Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


Member Offline since relaunch

Hello all my little lads and lasses, and welcome to the Avria High CS Bin. This is the place where you may all go and post your lovable CSs, though I am the maker of this all credit and main questions may go to Acethekidd.
The one and only, Avria High


Highschool...,90 % of teenagers find it boring and the other 5 % find it fun. It can be pretty boring, staying in the building most of the time, listening to grown-up talk stuff most teens find boring, going to lunch for 15 minutes or so. Same ol, same o'l. Nothing ever goes on in highschool..besides fights. However, this isn't just any normal highschool..

You are a normal student or teacher in highschool and soon enough, you find out your an reincarnation of a God/Goddess. There are also creatures roaming the city,dressed as humans. So what will you do with your new godly powers? use it for good or evil?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Delilah

Age: 17

God/Goddess: Perses-God of Destruction

Personality: As a woman of a serious nature, its often hard for her to slow down and and enjoy things. She is often so caught up in her own mindset that she forgets to include the feelings of others. Delilah pays attention to the big picture- which means she sometimes tends to take things for granted. She has a strong sense of loyalty and duty, often casting aside unnecessary debility in order to achieve the larger goal. Delilah has no problem speaking her mind to anyone, but her feelings are something she will usually cast aside as 'unnecessary' or 'distracting'. For the most part, shes pretty blunt as well. You probably shouldn't ask her if that dress makes you look fat if you only want feedback.
She isn't good at taking orders from people she believes is unworthy of her time. She can be haughty and a little selfish, and definitely does not like to get close to people. For the most part, Delilah looks down on others until they have otherwise proven themselves to be of some worth. Furthermore, she distances herself from people as a means to belittle their self-worth. She is not very good around others she deems 'weak' in general.

Abilities/weapons?: The girl posses physical strength(Which is far superior to any normal human), since she is surrounded by destruction. She is rather sluggish so she relies on her pure strength. She swings around a large axe(which is very heavy, most can't carry it). In God of War Perses was characterized as a large volcanic giant, so Delilah has the ability to raise her body temperature and soon ignite her body into flame/magma.

Crush: N/A
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PuRe DaRkNeSs

PuRe DaRkNeSs

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Chantelle Gray
Gender: Female
Personality: Chantelle is quite mysterious and dark with a very manipulative, seductive and flirty nature. However she is also very kind to those who she respects or those who respect her and can be very trusting and is also very intelligent. Also, Chantelle is quite sarcastic and cocky but can always have a laugh.
Bio(optional): TBR
Compulsion- Chantelle can compel/ persuade anyone into doing whatever she wants and can make them fall in love with her.
A dagger dipped in a pinky/red liquid. A mild poison which makes people fall in love with the killer just before they die.
Shadow Manipulation- Can disappear into the shadows and float around them. However this power is rarely used.
Crush:Whoever :) PM me if you want :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Long black hair that has a single streak of blue in it on the left side towards the front that is the same color as her electric blue eyes. She stands at 5'2" and weighs 100lbs.

Name: Beatrice 'Tris' Underwood
Age: 17
God/Goddess: Zeus - the god of the sky, lightning, storms/weather, and ruler of the Olympian gods
Gender: Female
Tris is a cold, fiesty girl. She has shut herself off from the world and if you bug her she will not hesitate to snap. She has become a raging storm of fear, sorrow, depression, anger, and hatred. The people at the school have learned not to mess with her and leave her be because she no longer has a care in the world. She has become a fighter and as she had learned of her powers at a younger age she is known to get into trouble with the creatures roaming in the town and seems to have no care if she gets hurt because every time she is in pain it takes away the emotional pain in her life. You will have to be brave and stupid to get close to her and if you become her friend, you must have been someone she trusted and someone who brought light into her life.
"Why should I tell you!"
Tris had a basic childhood, not much happening until one day when she was 16.
One day when her brother, Reat, had just turned three Tris and him were in the park after getting ice cream and Reat went off chasing after some doves, he chased them and was running by the church next to the park that was being released at the time. A man pulled up and shot into the crowd of church goers three times and then began laughing like a maniac and was soon tackled to the ground. It turned out that three people were hit, two of them were adults and he had aimed badly and had only injured them, enough that it hurt but not a deadly wound. The third shot had hit someone straight in the chest. The third person was her little brother, he had died instantly. Tris looked at her brother laying on the grass in the pool of his own blood and anger mixed with sorrow filled her body. She ran to the man who had fired the shots and pushed the man holding him off. She began punching the guy letting her rage fuel her. It took three men to pull her off and eventually she began to sob. She sat by her dead little brother and held his little hand in hers and cried until she was pulled away by the police and taken to her parents where they all stood together, her parents being silent as she sobbed. Shortly she moved with her parents to a new town and she began a new as a Junior at Avira High. She has since then been distant and does not partake to friendships well.

-Control over weather
-Control over sky(a.k.a. Air)
-Control over Lightning!!!!!

"Like a boy would like me and I'd like a boy..." Tris rolls her eyes, "...whatever."

She has two tattoos all have deep meanings to her and all have been kept hidden. She keeps them hidden because she doesn't trust anyone else.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

~Stands at 4'8 and weighs around 80 pounds~

Lydia Rowel


Artemis- Goddess of the Moon and the Hunt


Lydia is very shy and kind though she is so shy to the point where she can't really talk in front of other people. She tends to blurt a lot of things out without realizing it or thinking about her words. She also gets embarrassed and flustered way too easily; often blushing and hiding her face. She can be very insecure about herself and her body and she tends to second-guess herself a lot. Lydia can become upset very easily and is very sensitive; also being very clumsy and tends to trip over her own feet a lot. Despite all of this however. Lydia also puts others needs before her own and in most cases she reacts without thinking of her own well-being: if someone is being hurt, Lydia will immediately try and protect them with any means possible without even considering herself. She is very, very selfless. Lydia can be very curious and is very easily captivated and awed by even the simplest of objects and things. She is very much like a child in a way. Lydia also has a very odd fear of men. If any male aside from her brother touches her she tends to panic and begin crying. She doesn't know why, but every time they touch her, terror just crashes over her and she doesn't why it happens. So she tends to avoid the male species as much as possible.


Long bow and arrows

~ Can heal wounds
~ Can speak to animals
~ She never missies the target she aims at
~ Can shape-shift into animals

Carson is her twin brother. She is also mute and has a birthmark of a crescent moon on her cheek.

~Stands at 4'9 and weighs around 85 pounds~

Danica Greyson


Poseidon- God of the Sea and Earthquakes


Bubbly. That could be one way to describe Dani. She can very happy and she is almost always wearing a smile on her face. She can be very curious and will stop at nothing until her curiosity is sated. She can have quite an attitude and will not hesitate to tell you what she thinks of you. She can also be very sarcastic and cheeky. She tends annoy people with her cheerful attitude and blunt behavior but she is a really kind and easy-going person. Nothing seems to bother her but if it does she covers it will smiles. She is hyper on occasion and she can get jealous quite easily. She likes to steal people's things to harmlessly tease them but she would make a horrible thief because she is dead clumsy and has no sense of balance whatsoever. However, this never stops her from nicking things seeing as while she is not fast on her feet she is fast with her hands and her small stature and build make it easy for other people to not see her. She is also very intelligent. She has a big fear of heights and she is not very good at cooking, sewing, or painting things.


A triton that also doubles as a bracelet:

~ Able to bend water
~ Able to breath underwater
~ Can remain dry in water
~ Can speak to horses
~ Can cause small tremors in the ground when upset or angry.

Her violet hair really does turn blonde when wet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Phorus Reid

Age: 18

God/Goddess: Chronos God of Time

Gender: Male


Personality: Phorus can be very shy at times. He is very over protective. He has something that is similar to Split Personality but there are two souls inside his body. He is brave, courageous, smart, and very calm.

Bio: He is pretty much mysterious.


-Time Bending
-Time Control
-Can predict the future.
(Anything having to do with time)

Crush: None [yet]

Other: When Phorus's Split Personality (Axtral) is in charge, his power, perception, speed and Time control abilities increase.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Cameron
God/Goddess: Hades- god of the underworld
Gender: male

Personality: Cameron is to his self,abit of a loner, rude, and kinda mean. He could care less what goes on around him and only really cares about his self
Bio(optional): TBR
Abilities/weapons?: bend darkness, demon transformation, and his weapon is a scythe
Crush: ha..good luck
Other: Cerberus will find him soon >;3

Name: Carson Rowel
Age: 18
God/Goddess: Apollo
Gender: male
Personality: Carson is really smart and talented. Hes considered to be an geek or sometimes a nerd. Hes really nice to people and sometimes he can be a little smart. Overall, hes very fun to hang around with.
Bio(optional): TBR
abilities/weapons?: A bow/ able to catch his arrows on fire( light fire bending)
Crush: open

Name: Jeremy
Age: 17
God/Goddess: Horus- of vengeance, sky, protection, war, and kings
Gender: male
Personality: Jeremy is goofy, kind,nice, and outgoing. At times, he tends to slack of and doesn't take things serously. He enjoys to party, hang out with friends, and just have a good time. Jeremy is also very carefree and he doesn't care what goes on around him
Bio(optional): TBR
Abilities/weapons?healing, Anthro hawk transformation and his weapon is a long staff with a sharp edge
Crush: open
Other: nah
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Musa

Age: 16

God/Goddess: Bast~The goddess of cats, protection, joy, dance, music, and love.

Gender: Female


Personality: Musa is polite and elegant, always making sure she and he siblings are well set up though she is the youngest by three days. She is always envious of her sister that seemingly has an easy life. When she isn't hanging out around her brother and his friends she is with Rachelle and her friends, never really focusing on a certain group because she doesn't enjoy making friends.

Bio(optional): TBR


~She can take the form of a calico cat.
~She can grow in an avatar kind of form, it looks like the green version of the cat goddess herself.
~The knowledge of most Egyptian weaponry and keeps a few roof the various weapons in the Duat
~She is able to persuade creatures into loving her.
~She can spread pure joy.
~Magical music; she can create beautiful and agonizing music like a siren.
~Combat magic

Crush: Open

Other: Her brother is Aedán and her stepsister is Rachelle.
Name: Aedán

Age: 16

God/Goddess: Osiris~ God of the afterlife.

Gender: Male


Personality: Aedan is a nice brother of sorts, he allows his sisters to hang out around him whenever they want but he isn't afraid to tell them what to do and how to do it, Seeing as he is oldest by one day he believes he has definite authority over his siblings which makes him bossy. He can be clumsy at times and relies on Ammit to help him out a lot.

Bio(optional): TBR


~The crook and flail
~The ability to judge and raise dead.
~His sidekick is Anubis if that counts.
~The great and powerful, eater of hearts! Ammit the Devourer.

Crush: Open

Other: Her sister is Musa and stepsister is Rachelle.

Name: Rachelle

Age: 16

God/Goddess: Isis~The Goddess of Magic, and Motherhood.

Gender: Female

Personality: A simple and straight girl, she never asks questions and can comprehend everything well. She is a fair girl at times but makes sure to use magic if she is agitated at someone or something, she has even cursed someone to always finish a sentence with swear or cho- never mind...anyways. She is fun to hang out with at times and is the least clumsy girl you'll know. She keeps her room straight, loves shiny things, and the occasional video game will get her addicted.

Bio: TBR at a later time.

~The usage of all Egyptian magic.
~ A Khopesh for non magical defense and offense.
~She also has connections with the other gods that aren't already students(That is if allowed).
~ A Staff, for magic and as you can see, a close distance weapon.
~And last but not least, her Ivory Wand.

Crush: Open

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Alison Matthews
Age: 17
God/Goddess: Hathor
Gender: Female

Personality: Alison is sweet, flirty, kind, respectful , loveable , funny , cocky , brave , and a very smart girl.
Bio(optional): TBR
Empath:Alison has the power of Empathy. She could make other feels any type of emotions and she could feel others emotions as well. Alison can use this power to make someone fall in love if they are hiding it deep inside, make someone angry and more.
Wind Manipulation Alison has the power to manipulate Wind, meaning the air, create small tornadoes, lift her up to the sky and even levitate objects with wind surrounding it.
Crush: Open
Other: Alison is a model.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Mason Jessamine
Age: 15
God/Goddess: Athena
Gender: Female

Personality: Mason is very smart and feisty. She great at tactics and her school work. She's usually found in a corner reading or studying. She loves her friends and will do anything to keep them safe.
Abilities/weapons?: She fights with a dagger or a sword and when she is without weapons she fights with anything she can think of.

Name: Kalokairi (Kalo) Harrison
Age: 14
God/Goddess: Nut, Egyptian Goddess of the sky
Gender: Female

Personality: Kalo is a very kind girl. She loves to stargaze and she's also protective of her friends. She get pretty good grades but wouldn't be considered the smartest girl in the school.
~A blueish tinted sword that has white speck like stars.
~During the night she can use the stars as a weapon
~She can use the sky to blind someone

Name: Yuki Alliseri
God/Goddess: Iris, Greek Goddess of Rainbows
Gender: Female

Personality: Yuki is a bright and bubbly girl. She loved colors and drawing and can be seen drawing A LOT. She's very picky on who her friends are and only wnts to be friends with people she can trust.
~Can create and control rainbows to her will
~Can have a translusent pair of rainbow wings (YES THEY DO ALLOW HER TO FLY)
~She fights with a katana and a few ninga stars
Other: She's around 5' 4" and weights about 110 lbs
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

These go here, right?

Name: Koda
Age: 16
God/Goddess: Eris
Gender: Male
Appearance: (See below)

Personality: Mischievous and fun loving. He likes playing tricks on people, and spends a lot of time dodging trouble with Kida. To others, he’s very friendly and cheerful, but one should be careful just how far they trust him. Still, he would never intentionally hurt anyone; he just likes to keep things interesting.

Bio: Believe it or not, Kida is not related to him. The two met in first grade and were amazed at how similar they looked. Shortly after, they became best friends and devoted much of their friendship to messing with people. Their friendship continues just as strongly even now.
He used to be afraid that nobody would like him as a child. He would be very shy and stand by himself a lot even when there were plenty of other children around. It got to the point where his parents were becoming concerned for his well-being. When he first met Kida, he thought he was looking into a mirror. He became so comfortable playing with his reflection that he was actually quite shocked to find out it was another person. Ever since then, he’s opened up a lot and realized that there actually was no reason to fear that nobody would like him. When he discovered that Kida liked the same jokes as he did, they began a lifelong quest to make things in their lives as amusing as possible.

Abilities/weapons?: Small scale illusions (things viewable by one person at a time – this might get more powerful over time, but let’s start with this), voice imitation (which he mostly uses to annoy people)

Crush: None yet

Other: He really likes apples. If you ask him for one, chances are often really good that he has at least one with him. He also has a pet cat he named Fuzz. Specifically so he could shout “THE FUZZ IS HERE!!!”

I did try to search for a non-anime picture, but I got frustrated, so I’ll try again later.
Name: Kida
Age: 16
God/Goddess: Hermes
Gender: Female
Appearance: (See above)

Personality: Mischievous and tactical. She enjoys playing tricks on people with Koda, but is often the one to come up with escape plans to avoid getting caught. She’s actually a good student and enjoys both music and poetry. Despite what anyone may say, she doesn’t ever lie…you just might want to be very specific about exactly what you want to know from her.

Bio(optional): Believe it or not, Koda is not related to him. The two met in first grade and were amazed at how similar they looked. Shortly after, they became best friends and devoted much of their friendship to messing with people. Their friendship continues just as strongly even now.
Kida’s older sister always seemed intimidating to her. She always had fantastic grades, could play four instruments, and was captain of her diving team. She skipped two grades at a young age and is currently studying in another country, which Kida doesn’t really mind that much, although she does still miss her once in a while. Kida, however, does not even bother trying to compare to her sister, having decided that she’ll only be unhappy if she tries to measure up in any way. She instead began doing whatever she felt like, and spends her time with Koda coming up with more ways to have fun and not conform. She sometimes does fear that her parents may have wanted her to become more like her high-achieving sister, though.

Abilities/weapons?: The caduceus (which she can swing like a staff or use to focus power through), the ability to talk to snakes, short-distance flight (this may get more powerful later, but let’s start with this)

Crush: None yet

Other: She actually has a pair of snakes as pets. Their names are Arbor and Cube. She also wears shoes with wing decals or accessories attached to them. She thinks they’re cute.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Booker Dewitt
God/Goddess: Anubis
Gender: Male
Personality: Booker isn't really one to show affection to others, always seeming distant. Once you get to know him though, he's a good friend that'll have your back, especially in a fight. Like Anubis, he judges others quite heavily, but mostly those he doesn't trust. He likes to hang around graveyards, feeling close to Anubis that way.
Bio(optional): TBR
Abilities/weapons: Wields a khopesh and the pistol that is in his picture. He can call on the Underworld to lend him a HAND! Hahaha! Oh, but seriously, he can have ghost-like hands come from the ground and grab his enemies. He can also mummify people and even raise others from the dead, but this leaves him severely drained of his energy. The gauze he uses for mummification, depending on Booker's intentions, can either heal or simply trap the target. (Healing doesn't require full mummification of the target's body.)
Crush: Open (We can certainly PM about it if there's any interest ^^)
Other: N/A
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Stephen
Age: 19
God/Goddess: Tyr: God of hand to hand combat, the skies and war
Gender: Male
Appearance:Before reincarnation against Fenrir, looks the same in reincarnation
Personality: Stephen is one to have agood time with likeminded people. He dislikes uptight people and is always ready for a fight no matter who it is with. He is extremely brave much alike his reincarnation counterpart.
Bio(optional): TBR
Abilities/weapons?: Essentially enhanced attributes of the human body to a major level. He fears nothing and has the durability to survive having his arm be eaten and cut off by Fenrir, along with being generally stronger and faster than humans. He also had a 'zweihander' sword that is said to be nigh unbreakable.
Crush: -
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alexjits


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Alexander Price
Age: 26
God/Goddess: Ares
Gender: Male
Personality: Very defensive to others almost a protector
Abilities/weapons?: Sword and Shield, The shield can fire out chains to contain movement, Also he can use his shield like a flamethrower to burn ahead of him and he can fire chains at everyone nearby and pull them all together
Crush: None (Open) (PM and we can plan something)
Other: A very deeeeeep voice
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deathmaker


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Quinn Camoride

Age: 21

God/Goddess: Brahma, the Hindu god/deva of creation

Gender: Male


Personality: Quinn is a very dedicated educator, and protector. He has a disdain for violence, but when his students are threatened; he becomes someone that is the total opposite of him. Being a teacher, Quinn can sometimes push his students too far; often believing that the kids will reach new heights. Normally, Quinn sets a barrier between him, and his students... so no chummy feelings while inside the classroom. However, outside is a different story. He is very outgoing, and open to all people; even his students. Quinn's priority with the students is so intense that some people actually say that the guy values his students' lives than his own.

Bio(optional): TBR

1. Mitotic Cytogenesis- Quinn, by laying his hands on a wound or person, he can transfer his cells to the target which can speed up healing, and recovery. Quinn can also force his body to produce a hefty amount of cells should the need arise; causing enhanced strength, endurance, flexibility, stamina, and overall health status. This does not come cheap though; by forcing the body to unnaturally produce new cells, Quinn's body can weaken considerably.

2. Thousand-Armed, Death Embrace- Quinn can produce an extra limb; specifically, a hand/arm, from any part of his body. Furthermore, Quinn can produce another hand/arm from a recently created appendage. Quinn uses this as his main offensive ability; barraging and overwhelming foes with waves of hands which can cause serious injury if left unchecked. However, it should be noted, that while Quinn can control the summoned limbs with ease, these extra attachments are actually quite weak... The extra arms can be easily destroyed with swords or magic. Once destroyed; the limbs crumble to dust. While this ability has the lowest toll on Quinn; overusing a barrage can weaken him severely.

3. The Culling- Quinn can animate objects to fight for him. The bigger the object; the more energy required. The object will try to smash itself or attack(if possible; i.e statues) whoever Quinn desires to eradicate. However, the toll of this ability increases as the duration of the Culling extends.

Crush: (None as of the moment)

Other: Quinn's field of specialty is in Literature, and World Religions.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FoxFireOfDawn
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FoxFireOfDawn Back in business!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Hikari Hasegawa
Age: 16
God/Goddess: Kuat
Gender: Male

Personality: Because he represents the sun, he's much more carefree than his brother. He is much more happy-go-lucky and likes to hang around with others often. He also tends to blurt out what he's thinking. Still, he is a much more friendly type of person. He still talks to his brother often, even if the other may hate it.
Bio(optional): TBR
Abilities/weapons?: He uses things assosiated with the sun e.g. light magic, fire magic etc.
Crush: Open
Name: Yami Hasegawa
Age: 16
God/Goddess: Iae
Gender: Male

Personality: Because he represents the moon, he's much more cold towards others than his brother. He is a much more unsociable person, but he isn't shy. The only person he can stand to be around with is his brother. He only really shows any emotion when the two are together. If someone looks carefully emough, they may even see a small smile or two.
Bio(optional): TBR
Abilities/weapons?: He uses things assosiated with the moon e.g. dark magic, illusions etc.
Crush: Open
Name: Hitori
Age: 18
God/Goddess: Agnostos Theos -The Unknown God
Gender: Male

Personality: Most of the time, he seems like a bird of sorts. He's much more of a observant person and lets others do the talking. When forced to take sides, he rather switches between, fo no real known reason. He personaoly believes he does this for getting information quick and painless, although it's more or less instinct that tells him to do so. He does this with people, too, often switching between groups to catch drifting information.
Bio(optional): TBR
Abilities/weapons?: He is thought to have some abilities, although this is shrowded in mystery. He is the reincarnation of a literally Unknown God, after all. The only weapons he has is a small collection of shirukans.
Crush: N/A (PM me about stuff like this, and it goes for my two other characters too.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Neodim
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Neodim Cosmic Idiot

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Victor Carter
Age: 17
God/Goddess: Haephestus
Gender: Male

Personality: Victor is a person who likes being a part of company, but most people around ignore him. Deep inside of him there is an anger toward that, and sometimes he looses control letting that anger come out. That is why most of the time he tries to control his emotions, replacing them with fake easy attitude to life. His intelligence is high, but he does not like learning and because of that have average marks. He always does only what he is intrested in, and forcing himself does not bring good results.

Bio: Victor was born in eastern europe but was abandoned by his parents and at the age of 1 adopted by foreighn family. Since childhood he was very intrested in arts like sculpture and liked to make different toys himself from garbage he found. He became very skilled with guitar and found himself intrested in heavy music which he tried to play. At the age of 12 he visited local forge and felt that he must try blacksmithing, which later became his main hobby, and after school he often works there. Nothing extrodinary ever happened to him except once - on his 17th birthday he received one strange gift - a box which contained an ancient hammer and was singed "From Leonid and Elena Gessen to Victor Gessen".

Abilities: Control of fire, "Mystical Engeneering" - ability to construct and upgrade tools that can emulate other god's powers or rise god's power over limit, for example Zeus's lightnings, and allows him to understand how tools and powers work.
Weapons: Hammer which can store fire and release it on impact according to wielder's will
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