That's why I was crying, because I thought that was a dream, not a reality" she hugged Takeshi..
"Thanks... for being nice" she just laid there under his shoulder.. she was getting a bit sleepy.
Keita knew the train was moving... when he could speak he smiled saying
"It's been moving for a bit"
"What's your mutation?" he asked the girl curious.

Keita had respect for girls, he had never hit a girl in his life, because of his fathers morals.. but his father eventually broke them.. accidentally hitting Keita's mother,
he never hit her again, he was so ashamed and he started drinking a lot... but we helped my dad, we said it was all right and that it was an accident.. even Mom forgave him.. she was the kindest.. too bad she got taken away for having a fourth child.. those stupid government rules.. they had plenty of oxygen and food.. why limit population?
A speaker came up through all three trains, it was Illisthoth and he said
"Hello, It is Illisthoth speaking, by now you will have recognized my voice, and noticed me"
"You are all travelling to the center of the city, the reason you are split up is so we can accordingly, get you houses inside the vast city, as well as get you off your feet" (Pun not Intended Little_Ninja)

Your belongings are on board the trains, one of you go to the back door and hand out your luggage.. all your belongings that we could get our hands on are there, mostly your dearest sentimental items
From now own, we are referring to you as 'Retributes', have a safe trip it will be at least an two hours.. this Transport Vessel is larger than the Old Governments shiip, twenty times larger to be exact, larger things take longer times to trek across
Illisthoth signing out for now
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Takeshi chuckled a little as she said she wasn't childish. It's the childish ones who say that in such a way he thought. He listened as Mira just briefly spoke about her hobbies, not going to any detail. She then started talking about what she remembers about how she got here. Her parents enforced the idea of coming here and then running from the government. For some reason, Takeshi couldn't quite remember how he got here. The only thing he remembers was walking into something similar to what Mira said, a large hangar bay door. Nothing to do with dodging projectiles, just a casual stroll for him. In regards to other things, like his life in the Old Vessel, he can remember quite well, but just can't quite figure out how he got here.

"That's why I was crying, because I thought that was a dream, not a reality" Mira hugged Takeshi. The suddenness of the hug surprised Takeshi, and he blushed a little.
"Thanks... for being nice" she just laid there under his shoulder. It appeared she was getting a bit sleepy.
Takeshi smiled.
"No problem" he said quietly.
He started to pat her gently, seeing her slowly lean into his lap. Takeshi could not tell if she had fallen asleep or not, but he just watched over her, with a smile.
What am I going to do with her? he thought, thinking he had to protect her with everything he had.

Illisthoth's voice came up through the speaker of the train as it made it's way to the city. He talked about being split up accordingly into houses inside the city. Takeshi hoped he could be housed close to Mira. Hearing that the belongings are on board the trains, someone had to hand out the luggage. Hearing that they will now be called 'Retributes', Takeshi thought about it's meaning, to give in return, to pay back, to punish, to reward. It had many connotations. It was an interesting choice. But it was shocking to hear that this Transport Vessel was 20x larger than the Old Government's ship and that it would take 2 hours to reach the city. He was glad his swords were brought along. Along with things like cards and clothes and some mementos he had of his family, but he couldn't quite go ahead to get them. There were three reasons why. The first was because Mira was on his lap, another is he doesn't know which is Mira's bags, although they are probably labelled with names, and finally, there wasn't quite enough room for luggage with all the other 'Retributes' on the train. It seemed quite a number tried to rush to the back door of the train. Takeshi then thought for a moment, why do I remember what was in my luggage, but not how I got here? He was still gently stroking Mira's head during all of this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sylverblu said
"This?" Sylvia said while removing an apparent splinter fromher hand.She turned around and leaned on the edge of Gavin's seat, removing her jacket to show both a white T-shirt with the small words, 'Faith is the world's best joke, and it's sad because so many people fall for it,' and an intricate tribal tattoo that stretched from her right hand to her shoulder and across her upper chest. The spiral on her hand was apparently the tail to some great bird, which looked as though it was falling out of the sky. There was an arrow lodged in its neck, with a bit of blood at the point of the wound. Enscribed in small calligraphy by the Phoenix's throat were the words, 'Nihil sit ut vivat in aeternum'"I got this when I reached that point in my life when bad things started happening, and good people started getting hurt. Particularly, my brother. Unexpected, I know, I got upset when was killed." Here, Sylvia's playful, sarcastic tone was exchanged for one of exhaustion. "He always thought that he'd live forever, you see, he was at a point in life where he thought that nothing bad could happen. Then he died. So, yeah, the situation is pretty self explanatory. The Phoenix, this mythical immortal bird, thinking it is invulnerable, is shot down by something as simple as an arrow for its ignorance to the harsh realities of the world. It had grown to believe that there would always be second chances. But you need to earn second chances, they don't just come naturally. The Phoenix grew lazy, always knowing that if trouble came to it no harm would be befallen. Therefor the Phoenix lost its privilege, having stopped earning its immortality. This is two things to me. It is my personal reminder to never get comfortable, and my message to the world to watch its back, because trust is a dangerous thing."Sylvia sighed, flicking the splinter off somewhere onto the floor of the train."The farther you think you are from death, the easier it is for it to sneak up right behind you."Sylvia thought about Gavin for a moment, and looked up to him, saying, "You know, ," she chuckled, no longer speaking with malevolence but teasing him, "You can call me Eve if you want."

Gavin became silent, his face showing deep thought. "Wow, that's...something. What do the words mean? What language are they in? I've never seen anything like them before." He stared at the tattoo, and the longer he stared, the more complex it seemed to become, spirals within spirals. I wonder how guilty I am of this. He looked up at Eve. "It's incredible." The metal unexpectedly stopped midway through an arc, falling to the floor with a loud clang. "What's the tattoo made of? How did you get such bright colours? I've never been able to find the kind of pigmentation..." He bent to pick up the metal, watching as it flowed up to his shoulder, where it formed into a silvery thrush and sat, occasionally cocking it's head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylverblu
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Sylverblu The Citrus Fruit

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"It's technically not a tattoo, it's a kind of body paint that takes advantage of your natural biological processes. The paint is thin enough to sink through the first few layers of skin - to the layer that a normal tattoo would rest on - but is too thick to sink into your body, making it a safe alternative that allows for greater colour variety," Sylvia said.

According to an announcement just made by Illisoth her bags were in the back of the train. "I'll be right back," Sylvia said, and before waiting for a response started walking to the other end of the moving train. On her way she took note of a boy and a girl sitting together. She overheard the girl say, "Thanks... for being nice" she just laid there under his shoulder. It appeared she was getting a bit sleepy. The boy smiled. "No problem" he said quietly. He started to pat her gently, seeing her slowly lean into his lap. The boy watched over her with a smile.

Sylvia passed with a light grin on her face.

Well then, that's... interesting.

Sylvia reached the back of the train and unloaded a large quantity of bags, each different. She remembered Illisoth's message, 'one of you go to the back door and hand out your luggage'


Not in the mood to go around to each individual, asking them their name and giving them their bags, Sylvia just put the luggage down and said loudly, "Come and get your stuff, stretch your legs," Sylvia looked through the pile until she found the labels Gavin and Sylvia. Remembering that she was under an alias, Sylvia removed the label from her bag and brought it back to Gavin, along with his bag. She dropped the two off, and opened her own to remove a box labeled as though it were filled with fruit. She chuckled, and opened it, quickly taking out and placing in her pocket black arrow-headed butterfly knife.

It's good to have you back.

Then, remembering the boy with the girl on his lap, Sylvia decided to return to them. She would feel bad if they had to be disturbed by getting up to fetch their bags, so she approached them and said quietly to the boy, "Hey, I can see you're a bit busy. What are the names of you two, I'll get your bags if you want."

(For those of you who don't know, the shape of knife I'm referring to looks like this)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brasslazer
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Brasslazer Snunch King

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Still curled up in a small ball, Alan was snapped out his paranoia attack by a loud grumbling from his stomach. Thinking back, he realized that he hadn't eaten for a couple of hours. As this thought passed his mind, almost on cue, the speaker came on, saying how they would be another two hours until their destination and that their luggage was on the back of the train, waiting for one of them to get. Alan knew that there would probably be food in his luggage, and if he went back to get the luggage, then nobody could steal his. He stood up, taking a moment to stretch out, and faced the soon-to-be residents of the Ellexkir District.

"Don't worry guys, I'll get the luggage for you and pass it out." he said, already walking down the aisle, not waiting for anyone to object. Maybe they would think he was being nice, trust him as he would never trust them.

When he got back to the luggage, he saw truly how few people were on the Ellexkir train. There couldn't have been more than ten bags or so. Still, it would take multiple trips, so he should save his bag for last so that he could keep an eye on it. Grabbing two bags at random, he checked the tags on them. They appeared to belong to a "Keita" and a "Leon". Well, he would have to meet these people at some point, right? Turning back, he prepared for what would probably the most uncomfortable experience of his day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Delighted at having his stuff back, Gavin nodded at Eve and tore it open. Inside were six ingots of steel. The only other object was a small piece of strange, dark metal which he handled as though it were a precious jewel. Placing it reverently into his inside pocket, he withdrew one of the ingots, hefting it and feeling the weight. Grinning, he held it steady and it began to shift form, first into a sphere, then into a dodecahedron, then into an octahedron, then a tetrahedron, and finally back to an ingot again. He placed it back into the bag and changed the bird back to a bracelet, then to a bird again, sighing. The boredom. It is crippling.

Glancing around, he spied Eve speaking with a boy a little ways down the train. He stood up, placing his bag on his seat, and began to pace back and forth in he small area that he had space in, muttering to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

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"Hey, Tollnak. This is kinda out of the blue, but what would you say to me trying to repair your eyes once I've gotten a bit better with my mutation?"

Tollank had no idea what to say. He had never had sight, nor had the thought of the possibility of ever gaining it. With his sonar he was able to see things that he felt people with sight would never pick up. Tollank never missed slight change in body language, and hitting him in a fight was damn near impossible. But he was sure that there were things he missed, he would never know the color of his mother's eyes, never see the color of a dress that a woman painstakingly had chosen for a date. Tollank loved rain, the sound of drop constantly hitting the ground gave him what he felt like was the closest to true sight, but he had never actually seen the rain. On the other hand he had never had anyone offer anything of the magnitude to him, such a sheer act of selflessness.

"I....I.....I have no idea what to say Leon. Don't take this the wrong way, I have never had anyone offer anything like that, but what if sight is too much?" Tollank shifted in his seat so that he completely faced Leon. "What if on top of all of this sonar information my brain can't handle having action sight? What if my mutation stemmed from having a part of my brain free, or worse what if I lost my mutation?" Tollank prayed that he hadn't offended Leon, as Tollank was quickly considering him a friend. Suddenly Tollank felt the train shift beneath him, and lurch causing a shockwave that allowed Tollank another complete view of the holocar. He saw a couple of people seated near the door, and assumed one of them must of been the friend that Leon was talking about. "If you need to go see him I completely understand dude, I will stay here and keep Aeria company!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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A chuckle escape Leon as Aeria stated simply that the train was moving. "I suppose it is," he had said to her with a small grin when she bit her lip, looking back towards Tollnak as he began to speak. Leon nodded as Tollnak spoke. Everything that he shared with Leon were perfectly valid concerns, though he did plan to have more extensive knowledge in nerve repair before he took a crack at Tollnak. He had a solid understanding of mutations and how they interacted with the body and there wasn't really that much of a worry about disrupting the guy's mutation. Though, on the off chance that the worse happened, Tollnak wouldn't be able to operate his false arm. Leon would never be able to face people again if he ruined Tollnak's gift.

"You're right to be worried," Leon admitted, his voice slow as if he wear caught in thought. "I can't promise everything would go off without a hitch," he paused, biting his lip, "I've been learning how to repair nerves, among other things, for the past few years and I think I'm on the verge of a breakthrough. If I find that breakthrough, I'll show you what I've been working on and let you decide for yourself whether or not you want me to work on your eyes." Tollnak seemed to be the first to notice Keita, who may have been standing their for quite awhile at this point. When Tollnak spoke up, Leon nodded. "Yeah," he said. Yeah was the best he could do at a moment like this. Confronting a ghost of one's past was always daunting. The fact that the past was unaware it was but a ghost now made it all the harder.

"Try not to get on too well without me, eh? I'd hate to miss out on the fun." Leon smiled at the two, standing up. With his right hand he fiddled with his bowtie slightly, adjusting the way his collar hugged his neck, bringing it up ever so slightly. He left arm hung at his side, still as stone. "Keita," Leon said as he stepped out into the car's aisle, "You wanna talk?" Leon began to walk away from the group, away from the boy who hid his bug-like mandibles, away from the other boy who seemed to be particularly unsocial. He stopped at the door, sliding it open and stepped through, letting it seal behind him and took his place near the center of the empty train car, leaning against a support beam in the center of the aisle. "So, what's up doc?" Leon would call out, the moment the doors opened and Keita stepped in. However long it took Keita was entirely his prerogative. Leon was made of time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Mira looked up, just before she fell asleep a girl whom said she would get them her bags, but Mira saw hers instantly grabbing it and rushing inside the empty room behind them.. (These Trains are designed for very very long trips) she came out in her favorite clothing.

(She still has her head band)

Mira's energy was depleted and she decided to slump back where Takeshi was sitting and fiddle with her thumbs.
She lifted a necklace from her bag and put it around her neck, also putting her gloves on.


She rummaged through her stuff and found a photo of her little brother.
"Hope he is ok" she murmured to herself. She finally reached the bottom of her first bag and found her violet black dress, she wore this the night of the snow storm, it was all clean for her to wear again, she used to wear it everywhere, it was too big for her back then though.

She laughed at the thought of it.. putting her glasses on and started reading her book, Takeshi wouldn't even notice it was her.
Eventually she fell asleep on Takeshi not noticing him, again.

She was kinda worn out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Keita looked up, "Not much man.. how was it for you, I mean do you remember how we got here, I just remember a bunch of shooting and running" he laughed.
"As well as that, Shigganeth is pretty slick you know, I like him" he sat down and waited for Leon to answer back.

Keita hand't seen Leon in forever, wondered how he was like now, they where the best of buds.. it was so clear on how they met... Leon was always they're to stick up for Keita.. always>

(5 years ago)
"No!, Get the hell away from me, you thugs!" Keita had nothing left the three guys had weird weapons, he closed his eyes.. thinking of what would happen to him, he had no where to run they where trapped in an abandoned building from the snow storm as well as that, he had no one to help him.

They didn't use there weapons, they just repeatedly kicked him while the extra two held him back..
"You Cowards, can't fight me like a man" he knew he had to try, but of course it didn't work, he jumped up while the other two held him, thrusting his legs into the foreheads of the others in-front, whom where taking turns in beating him up, they eventually got a hold of him again and tied him up..

Everything went black and he woke up seeing a weird boy, healing his wounds.. he fell asleep again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Mathew got his bags and sat down, looking around at everyone. He doesn't like the idea he is alone, so he thought that he would try to talk to someone if anyone. He quickly gets up and sighs as he heads over to the group that appeared that they only stayed together and that they didn't really have a care for anyone else. But he thought he would try as he walked up to a guy he heared to be Tollank and Aeria. He looks up at them, wondering how they will react to him being here.

"Hello, My name is Mathew." *He holds his hand out to them. In his mind he is wondering how he will react to them just shoving him away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Takeshi looked up the girl he could see before with a tattoo of sorts, ask if she could get their bags, he was about to reply, when suddenly Mira ran off and got her bags. But it didn't seem as though she would get Takeshi's. He made an awkward chuckle, "I don't think she can get mine, and I should mind our seats, I would be happy if you could get my bags. My name is Takeshi." and then smiled.
Mira returned, in new clothes. As he was about to compliment her, she sat down again, fiddling her thumbs. "You look nice." he smiled, watching her put her necklace and gloves on. Seeing the photo of Mira's brother, and hearing her murmur, Takeshi was about to ask her about him, when he thought, it might be better to do that later. She had put her glasses on and started to read. She looked very different, almost a refined air to her, but then, she leaned over and fell asleep on his lap.

*Sigh* "What are you doing wearing glasses to sleep?" he whispered to himself, taking off her glasses, carefully and slowly. He started to pat her gently again. Looking up, he saw the girl who had offered to help get his bags. He waited to see if she had gotten his bags for him or not, since she might have just not bothered after seeing Mira run off. If she had gotten him his bags, he would thank her, offer his hand and ask for her name. Try to get to know her a little bit, but only saying it softly, to not wake Mira.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brasslazer
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Brasslazer Snunch King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alan walked back, bags in hand, calling out the owners names.

"Hello? Is there a "Leon" or "Keita" out there?". Alan looked for somebody to look back, but no one did. God, they must've left or something he thought, noticing the empty seats that had been previously filled. He looked around. There were 3 people left on the train, the boy he had sat next to, a woman, and a boy with a mechanical arm that appeared to be blind. Well of course the woman was out, he couldn't trust her with the bags. And the one boy seemed much too shy to give someone their bags. So that left the blind boy. Perfect. He walked over.

"Hey," he said,"would you mind giving these bags for a "Leon" and "Keita"? I'm not sure where they are, and if you do this for me and tell me your name I can make sure to get your bag next."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylverblu
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Sylverblu The Citrus Fruit

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Sylvia was a bit taken aback when the girl fled to the back of the train so quickly. She was preparing to say that now that he was free, the boy could get his own bags when the boy looked up at Sylvia expectantly, saying "I don't think she can get mine, and I should mind our seats, I would be happy if you could get my bags. My name is Takeshi."

Well then. Guess I owe him for coming over to begin with. Serves me right, trying to do a good thing. Just a waste of my time. This is why we can't have don't do nice things.

"Sure," Sylvia said, rooting through the pile of luggage. Soon after she retrieved a rather large bag with serveral blade-like points jutting out, as well as a suitcase. "Here," Sylvia said, placing it lightly by the boy's side. When Takeshi outstretched his hand and asked her name, Sylvia scoffed, lightly putting his hand down to deny him. "That's irrelevant," she said, and started back to where she had been standing with Gavin. He was pacing impatiently, looking quite bored. "What's wrong?" she asked sympathetically.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

LiegeLord said
Mathew got his bags and sat down, looking around at everyone. He doesn't like the idea he is alone, so he thought that he would try to talk to someone if anyone. He quickly gets up and sighs as he heads over to the group that appeared that they only stayed together and that they didn't really have a care for anyone else. But he thought he would try as he walked up to a guy he heared to be Tollank and Aeria. He looks up at them, wondering how they will react to him being here."Hello, My name is Mathew." *He holds his hand out to them. In his mind he is wondering how he will react to them just shoving him away.

Aeria watched as Leon walked away to meet his friend. It was then that another guy approached them and introduced himself. She reached out her hand to shake his, "Name's Aeria." She said casually as she sat there comfortably. She heard the announcement to get their luggage at the back door but ignored it at the mean time.

Just when she was thinking about the luggage, yet another guy came. There sure are alot of people.. she thought. She watched as he asked Tollank to hand over the bags to Leon and Keita. With a sigh, she stood up and took them from him, putting it at the side close to her seat. "I'll hand it over to them once they come back. As for the bags, I'll get my own. I'm not sure with Tollank though." She said while glancing at Tollank to let the newcomer know who she was talking about. She went back to her seat and sat down, crossing her legs and resting her head against the window.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 4 hrs ago

WinterNightSky said
Aeria watched as Leon walked away to meet his friend. It was then that another guy approached them and introduced himself. She reached out her hand to shake his, "Name's Aeria." She said casually as she sat there comfortably. She heard the announcement to get their luggage at the back door but ignored it at the mean time.

He shakes her hand and smiles. "It's nice to meet you Aeria." He looks at the guy and smiles at him. "And you are?" *He holds his hand out to him after shaking her hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brasslazer
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Brasslazer Snunch King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

WinterNightSky said
Just when she was thinking about the luggage, yet another guy came. she thought. She watched as he asked Tollank to hand over the bags to Leon and Keita. With a sigh, she stood up and took them from him, putting it at the side close to her seat. "I'll hand it over to them once they come back. As for the bags, I'll get my own. I'm not sure with Tollank though." She said while glancing at Tollank to let the newcomer know who she was talking about. She went back to her seat and sat down, crossing her legs and resting her head against the window.

Alan looked at the forceful young woman.

"Just like a woman to think she can take control and not even let a man speak for himself." He said, disgusted. As he was turning to go back for the other bags, he glanced at one boy who had gotten his own bag. Furious, he stepped up to the boy.

"And you. Are you deaf? I said I would get the bags. Did you steal something? Oh god, please don't tell me you stole something!" Alan shouted, starting to hyperventilate. He ran back to the luggage and found his bag. Ripping it open, he looked to see that it was filled with small, flat rocks. Now all I need is some water. he thought, happy he would have something to pass the time in the city. It didn't appear that the boy had stolen anything, and Alan started to calm down. Reminded by his stomach why he started retrieving the luggage in the first place, he reached his hand in and rummaged around in the rocks. Soon he felt the metal his was looking for. Pulling it out, he found an aluminum can filled with peaches. Pulling back his bandana, he extended his mandibles and held them wide open. He held out the can in between them and bit down. A loud crunch was heard, and, with a bit of dripping, Alan held the two halves of the can in his hands. He held one up to his mouth, and, throwing his head backwards, ate the peaches and drank the sugary juices, a drop of the sweet liquid running down his chin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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She glanced at the guy as she heard him speak, What a fool. I can hear you clearly. She uncrossed her legs and folded her arms instead as she took a deep breath to calm the annoyance that was building up inside of her. She has a short temper and it's quite hard for her to keep it in check. What was the guy thinking anyway? Of all the people he could ask, he chose the blind man. She knew Tollank was capable, no, more than capable actually but she couldn't help it. Without thinking, she went in to help. That guy had misunderstood her and it ticked her off even though her facial expression was as calm as ever, not even showing the slightest hint of emotion. She sighed, now starting to calm down. "It's only the first day and someone already managed to piss me off." She muttered under her breath. "I'll be right back." She informed Tollank and stood up, making her way to the back door where the luggage were said to be placed.

She spotted the bag intended for her from a distance and walked towards it. She saw the same guy she had met earlier but pretended not to see him as she walked past him and picked her bag up. Just as she was about to turn back, she spotted a bag that had the word Tollank from the corner of her eye. She went over and picked it up, bringing it back with her to the place they were seated in.

"I saw your bag while I was getting mine." She stated simply and placed his bag at the seat next to him. She placed her own beside Leon's and Keita's, not really bothering to open it to check what was inside. She sat down and leaned against the chair, wishing for time to go by faster.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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"Ah? Yeah I'm Keita.. this is Leon" Keita said, he walked over to the guy and took the bags
"Thanks, what's your name?" Keita wanted to try and make friends with a couple of people, instead of being such a loner for once.
This guy seemed nice.. He wondered what his mutation was, Keita thought of setting up a place where he could study others powers.. that would be pretty cool.

Keita waited for the guy to reply, making friends was new to Keita, he only started it a while ago.. he used to be so anti-social.
"By the way call me Keit" he smiled, waiting for the guy to shake his hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tollank was deep in thought, still pondering the pros and cons of Leon's offer. He didn't always think quite as deeply as this, but when he really had a lot of thought to put into things he found it quite easy lose touch with the outside world.

"...and you are?"

Tollank suddenly snapped back into reality, and saw a younger boy standing boy standing before him. The boy was well dressed, wearing a clean button up, and a tie and vest to accent the whole ensemble. "Damn son, between you and Leon I am starting to feel a little underdressed," Tollank chucked and brought up his robotic arm to receive the offered handshake, "I am indeed Tollank, but pardon by obliviousness but I didn't catch yours!" Tollank noticed Aeria walking up with two bags in her hands.

"I saw your bag while I was getting mine."

"Oh thank you Aeria, that was really nice of you." Aeria sat down in her seat, and seem more than a little annoyed. Tollank broke off the handshake with the boy and returned his attention to him. "Feel free to sit down, there is plenty of room here and I always like good company." He smiled at the boy before turning his attention to Aeria. "Hey I am really sorry that I was kinda out of it for a bit, its just that Leon's offer really caught me off guard. I was lost in thought and I kind of zoned out." Aeria looked rather annoyed, and Tollank really hoped that it wasn't due to his zoning out. "What is wrong Aeria? Did something happen?" He waited for her reply, but he didn't feel like he should press her any further.

Tollank felt a shuffling towards the back of the train. He took note of the boy standing there, awkwardly slurping at the contents of a can. Tollank was surprised to see that under his bandana he was hiding the mandibles of a large insect. That's freaking awesome, after I sort out whats wrong with Aeria I need to talk to that guy, Tollank thought to himself. The boy was trying to hide his mutation for some reason, but since he was trying to hide he felt like he shouldn't mention it to anyone. Tollank smiled to himself, these people were going to be his family from now he. He really hoped that they would all be as cool as Aeria, Leon, and boy whose hand he shook.
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