Any thing besides a positive messaged sugar coated pill of happiness, rainbows, glitter, and sunshine. If she can stop singing 'Every thing is awesome' then you need to act fast.
Sapphire said
I just watched The Lego Movie with my 6 yr old brother, I think I might have diabetes because of how sugary sweet that movie was.
thewizardguy said
I just watched that movie.*ahem*Everything is awesome~!
Sapphire said
Everything is cool when you're part of a team! Personally, I thought the Batman song was great.
Sapphire said
Frozen is different catagory, some times all you can do is wait for people to get over it, my sister bought the Frozen sound track and I have no idea why she thought she needed all 32 songs but now we have them.
WizardGirl said
Does she have the Demos of them too? My sister bought all the songs and the demos, and it's annoying...and I have a question for all of you, DO YOU WANNA BUILD A SNOWMAN