Roseia looked to him "Yeah it has gotten thicker and no I'm not sure since I'm scared of what's going to happen but best to get it over and done with" she said looking to him and got out of the car and took his gun off of him as well "Going to borrow this as well if you don't mind" she smiled a little at him before looking around. "What was her name again? Ah that's right Emily" she looked around "Emily, you here, sorry about before you scared us quite a bit, I want to talk to you so please come out Emily Rose!" she shouted hoping that would work and looked around once the ghost appeared she felt chills down her spine but took a deep breath. "Hi, Emily. I'm not your mother, I'm your descant Roseia… I need to ask you some things regarding the children that have come here recently, can you tell be a little about what's going on, about you and your mother, anything really?" she asked being friendly despite the fact she was pretty much terrified and would most likely stay with Dennis again in the office that night as well. "Well, how about we start with the children, we think your father might be hurting them, have you seen anything going on around here Emily?" she asked and then pulled out something she had in her bag, she'd found it in a box in the office, it had the name Emily on it. "I found this as well, it yours Emily?" she asked holding the bear out to her.