Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gravislayer
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Gravislayer Bearded Vault boy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"On the Road of sweet Arthy Haroo~ Haroo~ On the road of sweet Arthy Haroo Haroo~ On the road of sweet Arthy with a stick in me hand and dr...."
The weird singing suddenly stopped as Sidious stood before a big luxurius house. Unsure he held the mission paper before his nose and brought it way too close to his face so that he would literally burry his nose into the paper.
After some seconds of mumbling, grumbling and random nods and shakes of his head he stuffed it into his pocket.
Sidious nose had now a small black dot of ink on it's tip as he stood I front of the house unsure how to continue.

After some deep breaths he took three steps to the entrance and knocked on the door.
Sifious knocked three times even thou after the secound knock a old geezery butler already opened the door for him.
"HOLY Mother of Camel...."
Sidious didn't suspected the door to be opened so fast and clenched his chest since that butler guy scared him nearly to death.

The old butler simple raised a brow at the weird fellow on the lady's frontdoor.
"Yes~? May I help you s...." The butler stopped in his words and shook his head. That man was no sir at all, a gypsy or a beggar maybe and promptly the butler got the job assignment pressed into his face.
"I am here for THIS" the oriental voice of Sidious said hidden from the view of the butler since the contract filled out his whole view.

"Ah yes~ Yes~ our Lady lost her dear Muffin. Yes~ Yes~ it is a shame yes~ Yes?"
"Yes~ Yes?" answered Sidioud clearly wondering by how the butler speaks.
"Yes ~ the lady did indeed assigned the job to many guilds yes~ May I ask you, yes, from which guild are you? Yes~?"
Sidious pointed on the branding on his right shoulder and suprisingly the old butler simply raised a brow before he spoke again.
"Ah Yes~ Mages yes? Then please come in yes?"

The butler now opened the door completly and offered Sidious entrace. Sidious bowed lightly and stepped in. In suprise the butler rose an eye brow again.
Sidious wondered how that guy can simply express his feelings by raising his brow and saying yes.
The butler shut the door behind them and leaded Sidious without saying a word towards a great two winged door.
He knocked one time on yye door before he stuck his head inside and quietly said something.
Few words were changed which Sidious couldn't really understand, so he looked around.

Everywhere he looked there was either expensive paintings or artifacts from all different countries. The closest one was a small statue of a man with pointy ears. Sidious touched it as suddenly one ear brake off.
Sidious eyes widen in terror as he tried to attach it stain, his eyes quickly wandering back and forth the statue and the old butler on the door.
As the butler seemed to finished talking Sidious just dropped the ear and shoved it under the expensive looking carpet they walked on.

"Yes~ Lady Amilia is now ready to you~yes?"
Sidious gave him a friendly nod and proceed through the door and so entered a huge living room with a fireplace and huge bookshelfs.
In the middle was a set of three leather polstered chairs and a table. One chair was occupied by a women who got her back turned towards Sidious.
"Jackpot!" came first into Sidious mind as he walked towards the unoccupied chair directly facing hers and as he sat down he saw into a beautifull pair of crystal blue eyes, long blonde, nearly white hair framed a silk like face white as snow and beautifull like the easing of the sun.
Sadly tears running down the cheek of that wonderfull and beautiful person ruined a lot.
The women began to speak.

"Ouhhh~ M..Mufiins" Well...she cried. With the most akward try to maintain sone graze she fumbled a towel from somewhere and dried her reats and sniffed her nose before returning t from whereever she got that anyway.

"S...So you must be the one who agreed on saving Muffin? You must know he is such a beautifull and wonderfull pet~ I love him! He is ...was my one and only. I can't believe he is gone. I miss him so much, you know once he even slept in bed and I cuddled him so much and then he made this cite quirk sound which nearly sounded like I love you and the other time he just jumped on my head and placed his paws on my eyes like a little baby monkey, he is the best..i want...i miss him. Please return him to me, there even was the one time he saved when my father died. Saved me from the sorrow, I owe him my life, he is all I have in this empty and lobe house~"

Suddenly the beautifull women bent over and brought her face way too close to Sidious.
"I will repay you kindly if you bring me back my Muffins~" she said in a erotic voice and licked off the ink on Sidious nose.
"Very ~ very~ kindly"
Sidious went red as a tomato, he was used to flirting women but not that women flirt with him.
"S..sure I will find your pet and return it to you. S..so how does he look like? Where should I search?"
Sidious wasn't ready for what came then.

The women suddenly bursts out in with a lot of information how cute her Muffin was, quickly and without taking a breath she continued several minutes where Sidious slowly bit steadily felt his brain degenerating.
"Imeanwesometimeswenttotheforesttoplayanfhelikesitthereandhidestherewhenweayandheissooooofluffyblablayadayada...".It was then as he stood up, ran out of the room, jagged the door open to leave the house and directly ran towards the forest....god! This women was talking NON-STOP...
Back in the house the butler rose ab eye brow at the tailing mage and the women once again burst out in tears because of her Muffin...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It had been exactly one month since Muffins had terrorized the town and things were finally getting back to normal. There were new jobs to be taken (even if they still were slow to come), new adventures to have, and plenty of exiting yet likely violent memories of the guild hall to be made. On this fine after noon Elliott was just finishing his latest trap. it was a simple on but an effective one none the less, a Pitfall. He had dug it down the road from the guild a decent ways, right under the big oak tree so a pile of leaves wouldnt be as suspicious. When he was done he climbed up into the tree to wait, hoping the trap would work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo walked into Phoenix wing, after the first week I finally felt comfortable enough around these people and starting to see them as my friends. Make no mistake Angelo still wouldn't consider them family yet but he was getting their. He walked into the guild hall and I went to the mailbox to send my regular letter to my mother hoping she was still okay. Angelo went to the take and laid down to relax
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 36 min ago

Amelia was heading back to the guild from a trip to the local cemetery to see if there were any spirits that could be useful in battles and would be willing to join her. She had seen a few that looked like they would've been useful in battle but she had no way of testing their capabilities. She was trying to think of a way to test them out and it was taking all her attention so she didn't notice the pitfall until she had stepped on it and started falling. She had enough time to let out a frightened scream before she fell in. Sadly she landed on her feet and in a bad way to the next sound out of the pit was a scream of pain.
"ELLIOT!" She shouted from the bottom pit, where she was holding her right foot and had tears coming out of her eyes
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha relaxed in the guild hall, looking about for anyone to talk to. No fighting had yet broken out, but the day was young, she thought with mild amusement. She turned to the book she was trying to read, and sighed with frustration. It all just seemed too hard. Her parents had died before they could finish teaching her to read, and the old man who taught her ice maker magic had no time to teach her.

It was sad and frustating. She slammed the cover of the book down, and grumbled to herself
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo looked sideways from how he laid on the table "something wrong sasha?" Angelo asked dusky thinking she Might be upset but God only knows why since it actually seemed pretty quiet until that scream fit Elliot came out, that guy had nothing better to do I thought. ironic that I was already thinking if Eliot as the trouble maker compared to everyone else
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

At first when little Amelia fell Elliott began to laugh and nearly fell out of the tree and into the pit himself but managed to catch himself. The he heard Amelia's cry and cringed. He was in trouble. He deftly slipped down the tree and jumped down the hole. "Are - Are you okay?" Elliott asked, regret obvious on his face. "Im sorry, I didn't mean to hurt anyone." He frowned said "Let me tae a look, I have some healing experience."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"It's this damn book" Sasha said in annoyance, before sighing and glancing to Angelo. "I can't read well, so I've been trying to teach myself, but it isn't working well" she said softly, sadly. It actually felt good to talk about it. "I can read the quests and that, but it takes me a while...I can write too just not well, but..." She sighed again and shrugged.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Sadly for Elliot, he had not only hurt Amelia, he had also earned the ire her two most devoted guardians.

Now Amelia had never, NOT ONCE, used her magic in front of her guild mates. She had even managed to avoid using it on the Jara leaf job. As far as she was concerned, no one even suspected that she could see the dead. Either way, Elliot would probably be scared shitless when a hand was placed on his shoulder and he turned around to see a skull with eye sockets lit with red flames. He had probably enough time to register what it actually was before he would be flipped over it's shoulder and face-up onto the ground were a rusted sword was planted into the ground not two inches from his face and another skeleton, dressed in old, rusty armor, looked down at him while an angry sounded rattle emanated from it.

"ATTICUS, XIN, leave him alone." Amelia shouted, causing the two creature to look at her and let out a few hisses, though Amelia could understand them perfectly" No, leave him alone, you can't cut off his hands. Please, just leave and don't hurt him."

The skeletons looked down at Elliot again. The one on top of him, dressed like a monk and with a braided ponytail coming out of it's skull, let out a single hiss before slamming it's fist on the other side of his face. There was a slight glow and both of the creatures vanished, leaving Elliot alone with Amelia.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dusk
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Dusk Bloop

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Elize sat at one of the tables in the guild hall, her knives spread out in a half circle before her, points facing outward. Directly in front of her were papers and old tomes containing information on lacrima etchings, improvements, and applications. While it wasn't particularly the most peaceful environment for study, the young woman didn't really have much choice. The bit of money from the Jack the Ripper job went rather fast, since she had needed to buy food. Though, that job did make her a bit more fond of Astaroth and Maho; They worked well together, and through teamwork, brought a criminal to justice who would have been free otherwise. It was well earned money...even though the pay was rather paltry after being split.

As she read, Elize's attention was drawn to a glyph array, which was designed to be transcribed onto "blank:" or raw lacrima, like the orbs that adorned her knives. She had been studying this specific array for quite some time over the past month. It's purpose was to modify magic energy to directly manipulate surrounding elemental energy, however, it was missing the elemental glyph at the center. "Ugh, will I ever catch a break? Stupid incomplete records..." Elize sighed, putting her head onto the table. It'd probably take another two months just to find any mention of one glyph, let alone four! "Maybe I need a new project...a job could clear my head." She said to herself, levitating her weapons with a gesture and sending them into the pouches on her legs. Today, she was wearing white shirt and black vest, albeit one that was slightly tattered on the bottom. Her blouse was torn up terribly in the confrontation with Jack, much to her displeasure. Her shoes, however, survived marvelously.

Making her way over to the board, simply sighing at the shouts and crying outside due to Elliot's trick, Elize began to peruse the job board...and all four of it's jobs. They all seemed very lofty, especially the one for 90,000 Jewels, though she put that one out of her mind. Creepy sounds from a burial ground? No thanks. The Scepter of Kings...that was a ways away. Something more current...Oh! Flower picking at Mt. Hakode with some fights in between...that sounded positively lovely! A devilish grin came over Elize's face, as she tore down the flyer. Of course, going that far alone would be dangerous. With a prize as big as 35,000 Jewels, a split between two or three people would still give her a bit to work with. Now she just had to find Maho and Astaroth and ask...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Caits said
"It's this damn book" Sasha said in annoyance, before sighing and glancing to Angelo. "I can't read well, so I've been trying to teach myself, but it isn't working well" she said softly, sadly. It actually felt good to talk about it. "I can read the quests and that, but it takes me a while...I can write too just not well, but..." She sighed again and shrugged.

you still want to learn right?" Angelo asked smiling happy to have a chance to help a friend and he didn't need to wait for a response before he got some papers and pencils and sitting next to her "tell me how much you know and ill be glad to help you the rest of the way" Angelo said smiling wide out of genuine happiness that he has a chance to help someone and be a real friend to them
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

When two terrifying skeletons appeared and were about to cut his hands off, Elliott acted as most people might. He screamed like a little girl. However, his impressive display of voice was cut off when he was thrown across the pit, after which he saw the sword and went utterly silent, moving as little as possible so as to give the two beings no further reason to remove his hands. Thankfully Amelia didn't seem to want him dead and told them to go away...... To Elliott's amazement it worked and the two skeletons vanished. As soon as they were gone Elliott backed away from the ever so adorable little girl and put his back against the wall, breathing raggedly. "What," Elliott said, out of breath and shaking a little, "were those?" He looked up and around to make sure they really were gone and hadn't reappeared outside the pit. After confirming that they were gone.... presumably until Amelia called them back at least, He calmed his breathing a little and looked at the girl still more than a little terrified.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I love reading. It's a world of knowledge in books" Sasha said wided eyed, "I want to learn, I want to be able to go up to the board and grab a job" like she did now, grabbing one at random, and returned "and just read it like that and go yep, this ones mine" she stared at the flyer for a few minutes, seeing the reward and "vaclads plea". She sighed "instead I just stare at it for ages and make out the words I know and just guess half the time what the job is"

She set the flyer down amongst her things, decided to keep it and do that job. "I know basic words and that, but anything more complicated the "apple" can leave me stumped"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 36 min ago

"I'm sorry." Amelia said, tears still coming from her eyes. She made it a point not to look at him, as she was sure he saw her as some sort of monster now and probably hated her." Those were Atticus and Xiao Shin... they're my friends and my... guardian spirits I guess you could call them. They don't like it when I get hurt and their anger got the better of them.

My magic... Mama called it Necro Spirit magic. I... I can see and interact with the dead and by extension I can form contracts with them, similar to a Celestial Spirit mage and their spirits... Atticus and Shin are the only ones I have contracts with but that's because they've looked after me for years.

If you want to leave me here, go ahead. I'll get out eventually."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Caits said
"I love reading. It's a world of knowledge in books" Sasha said wided eyed, "I want to learn, I want to be able to go up to the board and grab a job" like she did now, grabbing one at random, and returned "and just read it like that and go yep, this ones mine" she stared at the flyer for a few minutes, seeing the reward and "vaclads plea". She sighed "instead I just stare at it for ages and make out the words I know and just guess half the time what the job is" She set the flyer down amongst her things, decided to keep it and do that job. "I know basic words and that, but anything more complicated the "apple" can leave me stumped"

well that's good to know." Angelo said nodding tapping the table to think for a moment on how to teach someone more advanced words then basics since he wasn't a teacher he had to put some thought into it and he wanted to try something "okay then, I think I have an idea but your got to level with me here. say lacrima" Angelo said thinking that she could say any word like anyone else but maybe if he could get her to sound out each word then write it she could learn it
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

oh no Elliott thought, She is still crying. Elliott quickly looked around once more to make the scary spirits hadnt come back yet. and seeing as he was safe, and it looked like he would be for a while.... he hoped. He listened to her until she had finished and while it was a touching story it didnt make the skeletons any less scary.

Very calmly he began talking, upsetting her more would not turn out well for him he had a feeling. "Now calm down, I was more supprised than anything." He said, trying to sound truthful (and he did a pretty good job of it too if he would say so himself. His time in the royal courts had certainly sharpened his tongue if not his magic), Putting a cautious hand on the little girl's shoulder, he said "Now Ill be honest, that was more than a little terrifying but if you promise that they wont appear again then I can see what I can do about your foot."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha thought for a minute, but what else could she do? She nodded and said "lacrima" she had no idea what this was meant to do, but she still did it all the same. "Why did you want me to say lacrima?" She asked sounding puzzled. "That's an easy word. L-a-c-r-I-m-a" she spelt it out, the wrote it out in almost child like writing, to show him that she could. She looked up at him and smiled
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 36 min ago

"They won't come again unless I call them or you make it worse." Amelia said, wiping her eyes" I can try to hold them back but it's very stressful and that can lead to... complications. So I think it would be best if you're very careful."

That being said, she extended her foot towards Elliot, holding back pained cries as she did so. When Elliot examined her foot, all the pain would be at her ankle and it would appear to be either badly sprained at best and broken at worse. Either way Elliot wouldn't be able to fix it there and someone was likely to find out about this little accident.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Caits said
Sasha thought for a minute, but what else could she do? She nodded and said "lacrima" she had no idea what this was meant to do, but she still did it all the same. "Why did you want me to say lacrima?" She asked sounding puzzled. "That's an easy word. L-a-c-r-I-m-a" she spelt it out, the wrote it out in almost child like writing, to show him that she could. She looked up at him and smiled

Angelo grinned wide "bingo! that's what im talking about! if you can say it you can spell it!" Angelo said grinning feeling proud that it actually worked and that she could smile like that "okay now say lightning" Angelo said thinking he should do it by vowels so she could learn to spell them if this system kept working she would be able to read and write in no time
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Elliott took a look at the small girls foot and realized she was trying her best to not show any pain but he could tell it hurt a lot. It doesn't look too serious he thought but one of the best medicines is believing it isnt a problem so I have to sound confident But that was easier said than done when you have just had your life on the line thanks to some terrifying creatures. "Well it doesnt look very bad," He said trying to keep his voice stable and calming, "A small sprain at worst. And Again, I am very sorry. Give it a few days and it should feel fine. Or! Even Better! Talk with Rana. She knows some healing magic." though she is just learning he thought. Fortunately, he hadn't meant to hurt anyone and so the pit wasnt that deep. (for an adult anyways, small children might find it a bit worse though.) and so he could probobaly pick her up and lift her to the lip of the pit. "Now Im going to try and lift you to the top of the pit and you will have to get over the small lip, can you manage?" He asked looking at her ankle one more time. She should be fine
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