Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Leon raised an eyebrow as she mentioned her ability to manipulate the air around her. It was similar to his ablity to form barriers, though it would seem that there was much more to it than that. "That explains the breezes," he muttered, giving her a small smile that quickly disappeared. She seemed interesting, even if her ability was rather mundane. Leon had a strong feeling that there was an astounding amount of untapped power hidden behind her mutation. "It's a pleasure to meet you," he nodded to her, giving a look toward the new comer. He had become aware of the other mutie long before he sat with them, the one armed guy's vitals and emotions pouring through Leon's head the moment he stepped onto the train.

"Leon's the name, but bow-tie works too." Leon shot a smile at the bionic armed mutant. "Tollnak or Mathew?" He said toward the newest member of the group, giving him a quick look over. The way he navigated over to them, it was clear that he had a solid sense of his surroundings, though he was blind. "Ah.." he mouthed, the realization dawning on him. The boy was blind, not to mention short an arm, but he was navigating via sonar. The arm, he could guess was controlled by the unique brainwaves that surged from the blind man's mind. Every mutant had their own unique mental brainwaves, these ones being unique even among his fellow mutants. It resonated with mechanical objects around him, an incredibly interesting and convenient mutation, given his circumstances. Leon couldn't help but want to heal his eyes, though he stilled needed practice in repairing nerves. Leon glanced down to his left hand which he attempted to ball into a fist, several of his fingers only slightly limping up, his ring finger and little finger not responding at all.

"Mine's not as useful as I'd like it to be," Leon absentmindedly said to Aeria's previous comment, internally kicking himself for saying something stupid like that, "Well not as useful as his mutation anyway." Leon nodded his head towards the one with a bionic arm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Aeria was a bit surprised with the mention of the breeze, although her face didn't show that. She had hoped that he wouldn't notice but that wasn't the case. "The breezes.." She started with hesitation, "Well, nothing. Nevermind." She said and tried to get the topic changing. She looked over at the guy who sat next to Leon. She studied him for a few seconds and came to a conclusion that he was blind. His arm wasn't normal either. Though, nothing in this room was normal. Even the coffee in the cafeteria tasted different. "I'm guessing Tollank? The name Matthew sounds too ordinary for someone like you." She said with the tone of her voice unchanging. The vibrations of the air around him wasn't like anyone's too. There was something different about him, she thought.

Her eyes went back to Leon as he said something quietly. What did he mean by that? She asked herself. Though she didn't say it out loud for obvious reasons. She knew that he didn't want her to press on with the topic. "I think all mutations are useful in their own way." She said in her usual composed manner. She looked at the guy who she guessed was Tollank and waited for him to speak up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylverblu
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Sylverblu The Citrus Fruit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

This boy was beginning to irritate Sylvia even more. They had entirely different morals and mindsets regarding everything they'd talked about thus far. But right now, 'Evelyn' needed an ally in this place.

"Respects are meant to be paid to the living, the dead can't hear you." Sylvia sighed, disappointed with herself. "But it matters little." She returned to her casual position, leaning on the beam. "Why are we arguing, you of all people should understand the importance of having an ally during a crisis." Sylvia removed a glove, tending to an itch and revealing a wisp of red and orange ink that spun in spiral patterns on her hand up to her sleeve.

"Anyway, seeing as family is a touchy issue, let's talk about what you used to do. What were you, a metalworker?"

Sylvia's hand was really bothering her now, she scratched almost as intently as she listened.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tollank shot a large smile at the two other people that he currently shared the holocar with, "Leon, Aeria, its a pleasure to meet the both of you! You are absolutely correct Aeria, I am Tollank." He really enjoyed the company of these two, unlike the mass of people outside they seemed at least comfortable with the whole situation. "I am really sorry if I interrupted anything, I saw Leon earlier and I was quick to latch on to a familiar face." Tollank softly tapped his foot against the ground. There were not nearly as many people in here, and he found himself reverting to the old habit of making small sounds in order to "see". "My mutations are not as nearly outwardly helpful as your guys. Controlling the wind must be awesome, and having the ability to heal people is far more helpful than mine. Don't think I am not thankful though, if it wasn't these I mostly likely would be nothing more than a beggar back home," Tollank snaps his fingers on his natural arm, " I can see through soundwaves, I get outlines and shapes. The more noise the finer the detail. with all the people back there I might as well have had functioning eyes. I can see you have a bowtie Leon, but I couldn't tell you if it was black, white, or has polka dots." Tollank looked down at his cybernetic arm. He could feel the frequency they it was emitting, all electronics do it. In time he learned to match these, and eventually could control the simple ones. He held out his artificial arm, "I can match my brainwaves to the frequencies of simple machines, and control them. Doctors said when they grafted this on there was only so much medicine could do. I would be able to lift a bit, maybe twitch a finger with enough time and practice, but fine motor skills would be forever out of my grasp. No pun intended." He returned his gaze upwards towards his new companions, "My mutations don't really help other people so much, but they sure have changed my quality of life for the better."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Addilyn had been standing there, watching the group do it's thing as she simply held her own ground against them all. She felt tiny and stupid as she heard of their major abilities, she had no idea how to do what they did or what she could do. "You guys all seem to be very powerful, how do you handle it all?" She asked as her eyes bore into the others and she questioned them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Keit, walked alone for a bit, he wasn't in the mood to talk to people.. he'd just seen his old best friend.. as well as speaking the truth about everything, exactly how Illisthoth portrayed it.

There where three trains, that went to each district, on some hover rail mechanism, magnets? Keit hopped on the Ellexkir district train and sat in one of the seats.
Mira decided she wanted to go to Sabore... and said to Takeshi...
"Uh... what about Ignori? District." she tried to pronounce it properly, failing.
She stopped crying now and decided to be happy..
"What's your mutation?" she asked, her eyes gleaming into the lights that hung inside the cavern looking roof of the station.

She was finally happy, she hated crying but it was a natural thing she did, she was just a tad bit insecure.. not sure what she should do.. afraid, but on the outside she can be really strong sometimes.. she realised as she was getting happier she was slowly rising off the ground.. it happened a lot.. considering her mutation... she'd never done it, for so long... can she hold it for ever now? Yes she can!..

She wasn't really high.. but it was enough for Takeshi to notice.
"Well there goes my first mutation" she giggle with a smile..
"I can ignore gravity she kept giggling as a bunch of people noticed her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

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"That's just as important as a mutation like Aeria's or mine," Leon chimed in when Tollnak seemed to finish speaking. "Our mutations are meant to be the next step in evolution and not all of them are necessarily useful for anything. Yours lets you have a shot at an actual life and that's pretty awesome in my eyes!" Leon's eyes widened a bit as he said that last part, instantly realising that it was a rather rude thing to say to a blind man. 'Idiot,' he chastised himself, deciding that it was best to just roll with his statement. If he took time to avoid mentioning things like eyes, then he'd be treating Tollnak differently than he would anyone else, something that Leon would hate if he were in Tollnak's position. Though thinking about Tollnak's eyes did give Leon an idea. While he probably couldn't do anything for Tollnak yet, there was one thing someone in the car could do.

"Aeria," Leon said, looking towards her with a small smile. "You mind trying something? If you send a long enough breeze through the holocar, it should give Tollnak a better feel for his surroundings." Leon sat back in his seat after that, letting out a long breath and closing his eyes for a moment. As his eyes closed, all of the vitals and the mind of Tollnak materialized in his mind's eye, giving Leon a full view of Tollnak's health and exactly what he was looking for, a better understanding of Tollnak's eyes. There was definitely a chance that one day Leon could fix them. His eyes opened up, a feeling of satisfaction flowing over him until the presence of another reached his mind. It seemed Keita was on the holotrain too. He'd have to go say hi to his old friend that he had seen for the first time in several years earlier this morning. From what he could tell, Keita was in a particularly foul mood. 'Hope the kid's alright' Leon thought, biting the inside of his cheek.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brasslazer
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Brasslazer Snunch King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

When Alan got on the train, he wasn't sure where to sit. A lot of seats were full, even though it seemed like not a lot of people had come on this train. He scanned the several open seats.
Ehh he thought. Most of the open seats were next to women. The only open seat that wasn't adjacent to a horrible she-witch was a seat next to a boy who seemed a little down. Awesome, he probably would just keep to himself and not bother Alan, and of he was wallowing in a pool of his sadness, then he wouldn't plotting something against Alan. And so, Alan walked over and took his seat, calm for the first time since this whole affair had started.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Sylverblu said
This boy was beginning to irritate Sylvia even more. They had entirely different morals and mindsets regarding everything they'd talked about thus far. But right now, 'Evelyn' needed an ally in this place."Respects are meant to be paid to the living, the dead can't hear you." Sylvia sighed, disappointed with herself. "But it matters little." She returned to her casual position, leaning on the beam. "Why are we arguing, of all people should understand the importance of having an ally during a crisis." Sylvia removed a glove, tending to an itch and revealing a wisp of red and orange ink that spun in spiral patterns on her hand up to her sleeve."Anyway, seeing as family is a touchy issue, let's talk about what you used to do. What were you, a metalworker?"Sylvia's hand was really bothering her now, she scratched almost as intently as she listened.

Gavin sighed. "Well, technically yes, but there wasn't much metal to work, and I actually made most of my money from being a street performer. It's amazing how much money somebody will pay to see a blob of cold liquid metal jump around like some sort of insane frog. It was pretty easy too, and—hang on, what's that? The pattern on your hand, what is it?"

It appeared to be some sort of intricate spiral tattoo, done in red and orange ink. There was no discernible meaning to it. Perhaps a status symbol of some sort? His mind branched out to the many things that it could've meant, and as he waited for his answer, he wondered what the ink was made of. Most of the tattoo ink out there had some sort of ferrous component, which would be very useful to know about if he needed some sort of distraction in a tight spot. His eyes followed the spirals up to her wrist, where it disappeared behind her sleeve, presumably continuing up her arm. He looked up at her curiously."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Mathew would look at the boy for a minute then looks back at nothing.

He thinks in his head, 'Why is he sitting next to me...'

The boy next to him doesn't look like he would bug him much and would keep to himself, holding the necklace in his hand. He looks around and sees a group talking to each other, he knows on the spot that he wouldn't be able to get in with the popular kids and he doesn't really care. He knows that popular people always take over and make life miserable for others as far as he knows. He wouldn't try to get into their group and stick to himself, no one wanted to talk to him so he didn't think anyone liked him to begin with as he can see people talking to each other.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Keita decided that being in a foul mood, was nonsense, he should forget about the past.. and just be friends with leon, even if he did do something, he never meant for it to happen. Keita walked over to the group and said..
"Sorry to interrupt, may I join you?" he smiled..
"I'm Keita Takato" he was feeling better now.
He was wondering what these people where like, seriously.. he wondered if it would be like home where his only friend was Leon and he hadn't seen I'm for ages.

Keita wondered what other people could do, he saw a girl float before he came back in, ignoring gravity? cool, he didn't even know how to use his Nerve Acceleration, he just had really good reflexes.. Keita just stood and waited for somone to answer back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylverblu
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Sylverblu The Citrus Fruit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lemons said
Gavin sighed. "Well, yes, but there wasn't much metal to work, and I actually made most of my money from being a street performer. It's amazing how much money somebody will pay to see a blob of cold liquid metal jump around like some sort of insane frog. It was pretty easy too, and—hang on, what's that? The pattern on your hand, what is it?"It appeared to be some sort of intricate spiral tattoo, done in red and orange ink. There was no discernible meaning to it. Perhaps a status symbol of some sort? His mind branched out to the many things that it could've meant, and as he waited for his answer, he wondered what the ink was made of. Most of the tattoo ink out there had some sort of ferrous component, which would be useful to know about if he needed some sort of distraction in a tight spot. His eyes followed the spirals up to her wrist, where it disappeared behind her sleeve, presumably continuing up her arm. He looked up at her curiously."

"This?" Sylvia said while removing an apparent splinter from
her hand.

She turned around and leaned on the edge of Gavin's seat, removing her jacket to show both a white T-shirt with the small words, 'Faith is the world's best joke, and it's sad because so many people fall for it,' and an intricate tribal tattoo that stretched from her right hand to her shoulder and across her upper chest.

The spiral on her hand was apparently the tail to some great bird, which looked as though it was falling out of the sky. There was an arrow lodged in its neck, with a bit of blood at the point of the wound. Enscribed in small calligraphy by the Phoenix's throat were the words, 'Nihil sit ut vivat in aeternum'

"I got this when I reached that point in my life when bad things started happening, and good people started getting hurt. Particularly, my brother. Unexpected, I know, I got upset when was killed." Here, Sylvia's playful, sarcastic tone was exchanged for one of exhaustion. "He always thought that he'd live forever, you see, he was at a point in his life where he thought that nothing bad could happen. Then he died. So, yeah, the situation is pretty self explanatory. The Phoenix, this mythical immortal bird, thinking it is invulnerable, is shot down by something as simple as an arrow for its ignorance to the harsh realities of the world. It had grown to believe that there would always be second chances. But you need to earn second chances, they don't just come naturally. The Phoenix grew lazy, always knowing that if trouble came to it no harm would be befallen. Therefor the Phoenix lost its privilege, having stopped earning its immortality. This is two things to me. It is my personal reminder to never get comfortable, and my message to the world to watch its back, because trust is a dangerous thing."

Sylvia sighed, flicking the splinter off somewhere onto the floor of the train.

Must've gotten it before I arrived here. Weird.

"The farther you think you are from death, the easier it is for it to sneak up right behind you."

Sylvia thought about Gavin for a moment, and looked up to him, saying, "You know, boy," she chuckled, no longer speaking with malevolence but teasing him, "You can call me Eve if you want."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gyrin said
Mira decided she wanted to go to Sabore... and said to Takeshi...
"Uh... what about Ignori? District." she tried to pronounce it properly, failing.
She stopped crying now and decided to be happy..
"What's your mutation?" she asked, her eyes gleaming into the lights that hung inside the cavern looking roof of the station.

She was finally happy, she hated crying but it was a natural thing she did, she was just a tad bit insecure.. not sure what she should do.. afraid, but on the outside she can be really strong sometimes.. she realised as she was getting happier she was slowly rising off the ground.. it happened a lot.. considering her mutation... she'd never done it, for so long... can she hold it for ever now? Yes she can!..

She wasn't really high.. but it was enough for Takeshi to notice.
"Well there goes my first mutation" she giggle with a smile..
"I can ignore gravity she kept giggling as a bunch of people noticed her.

"Ignori huh? Eccentricity." Takeshi replied. As they were approaching the train, he was asked the question about his mutation.
"Well... mi..."
His words trailed off. At first, he was confused, Mira seemed to have grown significantly taller, as he looked up at her. As his eyes came down, it was evident she was levitating.
"I can ignore gravity." she giggled.
Takeshi smiled at her, "Interesting. But if all you do is ignore gravity ... how do you move up there? Do you swim?" he teased a little. He was a little curious about it though.
"Give me a moment" he said before she could reply to anything.

Takeshi knelt down on the floor, feeling it's surface. He could understand the composition of the ground better that way. Knowing it was made of soil and minerals, he could discern the atomic structure and lattice of the floor. This took only a few seconds. Changing the arrangement of the bonds, while keeping the lattice of the material was all he needed to do in this case. So his alchemy ability would not require too much time to change the shape of it since he was not changing much. In about 5 seconds, he had risen from the ground he stood on just enough to reach the same height as Mira. To do this, there was a small ditch around the small platform he had made that was no more than a square meter. As he stood up, from his position he pulled up some soil with him, and made it look like the flower on Mira's head. "My first one is alchemy. I can change the atomic structure and lattice of the world around me, but I need the time to think about how to do this."

In the time he had risen this platform, and explained his ability a bit, he had already thought about changing the atoms on just the surface of his soil flower into iron. The flower slowly turned metallic, and shrunk a little in size. Takeshi offered the flower to Mira, with one hand and a big smile. It had become a bit of a spectacle, and people started to stare at them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gyrin


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Mira smiled, still controlling her strength to ignoring gravity, it was more than that.. she could float in mid air like she was swimming..
She was hovering in the middle of the train, she took the flower and blushed a bit.
"Cool" her normal bubbly self was coming back to normal, she never used to be able to float this way.. luckily, she heard the holotrains, have there own gravitational field that turns on after everyone is on and its moving.

"I've never been able to fully control my ignorance to gravity till now, maybe it's more?" she wondered what would happen if she touched Takeshi..

When she tapped him, he bounced up a bit.. "Woah" she said falling to the ground..
"Ouch" she smiled putting the flower on her headband.
"There's one more thing" she said.. sitting next to him.
"I can't control it.. it's only happened once" she frowned.
"I'm the one that started the snow storm.. 5 years ago.. inside the Old Vessel" she looked guilty.. when she didn't have.. it wasn't her fault but she never knew that.
"That's why I never try to manipulated cold temperatures again, that's why I wont, don't and never will ever ever ever!" she smiled and started floating again..
"Zoom" she really did like her mutations.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Marx said
"Aeria," Leon said, looking towards her with a small smile. "You mind trying something? If you send a long enough breeze through the holocar, it should give Tollnak a better feel for his surroundings."

Aeira contemplated on the idea. Without giving him a response, she took a deep breath and flicked her wrist. A gentle breeze came, which carried the scent of Vanilla. This was Aeria's signature scent. Each and everyone has their own scent, each differing from from one another. Only people with high senses of smell, people with the ability to see, feel, and touch auras, or people who have power over the elements can smell this. "It's gonna last for another 5 seconds." She crossed her arms and looked back at the crowd, wondering when the holotrain would leave. She was doing a lot of talking today and it wasn't like her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tollank smelled Vanilla before the felt the breeze, a gentle ebb that flowed over his body. The breeze rustled through the holocar, kicking up dust and moving a couple of scraps of paper. Almost like a sonar, Tollank was able to see along with the breeze. He could see the last few people filing in and taking their seats, some were choosing to stand, leaning against the support poles the dotted the center of the holocar.

Tollank was practically beaming. "Wow. That was awesome. Thank you so much Aeria, and if I may say that Vanilla scent was beautiful." He could see the girl cross her arms and look away, he hoped that he hadn't overstepped any boundaries. Tollank turned to face Leon, "That was a great idea man, and thanks for thinking so highly of my gifts. I am super appreciative of them, but sometimes its easy to forget when you are surrounded by people who can do almost anything. Its nice to hear someone else remind me for a change." Suddenly Tollank felt a slight change in Leon's demeanor, his cheek sank in a slight amount, Tollank assumed he was biting it. "Is everything okay Bowtie?", Tollank asked concerned for his newfound friend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brasslazer
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Brasslazer Snunch King

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Alan looked up, his mandibles twitching. Similar to some insects, Alan's mandibles held sensitive olfactory organs used to detect pheromones secreted by other insects. In other words, Alan's mandibles were not only used for biting things, but also greatly increased his sense of smell. And now, filling the whole train, was the light smell of vanilla.

Where did it come from? thought Alan. When he attempted to detect it's source, it seemed like it had just come out of nowhere. The mysterious smell quickly brought back his paranoia, afraid it might be some weird kind of poison.

"Can anyone smell that?" he nervously mumbled, barely audible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

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A smile crept across Leon's face as Aeria let a breeze in. She was kinder than she let on, Leon was sure of that. The scent grabbed his attention, filling his nose with the sweet scent of vanilla. Truth be told, for a moment Leon was a bit jealous of her mutation. He made a note to thank her later. He didn't want to embarrass her, even though he suspected Tollnak's praise did a solid job embarrassing her.

Leon appreciated what Tollnak had to say. He was a really kind guy, and humble. Leon had a certain appreciation for humility among mutants. Some forgot that there were mutants who could deal death, return life, and change the world around them with a flick of their wrist.

"Oh?" Leon said, pulled out of his own little world when he heard the nickname 'Bowtie'. "Yeah," Leon started, "Yeah. Everything's kosher. My power alerts me of the health and vitals of everyone in a certain proximity of me. An old friend I hadn't seen since childhood just got onto the train. I hadn't seen him since I first started developing my powers... Sorry, I'm rambling." He chuckled lightly, glancing over his shoulder at where the three equally melancholy kids were sitting. "The chemicals in his brain say he's not coping well. I'm just a little worried about the guy. From what my power is telling me, all of them aren't doing that hot. Two of them seem a bit paranoid." Leon dropped back into his seat, facing Tollnak and Aeria once more.

The doors of the holotrain slid shut with a muted hiss, the train slowly beginning to crawl forward. Now, well now it really was the start of a new life.

Feeling Keita so close after all this time made Leon uneasy. Sure they weren't right next to each other, but still. Being able to feel his presence sent a chill down Leon's spine. Last time he saw Keita, he was still a young kid. Back then he wasn't wearing gloves and dressed hardly as dapper as he did now. He had short hair that didn't hide his ears. It was astounding that Keita recognized him in the cafe. Leon softly sighed, thinking 'Well, I won't be able to avoid seeing my past forever.'

For now though, Leon would focus on what the now. "Hey, Tollnak. This is kinda out of the blue, but what would you say to me trying to repair your eyes once I've gotten a bit better with my mutation?" Leon had some doubt, but really, in the future anything was possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Mira touched Takeshi's hand, his body floated a bit, before landing back on his platform. Mira had fallen back down. They went into the Ignori train and sat down next to each other. He smiled looking at her put the flower, that was made of a light metal by his mutation, on her headband. She then explained that she had another mutation. Cold manipulation. But it seemed she didn't want to use it, she was afraid of it since she believes she caused the snow storm 5 years ago. Takeshi was pretty young back then, but it was a major event, so everyone knew about it. He was unsure why she believed she caused it though, he doesn't remember the details, but there was an explanation on the news sometime after the snow storm.

With her cheerfully going "Zoom" next to him, floating, Takeshi smiled. She was older than him, yet seemed more childish than him. His Happy-go-lucky attitude helped this girl open up and be cheerful. That's all that mattered to him. Eventually, he could make more friends, but for now, what was important was her smile. "So, what do you like doing? Any hobbies?" Takeshi asked, wanting to know Mira better. He then realized he forgot to explain his other mutation, electron manipulation. Well, he thought that could come later. She's happy, and they can just talk while they wait to reach Ignori.

Over across the train carriage, he could see another girl, who he could see had some sort of tattoo on her, flicking something off of her. She seemed to be talking to someone, but the conversation seemed distrustful. Takeshi thought to himself, it would probably be better to keep Mira away from them for now, they seemed quite hostile. But he could not judge that for certain, so he decided he will try to get to know them eventually.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Aeria turned to face Tollank as he was happily smiling. Although she would never openly admit it, she was glad she was able to make him smile. She was a bit taken aback at the compliment, considering the fact that she wasn't used to them. Although she appreciated it, she kept a straight face that was void of any emotions. Instead, she nodded her head a little but realized that he might not have seen that.

Her attention moved to Leon as he talked about an old friend, which if she heard right, was called Keita. Something must have happened in the past, judging by how it seemed to cause him so much uneasiness. A breeze came again and she uttered a tsk under her breath as she cussed inside her head. Glancing over at the two, she was thankful that none of them noticed. And if they did, they probably just ignored it. Her thoughts broke as Leon asked Tollank a question, "Hey, Tollnak. This is kinda out of the blue, but what would you say to me trying to repair your eyes once I've gotten a bit better with my mutation?" Her eyebrows raised a little in surprise and curiosity. There was silence as they waited for Tollank's response.

She was so engrossed in the conversation that she only noticed that the train had already moved. "The train is moving." She spoke thoughtlessly, biting back her lip in embarrassment as she realized she had just stated the obvious.
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