Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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KiltmanBagz Should have figured out gender before my handle

Member Seen 2 mos ago

My only question pertains to what tech/magic advancements are available to the pony players? You suggested a few different variations on the magic stuffs a while back but never gave a final answer on it. And just some general Do's and Don't would be nice so I can flesh out my character's abilities and equipment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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KiltmanBagz said
My only question pertains to what tech/magic advancements are available pony players? You suggested a few different variations on the magic stuffs a while back but never gave a final answer on it. And just some general Do's and Don't would be nice so I can flesh out my character's abilities and equipment.

well, at present, i haven't hard-wired my ideas for it, though the simple idea of 'think future and throw in magic' could work... They wouldn't likely be investing in 'WMDs' of any kind given their preference for peace [not that the princesses aren't WMDs themselves XD or PMD's as the case may be]

Typical weaponry and gadgets would most likely be designed to perpetrate magic effects, like weapons designed to produce mana beams/shots instead of firing shaved chunks of metal... Technically I would picture their actual 'weapon development' to be sub-par given the preference on peaceful interaction, though quick to adapt their focus should a change in the state of things call for upgraded weaponry... they're more likely to be ability focused, though their defensive technology could expected to be top notch, both personal and wide-spread.

As for magic, after a couple centuries of 'princess twilight sparkle - the defacto queen of magical advancement XD' it's safe to assume that the various Equestrian species would have an improved understanding of magical applications unique to different species [like pegasi producing weather based effects through their wings, or earth ponies being able to 'anchor' and reinforce against attacks, or, well, you know, imagination!]

Honestly, I dislike creating a strict system of limitations, It'd be easier to have everyone PM things they think may be risky and I can tell em if it's too much at this point or not, or find some way to make it feasible if it's not.

For most of it, I intend to 'visualize' and do my best to make it known and descriptive as it becomes immediately relevant IC.

Also, i think may alter my changeling to be an infiltrator instead of a manager... I feel i'm reaching too far for my own tastes by putting him 'in-charge' of a group... nevermind the totally backwards idea that they'd let a dozen changelings onto their ship in the first place!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Member Seen 22 days ago

Isn't it canon that Twilight won't outlive her friends, though?

It means that either all the EoH are still alive or they're all dead, pretty much xd
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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KiltmanBagz Should have figured out gender before my handle

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Came up with a thing; put it in my character sheet. Please check it out and see if it's okay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Frettzo said
Isn't it canon that Twilight won't outlive her friends, though?It means that either all the EoH are still alive or they're all dead, pretty much xd

i had an idea about that which i was totally unsure of what to do... also, i would not be at all surprised if they pull some sack of mary sue and suddenly allicornify them all in a later season XD or bullshit it so that rainbow power makes them not age XD saying 'she doesn't out-live them' doesn't necessary mean their saying she's not immortal too XD

Though in this case thoughts turned towards everything from the simple 'If twilight is immortal then the elements of harmony connection makes her friends live longer too' to 'advance magical science comes up with a way to extend life-spans or some might go for the possibility of transference into a 'mana tech construct'... since putting a soul in a magically powered construct like a golem style thing is way easier and safer than downloading an organic mind into a mechanical shell... supposedly'

I don't know XD I was just putting that off as something to bother with should it ever become relevant and just pretend it doesn't matter until then...

Also, kilt, i shall check it in a bit!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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KiltmanBagz Should have figured out gender before my handle

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Inspired by this that I found while looking for...well inspiration; so I have to pitch this as a character idea. What would a Mass effect game be without an AI component?

Spectral Ether Equestian Construct: S.E.E.C (Seek )

Name: Seec: Model R. Called a 'Seeker' by most.

Appearance: Seekers' appearance is that of an earth pony, a minty green color with lavender eyes. It's hair and tail simulations are a cool-sky blue long and whispy, as if she were floating in water. It identifies as female. The cutie mark is default on model type, a big lavender 'R', though it can change this to a verity of options.

About SEECs: A unique type of golem made to work specifically on space colonies, stations, and ships. Given they take less space and weigh next to nothing compared to the heavier golems uses on Equis. They are Magic based AI's who's bodies are projected, solid ether from various floating orbs. While not particularly sturdy, especially not when it comes to combat, they are able to physically interact with objects, all be it at the overall level of physical strength of a middleschooler, before their body is threatened with structural integrity issues. Their projected bodies are quite destructible but as long as the Core of their projection unites is undamaged they are still alive. They are able to retreat into their core to more easily move about or to be easily stored. While they have trouble producing any kind of lethal amount of force they can fire fairly forceful blasts of kinetic energy and put up very powerful shields. Where they truly excel is interacting with tech and magic They are able to interact with just about all known types of both if they have the magical and processing power to do so.

Primary non combat uses: Analysis, communications, recon, recording data, and ship/weapon/system maintenance.

Primary Combat uses: Defense, Interference, saboteur, decoy
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

wow! XD Someone showed me that exact picture the other day =3

But 'seeker' sounds fun to have around =3

and hmmm, Silver's magical 'weather armor' sounds viable to me =D I don't mind it unless anyone else springs up a complaint before we get started =3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The idea behind the armor, especially if we are going with the perposed ability for average pegusai to use higher formers of weather based magic, would be the ability to produce potent 'real weather' effects as I doubt that unless a Pegasus has twilight like skill and power would they be able to do their magic on a large scale or combative manner.

Let me know if that train of thinking was false.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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do you mean such as creating tornadoes? or more along the lines of conjuring a storm and directing it's lightning? and of course various other mixing effects.

Being that it's just cloud based, it could still be disrupted with a simple explosive, an 'incinerate' tech skill, or biotic force dispersing it, so i don't see any big OP Issues with it =D though, i expect the council races would be very iffy about him using it in any sort of enclosed spaces near sensitive electronics XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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KiltmanBagz Should have figured out gender before my handle

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Not quite on that scale; since it takes a shit ton of wing power to do something of storm scale ( since there is an entire weather force, and it took a village of pegusai to make a tornado powerful enough to move water ). The best way I'd say it would be that the armor and the clouds it produces gives a single pegusus the weather potential of 4 or 5 pegasai, though only through those clouds. Minor whirlwinds, powerful blasts of air, A proper lighting bolt, freezing rain or pelting hair is possible from the minor clouds. Perhaps larger scale stuff would be available late game.

And yeah, the clouds are still just clouds ( If highly potent ones ) so can be fairly easily dispersed, and I'd wager it takes time to make a new set.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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I can't believe we're so inactive even before the IC has started xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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The IC starter i'm making is actually... pretty damn big, by my reckoning at least... It's taking me a while TnT I think i might stop half way through it while everyone is 'on their way' to the specific location where 'first contact' will take place [essentially, one post round from the actual landing and the 2 sides meeting face to face] if only because it might take me 'another' day to finish this if I go from the point i'm currently at and all the way through describing the 'updated' canterlot and the landing area and bloody so on.

But you're right =P we should be conversing here damnit!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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KiltmanBagz Should have figured out gender before my handle

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I am looking forward to Seeker or other SEECs to meet Geth. I feel that would be interesting.

Though speaking of that...what ending are you going with? or are we just not really going to address it?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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lol! XD well, I went with the 'destructive' ending, mainly for the mechanic of hitting that shield hard enough to break it.

That said, If i go with 'my' ending, it would imply the ability to bitch some simple common sense into both sides so you can be friends with legion without Tali being a sudden enemy. The geth 'would' be fun, but 'technically' the destructive ending would kill them all

Unless there was some corners of the galaxy, or beyond, that the crucible detonation simply didn't reach... being synthetics and all they are free to survive in places without rapid transportation to habitable places... Of course, if we use 'that' logic and set things up so that the geth survived, and quit possibly legion as well [Emergency transmission of platform consciousnesses beyond the blast range? or some bullshit like that XD], then it's also being set up so that some of the reapers could have survived too XD

So, you want the geth bad enough to have to deal with left over reapers too? XD!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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KiltmanBagz Should have figured out gender before my handle

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Dealing with reaper left overs ( possible with a changling queen at the helm of one much like Saren in game one ) would make for a fun endgame conflict :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Member Seen 22 days ago

We could deal with reapers! That should be pretty fun and shocking to the Galactic Civilization :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

I can see it now!

The Council: This time we can't believe because we KILLED THEM ALL!!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Okay, first half of the IC beginning is up =D I stopped at that point since it was a bit of a funny moment, and it'd be as good a point as any to give a chance for replies if anyone wants to while I finish the second half =D

It oughta take me a couple of hours at least, perhaps till tommorrow again [i really hope not] but i'm going to be trying to be really thorough with it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Well I'll be sure to post today, and if you get up another post I'll try to post twice

I'm unlikely to post tomorrow though since I am going to a convention in Atlanta with my friends.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Strudel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I won't be able to post today but I might be able to tomorrow depending on what time I get home. ^^;
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