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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ethir


Member Offline since relaunch


I am now only accepting characters that are Followers of Erthantis. We have too many 'good guys'. If a previous reservation has been made, I MAY make an exception. However from this point, no Supporters of the Immortal Nine will be accepted.

Map of the Kingdom of Sythus

Credit to original artist for map. Link:Cartographers Guild

"Gather round, gather round!" An old man sits at a wooden table, a similar age to himself, as young children, teenagers and even adults well past the age of storytelling gather round him to hear his story. "Let me tell you a tale of wonder and creation, a most interesting tale to tell! Are you sitting comfortably?"

"Many, many millennia ago, aeons in fact, the mortal realm as we know it today was filled with an empty void that held no life. To the Gods outside this realm, it was seen as a toy, something they could play with and use to test their powers. And use it, they did. The Immortal Nine came to the borders of our realm and theirs, and they stared through the void, discussing with each other the different things they would grant to our world. The first Immortal, Ona, gifted us with Light, and it was with her gift that the darkness of the void was banished to the edges of the realm. The second Immortal, Polas, filled the realm with Form, heralded as the greatest gift from the Gods! For it was Form that allowed the realm to create the planets and the stars around us, and it was Form that allowed the life of our realm to truly begin.

The third Immortal, Trula, whistled to our world a most magnificent tune, and with her musical tones came the Elements. Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Each passed through her blessed lips and mixed ever so carefully in the already changing world of our realm, finding their places in the stars and rocks that would one day become the world as we know it. The fourth Immortal, Unis, gave to us the wonders of Force. Mixed with the gift of Form, Force allowed the floating pieces of rock that Polas had created to come together and merge into solid masses, capturing mixtures of the Elements as they did so. The gifts of Polas and Unis were to create the first planets.

The fifth Immortal, Lwandu, looked upon the universe as it stood and let out a deep sigh, his tones reaching to the furthest corner of the realm and breathing Life into everything it touched. With his gift, the light of stars grew brighter, the rocky ground of planets became greener and littered with sprouting buds, deep gaps between landforms became filled with torrents of water which shifted against the borders as if Lwandu himself were living there, letting out his sigh that first brought Life to the world. The sixth Immortal, Habnu, borrowed the remnants of Lwandu's sigh and channelled the remaining energy into Nature. And with this gift, the world began to shift. The planets began to shudder, their landmasses colliding to form mountain ranges, or pulling apart to create channels of water between them. The planets shuddered some more, great quakes ripping through the land and forging devastating constructions. Lava filled mountains stretched as high as the eye could see, and bottomless pits opened up both on land and under the seas. Some of the Immortals were upset with Habnu for doing this, as they had not wanted such harmful things in their world, but as they had been able to experiment freely, they allowed him his gift.

The seventh Immortal, Inugis, looked down at the universe her brethren had created, and she cried. Her tears falling into the world and, leaching from the gifts of Lwandu and Habnu, formed the first Creatures. Her tears were divided equally between land and water, and a diverse range of living things formed upon each. These beings evolved overtime, some remaining the same, some changing ever so slightly, to give the species we know and love today. The eighth Immortal, Yngvar, decided these Creatures should not be alone, and so he created Humanity. He plucked the twig of a tree formed by Nature and lay it on the ground, watching as it changed its form and wove itself into Man and Woman. Yngvar smiled down at his creation as they mingled peacefully with the world's inhabitants.

The ninth Immortal, Qualin, shook her head at Yngvar, chastising him for his lack of diversity. And so Qualin gave Race to this world. When the Men and Women of the universe began to breed, their children evolved into something different. Soon, Humans were joined by other complete races, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs and all the other races you see today. And that is how our world as we see it today was created.

But! There was one more Immortal. One more that did not agree with what his brethren had done. His name, was Erthantis. Erthantis looked over the mortal realm and was infuriated to see what his brethren had created. He considered it a waste creating a world like this and littering it with life, knowing the humans and other races would surely destroy the beauty their efforts had formed. Fuming with hatred, he swore to punish his brethren, and he flung himself into the mortal realm. But in doing so, he was stripped of his immortality, for passing through the realms requires a sacrifice of one's immortal gift. And so Erthantis fell to our realm as a mortal, but he was far from powerless. It was by chance that he should land here, in Sythus, our humble region. Back then, it was teeming with life, a prosperous, promising nation. But he would not let it remain that way.

Still fuming at his brethren, he lay a curse on the land, a dark curse that spread to the borders of Sythus itself. Everything the Immortals had worked for, perished. The trees and plants died off, the constructs civilisation had made crumbled, and as for the inhabitants themselves...they suffered a fate worse than death. Erthantis showed no mercy towards the living creatures of Sythus, but he saw a use for them. And so he ripped out their souls and forced them into slavery, turning them into his very own army of darkness. But the Immortals were on our side, and they saw what Erthantis had planned for the rest of the living world. And so they acted quickly and used their powers to force his curse back from the edges of Sythus, but they weren't powerful enough to rid the land of him completely. They managed to push him past the Lonely Peaks, the mountain range just north of here, where they cursed him to stay for eternity, to live out the rest of his mortal life.

Defeated though it may seem, Erthantis was cunning, and outsmarted his brethren who were slowly rebuilding the land he destroyed. Trapped as he may be, he made one more sacrifice in a final bid to destroy what the Immortals had created. He brought forth five of his Soulless and infused each of them with some of his power, plunging the creatures further into the darkness. He called these creatures the Shadowlords...and they were pure evil. Erthantis, pleased with his creation, was now powerless. He had used all of his magical energy creating his protégées, who looked down at him now and laughed, before they all raised their swords, and killed their former master. Rumour has it, these Shadowlords are still out there, waiting for the defences of the Immortals to break, so that they may ride though the universe and fulfil their master's wishes and destroy the mortal realm. But of course, that's just a story."


That is the Story of Creation. An age old story still told today, once a year, every year. That same old man is usually the one to tell it during the after-party of the Empresses' Birthday Parade. On her birthday, the Empress of Sythus joins an elaborate parade of carnival floats to greet her citizens with open arms, and rejoice in yet another year of life with them all. But this year, something evil is afoot.

While telling his usual story, the old man, along with his audience, were blissfully unaware of the events unfolding at the Palace of Kathar. A group of skilled assassins, working for forces unknown, slipped into the Empresses' chamber as she slept, and slit her throat. The Palace guards sensed something was wrong, but were too late to save her. They tried valiantly to kill off the assassins, and many lost their life in doing so, but they were unfortunate enough to fail. The assassins managed to leave the palace unharmed, taking with them the Jewel of Kathar, an ancient necklace worn by the Empress and her royal ancestors. It is said to hold great power, equalling that of the Immortal Nine, but nobody has ever found these rumours to be true.

The assassins returned to their mysterious employer, who turns out to be the Empresses' right hand man, High Priest Fingar. Fingar swiftly takes the Empresses' place on the throne as a stand in until an heir to the Royal Bloodline can be located, though none suspect his involvement in her death nor his ulterior motives. None, but a few.

Before her death, the Empress secretly sent out several letters detailing her fears of soon departing this world, along with a task given to the receiving adventurers. Her letter asks them to keep peace within the land, and begs them to keep back the Shadowlords from ever entering the mortal realm.

But her letter is not the only letter sent out. Fingar himself is recruiting members for his own cause, and sent word to many Followers of Erthantis to come before him in the Palace, where he explained to him his plan to unleash the Darkness that has remained locked up far too long.

This is where you come in. You can choose to play as either an Adventurer carrying out the Empresses' last wish, or as a Follower of Erthantis under the rule of the High Priest Fingar. Whichever side you choose, you can be sure to face trials and terrors fit to test your skills and strength. Do you have what it takes to succeed? or will you fail your cause and let the other side win? Sign Up below! The roleplay begins on the eve of the Empresses' death as your characters are gathering to meet the respective 'leaders' of the two groups.


  • This is a Roleplay aimed at people aged 15 or above. There will be scenes of violence and such, however if you feel you are mature enough to handle such things, feel free to sign up.

  • Your posts should be of decent length. Please ensure they are no shorter than TWO paragraphs. Pragraphs should contain at least 5 well structured sentences.

  • Good grammar and punctuation is expected, however everyone has the occasional slip. So long as you appear to be making an acceptable effort I will have no issues with you.

  • There is a maximum of THREE characters per player, and a two week waiting period between character creation. You must seek permission from me or a Co-GM before creating a new character.

  • Aim to be as active as you can. I understand you have lives to live, but if you plan on being away for a while, please let me know in the OOC or via a PM.

  • Characters have a 'lifetime' of sorts. You CANNOT kill off your character until 30 days AFTER their timestamp of creation. This is to stop people spamming characters they don't plan on playing all that much. Approval for killing characters must be sought from the GM/Co-GM(s)

  • No Godmodding/Powerplaying

  • Cursing and Romance is allowed, but please don't abuse this privilege. Mature Romance scenes must be carried out via PM.

  • A Warning system will be put in place in the event of any rules being broken. A player may break a rule three times before their character is removed from the Roleplay. The exception to this is godmodding. Godmod once and you get a warning, do it again and you will be told to leave the game.

  • Repect the Rules and have fun! I ask nothing more from my fellow Roleplayers!


    • Nerom DeGrasse - Ethir

    • Bruce Stronghart - Torack

    • Cerise Mansfield - River

    • Haljon - VoiD

    • Annekra Blyuthstyl - The Mad Hatter

    • Jonah/Ghost - Mind of Madness

    • Aurora Floren Eveneens - AliceZaru

    • Jan Helmski Krazowicz - SillyGoy

    • Reserved - Damo021
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ethir


    Member Offline since relaunch

    Nerom DeGrasse

    (Has the appearance of a 37 year old Human)


    Credit to:CG-Warrior on DeviantArt

    Dark Elf

    Supporter of the Immortal Nine




    Nerom's line of work requires him to show no mercy to his enemies and such, have no morals, meaning he'll have no qualms about slitting somebody's throat should the need arise. Therefore, he's certainly not one you want as an enemy.

    Nerom has never been one for getting involved in huge debates. He prefers to sit back and let others squabble, observing their actions and thoughts and deciding his input accordingly. When meeting someone new, he may come over as cold and unloving, but this is due to him observing your character and checking you're the right kind of person he wants to get to know.

    Nerom is not dim, though there may be times he comes across as such. However, you'd be wrong to assume that, and he'll waste no time in pointing that out to you. When it comes to strategy, Nerom can sometimes be a useful ally to have.

    Due to his profession, Nerom has a need to be secretive and withhold a lot of information from people, even his friends and family. He doesn't claim to be the best at hiding things from other people, but he is skilled at it. His facial expression is terribly hard to read a lot of the time, giving away nothing of his true thoughts.


    Nerom was born deep in the city of Kathar, his birth taking place in the hidden hideout of the Assassin's Guild. His mother sadly passed away during childbirth, and his father was unknown to all the members of the Guild. They suspected she had perhaps started a romantic affair with one of her targets, but in the end had to fulfil her contract and kill him, but not before they had conceived a child. Given his situation, the Guild members took it upon themselves to raise Nerom, and treat him like one of their own.

    As he grew up, Nerom was placed under the care of Ghalin, a wisened old man that would, in time, teach the young elf everything he would need to know about becoming an assassin. His training began as soon as he was old enough to start, and Ghalin wasted no time in teaching him all he could. Nerom spent the next few years learning the arts of sneaking, pickpocketing, lockpicking...and murder. It appeared as if he had a natural talent in each of these arts, and Ghalin theorised these gifts were passed from his mother, and perhaps even his father, given that nobody knew who he was or what he did.

    As time went on, Nerom continued his training, one day reaching the level that Ghalin himself used to work out back in his day. But alas, time got the better of the elf's master, and death took him as his own. Nerom felt alone in the world, despite having many friends within the Guild. In the time they had together, Ghalin had become the closest thing Nerom had to a father, and the devastation of his loss ripped through him like a lion ripping into its prey. For days after his death, Nerom moped around the Guild like a lost child, unsure what to do now his master had passed on. But unfortunately for him, the Guild's work was never finished, and he was forced out of his grief and back to work in no time.

    More and more time passed, and Nerom, being an elf and outliving the human friends he made, watched as the Guild grew both in reputation and in size as word of their network got out. He saw old members pass away and new members join several times over, often paying his respects from the dead and heeding warnings of morbidity to the younger newcomers. He never once stopped training though, continuing the work of Ghalin with other Guild members, often being commended on the work he carried out after returning from a contract.

    Nerom's work continued to get better, and soon he worked his way into the ranks of the more highly respected Assassins of the Guild. On the day of the Empresses' Parade, a group of them were contracted by the City Guard to keep an eye on the proceedings when the Empress paraded through the city. Nerom was among the few asked to go, and he was honoured to be given the task. Protecting the Empress, that had to be one of the most honourable jobs to have. How could he refuse?

    It was agreed the Assassin's would work in shifts, starting from when the Empress began her Parade to when she finished, then they would be dismissed and the City Guard would take over from them for the night. Nerom was asked to work in the morning, the time at which she was most vulnerable, as the crowd was at its largest. His shift was relatively quiet. He hopped from rooftop to rooftop, keeping a watchful eye on both the Empress and the crowds, but nothing of interest came to pass, and he was soon relieved from his duty. In the afternoon, he joined in the celebrations of the parade but soon got bored and headed to The Rat's Tail, the most popular Inn in the city. There, he drank away the rest of the afternoon and well into the evening, where he found his curiosity piqued by an old man sitting at a table with an ever increasing crowd gathering around him. And so, Nerom stood up from his place at the bar and sauntered over, taking a seat amongst the crowd, and listening to his story.

    Weapon of Choice:

    Nerom favours his dagger (pictured), and uses it in almost every aspect of his profession. He prefers the up-close-and-personal feeling it gives him when he tends to his targets, often taking delight in watching their eyes betray them and their inner thoughts.

    Occasionally, he may be seen using a crossbow to take down enemies from afar, and on even rare occasions be seen with a sword in his hand, but it is his dagger that is his true combat companion.

    Powers & Abilities:

    ~Pickpocket & Lockpicking Extraordinaire~
    If ever you were to need a lockpicking, or an item retrieved from somebody who keeps it on their person at all times, Nerom's your man..or rather, elf, for the job. He is well known for his light fingers and ability to bypass almost any lock he comes across.

    Being an Elf, Nerom has an affinity for magic, and sometimes uses it to aid him during his contracts. Often, he will use it to make his footsteps quieter, or perhaps blur the senses of guards surrounding a building he needs to get into, making it easier to sneak by. He rarely uses it to wound people, and will sometimes use it to heal himself or others if the situation calls for it. He is unable to use magic for long periods of time however, and is often fatigued if he uses it for longer than he should.


    Rwantu DeGrasse - Mother

    Ghalin - Former Master

    Assassin's Guild Members

    Nothing at this time.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grothnor


    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    -Reserved for Character Sheet-

    I'm too tired to post a CS tonight. I'll have 1 up tomorrow.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Torack
    Avatar of Torack

    Torack The Golden Apple

    Member Seen 8 days ago

    Bruce Stronghart


    credit goes to TawnyFritz on DeviantArt


    Supporter of the Immortal Nine


    War General

    Bruce sees the good in everyone and doesn't believe that anyone or anything is wholly evil. To think that something was wholly evil, in his mind, would be an affront to the immortals as it would mean that they allowed something out of their control into their beloved world. Because of this, he is a cheery fellow who always try to see the best in most situations. Bruce is thoroughly convinced that goodness will come out of every situation, no matter how bleak or destructive.

    Bruce is strong, powerful, handsome, and a general. Narcissism comes naturally to him. No one can love Bruce as Bruce loves himself and he makes sure everyone around understands that. He is constantly praising himself for the smallest and greatest achievements and never fails to explain to people just how amazing he is. Of course, he understands that at some points this can annoy people, and thus he usually expresses his narcissistic side as a sort of joke.

    If you're going to say one thing about Bruce, say that he's charming. Despite being considered one of the strictest generals in Kathar's army, he believes leniency outside of the military is a must, and does this by showing off his charm and quick tongue.

    Coupled with his charm is his intelligence. He is a skilled tactician in warfare, learned in sciences and mathematics, and a decent merchant if he puts his mind to it. People are quick to assume warriors with thick armour and large muscles are brutes with little to no knowledge, and Bruce learned the value of knowledge at a young age from an unlikely group of urchins and began teaching himself for his own gains.
    Bruce grew up raised only by a single mother with three other siblings, their father having died in battle against a bandit raid. As he was growing up, his mother used to tell them tales of their father's great achievements and what a great soldier he was. Bruce, at a young and tender age, made a promise to himself that he would become a soldier like his father and began "training" every afternoon and evening on trees and other kids, constantly getting into fights and causing all sorts of trouble.

    At the age of eight he joined a street gang comprised of rebellious kids, street urchins, and older teens who had nothing better to do with their time. His presence in the gang grew throughout the years and at the age of eleven he was voted on as it's leader where the gang experienced it's most prosperous period yet. With Bruce as it's leader, the gang raided the local bakery, butcher, and various other buildings to get their hands on items and trinkets to sell to other merchants. However, as the gang grew, the city guards grew tougher within the area and eventually at the age of fifteen, Bruce thought it best to disband the gang before they all ended up dead. A few agreed with his idea, while most called him cowardly and unreasonable.

    After he left the gang he signed up for the military along with a few members from his previous gang. It was clear from day one that his superiors thought very little of him and they made sure that he knew it by abusing his rights and making him do the most menial tasks. However, his goal to become as great as his father drove him to mostly ignore his superior's bullying and practice relentlessly to prove his worth as a man and a soldier. It eventually paid off as his rank within the army grew quickly and was promoted to Captain at the age of twenty.

    Around that time he took a year off to go back to his family and check up on them, revisiting his younger siblings to note that one of them had joined the second oldest, a young woman, joined the assassin's guild, and the next joined the merchant's guild while the last, a boy, stayed behind to watch over their dying mother. He told his youngest sibling to go and pursue his dream while he took over for him and towards the end of the year witnessed his mother's death.

    The siblings all came back together after Bruce sent them word of their mother's death and once the burial was complete, he went back to the army and they welcomed him back with open arms. Inside, he partook leading in a few raids and skirmishes, proving his tactical prowess which eventually got him to be promoted to general at the age 31. Most thought his promotion to be a poor choice, mostly the older generals, but despite the prostests he wasn't demoted and continued to be a general and one of the most influential amongst them.

    When the party drew near, the Empress sent a letter of invitation to him to join her at the party and to feast with her during the afternoon, as a recognition of his amazing feats within the army. He gladly accepted the invitation and once the feast was over and the sun was beginning to set, he went to the Rat's Tail with a few of his former gang mates where they saw a crowd forming around an old storyteller and decided to listen in.

    Weapon of Choice:
    Bastard Sword

    Powers & Abilities:
    ~Supreme Tactician & Warrior~
    Bruce's tactical skills are surpassed by only a few individuals within the kingdom and he is often considered as something of a prodigy. Spending more than half of his life within the army have given him skills and intuition often unknown to most bandits and mercenaries; his discipline, strength, and skills make him a formidable enemy and an equally great ally.

    One of the main focuses of the military is leadership, and being a general within the army proves Bruce to be a capable and well talented leader. He is cool under stress, quick of mind, and uses all of his skills to dish out orders that will give the best possible outcome of any situation.

    Although his magic isn't the greatest as his main focus is on melee combat, but it is enough to heal himself from small wounds such as minor cuts, bruises, and injuries related to that. However using even that tires him out extraordinarily quickly, and because of that he uses it sparingly. He also has the minor ability of slightly intimidating his enemies with a small aura, causing those weak of mind to cower from his presence.

    Luther Tamehart - Father

    Lara Tamehart - Mother

    Fiona Tamehart - Sister
    -within the Assassin's Guild-

    Connor Tamehart - Brother
    -with the Merchant's Guild-

    Bran Tamehart - Brother
    -A mercenary-

    Bruce has an unnatural love for apple pie; it is often joked that should the enemy leader present Bruce with apple pie during a war he would stop it in order to eat the pie and continue it once he was done.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by River


    Member Seen 10 yrs ago

    Cerise Mansfield




    Supporter of the Immortal Nine


    Noble Healer


    In general, Cerise maintains a calm demeanor, even if she is panicking internally. As the oldest child and a caregiver for the ill, she learned that it is always important to keep a cool exterior and to assure others that they are safe in order to maintain order. By keeping her emotions in check, she can make decisions based on the most logical solution.

    A seemingly unusual trait for a healer, Cerise can often seem as if she keeps others at a distance. However, she does this only in their best interest, as she believes that it is an important step towards not becoming emotional when someone is ill or hurt so that she can do her best work to help them. To her, healing is a science that must be approached empirically. Getting too attached or too emotional with her patients will only lead her to make more errors.

    As mentioned previously, Cerise's typical approach to problems is to use logic. Over the past six years she has spent living within the castle walls, she has read almost the entire palace library. She has a hunger for knowledge and is always eager to learn more, as she sees her knowledge as being practical and applicable to her daily life. She finds use and meaning in everything she learns, even things she learns from fictional stories.

    Cerise grew up being idolized for her talents. As a result, she doesn't take criticism too well, if she takes it at all. She doesn't like being told by others how to do things and believes that her method is always right. Even in areas she admits she doesn't have much proficiency in, such as sword-fighting, she is slow to warm to the idea of criticism. It takes a very patient and tolerant trainer to teach Cerise.

    In her very core, Cerise loves her family, and it is the only thing that she allows herself to get emotional about. She is also slightly self-conscious of her strong feelings when it comes to her family, but she will defend them with all her being.


    Cerise was born and raised in the port town of Ronin, where she was the only trusted healer by the age of sixteen. She was following in the footsteps of her mother, Mara, who had become too ill to work. She learned magic by watching her mother as a child. Mara was a very gentle and soft-spoken women, and as a result, her magic was gentle and soft-spoken.

    Around Cerise's 20th birthday, Mara passed away, leaving her and her father to care for her four younger siblings. However, they were fairly poor, living off only Cerise's earnings as a healer and her father's earnings as a fisherman and with six mouths to feed. They survived together, though, and were generally happy.

    Several months after Mara's death, two guards from the palace in Kathar approached Ronin. They had heard rumors of a mage with considerable potential living in those parts, and they had arrived to recruit her. They explained that the Empress was growing old and frail, and that she needed a healer to stay by her side at all times to ensure her good health. They promised Cerise and her family comfort and wealth for the rest of their days, if only Cerise would leave immediately with them to Kathar to beginning her training and work. They also promised to teach her more extensive magic, something she had little experience with. Cerise barely hesitated to leave. She wanted what was best for her family, but she was also excited by the idea of learning new things and seeing places beyond her small port town.

    Now having lived in the palace of Kathar for six years, she's become accustomed to the lifestyle of a noble, and has perhaps become a bit spoiled as a result, but never forgets her roots. She has also become an incredibly skilled white mage. Unlike her mother, she went beyond simple healing spells and learned to use magic in the defense of herself and others. Her mentor, an old mage named Kuzin, taught her that magic is so powerful and rare that it should never be used to lash out at others. Instead, it should be used to defend and protect those you love and treasure. To this day, Cerise take her mentor's message to heart as best as she can, but can't help but feel overwhelmed with how much power she has and how little she feels she actually does with it. On the day of the Empress's assassination, Cerise was only rooms away, and was the first to find her dead, alerting the guards with her screams.

    Weapon of Choice:
    Generally unarmed, but carries a staff to channel her magic when she travels outside the kingdom

    Powers & Abilities:

    Cerise's healing abilities are considered to be at the level of expertise. She can heal using magic alone, or with the use of herbs and potions.

    Cerise knows how to identify and use plants in the wild to heal ailments, such as poisoning. She can also use these plants to make potions that can heal or harm others in various ways.

    Cerise has as a strong understanding of light magic and can effectively apply her knowledge in moments of danger. She can create force-fields and barriers, manipulate refracting light to strike enemies, and even temporarily cloak herself or others to be unseen by enemies, among other more minor skills.


    Mara Mansfield - Mother

    Calvin Mansfield - Father
    -Fisherman living in Ronin-

    Quinn Mansfield - Younger sister (age 16)

    Luc Mansfield - Younger brother (age 21)

    Oliver Mansfield - Younger brother (age 14)

    Noelle Mansfield - Younger sister (age 12)
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VoiD
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    VoiD Perpetually mediocre

    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ethir


    Member Offline since relaunch

    Torack - My only issue is that you've written 'Queen' instead of Empress. However, if you fix this, your character is accepted!

    River - Your character is accepted!

    As for anyone else wishing to post a CS or already has a spot reserved, I'm not forcing you, but having a couple of Followers of Erthantis wouldn't be a bad thing...we don't want to overpower the good side too much ;)
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Torack
    Avatar of Torack

    Torack The Golden Apple

    Member Seen 8 days ago

    Whoops I fixed it. It was like 3 am or so, so you'll have to forgive me for that! :P
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ethir


    Member Offline since relaunch

    Then you may consider yourself accepted. I'll update the list later
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AliceZaru


    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    Hold up! Im Join this sexy...ehmmm...FINE! Rp ;3
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Mad Hatter
    Avatar of The Mad Hatter

    The Mad Hatter ... All the best people are

    Member Seen 18 days ago

    I may make a character for this. Consider this a reserved spot until otherwise noted.


    Annekra Blyuthstyl



    Supporter of the Immortal Nine

    Warrior & Merchant

    Weapon Smith

    Annekra is very curious about almost everything. She has an urge to know every- and all things that are going on around her. More often than not, people find this behavior annoying and state her to be nosy.

    By nature, most Gryorga are very protective of their kin, be they close family or a different “tribe” altogether. They are especially protective of their mates and children and will oftentimes sacrifice themselves in order to keep those they hold dear safe.
    Such a bond can, obviously, also be made outside of their own kind. What we call “friends”, a Gryorga will call an “Illyu”, which roughly translates into an “off-kin”. They treat these “Illyu” like they would their own children.

    Annekra loves to meet new people and she loves it even better to get to know these people. She wants nothing more than for everyone to be her friend. She even tends to butt into other people's conversations in an attempt to get to know them and their situations.

    Unlike what most people would believe when first meeting Annekra, she has a temper that is not to be messed with. It does not take much to tick her off and when she does, she will throw tables around and scream bloody murder.

    Weapon of Choice:
    Annekra carries with her more than a few weapons.
    She carries a pair of curved hunting knives in sheathes on the back of her belt as her main weapons of choice.

    Her other weapons are in her duffel bag.

    Powers & Abilities:
    -=Weapon Smithing=-
    As the daughter of a weapons smith, Annekra was taught how to make weapons, how to tell metals apart and to see the quality, or lack thereof, of a blade. With their keen eyesight and incredible muscle mass, Gryorga are known to be some of the best Weapon Smiths around.

    -=Enhanced Strength and Durability=-
    Like any and all other Gryorga, Annekra is much stronger than a human. Her muscle mass is much thicker and more compact, like a bullet-proof vest below her skin. That, along with her thick bones and hard skin make her about as tough as a rock.

    -=Knife Wielding=-
    As taught by her trade, Annekra carries a weapon on her person at all times; her usual choice being a pair of curved hunting knives. She is quite talented at the use of these and her compact build allows her swift movement for the use of them.

    Mother – Blyuths Tannematyl

    Father – Greplia Oprelahtyl

    Oldest brother – Marvia Grepliatael

    Younger brother – Petli Blyuthstyl

    Youngest brother – Nianda Blyuthstyl

    "Illyu" - The Gryorgan word "Illyu" is a word they use for friends, though the bond they are describing is much stronger, like a sibling or a child. "Illyu" roughly translates into "off-kin".
    "-tyl" - "-tyl" is the ending of the surname given to a Gryorga that has been carried by their mother. Their surname will be the mother's first name followed by "-tyl".
    "-tael" - "-tael" is the ending of the surname given to a Gryorga that has been carried by their father. Their surname will be their father's first name followed by "-tael".
    "Threabon" - "Threabon" is an expression used by Gryorga that expresses the burning sensation in their eyes when it is too light out. Also used as a word for "day".
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AliceZaru


    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    Aurora Floren Eveneens



    Outfit -

    Supporter of the Immortal Nine




    Quiet/Shy <> Aurora, born in a small town her mother and father kept her out
    telling stories of people killing and tearing each other apart. These stories went
    on through-out her life..and now she is scared of humanity. Though many people
    have attempted to help her meet new people to try and overcome her fear. A lack
    of socializing leads to a quiet life, standing in her bedroom all day, doing simply
    nothing. Quiet as she only stays inside and outside when needed.

    Optimistic/Un-Trustful <> Though she is scared of humanity she attempts to be happy
    of life, hoping and encouraging others. As she is very hopeful of the future that many bring.
    Aurora is very untrustful of others, stories from her childhood had..her not even trust a soul
    unless they were her parents.

    Loyal <> Once Aurora gets to know a person its as if she is attached to them like a sticker.
    Staying by there side at all times and protecting them if needed. Like a small companion
    those who are loyal to her are recalled as Friends

    Ambitious <> Aurora is very ambitious when she is alone, completing many goals when she
    is in this type of mood. As she works harder and harder than most. Cooking, cleaning, fishing,
    seemingly everything can be done when she is in this mood. Though she has some longer goal
    that she hopes someday completes but first has to build the base of these goals.

    Cheerful <> As she is able to get to know someone she will oftenly smile and be more active around
    them, friends who do know her, know the hapy side of her..as she is very friendly and calming when
    she is near her friends or her relatives. Active...as always she would always be talkative and hyper
    around them.


    Aurora born in the north of a cold area, "Hamuri" which is known for growing various, unique types of trees.
    As Aurora was a child her mother and father teached her about 'humans' which they stold stories of
    men and women sucking blood, ripping each others guts out. Aurora, stunned by these stories she had stayed
    alone from humanity itself with only for her moher and father to care for her.

    As Aurora got older she began to learn something odd, unatural to human life, mahoi-magic, it was very odd
    to learn learning spells that were dangerous....but passive at the same time, seemingly young at the time
    she learned how to fight but also heal the wounds..of others. Though know one had teached her this
    magic she had naturaly summoned it. Odd it was, keeping as a secret from her parents she would
    live on..keeping a secret.

    Times seemed to get worst for her family. Her father became ill as he..began to get treated by my
    mother the cold was swirming around...floating like an insect holding all the virus to kill man/woman
    itself. Her father died that day..once he got the sickness..died of the flu, cold it was...as my mother
    left me. Leaving the house in an instant with my dads body....were am I going to go?

    After the incident, many of the nearby neighbors..had gotten worried as they began dropping by
    the small cottage that I lived in. Aurora, scared for her life she needed to go, only packing a few
    foods and a red cloak to support her in the cloak. Years and years of walking in the dephs of the
    earth. Suddenly a 'special' years came..an odd year it was..meeting up with people that supported
    the immortal nine, guessing this was my large step...It was time for me.

    Weapon of Choice
    Aurora has no weapon of choice but she does
    defend her self with a few spells up her sleeve.

    Powers & Abilities

    Healing - Aurora has began to heal, healing others if needed...though still scared she is barely
    skilled to heal anyone yet, only having much force to only heal scars and scraps on the skin.

    Magic - Having a very, unknown understanding of magic as she has trained herself to study magic
    physically. Though she doesn't use the elements or any sub-elements, using sound as her defense.
    Sound magic is very unique as the user can stun or hurt..the opponent with large, banshee, like

    Having no relationship as she only relates to herself.
    Though she is fixing to meet the 'people'. Currently
    though she has know one that she currently knows.

    If the RP is full then, mind keeping this reserved?
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ethir


    Member Offline since relaunch

    Hatter- Thank you for reserving a spot. Please PM me when your CS is completed and ready to be reviewed.

    To the rest of you (and any newcomers) - I will not be accepting or rejecting any new characters until all the currently reserved spots have been edited with a CS and I have made a decision with them. This is to give the reservationists a chance to get their creation reviewed before I start taking on too many characters. I hope you don't feel I'm being unfair, but I run things on a first come, first served basis.

    To those who have reserved a spot - When your CS is ready, please PM me to let me know so I can read through them and make a decision.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Mad Hatter
    Avatar of The Mad Hatter

    The Mad Hatter ... All the best people are

    Member Seen 18 days ago

    Yes, of course. Just a quick pick, though; how do you feel about my character's race?
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ethir


    Member Offline since relaunch

    I see no issue with your race description, feel free to use it.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grothnor


    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Lol, I don't even have a character, but I've already been accepted.

    I should probably fix that.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ethir


    Member Offline since relaunch

    Oh, no I put the current reserves in the accepted list to show people there are places to be filled before I accept any others..:o
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mind of Madness
    Avatar of Mind of Madness

    Mind of Madness Sanity overrated

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Reserve a spot for me please, I am near done with CS.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ethir


    Member Offline since relaunch

    Consider yourself reserved~
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mind of Madness
    Avatar of Mind of Madness

    Mind of Madness Sanity overrated

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Name:Jonah (No last name) Nickname: Ghost

    Age: 156 (Looks like he is in early twenties)


    Credit to Mineworker of Deviant art~

    Race: Elf

    Allegiance: Supporter of the Immortal nine

    Class: Assassin

    Profession: Strategist


    Quiet/Analyst: Jonah has never been a man of frequent words and mainly speaks with those apart of his guild those who can sympathise his need to end ones life before they know it has slipped like sand through there fingers. He is quick to assess a situation and react according to that situation, he can come up with a masterful strategy of combat before the enemy knows that a blade has been shoved through there ribs.

    Talented/Quick: He has been known to surprise an opponent in battle while he wields his hald hand blades taking his young appearance for granted, to hide his elf nature he cut the tips of his ears off similar to a humans to give people the idea of humanity. He can hold his own against opponents many times larger then he is.

    He is nimble and fast able to close distances between a room and to someones heart in a fraction of a second, has had many jobs where the target was a party of people and quickly went about the room cutting people down like sacks of potatoes.

    Ghost: Most people other then his guild has seen him in person, those who see him usually don't live past those few seconds of seeing his white hair and blue eyes, before everything goes red and life slips out in a short agonized breath.


    Jonah was found out in the rain by a member of the Assassins guild and brought in side and cared for by a female human assassin who raised him like her own even though he was an elf. She was in her early twenties and was the child of another member of the guild who had recently died so she had taken Jonah to sooth her wounds and prevent Jonah from experiencing the same. Raised from such a young age Jonah learned the art of killing at the age of six when he pressed a dagger into the heart of a man who was attacking a women in a dark alley way, ever sense that moment Jonah would never be the same and felt his bloodlust grow day by day.

    He began training night and day for many years honing his blades and preparing to one day become an assassin of the guild, when he turned thirteen he was assigned a job with another member of the guild. During the task he was to support the superior assassin with distractions and other things needed, though as a test the other member told Jonah to be the one who snuck into the room and to deal the killing blow to the target. Jonah entered the room without a word, he saw a young man, wealthy and strong sleeping soundly in his bed. He did not waste time with observing the sleeping target nor did he ponder the reason he was a target in a graceful arc he brought his blade through his targets throat spraying the walls with crimson.

    From that day Jonah would be a member of the Assassins guild and carried out his tasks with quick, deadly percision that got him his nickname, Ghost. Having being an elf his mother passed well before he was considered to be an adult of his race, realizing this he toke the tips of his ears off in comemoration to his passed mother. People caught on that he did this and suspected he had done it to blend with humans better not knowing the real reason behind his purposes so he allowed them to think the way they did. He is now 156 and has lost count of the people he has killed for his guild.

    On the day of the Empresses parade when the guild were assigned shifts in order to watch her and make sure things were going smoothly Jonah was blending with the crowd disguised as an old woman who was following the empress every move to make sure nothing happened. Then Jonah saw Nerom a highly respected member of his guild listening to the story of an old man, Jonah blending with the crowd joined him from the opposite side to listen to the banter of the old man.

    Weapon of Choice: Two Half hand swords.

    Powers & Abilities:

    Magical prowess is very good as he uses his magical powers to create illusions upon his enemies, or to change his appearance to hide his actual look to avoid further issues. He in turn is an illusionist with his magic but has also been knowned to increase his movement speed with his magic.



    Nerom Degrasse.


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