Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Well technically we're waiting on a Kingleo guy but he hasn't made a CS yet. Yes, my friend the pyro isn't on right now but I'd like to wait on her if possible. I've almost got everything worked out for us to begin soon though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FireHeartWolf


Member Offline since relaunch

I will make sure my power is not too OP- they can have put a really strong bracelet on AND after her past, she is very reluctant to use it. So, even if her 'evil side' comes out, she will fight it. LL
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Don't forget that you have to finish your own character Garrison. XD

Also, I added a Uniform section to Cyrus' CS.

I promise that Cyrus won't kill anyone... Right away. Once the bracelets break he's definitely going to have his fun though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I just finished my CS, it's the very first post on page one. I added the last bits of information. It's fairly brief so if anyone cares to look it over and get a feel for what my character is all about, that's it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sweet, I'm actually going to look at everyone's CS.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Okay changed the color of the jump suit.
Also I am in love with like three characters already. Can't wait to see kingleo and your friends CS.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Glad you're building attachments to characters, it's good for character development.

I'll give Kingleo a little more time, perhaps another day. Hopefully my friend will post her CS by then. If Kingleo hasn't returned, I suppose we could settle on moving forward without him and try to get a legit OOC up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Can't wait to start this.
Feels exciting.
I like how essential each character is. Nothing feels wasted, nor does it seem like there is someone that does not need to be there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

You comment got me thinking. Even if the government was not taking people with powers and letting them live their lifes. Joshua, Serenity, Cyrus, Ami would all still be put in jail/prison sooner or later.

Joshua was a killer. Killing several men.
Serenity was a thief.
Cyrus was a thief and gang member.
Ami killed her father.

So I guess we really should be in the prison lol.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I haven't gotten around to reading the histories behind the other characters yet, but from what you are saying, it seems a prison escape should not be executed with this group. Lol
Of course, there will be a person or two who has killed, whether on purpose or accident, but not usually the majority of the people in the group.
Doesn't really matter I guess. Fun either way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

When you say Joshua woke up in a clear cell are we talking like a prison from Escape Plan
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

PoisonLilies said
When you say Joshua woke up in a clear cell are we talking like a prison from Escape Plan

You would be correct about the cell but it won't be a straight rip from that movie. I have some thoughts that may be similar such as randomly rotating guard shifts, the guards all wear masks as you saw in my one photo. But I have some other stuff in mind. Right now, I'm trying to figure out any kind of recreation, if any at all. This is a super max security prison so you guys can't just play with dolls and sing around camp fires but if there's nothing for you guys to do, it'll get boring really quick so if anyone has any ideas that fit these particular parameters. speak up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintersunshine
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name:Kat Wonder
Age: 22

Her prison suit is the shirt rolled up to be like a tank top and the pants just long enough to cover her legs and not touch the ground to show her burn scars.
Personality: quiet girl, nice, caring, and when angry burns people and doesn't like people touching her, does things on her own, doesn't ask for help
History: Her parents abandon her and she was raised by her grams, she grew up independent and learned how to fight. When she found out her gift her grams sent her to go live in the forest with a friend to hide her gift, then her friend betrayed her and the government found her and sent her to prison.
Skills:knife throwing, picking locks, and is a black belt in Karate
Power: pyrokinesis: manipulation of fire

Sorry for the delay guys been busy!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

OMG the dog race!


Maybe not so brutal. This is more of a joke but it would be pretty fun. Also if you have not watched the anime it is a must. (For anyone who watches anime)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kingleo
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Kingleo And Steven!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hey guys, sorry for the delay! Was busy all weekend, but i'll have my CS up in a few minutes. Thanks for waiting for me!
And here it is!

Name: Barry Lenard
Alias: Heater
Age: 24 (Jan 5th, 1990)

He wears his jumpsuit with the arms rolled up to the elbow, and the legs rolled up to the knees, complaining about being too hot, but being too self conscious to not wear the whole jumpsuit.

Personality: Introverted, preferring to think out his problems on his own. Very thoughtful and intelligent, though he has trouble working under pressure. He is often anxious, and stresses about minute details in his life. He has little ambition, and prefers not to invoke change in his life when he can avoid it.

History: Barry Lenard was a mediocre employee of a sub-standard IT company, working tech support, waiting for the day his job was outsourced to India. His life up to that point was just as mundane; From ages 0 to 19 he lived in a small suburban house with his mother and father, both government staff, and got average grades in school. He showed an interest in computers, and so he went to college in computer science, becoming proficient in many computer related fields; Programming, building, and even hacking computers. Soon he had a degree, and had joined the workforce.
His life was about as bland as could be, so imagine his surprise when he began exhibiting the ability to produce incredible temperatures from his finger tips. Very soon after, he was plucked, efficiently and forcefully, from his home, thrown into the back of a van, and knocked out.
That was six months ago, and Barry still hasn't gotten used to prison. Except that this wasn't a normal prison. It wasn't filled with hardened criminals or slick con-men, but average people. Every day for six months Barry tried to analyze, reason, and wrap his anxiety ridden mind around why and how these figures in pitch black armor were capturing and suppressing hundreds of people without consequence. Was the outside world so afraid of people different from them that they would lock them up at the merest sign of divergence? Did the government know about this? Was the government behind this?
For six months Barry tried to learn as much as he could, from other inmates and from the faceless guards, to little avail. So he sequestered in his cell, staring down at the bracelets keeping him from his new powers, barely used, like a ten foot thick concrete wall.

Skills: His technical skills will allow him to deal with any technical security, if he can get to a computer. He is also quite subtle and stealthy, able to recede into the background of any scene easily.

Power: Heat - Generating heat that isn't necessarily accompanied by flame or light, by accelerating molecular motion. Limited to touch, or short distances at reduced effectiveness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintersunshine
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yay everyone posted I think!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@ Wintersunshine Your picture is that a manikin? Anyways it would help if you put the http://i01.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v3/648772687_1/Factory-Outlet-Price-female-font-b-hairstyle-b-font-fluffy-Synthetic-font-b-Long-b-font.jpg in between [*img] [*/img]

(Remove the stars) That way it will show the picture it be less trouble for everyone.

Also is that all of your CS?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sweet! We can finally start!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

All we gotta do is wait for Garrison to finish with the prison and how it will work and post it up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kingleo said
Hey guys, sorry for the delay! Was busy all weekend, but i'll have my CS up in a few minutes. Thanks for waiting for me!And here it is! Barry Lenard Heater 24 (Jan 5th, 1990)He wears his jumpsuit with the arms rolled up to the elbow, and the legs rolled up to the knees, complaining about being too hot, but being too self conscious to not wear the whole jumpsuit. Introverted, preferring to think out his problems on his own. Very thoughtful and intelligent, though he has trouble working under pressure. He is often anxious, and stresses about minute details in his life. He has little ambition, and prefers not to invoke change in his life when he can avoid it. Barry Lenard was a mediocre employee of a sub-standard IT company, working tech support, waiting for the day his job was outsourced to India. His life up to that point was just as mundane; From ages 0 to 19 he lived in a small suburban house with his mother and father, both government staff, and got average grades in school. He showed an interest in computers, and so he went to college in computer science, becoming proficient in many computer related fields; Programming, building, and even hacking computers. Soon he had a degree, and had joined the workforce. His life was about as bland as could be, so imagine his surprise when he began exhibiting the ability to produce incredible temperatures from his finger tips. Very soon after, he was plucked, efficiently and forcefully, from his home, thrown into the back of a van, and knocked out.That was six months ago, and Barry still hasn't gotten used to prison. Except that this wasn't a normal prison. It wasn't filled with hardened criminals or slick con-men, but average people. Every day for six months Barry tried to analyze, reason, and wrap his anxiety ridden mind around why and how these figures in pitch black armor were capturing and suppressing hundreds of people without consequence. Was the outside world so afraid of people different from them that they would lock them up at the merest sign of divergence? Did the government know about this? Was the government behind this?For six months Barry tried to learn as much as he could, from other inmates and from the faceless guards, to little avail. So he sequestered in his cell, staring down at the bracelets keeping him from his new powers, barely used, like a ten foot thick concrete wall. His technical skills will allow him to deal with any technical security, if he can get to a computer. He is also quite subtle and stealthy, able to recede into the background of any scene easily. Heat - Generating heat that isn't necessarily accompanied by flame or light, by accelerating molecular motion. Limited to touch, or short distances at reduced effectiveness.

So I like your character but wanted to ask about some things. What exactly do you mean "recede into the background of any scene easily?
Also, I'm not saying you can't be proficient with computers, it's not like skills only belong to one player but DaDrummer's character is a hacker so if you want, you can chose something different to be...well, different.
Could you add a line break to your CS topics, like seperate Personality from History and such. So it looks cleaner.
Lastly, could you explain Heat a little more. Is it similar to something of a Pyro type?
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