anyone mind giving me a quick over view of where people are?
Animelover_princess said
anyone mind giving me a quick over view of where people are?
Theobromine said
And hey everyone. One more day and I can be as active as I used to be. :DD
Sukui said
In other notes, happy birthday, liferusher!If there'll be a next season, i'll be retiring Isse and introduce a god character. Yes, i didn't typo out "dog". It's god.Whose religion based on him/her is in a critically endangered phase with only less than twenty believers remaining.And his/her strength of powers depend on that number.
NarayanK said
That's interesting, actually.One of the villains nearly kills God himself.
Sukui said
Actually, he/she'll be more of a villain by exacting revenge on the angels for being responsible for his/her downfall by turning his/her followers to the angels' doctrine, thus losing my character's believers and power in the process.
NarayanK said
o-oIs... this going to involve the roleplayers in some way? It sounds like something they can do alone, for some odd reason.
FaithsRose said
Damn sorry guys I lost the battle against sleep -.- I'll get a reply out asap, just got to quickly sort out beastie and I'll read through the IC ^^ So much anti-angel in here xD My guess is Ryuu may be on melon watch for a long while :P@Sukui Unless angels smell like vanilla and cherry blossom, I highly doubt Dendus would be able to smell 'angel' on Mercy she is unless stated otherwise. I understand if she's viewed as one silver hair honey eyes could probably back that up ^^ though blue eyes would probably be more fitting. I put this up earlier