Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FireHeartWolf


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Name: Ami Leigh Masne (Pronounced Amy Lee Mas-nay)

Alias: Mystral* or Ami

Age: 20


Prison clothing: Her top is normal, but she asked for trousers that were a size too small, so they looked like skinny jeans.
Personality and History: Although Ami's power might seem dark, she tries not to be.

When she was born, Ami was an innocent, sweet and loving girl, despite the death of her mother. Because she didn't understand her powers, she never used them, except when she argued with her friends. even then, it was only "You have pins and needles" or other useless things like that.

As Ami got to grips with her power, she started to experiment with it. Her personality was altered, and she became more spiteful, malicious and power-hungry. She was just playing around when her father told her to go to bed. She convinced him that he was on fire. It didn't do much harm, only startled him. She decided to use it more often.

Because Ami was discovering the secrets of her powers more often, she became stronger, along with her power. When Ami was 13, she and her dad took a leisurely walk through the woods. They had a small argument, and Ami was losing. She said, "Dad, you've just been shot!" and her father felt the unbearable pain of Ami's powers. Her powers were so strong that he died, leaving Ami with the deepest feeling of guilt.

She learned to control her powers and became the loyal, caring person she was before, obviously left with scars of her past. She knows the powers is gaining strength and she knows she can't fight it any longer. Day by day she is becoming more arrogant and darker. She almost fears for the day that evil overcomes her.

Skills: Ami is good at lying (obviously) and can mask her emotions really well *(Mystral=Mistral which is a cold wind. Because she can be cold and emotionless, she was given the nickname. she also thinks it sounds cool)

Power: Ami can manipulate people's thoughts into inflicting mental pain as real pain. (So basically, he would make the person believe they are on fire, they feel like they're on fire, but they're really not.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I was worried this would happen, the time I was gone, you guys exploded with posts. Give me some time to rest from my mission and time to read through everything. I'll go from there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ok, so a lot of stuff to cover here. Do you want good news or bad news first....Doesn't matter, you get what you get muwhahaha. Alright, I'm done.

I would like to remind everyone for their appearance section to include how you wear your prison outfit, it's for variety among players.
Also, I don't care that most of us are 23, I picked it cause I'm 23.

So let's start with FireHeartWolf since you're on this page. I think your character is really cool, your power concerns me a little but not to the point where you need to edit it. Just be cognizant that it is very easy for that to be OP. You can cripple any one person or possibly even more if left unchecked so you have to remember that the bracelet is severely hindering your power. So an example would be that you wish a guard is on fire, what he might feel is an itchy sensation, something uncomfortable but not necessarily painful. It needs to be like this, at least for a little while then you can progressively amp up. You have a really dangerous power is all I'm saying, it goes without saying that you can't be OP. Any questions? So long as you keep your power in check, you're good and ACCEPTED.

Next is PoisonLilies, your character is awesome because you're not OP in the general sense but your so critical to an escape. I like that. No need for a long story here, you're ACCEPTED.

Now for Questionmark. I desperately need you to clean up your CS, fix all the spacing and make it nice and neat so it can be read through. Other than that, I like your power, I like what your character is about. ACCEPTED.

Second to last, Little_Ninja. I like your skills, very helpful for the escape process. Your history is crazy long, which I suppose isn't a problem, just seems unnecessary. On the note of history and such, I don't like you running for a state governor, that's really unrealistic and just crazy. You couldn't possibly brain wash enough people in order for that to be feasible. Just scratch that and act like it never happened and then that's fine. Your power is even scarier than FireHeartWolf's. You have an extremely OP ability. You have to be extremely limited because the crippling and destructive potential that power has, makes you a huge threat. With that being said, I appreciate you recognizing that the bracelets will limit you but I'd still like you to tweak your description to not come off as so powerful. More importantly, you are going to have to operate at like 5-10% capacity so as to not be OP. So just don't use it in an OP way and we should be good, you are ACCEPTED.

Lastly, DaDrummer. Your tweak on Adenosine Triphosphate is incredibly genius. I like it so much because it has a science to back it up. Nothing is more cool or threatening to me than when you can explain how or why your body can do this super human act other than just saying you're a Homo Evoludas and you can shoot lasers from your eyes because you can. I am going to ask that you break your ability down Barney style though, what exactly do you mean by concussive and destructive force. As for the part where you can Hulk out, does that just make you big and strong or does it do anything for your resiliency? The final word is...dramatic music please. ACCEPTED.

Unless anyone has any better ideas, when we are referred to as a species, Homo Evoludas sounds fine. I was hoping for something short and easy to roll of the tongue though.

I do have a friend whom I already RP with who is interested, I know I stopped accepting applications but she gets a seat cause I'm mad with power as GM muwahhaha.....Anyway, she'll include her CS when she can. It's unfinished but I do know she want's to have Pyrokinesis.

I think I covered everything, if not, please drop a complaint in the trash can and suck it up...or just post your question on here, that probably will get you further.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I will make my tweaks ASAP.

Thanks for that.
Well, I will probably limit the rest by daily use. So, besides reading minds (excluding under bracelet) limited use for each day. Does that sound ok?
My history .... well, I got a little into it I guess, made up something randomly and then thought I gotta make it into some sorta more solid story. Then I messed up the end. I will fix the Governor bit soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

You don't have to make it like an RPG video game or like DnD, you don't have a number of spells per day lol. Just be mindful of what you're doing, how you do it, and how often. We'll keep it simple for as long as simple works.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Lastly, DaDrummer. Your tweak on Adenosine Triphosphate is incredibly genius. I like it so much because it has a science to back it up. Nothing is more cool or threatening to me than when you can explain how or why your body can do this super human act other than just saying you're a Homo Evoludas and you can shoot lasers from your eyes because you can. I am going to ask that you break your ability down Barney style though, what exactly do you mean by concussive and destructive force. As for the part where you can Hulk out, does that just make you big and strong or does it do anything for your resiliency? The final word is...dramatic music please. ACCEPTED."

I will add details ASAP.

EDIT: edits have been made, Garrison could you please look at them?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well, in the first place, I was mostly going to try to not use the ability for other than mind reading. Although if the situation arises, make a guard or two become an ally. Maybe alter some memories, but not really ever make someone a vegetable, since my character would rather not do that.

I have changed Xerox from trying to be State Governor to just a mysterious helper and added uniform description.
How would you suggest I alter my ability? Because I am unsure, what is the best way to balance.

And with the species Homo Evolvudas, I was thinking we have a technical name, and then as a more I guess "derogatory" term that others use, are referred to as "that species" or something like that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Okay I edited in the outfit in my CS.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

DaDrummer, that clears it up perfectly, just don't go killing folks just yet lol. I actually really like that power, it's cool.

PoisonLillies, I like your uniform appearance but just wanted to remind you that they are in fact white with gray trim, not orange. I only said they are pretty much exactly like the standard orange two piece outfits you see in today's prisons.

Little Ninja, I see you wanna rock sleeveless outfit like me, great minds think alike lol. For altering, I just didn't want your description of your power to appear so powerful. You used the phrase "making the person a vegetable that is free to control whenever he pleases. " That one line makes you sound like a complete god lol. I suppose you don't have to dumb down your description, it was just what I thought you should do in that instant, so long as you don't/can't do that right off the bat, it should be good. also, now that you cleared that up about the names, I understand completely and agree completely. I want a quick and witty, single word is possible, name for us to be called on the fly such as mutant, or mutey, or supe, or whatever but not those of course. All while keeping the scientific nomenclature as Homo Evoludas is good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by questionmark693
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

I spent like an hour trying to figure it out.....how do you change line spacing and add line breaks? If I go to edit it and hit enter and ut five empty lines, they don't show in the post, I legitimately don't know how to make it look better :/
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I have some ideas that I've been running through my brain for the actual prison, I can't figure out what is best. I want it to be marginally realistic, but cool of course. I want it to be difficult too, that way we aren't busting out after only a page of posting. I plan for us to RP our life in the prison a bit, if you desire to have your character know someone or have become friends with them now or even prior to getting locked up, just discuss it and agree on it and that's fine. We are gonna just deal with the daily routine, deal with drama and terror that comes with being in a prison, the big bad jerks that want to run shit, we gotta deal with that. Also there will be hazing by the guards. All stuff to honestly prolong the RP and prevent it from ending after only 3 pages of posting lol. Once all of us are somewhat familiarized with each other, perhaps even friendly. We will start working on the escape and see where that takes us.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I see, so it is just that my wording is OP. Lol
But I am glad you like my character and like my idea of a scientific nomenclature. Would Evols (pronounced evils perhaps?) be a suitable quick one word?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

questionmark693 said
I spent like an hour trying to figure it out.....how do you change line spacing and add line breaks? If I go to edit it and hit enter and ut five empty lines, they don't show in the post, I legitimately don't know how to make it look better :/

Yours looks like this:
questionmark693 said Rilyn wears his prison clothing in the style they were intended to be worn in.

Personality: Rilyn is a slow to anger person, though when his anger is roused, he can completely lose control. In general

though, he has a tendency to be extremely contemplative, letting his thoughts wander, oftentimes giving the impression to

others that he doesn't care about what is happening around him. In truth though, he is paying attention and he notes

everything that he sees for later reference, only in part to augment his power.

History: Rilyn grew up as an average kid in the U.S., playing video games, enjoying time with his friends, graduating from

high school, and getting a job in fast food, eventually becoming a part-time manager. During high school, he developed a

passion for music, and spent nearly all of his time playing various instruments, focusing mostly on the piano, guitar, and

the violin. He spent a year working various dead end jobs, before going to college.

Right before he graduated, he was watching somebody play a song on the piano that he had hoped to eventually learn. Five

minutes later, he played that same song almost perfectly-the only mistake he made was exactly the same mistake made by the

individual he had watched play the song.

I want yours to look like this:
PoisonLillies said Prison Outfit: Her orange prison jump suit is one size bigger than needed making it loose and baggy. Has a small v-cut at the neck with short-sleeves. She wears a body fitting white thermal long-sleeve shirt underneath, having the sleeves pushed up to her elbows all the time. If in her cell she likes being bare-footed but outside she wears plain white no slip gripping shoes.

Personality: She used to be a very optimistic girl. Always trusted people fallowed the rules, never shy to get to know a person. However, now Serenity is closed off from everyone. She trusts no one, she speaks little, and she keeps everything bottled up. Serenity’s moods are always between cold and angry. Even though she feels angry half the time she never lets it get the best of her. She hates people who feel sorry for themselves.

History:Serenity was born in the late winter months to John and Eva Cross. She was six pounds and eighteen inches long. As soon as she hit the age of five her parents took her to her first climb. It was to a small indoor rock climbing class. John and Eva were masters at mountain climbing, they even owned a shop for climbing equipment, and wanted their little girl to grow up with the passion for it. Serenity did not like climbing at first however she stared to feel the rush once she was nine and hit her first little mountain. After that Serenity would climb anything and everything. At the age of fifteen, after climbing Mount Everest, she did not want to have ropes tie her down when climbing anymore. This however was limited as her parents were in fear of her falling.

Just go to your post, hit edit at the bottom of the page and then start from the top, start deleting the double spaced lines until it looks right. Separate topics like Personality and then History and so on. From the looks of it, you typed up your post on the Notepad in the accessories window on your computer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

May I suggest that depending on our levels that you decide, determines the amount of interactions we may have, at least at the start?
For example, a level 5 would be very restricted at first, since they are deemed very dangerous because of their power. But a level 1 is not very dangerous, so they have more freedom.
Also, due to my character's ability and skillset, would it be ok for me to PM you in regards to the maps? So we can have a coherent structure, and I know what limits I should have at first for the maps and etc?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Little_ninja said
I see, so it is just that my wording is OP. LolBut I am glad you like my character and like my idea of a scientific nomenclature. Would Evols (pronounced evils perhaps?) be a suitable quick one word?

I suppose if you look it that way, I guess that was my beef with it. Seeing as we currently have no other name in the slot for this topic, that'll do. I'll still browse my mind and see what I can come up with though. Maybe the others will come up with something as well. PM me and we'll figure out what you're saying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'll identify everyone's threat level once I further look into them. Not sure when exactly but certainly before the OOC is up that way you can add them to your CS under your power description. Hell, I actually still gotta complete my CS lol.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well it is only a suggestion.
This feels like it will be so fun, can't wait for it to start. Although, the most active times that posting is done, I think I am asleep. So a lot may be done without me T.T
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by questionmark693
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

I knew what you wanted...but deleting one or two lines and retyping them did nothing, because yes, i copied it over from notepad. Apparently you have to type the whole thing from scratch for the editor to let you fix spacing. It's fixed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sorry you had to go through all that just to fix it but it looks a lot better now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So is your friend the last one character we are waiting for?
The pyro?
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