Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

No cannibalizing <.<
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 8 days ago

time for stealthy music! X3
Rava "shush! the heretics might hear you" *begins tiptoeing through base*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Katan *slaps The Arbiter in the back of the head*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 8 days ago

Rava eye's look that of angry cartoon eye's before looking to Katan and returning a gentleman like back hand to his face
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Katan "How dare you..." *draws his energy sword* "I draw this weapon because it demands blood..." *slashes at the Arbiter*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 8 days ago

Rava *catches energy sword blade in his hand* "how dare yourself good sir, I was sneaking, and you ruined it, rudely so" *eats Katans energy sword*
by the gods... Stryder, Rava has been infected by toons!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Katan: *sees emoticons in the background* "By the prophets, what are these?" *waves them away*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arlear


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rak: *Dances into the frame with a tophat and cane. Or at least, the elite he's riding on with garrote wire around it's neck has a cane and tophat...*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Igora&Harana: Confused at the groups behavior decide to enact Flood Infection Protocol. *step back from scene, draw cannons amd begin firing without warning.*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Amberstrike, please take no offence on what I'm about to say... but...

I hate your avatar and want to report it every time I see it without looking at it closely... The reasoning is because EVERY time I see it, it looks like the grey wolf is mounting the other one... if you know what I mean.

Though when I look closer I realize it isn't and that the grey wolf is howling... though with just a glance it seems as though the two wolves are mating... and that trips me out every time... :/

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by amberstrike


Member Offline since relaunch

Wow, take no offense? That was pretty offensive. Good job on being a hypocrite.

And by the way they aren't mating as you can so obviously see. I wouldn't put that kind of photo as my avatar. So if my avatar end's up being reported Falsely then i will will report and block you for making me go through something that is not my fault. But to the fault of your own vapid imagination.
By the way, i don't like your avatar or signature either, but you don't see me slandering you. I've only just told you, and i didn't go into detail like you did.
In fact, it's part of the rules not to fight in here, so why don't you take your hypocritical slander somewhere else?

So please keep your rude and imflammatory posts to yourself. I certainly don't want to see them at all.
Now i'm done with you. Unless you have a post to make on the actual roleplay, don't speak to me about this, or anything unrelated to this roleplay.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sorry for offending you so much...

Also, you say you don't like my signature or avatar... mind if I ask why? I'm no artist though I did try really hard to make this, 6 hours on MS paint to be exact... So is there anything I should fix?

Nak, I'll also be posting soon, kay dude?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'll be controlling all of the inactive ppls
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 8 days ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

NacNak said

Nak... I don't think Amber likes me....

Healp :(

I apologized and got attacked...

amberstrike said
you wanna be friends? Don't play games with me.It's not a petty argument because it's not even gonna start, don't give me your bull crap. Get out of here, i told you to leave me alone about this subject, not attack me.Beat it. I'm reporting you to the mods. You're rude, insincere, and yes you are a hypocrite. Absolutely none of what you said was a joke. Why don't you take your own advice about tough luck? If you don't like what you see, then get over it. That's exactly what you're telling me. Go spread your mediocre flames somewhere else. I'm not impressed with your disgusting habits.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Enough! I have had enough of this amberstrike, you either cool it with your temper or you get the hell out of his RP, you got me? Drakel was just trying to let you know before someone wrongly reported you. He was trying to help you out, did you not see him saying 'PLEASE DO NOT TAKE OFFENSE?!' You turned it into this and now you need to apologize. EVEN I SAW THAT AND I WAS LIKE "bannable?'" But Drakel was like no, look closer. You need to calm down and apologize or get out, make the choice or I will make it for you.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by amberstrike


Member Offline since relaunch

You need to stop inciting fights. And lying by editing out all the messages that you sent me. Please stop being a nuisance. This thread is for the roleplay, not your pitiful squabble.

Dude why are you yelling at me? I didn't do anything wrong. Drakel is purposely leaving out messages that Drakel sent. I did not say anything to them until they harrassed me first. Drakel does not need to bring this up via OOC. You do not need to yell at me.

This is the message that Drakel sent to me, after i asked them to stop and leave me alone.

Drakel said
"Because I'm not a fucking barbarian, I'm not going to respond to you publicly and instead will take it to the PMs where this petty argument will be held.
Ouch... Didn't mean to piss you off and didn't expect you to be so hurt by it.

First off. How am I a Hypocrite from asking you to NOT get offended (which you obviously did)... which is something you only ever say if you know you're probably going to say something offencive unintentionally... I asked you not to get offended because in all honesty I'm not trying to offend you, insult you, embarrass you or any of that like...

Okay I'm not saying they are and I'm not saying I'm reporting it or anything... I was pointing out that if you glance at it it looks that way. It might be because it's also small (which is understandable because it's an avatar) and maybe if it was bigger it wouldn't look that was by even a glance... even so I was pointing out something so you know what it does look like unless a user actually takes time to look at it ... I thought that maybe if I mistaken it (several times actually) that maybe, oh I don't know... someone else might actually see it the same way I did and actually just blatantly report you. Maybe because I actually DON'T want that to happen to you...

Also nice comeback against me.. Also the "I hate" part was mostly a joke because it gives off an illusion of being something it is not. I wasn't being rude or inflammatory, I was informing you on what I thought was a very delicate issue... You saying otherwise tells me that you didn't even read my post and only read one sentence and looked at the image and raged at me when I'm actually trying to inform you that your avatar can be mistaken as something else entirely to help you from someone mistaking it and reporting you.

To end this, about your comment about me never talking to you about anything not related to the RP... I don't care what you do or don't want to see or hear from me, we're in the same RP and honestly we'll be talking about things off topic quite a bit because we're getting to all know each other as a group... which is actually a good thing since it'll help us work better together in the RP. So overall, tough luck. It seems like we're both staying and if that's the case than you gotta deal with me and RP with me since we're RP partners trying to have fun in this RP.

With that said I hope we can still be friends in the RP and I hope to get to know you better as time progresses...

Now to me, this is not how you ask someone to be your friend. You don't insult them. and you listen to their wishes if they ask you to leave them alone. I did say that message that drakel just posted. But they are trying to play the victim. Here's what Drakel sent me just a few minutes ago.

ee... Now I have the ability to report you because unlike you I'm actually trying to fucking apologize to you. But you're so angry over BS and your own illusions that I'm attacking you that you dare threaten me after personally attacking me? I'd love to see you report me ASAP because if you EVER fucking say another personal attack to me again I will report you to the Admin himself.

Unlike you I'm actually TRYING to be nice and I even apologized publicly just so you can get that pleasure though this is privet messaging... I came to you half apologizing for what I did and the first response you give is BS attacks just because I offended you on what is a simple misunderstanding on your part. Let me tell you one thing, YOU'RE ATTACKING ME...

I'm here to fucking apologize to you and make things more clear to you on my part but your hatred for me over something this stupid is beyond me...

Also thank you for the quote on attacking me. but as I said I'm here to say I'm sorry and that is what I did.

Fuck you.. I'm Sorry.

P.S. Mods still are barely getting banning functions and the such and we don't have a report button... good luck reporting me. :)

I didn't do anything. Drakel started it by calling out my signature and avatar. Drakel should have told me that via PM. NOT in the ooc thread. Drakel said this
Amberstrike, please take no offence on what I'm about to say... but...

I hate your avatar and want to report it every time I see it without looking at it closely... The reasoning is because EVERY time I see it, it looks like the grey wolf is mounting the other one... if you know what I mean.

Though when I look closer I realize it isn't and that the grey wolf is howling... though with just a glance it seems as though the two wolves are mating... and that trips me out every time... :/[/quote]
Stryder said
Amberstrike.....you did this, no one else, you did. You turned it into this horrific argument because of your own emotionsYou need to stop berating my members and apologize or get out, I am giving you one last chance

See that? Drakel cursed at me. That is not someone who is sorry. If Drakel wants to apologize, then they need to quit lashing out at me while they do so.

and that's what started it. I am only defending myself. I never berated anyone. I merely told Drakel that i didn't want to be talked to in that way. I asked Drakel to leave me alone, i asked Drakel to drop it. I even asked NakNack to tell Drakel to leave me alone. But still they persist. I have done nothing wrong, and you have no right to accuse me
and shelter the one who started this. Since Drakel hates my signature so much, they could have just kept it to themselves. I will not say anything more after this, because i am the one who was first insulted. I apologize for replying to Drakel's misguided post. I do not apologize for defending myself when i was the one who was attacked. I should have not replied to their rude message about my avatar and signature. I apologize for the long post, but i don't apologize for showing what Drakel actually said to me via PM.

I will say nothing else to anyone about this crazy misunderstanding. Even if i get contacted about it again, it will be ignored. Please let's all just move on to roleplay, shall we? :3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

amberstrike said
You need to stop inciting fights. And lying by editing out all the messages that you sent me. Please stop being a nuisance. This thread is for the roleplay, not your pitiful squabble.

Amberstrike.....you did this, no one else, you did.

You turned it into this horrific argument because of your own emotions

You need to stop berating my members and apologize or get out, I am giving you one last chance
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