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Biographical SectionName: Duemis Xirmit
Age: 25 years human equivalent
Race: Dwarves
Sex: M
(Wears large sombrero)
Homeland: The Underdark
History: Your character’s past. You may want to delay doing this part until you get through traits.
Motivation: For Gold, Glory and Booze!
Traits & EquipmentGeneral Traits--Endurance Training: After training out in the field for hours and hours on ending, you have come to realize the value of being able to simply last longer than your opponent. This translates into taking a couple more hits before you will go down, and having a higher tolerance to pain... Though, getting hit still hurts, quite a bit actually, and you’re no god. (Basics of taking more damage and resisting pain-related negative effects.)
--Heavy Hitter: Where some would resort to flailing their arms about in an unsophisticated manner, you’ve decided that if you can hit something hard enough the first time that it stays down, that you can end fights before they can even really begin. Though, you’re still working on that “consistent” part, and not slowing down when you swing harder than usual. In the case of a ranged weapon, it means a larger calibre firearm or larger bow, translating to greater recoil and/or slower fire rate instead. (Basics of doing more damage with each swing.)
--Crushing Blow: You've learned that against enemies who are pained or slowed, you have even more time to swing and aim, hitting them with the maximum potential force possible. (Automatic critical hit against enemies that are stunned, dazed, unaware, or otherwise not expecting the attack. Small chance to crush armour in such a way as to mangle a limb or cause internal damage to a target through armour.)
--Sharp: You’ve started to notice how certain people stand, and how others try to keep certain parts of themselves out of harm’s way, or try to cover up certain not-so-good looking pieces of armour. Given more time, you could manifest this into a real talent for assassinating even the most armoured of targets. (Basics of weakness-finding and lie detecting.)
Unique Traits--Mechanist Bloodline: Duemis has the blood of the enigmatic Mechanist running in his vein. He has dark moss green hair to prove it other than pissing off nearby ghosts and his knack of using technological object. (Bonus to technology related stuff, no penalty on their usage)
--This Is My Rifle, It Is My Life: Duemis is attached to his weapon and will always be seen with it everywhere, either training or tending it or simply carrying it. (Bonus to accuracy and reduces time required for actions related to the weapon, penalty when distanced from gun.)
--Budding Gunsmith: -insert fluff here- (Can maintain guns and firearms along with crafting the required gunpowders and bullets used as long as there is an abundance of supply to be used)
--Explosive Gunsmith: -insert another fluff here- (Can craft and use grenades)
Equipment List-Dwarven-Hand Cannon: The Xirmit’s family heirloom, called the Dwarven-Hand due to it shooting Dwarven fist sized metal lump. Sturdy enough to be used as improvised club.
-Gunsmith tools: A set of gunsmithing tools for cleaning and maintaining guns.
-4 lead balls + gunpowder pouches: The ammunition for the Handcannon.
-1 grenade ball + special casing: One specially contained grenade to be launched through the handcannon, the initial launch would burn through the casing and light the fuse for the grenade instead of exploding it outright.
-3 hand grenades:
-Steel and flints
Personal SectionRomance: Drunken shenanigans!
Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: It is.
Signature: Type Alphakoka to agree to the rules and regulations, and to agree that the GM may kill off your characters without your consent.