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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 7 days ago

My only gripe is that you should probably edit you Location part of the post to reflect that your character is going to/at the Boot Buckle. I mean, I guess you could just leave it as is if you want anyone to intercept your character before heading there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VoiD
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VoiD Perpetually mediocre

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Not sure if I was clear enough Lucius, but my character is talking to your character Lucilia. I'm assuming the location I encountered her in is plausible as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 7 days ago

Yeah, it's cool. Thinking of what to respond with, but it's fairly short. I could pad it out with dialog, but that would require a collab and making stuff up about the city. Interested?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VoiD
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VoiD Perpetually mediocre

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sure, that sounds great.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grothnor


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eh, whatever, I'll just make a post later in the Buckle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Psychic Refugee

The Psychic Refugee

Member Offline since relaunch

I've no idea how to introduce myself right now...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChromeHound


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Roran Hawkins said
As he said, I only have two modes: Too nice, and too mean. I am just lamenting about the fact that it is getting dangerously close to that, and I wish to tell you to take the skills of Rangers as portrayed in the Ranger's Apprentice with a spoon of salt, before applying them here. I like the CS and type of character myself, but I am against large lists of competences without incompetences, which is basically how the ranger's are portrayed in the books. The only thing they can't do is fight in melee, but their other skills effectively reduce the chance of getting involved in one to zero.

I will be making it my responsibility to ensure that the Rangers remain balanced. While the Ranger Corps is indeed heavily influenced by the Rangers Apprentice series, and I do enjoy many aspects from it, I intend to ensure that this Ranger Corps is a little more heavily invested in realism. For that matter I hope you can trust me to keep up the realism aspect. But if you ever have questions or concerns just let me know.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 7 days ago

The Psychic Refugee said
I've no idea how to introduce myself right now...

Is he in Delais? If so he could run into Leeson.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Psychic Refugee

The Psychic Refugee

Member Offline since relaunch

Leeson, thee blacksmith, right? At the Boot Buckle?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 7 days ago

Actually he just left the Boot Buckle and is wondering around town. I suppose you could meet him en route to the Boot Buckle if you don't mind the fact that you won't be interacting with a large crowd.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Psychic Refugee

The Psychic Refugee

Member Offline since relaunch

I don't mind, he'd probably have a couple of bondsmen with him though. Making his way to the pub for a post-patrol drink. He's also awaiting Haljon's report on the letters he had sent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Roster is updated! ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VoiD
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VoiD Perpetually mediocre

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It's going to be a bit until Haljon makes his way to Deliar, at least a day or two within the RP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 7 mos ago

i'll be posting my second CS here soon for review.

Edit: And geez Alice, i didnt think i had to teach Alicia not to talk to strangers. What the heck? Next time a man approaches you and your under the age of 12 STAB HIM AND RUN HOME!!!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"I swear...that my loyalty lies only to the High King of the Empire. Everyone else I will crush beneath my feet."

Name :
Melisa Rynir
Nicknames :
Gender :
Age and birthday :
Age 26, Born in the year 1276 on the 14th of March
Origin :
The High House of Rynir

Length and build :
5'8. Toned, not too muscular.
Weight :
144 lbs
Sexuality :
Hetero. Widowed.

Appearances :

Occupation :
Three year graduate from the Deliar Academy. Currently an Optio in the Rehonian Legion. She has been told in the past that her rage and vengeful attitude keep her from becoming a Tribune or Legate.

Favorite phrase/saying :
"Don't stick to any one thing, you'll find when tested that you can no longer fly."

Tagline: "Move it. Else I will squash you like an ant."

Favorite Food :
Apple Pie

Favorite Weather and Season :
Summer. When it is so hot your skin blisters.

Patron God/Goddess :
  • Rolor

  • Skelatia

  • Brafald

  • Araos

  • Personality :
    Melisa can often be described as cold, uncaring, harsh...all of which would be true. She hates alot of things, likes few things, and often points out one's flaws. She is a strict leader but does her job well. A woman of few words who only speaks when barking out orders or complaining...she has no interest in getting anyone to like her. Her goal is to prepare her soldiers to protect the land, not grovel at a man's feet in hopes for friendship. Getting close to her is...unlikely.

    History :
    The second oldest in family with Patricia. She was not always the bitter woman she is at present. Her life was nice growing up. She was spoiled until her younger siblings came around and then she was expected to fend for herself. At a young age she dreamed of serving in the Legion, but neglected to join the Academy in Deliar because she fell in love. To a man she wed, she bore a son. Married two years before they were ripped from existence in a tragic bandit attack in a small villiage outside Hials. Her son and husband were both killed, but they spared her for a reason unknown. She was forever changed into someone viewed as cold and heartless. But really...her withdraw is the only way she's found to deal with the pain.

    That same tragic year she joined the Academy. She passed with flying colors, quickly surpassing her peers and finishing ahead of her time. Now as an Optio of three years, Melisa is known for her iron fist as she leads her Tessari's. Any soldier she deems unworthy she will squash the spirits of and send packing, without even a blink of sleep lost. Many stay away from her, and soldiers tease anyone unfortunate enough to be under her command. She now rarely speaks to anyone, let alone anyone in her family.

    Theme song :
    Evanescence: ~Made of Stone~

    Clothing and/or armor :
    Armor used in battle:

    'Casual' Armor worn around:

    Tools and weapons :
    Name :
    Description :
    Melisa's Sword. Made of the strongest, most expensive metal.
    Appearance :

    Name :
    Description :
    Melisa's shield. A gift from her Grandfather
    Appearance :

    Name :
    Melisa's Ring Necklace
    Description :
    A simple necklace that holds her deceased husbands ring.
    Appearance :


    Skill/Abilities :
  • Skilled Sword Fighter

  • Good at Horse Riding

  • Can read and write

  • Quite the tactician

  • Traits
  • Manipulative

  • Agressive

  • Perceptive of others feelings/emotions

  • A bit unorthadox...in everything

  • Expirenced Optio

  • Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChromeHound


    Member Offline since relaunch

    @Shadowcatcher, Accepted by me. Though I am not one hundred percent certain on the armour or the sword, I shall leave that judgement up to Roro, as I trust his expertise in those matters far more than I do my own.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

    Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

    Member Seen 7 mos ago


    thanks ^^ i shall wait and see about the armor and sword then. ...what seems wrong about it? is there a particular requirement?

    speaking of Roran i dont think i've ever had a conversation with him....is he as mean as everyone says? cuz i cry easily you know... ...and is he a guy? really, honestly i dont even know >.<


    hello! i dont think we've spoken before. if we have im sorry for not remembering. its not you its me. ^^;

    why does Alice call you tummy cat? Are you secretly a really nice person? how many toes do you have? whats your favorite color? do you like one direction? how come our new gen characters havent met yet? do you eat grapes? ...have i asked to many questions? dont yell at me, i'm cute! *runs away*
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Psychic Refugee

    The Psychic Refugee

    Member Offline since relaunch

    Shadowcatcher said
    i'll be posting my second CS here soon for review.Edit: And geez Alice, i didnt think i had to teach Alicia not to talk to strangers. What the heck? Next time a man approaches you and your under the age of 12 STAB HIM AND RUN HOME!!!!

    Holy shit, run away!
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
    Avatar of Lucius Cypher

    Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

    Member Seen 7 days ago


    While I myself am no smith, I had taken up enough interest in these forms of archaic weaponry to be able to distinguish most Sword-like objects from authentically made tools to kill. It's likely not as great as some of you have have donned and used these weapons in combat, but I still would like to provide feedback, if willing. And while I do understand my place as a mere player of this RP and no GM, I only wish to provide my meager assistance with my observations.

    The issue with the sword you've chosen mainly comes from that it seems rather ornate and matches the description of what a lot of Sword-like objects are; beautiful to look at, and cumbersome to use as weapons at best. The Handle design beings back memories of Zweihanders, typically large swords used with two hands, which I'm not sure are developed in these times. If I'm assuming that your character is a shield user as well, her sword would have to be the right size for her to be able to handle it normally. So the idea of a longsword with a handle design like that seems rather... Impractical.

    As for the armor, it seems rather form fitting. Like the sword, it's good to look at, not so much for serious use. It's a breast plate in a very literal term. And from what I've observed form other CS's, not many smiths have the skill or dedication to make armor plates that would acute her form like that. But since she is of royalty, she may have personal armorers who would be capable of making her personalization armor, but even so her choice of protection seems more ceremonial than practical. I wouldn't think it'll hold up against a solid blow from a mace. Or at least, less so than other armors.

    As for the shield, it's also rather ornate, but you can't really go wrong with a metal targe. It may come to question however if the shield is also capable of serving as a sheath, which is a fairly advanced idea. Again, since your character is royalty she likely has access to those who would be more than willing to custom design her equipment. Whether or not anyone can is what's being questioned.

    Those are merely my observations. I hope they are helpful, under any other circumstance they look fine to me. I'm always willing to levy realism for the sake of entertainment within reason. Armor's armor, and as long as it's not a string bikini with metal pasties, it will serve well enough for what you say it should. Not my choice of course, but my thoughts.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Psychic Refugee

    The Psychic Refugee

    Member Offline since relaunch

    As you said, she's royalty. A lot of the gear they'd wear would have to be both fashionable/ornate AND useful, even at a cost in utilitarianism.
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