Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Member Seen 22 days ago

I'm not going to control another's NPCs, but I surely will control ones I make. So if you need a NPC made, just let me know and I'll create it. I've got a few planned for my character's story already, after all.

Shouldn't we all know the rough timeline of events that will happen IC? That way, if one of us disappears, we can easily move the IC along without fearing that we drew the plot too far away from its original destination.

Also hai Strudel, you've gotten a lot better at drawing :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Shouldn't an NPC by definition not be attached to any particular character? if it's exclusively controlled by one person it's a player character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Member Seen 22 days ago

Yes, but I won't play a NPC made by another person. I will play mine, which can be played by everyone else too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Frettzo said
Yes, but I won't play a NPC made by another person. I will play mine, which can be played by everyone else too.

i understand that actually XD I'm terrible at playing characters made by someone else =D

How about this, We'll do 'both' =D

We make an 'organized' NPC pool, keep track of who made which ones, noting if they wanted that one to be exclusive or not, along with a little notification of basic information about them, and they can be set as different ranks of NPCs that are usable by 'GM', Co-Gm, or 'anyone at all' =D

And that's not a bad idea Frettzo =3 It'll probably help if I acquaint at least 'someone' with the general plan i have for the beginning, incase fate spits in my face again and makes something up to keep me away for a while >.> It likes to do that everytime i say i hope it doesn't! Hmmm, maybe you and Drac if you're both interested.

That said, in the long run, I had another idea that could help =D

While I am the official GM, sometimes I just can't come up with a good idea at the 'time' i need it to come up, sooo, aside from some key scenarios that i might come up with, I'm thinking about everyone pming ideas they might have that I can put together in a pool as well, a private one so it doesn't spoil it for everyone ahead of time, and setup a way for the group to guide things without knowing exactly where it's going, most likely by setting up some classic 'mass effect choice moments' that will unknowingly wittle down the possibilities of 'what comes next' and, well, you get the idea i hope... i'm not the best at explaining things ahead of time -_-

Also, yesh, Strudel, thee hath improved =D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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I was going to put up some actual CSes for my NPCs, give them some substance you know?

that said I probably won't be able to start those CS until wednesday, got a packed day tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

nothin says that can't be done too =D i was just reffering to the details on the pool, feel free to flesh em out as much as ya like, personally, mine are likely to be undefined until information can be 'gathered' on them IC :D

also, My CS rough draft, I'm doing a lot of 'experimenting' with the changeling idea here, so i'm interested in critique, or complaints if something is too much, or if there's something i forgot that would be good to add in!
to add a simple note, I tried involving some hints at how different they are from ponies as a 'species', without going through and thoroughly detailing every bit of it yet =D

and holy shit... this post thing says that my CS is over 20,000 characters XD That sounds like a lot, but i have my doubts >.>

Name: Vastu Silpi
Species: Changeling - Manager Strain
Age: 37
Sexuality: Undefinined :P



P.M.C. Type L - Personal Mana-tech Construct, Lunar Type - A Personalized Type Lunar Heavy Combat Mana-tech Construct, or perhaps more comparable to a 'mech' to the Galactic government, though it has been disarmed for diplomatic reasons... It's not very 'friendly' to bring a mech equipped with artillery onto the vessel of a recently encountered species. It still bears advanced sensory, targeting, and mana shielding functionality, though without it's weaponry it has been repurposed as a high level defensive asset, with the no longer used power for weapons being available to charge it's other functions.

It is a heavily armored construct, just Short of Vastu's own height though much bulkier, with moderate speed maintained and an Advanced 'Variable' Tactical Shielding Matrix, which is a device allowing for intimate re-shaping of the shielding energy projected by the matrix, letting it range from the simple bubble shield, to a stronger single directional shield, a 'precision' shield that can be used to physically block a projectile or attack with maximum power but covering only a very small area, or even 'offensively shaped' shielding that can be used for counter-offensive striking... charging head-first into a spikey shield is an unhealthy choice.

Changeling-make Combat Disruption Suit - a Basely protective light powered armor suit with integrated cloak ['literal' cloak, like in the picture], due to changeling natural armor it is not designed with durable protection in mind, instead acting as more of an attached disruptor device, though it does provide heavily armored head protection and filtering system incase of environments inhospitable to changelings. It functions to conceal as many detectable signals from the wearer's body as possible, including heat, emotional leakage, electronic signals, pheromones, and so on, meant to make them as untargetable as possible, and conceal them from radar. It draws on the wearer's natural reserves of mana when active, thus exceedingly prolonged use can have a crippling effect on basic ability, this also allows it to be temporarily 'over-charged' to create a field of disruption around it, screwing up targeting of things inside or passing through the field, while also making it's wearer appear greatly distorted, often compared to having a dozen after-images wobbling around in their vicinity.


Personality: As changeling's go, Vastu is generally considerable as an 'advanced individual', reffering to proper individuality and free will, granted, this is a trait that is common in his hive, other hive's Queens and kings may prefer to keep some form of imposed controllability on all of their subjects, but 'Pratyeka's' hive was known for encouraging free will and individuality, and in turn unique developments and evolutionary advancements that are stiffled by enforced control.

Vastu himself, though he truly takes his duties seriously and has quite a sharp mind, is known for 'seeming' to never take anything seriously, making jokes or engaging in behavior not typically accepted in certain situations... Those who know him understand that it's just who he is, some think it's also a way to make other's lower their guard around him, healthy for making relationships with friends and causing enemies to expose vulnerabilities... those who don't... well, you can imagine how that might be taken.

He does in-fact care deeply for others, though there may be occasional hints of his 'elevated status' in the hive creating a bit of an ego, he rarely lets it actually dictate his actions or reactions. He has a sharp mind, an active imagination, and... a cranial evolution to provide advanced tactical awareness through the ability to see through the eyes of other changelings... it's... weird, to say the least, and he is working past some psychological difficulties caused by imposing his presence into the mind of another sentient creature... though he does his best to conceal this and simply appear care-free and harmless.

He tries very hard not to let any hint of it show, even in the hive link, but inside he's going crazy over the stress of his new duty, not only leading a small collection of other changelings, but leading them 'into space' where who knows what can happen!... Hell, if it weren't for the comforting feeling of half a dozen minds mingling around his own he'd have snapped already.

History: In most cases a changeling's 'history' is not a very impressive thing to hear about, in most hives the general story is that they were hatched, fed, grew up along a predefined evolutionary path, and served the hive in a specific role until their body couldn't last any longer.

However, in Vastu's hive, individuality and free will are the grand theme, sure there's still things in place to conscript someling into a specific job if it is something simply vital to the functionality of the hive, but it's so incredibly rare noling gives a worry about it. Most Changeling's in this hive grow up like any normal pony would, albeit considerably faster due to evolutionary differences, they develope as individuals and can 'choose' their paths of evolution as they become better suited to their duties.

In Vastu's case, there was a lot of luck and seemingly 'fate' playing a part in him ending up where he was... He never liked the idea of being in-charge of the lives of others, he had a rare understanding of the value of 'life' despite the unusual re-definition of the term that some changelings live under, and found that having 'lives' in his hooves just worried him to no end... However, he just seemed to frequently end up in positions where he had no morally acceptable choice but to take control of the situation and try to make it end possitively, so when the time came and he truly thought about it, he chose to follow the path of a 'manager strain'.

'Managers' are one step below the branch of royal changelings, with various evolutionary advances meant to prepare them for coordinating dozens of mental signatures at once, a task that pales when compared to the King who does so with 10's of thousands at 'least'... Most 'royal changelings' below the king were a manager, aside from very few 'born' into that stage, at a previous point in their lives and naturally evolved to the next stage when they became properly suited to handling larger groups... Needless to say he doesn't want it to go that far, the whole 'rediculously long life-span' thing would be cool, but he can't imagine having that kind of stress on him on a daily basis, handling a 'dozen' with half of them being blanks is troublesome enough!

And to top it off, something possessed the king to send 'him' as the hive representative for the ship being built to go into deep space... and then word comes that something from deep space has already come 'here' and their going to be sent to meet it, or them, or whatever... he is most assuredly freaking out on the inside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Member Seen 22 days ago

I'm not sure how I feel about the Changeling Fire thing.

Also, are human characters allowed? And another thing, are the Changelings and Equestrians going to be having First Contact with the Galactic Civilizations or are the Changelings already part of the GC?

Sure I may be interested in being a Co-GM, though I can't promise that I'll post like, daily xD

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Frettzo said
I'm not sure how I feel about the Changeling Fire thing.Also, are human characters allowed? And another thing, are the Changelings and Equestrians going to be having First Contact with the Galactic Civilizations or are the Changelings already part of the GC?

well that's why i'm leaving it open for opinions =D it'd be more of a slow burning flame, not as strong as a normal one... i always saw the 'burn effects' in the ME3 game to be very weak honestly, unless of course a 'player' was in the fire! XD plus it's useless if something is shielded just like every other type of fire... it's more an interpretation and re-purposing of that 'fire effect' that shows up when changelings shape shift, with a bit of addition thrown in from some stories that made it make a lot of sense at the time XD

And of course humans are allowed =D they survived the galaxy macguffin just like the rest =3

And changeling's are included in the 'equestrians', they 'are' from equestria afterall =D or, i guess from 'equuis' would make more sense since i'm going with a simpler way of just naming the planet, various peace and alliance stuff is going on.

And hurrah!

And i am currently compiling a post with comments on everyone's currently posted characters that should be done soon =D but i didn't see any big issues so far.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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okay! CS analyses and responses to questions in order!

Silverdawn - 'Hammer' Gael - I see no big issues i'd point out, as long as that little defense ship isn't abused [i trust you =P].

Draconilian - Lehra'Tak Adirmo - he sounds cool =D I don't see any glaring issues with him, though i expect a character to interpret one of his 'custom programs' as the 'black hole in your hand attack' XD even if it's technically not :D

As for the ships you listed, my votes go for numbers 1 and 3 =D the fourth one looks a bit small and more like some type of large fighter i think... did anyone else even comment on them? *checks* doesn't seem like it DX

Frettzo - Ken'Koris Vas Yaska - He seems cool too =D Can't say i have any complaints popping up ^.^

@Kiltman - technically that would make it a 'big thing' in the RP XD given that the galactic civilizations would be like 'whaaat thuuu fuuuuck?!' when they see this rediculous phenomenon! however, I am not opposed to this idea =D a bigger equestria makes for lots more possibilities about it! XD nevermind that a planet that big probably has high gravity and that means ponies are really fucking tough physically XD... Also, it's be hilarious for them to find moving way easier in standard artificial gravity, probably comically smacking into things like people... doors... ceilings, all those fun things that lower gravity makes you do XD

This setup would also explain why Celestia and Luna can never leave the homeworld, cause if they do the sun and moon stop and everypony freezes/burns D: course... it may also keep the inevitable 'pony haters' from ever actually attacking out-right... ya know... since she kinda hit them before they even make orbit... WITH THE SUN!!!!... which she's too nice to do unless they shoot first probably, oh, but then they'd have hostages D:... moving on

Drac's reply to this can make sense too, though holy crap, Celestia controlling the planet itself? XD

Damnit, both have potential for being rediculous XD one uses the sun as a giant burning flail, and the other could have the planet itself moved about to avoid invasion.

hmmm, i wonder if there should be a 'solar equivalent' of the 'moon creatures' that were described in the comics, i heard they were canon, even if they'd never show up in the series >.>

Geez, my imagination is always running... ALWAYS!

Anyway, on Silver lining - his story makes sense, his 'abilities' aren't very detailed, but ultimately that's not a problem for me =D Given that this is a mass effect themed RP, you're simply not going to know everything ahead of time, it's just how it is, and i don't see much risk of him suddenly turning OP or anything =D

Aaand, with that said, tommorrow i'm going to go over everything in the interest check and OOC that we discussed and do what I should've started with XD keeping up a compendium of finalized information, then i'm going to push on to the IC.

We're still missing a couple of CSes i think but as long as everyone is okay with it i'm in no huge hurry =D Rushing it too hard is as bad as spending a month waiting to be polite [i won't be doing that -_- i used to do that...] so far we have a human, a sangheli, a quarian, a pegasus, a changeling, and a unicorn [in the making]. I may make a second character as a pony myself and just use 'Adult Princess Twilight Sparkle' as the go to 'ambassador' of ponies... lord knows, she can probably teleport between systems if she needs to!... god, i don't know what specific limits i may or may not impose >.> I imagine the idea that she could create the equivalent of a magical particle beam might dissuade uppity senators from refusing to take her seriously XD

funny thing, my spell check says that 'teleport' isn't a word XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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Yeaaaaaaah, I left his abilties intenetionally vauge; partly because I was unsure which magical direction you decided in going on from the few you pitched earlier in the thread and I was equal unsure what direction to go with equestrian tech since we really have no base for such a thing; if you have any suggestions/ideas on what direction I can go for either of those feel free to pitch them to me :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Member Seen 22 days ago

Your post actually reminded me of an earlier question, Shoryu xD

What's the timeline for Equestria? Starting from the moment the Elements of harmony met and saved the kingdom from Nightmare Moon up to the present, can you note the important events (you can skip the show's events, it's only necessary to know what happened that's non-canon) and the rough amount of time that's passed until the present?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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it is essentially a black hole in your hand attack, only works if the weapon has an EEzo core though, and it isn't especially strong, weaker than normal biotics.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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I can put that stuff together 'officially' when i go through all the finalized info in both threads today, though there 'is' a 'rough' timeline in the OP near the bottom XD i've never really been the type to go heavy on the 'between years' details unfortunately TnT my brain fizzles out half the time I go contemplating all the possibilities
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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having fun with the quotation marks Sho?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Strudel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Dither Byte
Species: Unicorn
Age: 21
Gender: Female
CM: Lightning Bolt

Cream Body
Dark Blue mane with lighter highlights

Dither was born in the Equestrian city of Canterlot. She spent most of her foalhood alone in the families large mansion in the richest district of the city. Her father was a rich stallion who owned a large electronics company 'Quest- Tec' based in Fillydelphia. The company was a leader in production of new technology, even manufacturing parts for Equestrian space craft. Sadly, his work kept him away from home for large periods of time.

Her mother ran a restaurant in Canterlot and raised Dither almost single hoofidly. Most of her foalhood was spent 'helping' out around the kitchens as the chefs little mascot. She had a knack for cooking and was even allowed prepare some meals when she was finally old enough.

Cooking wasn't Dithers true passion though, that was stolen by the amazing technological wonders her father would bring back from his trips to Fillydelphia.
As the daughter of the companies owner, Dither got access to all the companies new products before anypony else even knew they existed... Not that this really effected her, she was a social recluse and very rarely left the family home without reason.

Dithers father eventually allowed her a place at her company but made her more than aware she would not be given an easy time. Despite this, she took to the job immediately, helping to design and test new pieces of technology for a wide variety of purposes.

After a couple of years, the young mare was presented with the opportunity to take on the position of field specialist. This position would put her on board ships running Quest-Tec equipment ensuring everything ran as expected.


Dither is an interesting pony. Despite being somewhat of a social recluse she is more than happy to talk to others if in a social situation. That said, she does prefer time to herself, messing with whatever she can get her hooves on. When working she tries to keep herself level headed and in a good state of mind, however under stress or lacking in rest and sleep she can get quite sarcastic and snappy. This makes it hard for her to work in groups with other ponies as her job can often leave her in a less than good mood.

Her mind has a tendency to wonder if she finds herself in a boring situation. This can cause her to become easily distracted and to some it may seem rude but usually it's unintended.


Telekinesis - Can manipulate objects at a distance
Spark - Can be used to power electronic systems for a period of time, requires focus
Energy Beam - A hot beam of light
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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So when do we start the IC
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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okay, i've got my 'compiled notes' finished, really shouldn't have taken me this long, but not much you can do when RL gets up in your face.

I'll get to putting the first IC post together soon, also sent pm's to those who haven't made much action in a while XD

Are there any big questions I've been failing to answer so far?

Also, i'll go about describing some of the 'updated apperances' of equestrian construction when i do that first post =D

Drac, are you interested in handling details for the diplomat and their crew you'll've been escorting? or shall I crack that out in the first post too?... I'm terrible at coming up with names DX<
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Hmmm, i hate second guessing myself -_-

Do you guys think It would be better if I reconfigure my changeling character so that there's an 'NPC' manager in charge of the 'micro hive'? and just set him up for something different, perhaps an infiltrator style XD he's already half way there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Yeah I can do the Diplomat and the entire crew coming in
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Draconilian said
Yeah I can do the Diplomat and the entire crew coming in

coolies =D that actually helps me a shit ton ^.^ now i'll just need to get things set up and post the IC, it should be sometime tommorrow =3 given that it's 3am right now XD
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