Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chrononaut
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Member Seen 8 mos ago


Name: Flavie Lefèvre
Codename: (New, likely doesn't have one)
Age: 16
Place of Birth: Paris
Occupation: Student/Self purported clock and watch repair expert.
Relationship Status: Not looking
Mutant Ability: Existing in a perpetual chronological displacement, Flavie is capable of becoming “unstuck” from the present. Lack of ability combined with intense nervousness leads to Flavie traveling short time spans at random. She can also catch glimpses of other timelines, both wonderful and horrifying. Sometimes she even travels to these timelines for brief moments and acts the part of another self.

More usefully she can also manipulate gravity in a small sphere of influence, even going as far as being able to slow down incoming objects. This is of course incredibly imprecise.

Sometimes a future self ends up meeting with her in the present, to what end is up to whoever went back.

Personality: Born in France, Flavie's life was rather uneventful until her tenth year when she found herself chasing herself through a park. Bumping into her parents, she greeted them with an excited hug. Only they didn't recognize her, as she was much older than the Flavie they knew. Sometime later, sobbing beneath an elderly tree, her parents came up to her and asked if she was alright. She told them her story and they laughed, for she had such an imagination.

She kept jumping back and forth for months, losing her sense of time and becoming ever more confused on the state of reality.

Six years later, her parents were far less amused to find all the furniture in their apartment had mysteriously relocated itself to the ceiling. After finally getting used to the concept of standing wrong side up, they found their daughter sitting on the once-a-floor, cross legged and bemused. Realizing her parents were above her, she yelped, sending them toppling to the floor.

Confused as what they should do, the answer later came to her parents in the form of a letter from some ridiculous American school. Xavier had managed to locate Flavie after discovering the mind of two of her at once. Figuring it couldn't hurt, they sent their daughter along the way.

Personality: Flavie would be described as fussy, worried, and generally obsessive. She carries around a pocket watch, wears a watch, and has a sundial stored near her person at all times. These are for the explicit purpose of comparing the time of her devices to the time of clocks around her, one of the few ways of confirming if she has shot herself through time or not. To this end she constantly resets her watch and has a vast clock collection stored in her room.

A fatalist, Flavie keeps track of events she finds both past and future in a journal. Of course, given that she sometimes writes in past versions or future versions of it, it's become something of a mess.

She's less than surprisingly acquired a great sense of timing, thus she's quite fond of music and has spent much of her leisure learning various instruments. It helps that she doesn't have much else to do when she ends up backwards.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by El_Tigre


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Mila Kovsky.

Codename: Mimic.

Age: Eighteen (18).

Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia.

Sexuality: Pansexual.

Occupation: Student.

Orphan - She doesn't know if she has any family.

Relationship Status:

Mutant Ability:
Genetic Replication - Once coming into anyone DNA whether it be their blood, skin contact or simply hair left on a brush. With that DNA she can shape shift herself into that individuals physical appearance to the last detail. She doesn't attain any memories or involuntary social quirks. Further more, replicating the individuals genes she can also mimic their mutant powers. The power replication isn't nearly as strong as the original as she hasn't had the type of practice with it as the original host.

Mila can retain up to two genetic codes at any given time and the retention only lasts for a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours since the last moment she came in contact with the DNA.

Mila is rather quiet and soft spoken. She is one to sit in the back of a room and simply observe. Because her powers don't gain any mental or social mimicry she tends to naturally observe every little details of the people around her. Doing so allows her to act like the people she takes upon the appearance. Though once you break through her silent shell one would notice Mila's kind and affectionate nature. Being an orphan Mila is rather easily attached to people who are nice to her. On one hand she fears of people getting close and leaving and on the other hand she wants nothing more to be loved.

Mila was born in Moscow, Russia and raised in a small orphanage. She didn't begin to notice her abilities until she was around the age of nine (9) when she woke up looking like her friend Natasha from the orphanage. She luckily changed back before many people saw her. They thought it was only their half unconscious state playing tricks on them. As the years progressed she began to use her abilities to get things she wanted. She would bump into the local store owner to get his DNA and when he left she would shift into his appearance and walk into the store and take candy. Looking and sounding like the store owner the clerks never stopped her.

After a while the Russian government began to notice her abilities. An Agent from the Russian Special forces came to the orphanage. His name was Mikael and he offered Mila a life outside of the orphanage. Firstly she was afraid of what they wanted her for but also she couldn't help crave to be needed for something. Anything to get out of the orphanage and become something. She had always thought she was worthless, that was what she reasoned why she was given up by her parents. She would prove them wrong. And she finally decided she would take Mikael up on his offer, calling him on the number he left on the card a few days prior. She was thirteen at the time.

Mikael came that night to retrieve Mila. They flew across russia, landing on a small landing strip and then she hopped in an SUV and a three hour drive later they arrived at a small military camp. Mikael became Mila's sponsor, so to speak. She kept track of Mila's progress and made sure everything was working out. In this small camp Mila wasn't a freak, she was amongst others that had special powers like her own. Aside from practicing their respective powers they all learns basic physical combat, sabotage and subtlety. With Mila's special brand of powers she was also trained to watch and observe people, learn all the little details about them; through that she was also trained how to act and mimic the small quirks she observes. She had a natural gift for acting and observing, learning from the lessons faster than most.

After a year of training she was fourteen when they started to deploy her on missions. She would observe her targets for a few days before figuring out a way to come into contact with their DNA. Using the information she gained from her target she was shift into their appearance and complete the mission. Usually ranging from attaining information or planting bugs to eavesdrop. Though after three years her mission suddenly changed from the usual. This time she was asked to infiltrate a group and kill a man. She was set back by the idea. She had never considered the thought of killing anyone. She knew it happened in the group but she never considered she would have to do any of that. On her mission she was about to kill the slumbering man but she couldn't pull the trigger. Since day one she was promised she would never have to kill anyone by Mikael. He gave his word. But here she was, standing over a man with a pistol in her hand. As she noticed the man began to stir she was startled, dropping the gun and fleeing the mansion. She could no longer associate with a group that would lie to her and break promises. Asking her to kill someone after all the promises.

Mila fled to the united states, using the skills they taught her to keep out of the eyes of the Russian Secret services. After a year in the united states she began to hear rumors of a safe haven for Mutants. A place that would keep them safe and teach them kind ways of using their powers. She then began to search out the Xavier's School of Gifted Students.

Languages: Russian, English, French, and Japanese fluently.
Can speak in perfect accents from her training.
Can hold her breath under water for up to 6 minutes and 17 seconds.
Her favorite thing is Reese's peanut butter cup. Especially when it had been kept in the fridge.
Has a high endurance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DizzyIsabella
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DizzyIsabella She's a kind heart - but that mouth..

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Francesca "Frankie" Dubro

Codename: Memoir

Age: 17

Place of Birth: Chelsea, England

Occupation : Full time Student, Piano Tutor

Family: Mother: Sophia Dubro
Father: Edward Dubro
Elder Brother : Alexander Dubro

Relationship Status: Single

Mutant Ability: Neurocognitive Minipulation / Mild Telepathy A power with a wide range of abilities. The most poignant of these being Francesca has the ability to pull memories from others, with a physical touch, her strength growing with this to enable her to now pull a memory with a mere brush of her fingertips. In a combat situation, her defence mechanisms enable her to stun her opponent for minutes at a time, once memories have been pulled from them, leaving them confused and disorientated, although this takes an extended period of physical contact through her palm, meaning she usually must overpower them before she can use this. She is very intune with other's feelings, feeling overwhelming draughts of emotion from others, and often, with extended concentration, can mentally hear their thoughts, but this is usually only with those she is very close to.

Personality: Frankie is a very down-to-earth young women, with a very wise and collected head on her shoulders. She is often quite serious, and it takes a long time to get her to let down her barriers and loosen up around her friends. She often puts on a cold front, so as not to show weakness, as she is very emotional, but once her walls are broken down, she has a very warm heart. She is filled with confidence, and is never insecure. Despite being very calm and collected, she has a temper when it comes to things that threaten her, being very passionate and loyal. She often needs fun, outgoing people to help her along. Being so confident, she can often come accross intimidating and bitchy, which she never apologises for. She has a wonderful sense of humour, often cracking jokes to try and cheer people up.

History: Born in the most wealthy area of London, England, Francesca had a very enviable childhood, but unlike many other children would, she did not enjoy it. She always felt too spoiled, and like she was being hidden from the world. Her parents gave her a home education, shielding her from the "lower classes" of the rest of society, only arranging playdates with other wealthy, spoilt children, parading her around the fancy parties as their beautiful, well dressed daughter. Her elder brother was always the perfect one, being well dressed and handsome, well behave and never rude, but she was the opposite. A slight tomboy, she always found she messed her pristine clothes, and didn't think before she spoke. This led her to feel out of place in her family, and very lonely.

Around the age of 10, her powers began to manifest themselves properly, despite her being very intune with feelings for as long as she could remember. One evening she pressed a kiss to her father's cheek at bedtime, as was the routine, and found a memory flashing into her head, of her father kissing a woman that wasn't her mother. With a gasp, she pulled back, but her parents thought nothing from the small outburst. This occured regularly with many different people over her childhood, to her early teens.

Once, after an argument with her father at the age of 14, she threw the information at her father in spite, and was accused of spying, her mother backing him up, saying she'd always been a "sneaky child". Her parents both agreed they had failed as parents, and she needed more discipline, and shipped her off to Britannia Royal Naval College, where she became a Navy cadet. This did her no harm, and this period of time left her with a sense of discipline and loyalty, and also taught her self-defense, leadership and combat techniques. She even made a best friend, with whom she learnt to cope with the hard work of the college, whom revealed himself to have supernatural abilities, just like her, but he was not one to stick to the academy rules like she was. Their friendship grew, but at the age of 15, her membership of the college was revoked, due to her covering for her best friend, each time he broke the rules. Once this suspicion was aroused, she was moved from the college back home.

Nearing her 17th birthday, she received a visit from a from the head of a new school, specifically for Mutants, whom had recieved a recommendation to bring her to the academt. It took months trying to convince her parents to let her go, before she decided to take her fate into her own hands, packing her bags and leaving for the new school when they returned from a short break.

Her time at Xavier's Academy was about to begin.

Extra: ~ She is very talented at Piano, being very highly graded.
~ She loves reading a poetry
~ She has a secret tattoo on the front of her left hipbone, of a small white daisy, which holds vast significance.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Violet
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Spencer Marianna O’Connor.
Codename: Odora.

Age: Nineteen.
Place of Birth: Phoenix, Arizona.

Occupation: Starbucks employee.

-Daniel O’Connor – Father.
-Evelyn O’Connor – Mother.
-Richard O’Connor – Younger brother.

Sexuality: Gay.
Relationship Status: Single. And she plans on keeping it this way.

Mutant Ability: Ice Manipulation –
With this power, Spencer can create, shape, and manipulate ice, as well as freeze objects merely by physical contact, otherwise known as ‘ice touch’. Spencer may also use the hydrogen particles in the air to form ice using both her mind and hands as wielders. While there is very little that Spencer has discovered about the potential of her abilities, Spencer has realized that with her powers, she is capable of healing herself as well as others by absorbing the frozen energies and using them to freeze molecules which then renew damaged cells, which can ultimately stop the bleeding. Ice has the competency to provide energy in closing up wounds, and overall, allowing optimal health.

-Spencer has a difficult time creating ice from hydrogen particles, reverting to using already existing sources.
-Dry areas (mainly around fire or deserts) make it even more difficult for her to produce ice.
-Spencer has little control over her Ice Touch, and could possibly freeze objects – or even people – without having realized it.
-Her ability to heal only works with that of small wounds.
-She hasn’t had a successful case of healing another person as she has herself.

Spencer, to put it simply, is a very introverted person. Remaining solely to herself, she relies on no one, and carries the mentality that others are not to be trusted. With that being said, she is a very quiet individual, preferring not to speak when it is unnecessary. While she has thoughts, she does not process them as many others would. Spencer is utterly emotionless. She does not bring herself to feel what one would normally feel – happiness is foreign. Sadness is too energy consuming. She brings herself to be numb, really, as being without much feelings is easier than having them.

Even so, there is a portion of Spencer that is so terribly vulnerable and raw, that even she is terrified of it. There is sheer anger, resentment, fear, betrayal, anxiety, sadness – tears, oh god, the tears – and only ever does this come at night when the nightmares hit. The memories. The recollections. The remembering. Spencer hates to remember. She despises it. She does her best to think only of the present and occasionally of the future. Her survival, although pointless, is her only way being. Of existing.

She knows she is alive. She is not at all an idiot, for that is what everyone with a beating heart is doing. But she is not living. Perhaps it is because she does not know how to live.

Over the years, Spencer has forgotten a majority of her past. She’s suppressed it, every little detail, deep within her mind, in order to not recall the damage she’d lived through. Having a drug-dealer as a father and a drug-doer for a mother, her house was rarely ever unoccupied. Being that her house was so utterly cramped, Spencer had never been given a room of her own, much less a bed, forced to share one with her little brother, Rickie, in a room with whoever was lucky enough to snag the bed that had previously been hers. Rickie and Spencer learned to share a bed at a very young age, never sleeping without the other, too afraid to know what the consequence might be.

While there was very little she could do for herself, Spencer was consciously active in keeping Rickie out of trouble, no matter what may happen to her. By the age of ten, she’d managed to get her own job mowing lawns. The pay was very little, but it was manageable, as the money her parents made was stowed away for drugs they did not grow or could not get for free. With this money, she purchased perishables, water bottles, as well toiletries that they lacked. On Christmas, she bought Rickie toys, and they often times played with his action figures when they were alone.

Even though she never told a soul, teachers would often ask if her parents were hurting her at every opportunity they got. She and Rickie both – per their father’s request – had denied it every time, knowing that they’d be punished if they said anything. Teachers were always suspicious of the two, as they constantly came to school smelling of alcohol and weed. It wasn’t until Spencer was sent to school with bruises all along her chest did the school finally call the police.

She was only thirteen when she was taken from her family. It was nine at night. She and her brother had just gotten into bed when gunshots sounded. Her mother began wailing. Father shouting. Her brother was hyperventilating. Men in uniforms came into their room and carried them to cars. Separate cars. It was so quick. So abrupt. So sudden. And no matter how many times she implored the officers, she never saw them again. Not her dad. Mother. Not even Rickie.

She’d been put into a foster home the next morning, with her own room and blankets that didn’t have blood stains on them. The nights were often silent and her room did not smell of weed and mildew. There weren’t alcohol bottles strewn all across the hallways. No one was yelling or fighting. People smiled. The girls wore tank tops and shorts, not at all frightened that it would be too provocative. The adults flipped pancakes, offered everyone more, to which they denied. They denied more food.

For four years it went on like this. Spencer hopped from foster home to foster home, never complaining, never questioning. Always silent.

She was fifteen when she wanted to cut her hair. The woman whom she’d lived with at the time, Tammy, did it for her. She shaped it in such a way that it framed her face and brought out her jawline more. It was masculine. And it suited her well. Of course, the kids at her school did not understand her want to dress in the attire she chose and act more like a boy and less of a girl. They spat at her, threw objects, hissed “faggot” underneath their breath. Her locker was always covered in sticky-notes with scrawled on adjectives in the morning. She had a process, a way of making it through the long weeks.

Get up, go to school, ignore their comments – don’t listen, don’t listen, goddammit, don’t listen – tear off the notes, get through all her classes in one piece, come home, go for her bedroom.

This was a continuous routine that did not end until she was out of high school. It was then that her powers developed, and it was then that Spencer left her foster home and headed for the roads. She did not have a car, much less any friends to drive her to the bus station, so she hitchhiked. She walked for hours on end. Found herself in a small town down in Virginia. She found sanctuary here, choosing to stay away from others rather than have them discover who – no, what – she was.

She got herself a job at the only grocery store for forty-seven miles and bought a nice house just two miles away. She walked it to and fro, using whatever free time she had to control the abilities she’d been cursed with. When a letter came in at the age of nineteen, though, of a school that was welcoming applicants such as herself, she spent days wondering of the damage she could cause. Still, the letter spoke of the training of her abilities, and the assistance in understanding, which was something that she could use.

Spencer wasn’t at all a fan of accepting the help of others, but she found herself drawn to this school. She packed her bags, located the nearest bus station, and headed off to the Institute.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“I like to make faces. I can also fly and do windy things.”

Real Name:
Alan “Al” Peregrine


December 1/27

Place of Birth:
Devil’s Lake, North Carolina

Professional flier and social worker.
Xavier’s Institute Teacher of Alternative Power Use, Flying Instructor, and Counselor

Garfield and Logan Peregrine - Adopted fathers, alive, well
Alliana Strange - birth mother, unkown status and location

Relationship Status: Single and not looking, but ready to be found.

Mutant Ability:
Alan is a flyer, but his mutant ability is to control the air. He is an Aerokinetic allowing him control over the millions of gas-based particles and compounds surrounding the earth, and the movement of the invisible force wind. With his abilities he can create gusts of winds that blow people and structures away, move objects, send and receive the small vibrations in the air that carry sounds allowing him to hear conversations from faraway people and places, and a whole lot more limited only by his creativity, but Alan doesn’t care for this because he doesn’t think of himself as an Aerokinetic, but a flyer. Alan loves flying and through the use of his Aerokinesis he can. By manipulating the air around him he can create an environment around himself that allows him to propel himself to the skies, float high above others, and most of all drift through the sky like a peaceful and in his own opinion an omnipotent cloud. Alan is blessed because his abilities are strong, always growing, and they don’t come with any other mutation like being made out of air. He loves his abilities, but he is also scared of it because he understands how destructive he can be. His dangerous ability is not helped by the fact that his abilities are affected by his emotions, luckily enough he has had a lot of experience with his abilities that he can control his powers even when he is feeling a strong emotion most of the time. On occasions that he can’t control his Intense feelings affect the air around him. For example, anger makes the surrounding air hot, sadness makes it cold, and love makes the air fresh and clean.

Alan doesn’t like to fight using his powers because he knows how dangerous he could get and how much emotions go into them, but he knows that as a mutant fighting for his life and for his friends is something that he has to do. In his years of being alive he has learned how to defend himself and he’s learned quite well. In a typical fight he would start using his powers immediately creating gale force winds that would knock his enemies away from him. He would fly to gain the height and vantage point advantage. His defense involves blowing projectiles away or creating a shield of fast moving wind that would protect him from all directions. Alan knows that his Aerokinetic powers lack deadly abilities in most occasions, but when he really wants to he can easily create a large tornado with him in the center that destroys everything around him, but he refuses to use his powers in this way because the one time he did he still can’t forgive himself.

His name comes about because of his constant use of his powers to fly high above everyone else and let the winds carry him to faraway places like a leaf in the wind drifting from place to place.

There’s a reason he chose the name Drifter. Like a leaf in the wind and like the clouds above the sky Alan is an easygoing, peaceful, and tranquil person who likes being those things. He is joyful, optimistic, and enlightened. He is comfortable with having lots of people with him, and is often well liked by those people, but he is also comfortable in his own skin and enjoys quiet alone time for flying meditation. He always has a smile on his face and never falters even when in a crisis because he always hopes for the best. On the job he remains the same, and this is true when he is on the battlefield. As Drifter, he is serious in a fight, fast and strong, never holding back in power, but always limiting himself to make sure he doesn’t hurt anyone too badly. He doesn’t like to fight. He is a lover not a fighter, but he understands it must be done so he does it anyway, but rest assured he’d rather do something else. He knows that he is powerful and it is for this very reason that he makes sure to limit himself because he doesn’t like to hurt people. On any given day he'd rather fly rather than fight, which he is fine with.

Alan was born in a hospital in Devil’s Lake North Carolina where his birth mother, Alliana, gave him up for adoption, she was only sixteen at the time and she could not take the responsibility. Two people adopted him, two gay men. His two fathers loved him dearly and his birth mother who they thanked after naming him from her, hence Alan from Alliiana. As a child Alan was tease for having two men as parents, but living in the big city made for less discrimination against them in general, but not by much. His peaceful childhood was helped by the fact that one of his fathers was a cop and the other one was a lawyer and they also happened to somewhat rich, upper middle class really.

Alan’s childhood was normal. He was a bright and happy child, friendly, kind and well liked. He was an optimist that thought the best of people and things. He saw the best in people and hoped he was right, and even though he would be wrong sometimes, he didn’t think much of it. His two father’s made sure to give him everything a child could ever have, and his friends that never cared for how he came to be. He questions about himself and world, always curious of the world unknown to him. He wondered about his birth mother. His fathers told him that they would tell him more when he was an adult. He wondered about mutants. His fascination for them led to his desire to fly, envious of those that flew above others, and it is for this reason that he was happy when his powers manifested.

It happened on a windy day. He was looking from their apartment complex’s balcony, supposedly doing his homework, but his mind was drifting to places elsewhere. While he was dreaming of flying places in far own world his body started to fly. After realizing what he was doing he was quickly filled with joy, but it was just as quickly replaced with fear as he realized that he did not know how to stop drifting away or how to land. In a matter of minutes, his body was floating high above the building where he was at the mercy of the wind. On the ground, an audience who made sure to get his face and name out into the world was watching him, and up above them in the sky he began to fear his powers. Heroes got him down, but a part him realized that it could have been better if he just flew away. His then friends left him alone no matter how much he tried to get them back. He wasn’t met with hate or anger, no, it was worse. He was met with apathy, fear and isolation. His two father’s tried, they tried hard, but they didn’t know how to deal with him. They understood what it was like, but they had no experience with mutants. Alan knew they were scared and they didn’t know what to do with him, but Alan did. He sought out the X-Men and Professor Xavier to enroll him to the one place where he wouldn’t be feared and where he could learn how to make sure he couldn’t hurt anyone.

His years at the school was nothing if not extraordinary and fun. Unlike those who enrolled in the school to become X-Men or heroes he just wanted a place where he could feel at home, and he did. He found a place where people didn’t fear him and made him feel normal. Outside he was feared, but in the school he was Drifter an Aerokinetic who knew how to fly better than any other flier did. His school years in the world of mutants were magnificent. He learned what it meant to live a life un restrained by the real world and understood what it meant to be a person outside of what people called him. The school also taught him to defend himself and use his powers beyond flying. Alan didn’t like to fight, he didn’t like the loss he experienced and the bitter hate he felt, but he understood why it happened and fought to protect what Charles Xavier wanted for the world. He didn’t like the hurt he had to deal with and the people that he fought, but sometimes he had to.

After graduating and getting his education, he quit the fighting since it was never what he got into the school for. He left to go get an education and he became a social worker. It is a fulfilling job that allowed him to take care of the people. He became a person who could protect, fight and care for people like him, mutants, outsiders, underdogs and helpless . His father’s remain fearful of him, but they accepted what he is and learned how to deal with, as normal as they could. Once Alan turned eighteen his father’s finally told him what they know of his birth mother other than her name, but he couldn’t find her and to this day he still hasn’t, but that doesn’t mean he’s stopped trying. He still uses his powers of course because he could never get rid of the thing that made him truly feel alive. He wasn’t ashamed of his powers, but he made sure to not cause trouble, make sure he would never hurt someone, and on some occasions he would stop nearby crimes by blowing a little wind here and there, anonymously of course.

He wasn’t there for the big fight with Apocalypse since he was busy with dealing with helping other people and he hated himself because he wasn’t there to fight with the man he idolized, but he was there for the funeral. When Kitty Pryde went to reestablish the school he wanted to help immediately, but there was work to be done. After the big fight with Apocalypse he had to help the mutants who were, more so than ever, being hurt by the people around them. He immediately wanted to be a part of the school that made him feel at home, but he had to finish his client list first.

Alan likes to fly really high and free fall into large bodies of water.
Al also sometimes sleeps with the clouds.
He wears corrective lenses most of the time, and goggles when flying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“Here comes the smolder. It's a Tangled reference.”

Real Name:
Daniel “Danny” Keel


November 8/17

Place of Birth:
Baltimore, Maryland

Student, Track and Field Star

Julius and Sarah Keel – parents, alive
Ronald “Ronny” and Benjamin “Benny” Keel – brothers, 15 and 14 respectively

Relationship Status:
Recently single, hurt and open to anything.

Mutant Ability:
Danny is a gravity manipulator. His power takes shape in the form of differently colored energies that he can release through his body. The red colored energy can create and increase gravity and the blue colored energy can nullify and decrease gravity. The shade of the energy’s color indicates their level of gravitational strength, and it’s transparency to opaqueness indicates its impenetrability. For example an opaque dark red energy means that the gravitational increase is at full power and possesses a level of impenetrability, while a transparent light blue energy is only decreasing gravity slightly and can be affected by outside forces. Danny can coat his own body in the field allowing him to change his gravity to make him leap high into the air and float, or stand in his ground unmovable by outside forces or sink into the ground. The biggest different that separates him from other energy projectors is that they can shoot out energy Danny can’t, he must touch objects to release his powers. Once an object has been completely affected by Danny only he can take it away again, and without him, it will continue affecting them for a period of time.

Danny is dangerous, but he doesn’t know just how dangerous he can really get. He understands how to use his abilities somewhat and can protect himself by increasing an opponent’s gravity to pin them down to the ground or to make them float in the air, but he doesn’t understand that he can be more dangerous and powerful. If he was to use red energy someone completely he could bury them underground, but if he only covers a part of someone then that part is the only thing that will get buried and everything attached will be collateral damage. He can also use blue energy making them fly continuously until they die from the lack of air or have a part fly at super speeds leaving everything else behind. He can also use two energies on one thing at the same time from two ends and tear it apart from the middle. Alternatively, Danny can also use his powers at the same, which turns the energy purple and opens up a whole new set of possibilities. For example, he may be able to fly and walk on walls, have an impenetrable shield around himself, lift normally heavy objects and have it crash down on someone, and lock people up in an air tight unmovable impenetrable filed that only he can remove.

Danny is a teenage and like most teenage boys there are a lot of things that distract him. He’s not very smart, but he can be cunning and quick witted. He doesn’t think outside of the box very much, but his box was large to begin with. Growing up as the oldest of three sibling Danny has grown into a leader type of role, but the environment he grew up in was full of rough, rowdy, and likeminded boys that could have easily turned him into the archetypical mean dumb jock that bullies the weak. Thankfully enough Danny isn’t dumb nor is he a bully, but he is a jock that isn’t so smart and likes to pick fights for sport. Danny is confident, but not so much so that he comes off as arrogant or prideful. He can be very loud when he wants to and can be quite hurtful as well, but he does care for people and values his friends a lot. He can be rough, bitter and spiteful sometimes, but he doesn’t do it because he wants to be he’s just wired that way. Danny’s not a “jerk with a heart of gold” he’s a guy with a golden heart that comes off like a jerk.

Danny was born into your typical rich white family that involves a huge house, two white-collar parents, and two younger brothers. Ever since he could remember, Dann’y always had a good childhood. One could say it’s the type of childhood that can be a textbook case. His name could be filed right under “rich white kid” and it would be correct. He has a lot of friends and some enemies, but he was popular and rich so there was not really a lot of hate, plus he’s well mannered and decent enough that most people don’t think too badly upon meeting him.

If not for his mutant ability Danny’s life would be just like everyone else’s. His teenage years would be full of having parties, drinking, maybe smoking, going to prom with a hot girl, graduating from his mostly rich kid high school and go off to a pretty good university where he would get a business degree, but he turned out to be a mutant. Things change when people find out that you’re different.

Danny was seventeen when the glowing energy powers started appearing, which is a bit late really for most mutations, but the glowing was a secondary mutation. The gravity powers were already there for some time while he just didn’t know he had powers or that he was a mutant. Up until the glowing started he thought he was just a normal teenage boy, but his mutation was there. Unlike other mutants that had flashy powers his powers were subtle, weak and didn’t change anything. His power to change gravity was there as early as twelve years old, but back then he could only slightly change his gravity so slightly and weak that he never noticed. For his early teenage years, Danny just leaped higher than others and had a hard time swimming because the gravity around him could be lighter and heavier without his own control, but nothing that really bothered him so much that it made people think mutant. People just thought he was good athlete and a bad swimmer.

The glowing changed everything and in the worst way possible because it happened in public. They appeared in his junior prom. There were balloons, a live band, and a chandelier that he would destroy. He had just lost the crown for prom king to his best friend when his hands started glowing blue. Naturally he was scared and his first action was touching his date. She floated and screamed away. He tried to run but his short little skips made him leap into the air. He landed beside the buffet table, his hands touched the whole thing floated crashing into the chandelier and making food spill into the prom goers. Danny’s hand then turned red causing the whole floor to shake and tilt. He tried to run again, but his own gravity was too heavy to move around People ran away screaming leaving him alone his body to heavy to even stand up ,while his date was still floating on the ceiling scared for her life. Officials arrived and took care of things. It was easy to figure out that he was a mutant.

Things never stayed the same after then. Danny didn’t even get to return to school to apologize because the school kicked him out for causing public disturbance, but really it was because he was a mutant. The friend he once thought were his bests never bothered to reply to his texts and calls. They never even visited him in the hospital the times he was there. He didn’t care much for it all because he was a rock, he tried to be a rock. It didn’t work because deep inside Danny cared about people and what they think. His family was as supportive as any family could be. At the very least, they tried and they were quiet, but they couldn’t help. Danny had to help himself. He found the school, they didn’t find him, and he had no idea what kind of life was waiting for him there. He was thrilled either way because eating at home all alone was seriously killing his mood.

The name vault comes from the fact that his favorite track and field event was pole vaulting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xtreme
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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Michael Chase Broussard – goes by Chase



Place of Birth:
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

- Musician

- Rhonda Broussard - Sister

Relationship Status:

Mutant Ability:

Audiokinesis Chase is a mutant whose superhumanly powerful lungs, throat, and vocal cords can produce a sonic scream for various effects, in concert with limited, reflexive psionic powers which direct his sonic vibrations. He can hover or fly at the speed of sound, and can carry at least one passenger. He can overwhelm listeners with deafening noise, stun them with tight-focus low-frequency sonic blasts (effective even against shielded ears by penetrating the skull via bone conduction), plunge them into a hypnotic trance, disorient them, nauseate them, or simply render them unconscious. Using sonic waves, he can rapidly vibrate himself or other masses at will. He can generate sonic blasts which strike with tremendous concussive force, liquefying or outright disintegrating targets at his highest levels of power. By radiating sound waves outward and reading the feedback, he can locate and analyze unseen objects in a sonar-like fashion. By modulating his scream's harmonics, he can confuse most scanning equipment. He instinctively can analyze, replicate, and block sonic waves or vibrations from other sources.

Personality and History:

Born with a song in his heart, Michael Chase Broussard came into this world the second of two, with a slightly older sister in Rhonda. A close knit family, they loved their Saint’s, their jazz and their parades. Shy, sensitive and spiritual, Chase had a poets soul even as a boy and spent much of his time learning everything and anything he could about music, including how to play the guitar, piano and saxophone. Tragedy would strike the family as both parents were lost during Hurricane Katrina. During the hurricane, Ronnie and Chase were trapped in their home with the dead bodies of their parents, a terrified Chase let out a horrifying scream that destroyed what was left of their family home, freeing them. Ronnie, a mutant with intuitive abilities, quickly put two and two together and fled with what she could carry, her little brother clinging onto her back, scared to even open his mouth.

Ronnie and Chase found solace with a childless family that adopted them. However during this time, Chase did not speak for a three years after the hurricane, too horrified by what he had done to even open his mouth to anyone. Eventually, when she came of age, Rhonda took her brother to meet Charles Xavier, who used his telepathy to communicate with the silent Chase. Their sessions wielded much progress for a while until the events that unfolded upon the awakening of Apocalypse. At this time, Chase only spoke to Xavier and Ronnie and with the Professors death, he retreated back into himself. Ronnie and Chase hit the road, living life town to town, one day at a time, once crossing paths with Freddie DiAngelo and sparking up a long-time friendship. Over time, Chase began to open up more but was still quiet. When Ronnie decided to settle in Westchester and open a bar, Chase grabbed his guitar and continued on the road.

A quiet man of very few words, Chase has masterfully learned to convey everything with just a look from his sad brown eyes. He has a perceptive and observant outlook, a man who can sit quiet in a room and understand everyone else that was there in seconds. Compassionate, empathetic and protective, Chase may not say much but his actions speak louder than his words.

- He drives an old Chevy pick up that once belonged to his father
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