Carawen will be in the woods, in case someone is interested in taking an enthusiastic walk through the forest.
Kentsukan said
Carawen will be in the woods, in case someone is interested in taking an enthusiastic walk through the forest.
The New Yorker said
He can come across the dead imperial and horse and spriggin....
Kentsukan said
Carawen will be in the woods, in case someone is interested in taking an enthusiastic walk through the forest.
Leon5431 said
Please tell me that was a Helsing abridged reference.
Kentsukan said
It most certainly was.
Leon5431 said
You may be one of my new favorite people.
Kentsukan said
"Oh lovely. Horse meat! Maybe the Imperial has some useful things on him..."
The New Yorker said
imperial legion stuff. nothing special. He is the son of a lord in Solstheim who married into the Emperor's family, if that means anything to Carawen.
Kentsukan said
She might avoid it altogether, in all seriousness. She does not want to be implicated in the murder of an Imperial official.
The New Yorker said
Why not? Sounds like fun.
Kentsukan said
:D Glad to hear it! We should get along well, hopefully!
datadogie said
Just woke up and read the new posts, and I'm currently a bit confused. If Ilta put me to sleep, what do I do now? Dream? No offense, but (in my opinion) that spell is a bit overpowered in the way that it can instantly put someone to sleep. But that is just my opinion.
Insomnia said
Wake up, perhaps? And none taken. It can put someone instantly to sleep but since we changed it to a stamina draining spell, as soon as your stamina recovers in the slightest one has the ability to wake up.