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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I have an old Fairy Tail CS around here somewhere, lemme see if I can...heh, 'dig' Chloe up.
If not, I'm always up for making one from scratch~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

and next we have Maho (sorry for the delay, I had to go get dinner)
forsythe said
I took my two characters and made them into one, see if you'Re OK with this GMs :)

Name: Maho "Summoner" Takase / Greed
Magic Level: B(Maho)/S(Maho+Greed)
Caster - Living magic (One time)
Caster - Ark of Embodiment
Caster - Requip (Weak)

In the next year, Maho suffered greatly as she had no real skills and absolute disgust to work. She got by from what she found and scavenged, her pride still burning too hot for her to try and get a job or beg. It didn't take long and she started to take what she wanted, becoming a legend of a thief as she was never seen.

As her avarice grew, Maho started thinking about other ways to obtaining just about anything she wanted. Soon she found herself in an archive, stealing a tome that would change her life. The tome contained details of a lost art - the Living magic. Not bothering to read much of it, she delved right into the spells. An accident was bound to happen. What she created was nothing more than a personified spirit of greed. Drawn to Maho and her magic potential, Greed possessed the girl, changing them forever.

The two have been eternal companions ever since. The spirit taught Maho how to use the Ark of Embodiment, allowing her to create any item she could imagine. Eventually, the avaricious duo found themselves wanting to be part of a magic guild. Maho tried to keep Greed's existence a secret, but their constant inner bickering eventually broke into a very loud argument with herself.

Forced to spill the beans, she revealed how Greed came to be and that the book was lost in the process, likely along with the art of Living magic altogether. Given a chance on the condition that she sticks to the rules and actually goes on jobs instead of relying on her power, she stayed with the guild. Since joining, Maho has learned the basic Requip magic to compliment the Ark, not using it much more than to change her clothing. Despite having the S potential, she didn't get the classification so far.

3. Loneliness - Despite being in the guild for some time, she still feels like the other wizards do not accept her. At times she can catch whispers about herself. She acts as if it made her angry, but it is in fact tearing her from the inside.

Greatest Love: Herself
Motivation: To get what she wants. Whatever that is she has no idea, but she doesn't have it yet.

so, interesting character but i dont know about it.
1. Ark of Embodiment...... nope
2. as far as history goes you expect us to believe she went from being a proper noble lady, never having to do anything for herself to a scoundrel on the street who learns to become a legendary thief, then learns ancient magic by skipping the parts that tell you how to use magic and becoming an expert at one of the most powerful magics in the world and then still have time for "being in the guild for some time".... in one year.... no... no she didnt.
3. If all she loves is herself, she likes doing stuff alone, and her greatest desire is to have everything she wants, and after being a legendary (meaning know all over) thief..... she still gets a second chance in the guild? why wouldn't the master turn her in to the authorities (who by the way have anti-magic weaponry) right then to keep them off his own back, they already dont like magic, im sure harboring a criminal wouldn't help.

In short, Im sorry but I will not allow Maho or Greed into the guild.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Collection Of Arcana

Collection Of Arcana

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ok so i absolutely confused the fuck outta myself when i was writing my character's magic so i apologize beforehand if you start reading it before i am done editing it because christ i am a dumb fuck. Will edit this when I am done fixing up my mistakes.

EDIT- Done I think
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Collection Of Arcana said
Ok so i absolutely confused the fuck outta myself when i was writing my character's magic so i apologize beforehand if you start reading it before i am done editing it because christ i am a dumb fuck. Will edit this when I am done fixing up my mistakes.

dont be so hard on yourself, I kind of liked it (granted it wast really magic that would be found in Fiore), but ill wait until your done editing

Edit - or now is good too, haha
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

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dirkinz said
Next up is Erenlooks good save for a couple things. As with all full body take-over magic, there is a chance that sometimes the one doing the taking-over winds up being the one taken over. This isnt likely as Eren seems to have a grasp on it but it could make for some interesting situations and so i thought i would bring it up. Also, some sort of love would be nice, be it drinking, money, that feeling you get as you bite into the neck of a helpless blood-bag, etc. Other than that, the Midget has the final say but it looks good to me.

I actually love that idea :D wouldn't mind seeing Eren going berserk while in Full Soul Werewolf form. I'll add that up along with his greatest love and some other Mythical Soul versions.
lordmidget said
I'm really liking the magic on Eren. What Dirkinz said plus I need to know why his Old Man and brother shoved in a pit, either via PM or on this thread.

I'll PM you right away ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

dirkinz said
dont be so hard on yourself, I kind of liked it (granted it wast really magic that would be found in Fiore), but ill wait until your done editing

Edit - or now is good too, haha

It doesnt seem to have changed or am I just blind
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Collection Of Arcana

Collection Of Arcana

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

:I Because It turns out im an idiot again. Was referring to parts of the biography and ect because I kept referring to his family's magic as takeover but that really isn't what i actually thought it was. He doesn't turn into anything, nor will he if he ever gets stronger. Just make himself hella stronk and possibly grow really tall and/or grow an extra head or two 8D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Collection Of Arcana said
:I Because It turns out im an idiot again. Was referring to parts of the biography and ect because I kept referring to his family's magic as takeover but that really isn't what i actually thought it was. He doesn't turn into anything, nor will he if he ever gets stronger. Just make himself hella stronk and possibly grow really tall and/or grow an extra head or two 8D

ah, okay, ill go check it out then
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Collection Of Arcana said
:I Because It turns out im an idiot again. Was referring to parts of the biography and ect because I kept referring to his family's magic as takeover but that really isn't what i actually thought it was. He doesn't turn into anything, nor will he if he ever gets stronger. Just make himself hella stronk and possibly grow really tall and/or grow an extra head or two 8D

Maybe he should try learning a new magic along the lines? Like fire magic so you can have two heads breathing fire xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lordmidget
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lordmidget The Ancestor

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Dusk said

I think Elize's magic is my personal favorite so far, and I look forward to seeing how it'll develop. Only thing I see wrong is "The debt collectors were there, armed with powerful magic" part, 9 years ago there wouldn't be many wizards powerful enough to destroy a town quickly enough before the authorities (Armed with anti-magic weapons) got there. Even if they happened to be some of the few wizards powerful enough back then, they definitely wouldn't be debt collectors.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Collection Of Arcana said

3. No real combative experience or value, other then being a ragdoll.

Ill get right to it, you know the drill.
1. Passive magic is not really a thing that exists in Fiore (as far as I can remember) but this isnt cannon and so ill allow it; I has no reason not to exist anyways.
2. just an odd thought, the magic reminds me of this: muscle speak not that it is anything like that though
3. "No real combative experience or value, other then being a ragdoll" haha.

overall, a rating of 703992. Its a bit unorthodox, but i like it. Accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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so I don't count as a guild member?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lordmidget
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lordmidget The Ancestor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I realized that I spelled Phoenix wrong in the title of this thread.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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lordmidget said
I realized that I spelled Phoenix wrong in the title of this thread.

I've done that in a thread before
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Collection Of Arcana

Collection Of Arcana

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

aLRIGHT. I was scared about the passive part so thanks a ton for accepting me! Looking forward to rping with you 8D Might also work on a minor character later if i have the time.

BUT ACTUALLY PHOBOS that idea sounds pretty neat, although idk if i'd be allowed to have any more magic types. Specially if i wanna also take my character down the 'path' i was hopin too!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jangel13 said
so I don't count as a guild member?

you do, we have accepted many people and havent gotten around to updating the OP yet, A lot of people are in the same boat as you, be patient, let us finish reviwing Bios then we will update the list.

Collection Of Arcana said
alright. I was scared about the passive part so thanks a ton for accepting me! Looking forward to rping with you 8D Might also work on a minor character later if i have the time.BUT ACTUALLY PHOBOS that idea sounds pretty neat, although idk if i'd be allowed to have any more magic types. Specially if i wanna also take my character down the 'path' i was hopin too!

technically you can, it is just a very difficult task, usually only attempted by very high level S-class wizards and above (people like guild masters and such) because learning a whole new magic takes a long time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Collection Of Arcana

Collection Of Arcana

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So not for a while then 8D gotcha.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

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dirkinz said
you do, we have accepted many people and havent gotten around to updating the OP yet, A lot of people are in the same boat as you, be patient, let us reviwing Bios then we will update the list.technically you can, it is just a very difficult task, usually only attempted by very high level S-class wizards and above (people like guild masters and such) because learning a whole new magic takes a long time.

Would it be fine to learn new magic while only in Take Over forms? I was planning onto giving Eren a Tengu form and giving it Wind Magic abilities, but only while he's in that form.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jangel13 said
so I don't count as a guild member?

I swear I've seen your username in another site
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Chloe. No last name.
Age: 20

Magic Level: High C to Low B. This is her skill with her magic. In terms of raw power, she's closer to a High B and Low A.

Personality: Chloe is one of the more lively guild members. Friendly, outgoing, she's always the first, or one of the first people, to welcome new guild members. She's stubborn, hot headed, and a bit on the violent side when it comes to fighting. While she doesn't actively seek fights, she will never back down from one either. She doesn't take most things seriously though, even a fight that could have serious consequences. Still, she's loyal as they come and she's not afraid to get serious if she has to, but its rarely ever happened. She's quick to anger, but also quick to forgive and forget.

She's a strong willed woman who knows how to handle herself, and is skilled in fighting with her bare hands and with a big-ass hammer, something she learned at an early age how to do.

Three Strengths:
1. Extremely Loyal, and will never betray or let down a friend, and will always help a friend out of a pinch.
2. A bit of a tank, she can take a lot of physical punishment before she's down, and can fight through a lot of pain.
3. Friendly and forgiving, even if someone was once an enemy.
Three Weaknesses:
1. Dense. (As in, she's a bit slow.)
2. Can sometimes be a bit too violent when she's fighting and doesn't know how to hold back, even against a friend in a friendly duel.
3. Often acts without thinking.

Greatest Love: Her friends.
Motivation: To get better at her magic, and possibly find out who she really is and who her parents were.

Alrighty, I made her CS to fit this one. Hope ya like her~
Any questions or concerns, please tell me, I'll be happy to address them~
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