it just...
HylianRose said
Gooooood morning errybady. Glad to see you guys here. I just, begrudgingly, got up after 3 measly hours of sleep. So driving will be interesting. All the same.No worries Faith. No real 'plans' were made. All of that happens in the discussion thread and private pads. Ye. Though we did get some good bonding time in. Lol.That Previously tab is genius and I love it. Lol.
FaithsRose said
Morning! :D Glad to be here ^^ Take care when driving! Know how hard it can be ^^' I missed out on the team bonding session....T_T...I'm sure they'll be other ones right? >.>
HylianRose said
Of course. Well, I've got to go see you guys later and have fun!(Sbdjxjxjf. I lived that Crash post. So cute. ~)
Scallop said
But........rainbow speedo!!!!!!!!!!!
Theobromine said
Morning/Afternoon everyone~~! I'll try to get a post in before I leave (lol, not much time but I shall try!!!). Warning: I will love it if someone makes an interaction with my characters, but I am VERY busy today and won't be able to post until either A: Really really late at night, or B: Tomorrow. So if you don't mind waiting, gimmie teh interactz.
FaithsRose said
Morning ^^ You can have one of mine if you would like interaction :D I don't mind waiting ^^ Hello Ebil :D
Scallop said
I'm bout to post and someone has to notice Darwin's outfit....
Theobromine said
Yay, I'll have a post up soon so send someone over to one of mine. xP(Not going to make the first move when I'm the one that will keep people waiting, lol.)