Iris had sat down on the earth chair that Hiro offered, and nodded as she listened to Hiro explain why he believed Eric to be a threat. "There is no need to apologize; such evidence is crucial. The Unity concurs with your suspicion of the Head of Magic." she spoke, marking that as one member of the council they would have to watch.
"...We do actually have some other members we believe it is in our best interests to discuss." Iris said. "What is your opinion on the General of the Army, Councilman Cecil? Do you believe him to be trustworthy? It is of the Unity's belief that if both military branches are safe from influence it would greatly expand our options in the event of the corrupted attempt to or even succeeding in taking power."
After all, no matter how many council members the shadows corrupted, no matter how powerful they became politically, they could not possibly withstand the might of the only military force the planet had, or the orbital bombardment of dozens of Advent capital ships, each carrying enough ordinance to annihilate the entire population of the world and enough strike craft to darken the skies with Advent aircraft.
Iris was indirectly suggesting that, should the Shadows of the Universe take over the council, that the three of them - Hiro, Iris and Cecil - launch a military coup as a last ditch resort.