Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan023


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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The day before....
It is the year 2015 and it is the last day of August in the city of Tokyo, Japan. It is a cold summer night as the head of the Hyper Medical and Technical advancement incorporated, more commonly known as HMTAI, stares out over the city by himself his white business suit and blue tie flowing with the cold summer's air. He had just got done making sure his plan to...reallocate the city itself as a perquisite for his plan. Of course he couldn't keep what was going on in this city private forever but he intended on making his little game last for as long as he could. Well at least everything was somewhat going along as he was actually gaining majority control of the city from the government rather quickly. Well then it had been quite some time, what now past at least twenty years since he found the sekirei he had so meticulously groomed for this specific little event and it had been at least two...three weeks maybe since he had let them all loose? Things were going much better for Magoichi Hanabi in that area than the others as there were already multiple heads in certain areas as it seemed certain sekirei had been matched up with the perfect ashikabi just as planned. The man had spent so many years making this company that he fancied the title 'The King' for himself amongst others and had even gone as far as to start thinking up names for major players in his plan as they appeared. So far he supposed no one truly deserved the nicknames he gave them minus the Northern and Western ashkabi who've both been very active in the hunt for more of the wingless girls. The man smiled as he looked up towards the pitch black sky as he chuckled to himself, "All things will come eventually I suppose after all it's only been two weeks and I can't expect ALL my little children to go and do amazing things just yet. They've been cooped up for so long with those blasted scientists and what not I don't think they are use to this cultural shock just yet. Well I'm sure they'll get along after all what else could I offer to them? I have taken care of them all for most of their lives if they can't take care of themselves now they should FIND their true love in this blasted city already" Magoichi said with disdain as he kicked the nearby railing that kept people from falling off onto the city from their tall tower. The king smiled as he wondered what kind of various wonders and events awaited him! It was almost to exciting to imagine! Then of course as he started to hit his stride the elevator opened up behind him and he didn't need to turn around as he figured he already knew who would be coming out. "What the actual hell Hanabi I told you not to take long in the god damn bathroom and here I find you goofing off on the roof? Why am I not surprised...you've always been like this. You know when the board of our company comes they expect the CEO to be there! David Summerset said frustrated but not angry exactly as the two had gone beyond hatred for one another's actions long ago. David was Mago's long time friend or rather well known acquaintance as far back at Magoichi cared to remember. "Oh come now David you know that I dislike all that business with the old people down there...it makes me fall asleep I'd rather not make an ass of myself listening to old people chat. The King answered as David took a breath of his cigar and then walked over to Magoichi. He was gnawing at his lower lip as he smacked Magoichi upset the head and nearly flipped him over the railing. "AHHH WHAT THE HELL!? You could have killed me! I'm your boss you know Summerset! Magoichi said as David grunted and leaned over the railing looking over the city. David didn't apologize. "We're not kids anymore Magoichi! We're freaking men and we need to take care of business like men! I can't keep covering for your ass you know and this sekirei plan...yeah I hope you don't go overboard because I don't want to get involved in this too much. Magoichi looked at David as he said that and smiled. "Very well I'll try and act more adult like for you my dear friend. Now why did you come up here?" Magoichi asked David as he panted and breathed in heavily trying to concentrate on regaining his fortitude because he almost got SMACKED OFF THE BUILDING by his best friend! "I came up here to tell you to get back inside because it's cold big guy. You should at least bring a warmer coat when you sneak out of meetings. David said as he ran his hands through his white hair and let loose a mixture of steam from his mouth and smoke from his cigar as he tapped the ashes off his cigar on the edge of the building on the other side of the railing. He co-owned the building so who would complain about it anyways? "Awww that's very kind of you David! I'm glad you think about my well being!" Magoichi said with glee in his voice as he tried to hug David but he stepped off to the left instead and Magoichi leaned back on the railing instead. However David decided it'd be better to get out of the cold weather and turned around, "Hey don't stay up here for too much longer. If you get sick I'm going to still make you work. I'm your helper not your god damn maid you still got to do your own job. David said before entering the elevator. The King grunted as he responded, "Of course David I just need to finish some phone calls... Magoichi said pulling out his phone and smiled, David shrugged and went down the elevator what he didn't hear however would have frustrated ever so much more... "I'm going to change up the game a little for the little birds of mine." Magoichi said as he dialed the number.
Next day 1:00 PM September 1st

It is yet another bright shiny day in Tokyo Japan as Brandon Hunter finally exited from his early classes in the morning as usual and yawned deeply as he walked down the hall to his destination in the front of the school. Brandon Hunter wasn't too use to Japanese culture just yet and their language still made him raise an eye brow but the young American was not here to gawk at the nation he was here to learn. So far the impressive array of skills his teacher had impressed him, he supposed it had to if he was a Japanese college teacher, and it was much different than his high school setting back in the states. As Brandon walked down the hall way he was eventually met by his friend, and fellow American, Jake Suleiman, who was often made fun of because of his generic sounding name, but in actuality Jake was a pretty cool guy once you got to know him. "So man how were you classes man?" Jake asked as he pulled his red fedora back down a bit as the sun from the nearby glass windows shined in his eyes. He asked as if he was disinterested, and he was, but he normally had a lower monotone esk voice that sounded like he was Eeyore from the show Winnie the Poo but really he was just a laid back guy and he didn't keep to that voice all of the time. Jake slick back his brown hair with his hands as he started to contemplate what the hell he was going to do. "Hard man...hard as balls...I mean really that stuff I just learned makes me want to saw my brain out and put it in an ice cooler to keep down the swelling. TO. MUCH. INFORMATION." Brandon said as he rubbed his temple gently. His headache made him feel as if he were going to explode into tiny bits and pieces. "I really was about the same thing about that saw man. You know I have a vivid imagination man! I hate hearing things like that it makes me feel...weird you know. Sup Kaito what's up man?" Jake said as he walked up to a young asian man with puffy black hair. Kaito Takahashi looked at his friends and sighed deeply as he looked at his companions. He pushed his glasses back up his nose and he grunted, "Jack, and Andrew I hope you're adjusting to Tokyo? It takes time to get everything to settle in for foreigners but Tokyo is still a nice city." Kaito stated as Brandon nodded to Jake who grunted, "For the umpteenth time we're not 'adjusted' to the city yet Kaito as you just said it takes TIME to adjust to this shit. Not that Tokyo is shit but-you know what never mind I'm sorry." Jake said as Kaito sighed to himself and looked back at Jake. "No offense taken I suppose now what are we going to do now? I have no classes until tomorrow and it seems you two are out for the day seeing as you don't have too many classes." Kaito commented dourly as Andrew sighed. His two friends here were always like this arguing about useless things they both knew were beneath them and finding stupid things to annoy each other over like how Jake has adjusted to Japan, which had been rather poorly having only gotten to this school because of some big money he had saved up. "Whatever man let's go get some ramen." Andrew said as Kaito conceded to the fact he was hungry and would like some ramen as Jake grunted indifferently to it and said sure.


Magoichi's portrait

David's Portrait
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan023


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Amami Yamashita woke up with a loud yawn, as her eyelids lazily fluttered open. Amami had nothing planned for today nor for the two days that would follow as her bank was closed for renovation, a minor one but intrusive enough that it required the bank to be closed. So, when she woke up she did not spring to her feet to get ready like she usually would. Instead, she lay with her eyes half-open, contemplating whether or not she wanted to go back to sleep. Ultimately she stood up with a loud groan of discontent, realizing that she would have to get up at some point so it was best to do it now.

When she got to her feet, she found herself dressing in normal clothes, a plain white shirt with a black jacket, blue jeans and a pair of boots. She wanted to go out and do something, even though she wasn't sure what that was at the moment. Grabbing her wallet and shoving it into her jeans, as she didn't believe in wearing a purse. After all, keeping everything important to you in a usually open-topped bag slung loosely over a shoulder seemed stupid to Amami. She grabbed her cell phone and slipped it into a jacket pocket along with her set of keys before leaving her apartment, shutting and locking the door behind her.

With that done she set out to wander the city, perhaps in search of adventure and perhaps in search of a quiet day. Amami herself wasn't sure, or at least not until she stumbled upon a small Ramen joint in downtown Tokyo. It was an unassuming place, but as Amami's stomach reminded her, she hadn't eaten breakfast that day. So, she stepped in and found a seat, ordering a standard bowl of Ramen, as she didn't feel like thinking about it too much. Soon the food came and Amami dug in, eager for something new and interesting in her otherwise unassuming and boring day off.
#46 Kasumi

Kasumi ducked under opponent's strike with the ease of a warrior who had been doing this for her whole life. In truth, that was because she had been. However, right now she wasn't in an honorable duel with another Sekirei, no she was fighting a human. She'd seen 4 men ganging up on a young woman as she ran across the roofs, and so she stopped to intervene. As they were human, she couldn't fight with her axe's blade or with her full strength, but that didn't matter. She drew her Greataxe, much to the fear and surprise of the humans, but one was brave and rushed her with his metal pipe, throwing his all into a powerful swing at her head.

Though it was powerful and fast to him, all Kasumi saw was wasted energy, improper handling of the weapon, and an attack that was clumsy at best. She easily blocked the blow with her axe's hilt and responded by striking him with a light strike to the gut. However, light to a Sekirei and light to a human were two different matters. The man fell to his knees clutching his stomach while the other scum looked on in awe. Kasumi turned to face them and drew back, as if she were about to use the double-sided axe as it was intended, as a fatal weapon. However, instead she said calmly "Collect your compatriot and do not trouble anyone again, should I see you again I won't be as merciful." They stayed for a brief moment, trying to remain defiant to the woman, but quickly caved in, grabbed their friend and ran away.

Before the woman could thank Kasumi, she'd already slung her axe back into it's rightful position and leapt onto the nearby fire escape, climbing to the top of the building. She did this so the woman would think she was some martial artist, and not suspect the truth. It was best if she dragged as few people into the Sekirei plan as possible. So, with a light grunt, she took off in the opposite direction, heading for the center of the city. That was an area that no one Ashikabi would easily claim, due to it's obviously central location, so it was where she was safest.

Arriving after several minutes of jumping, she went to her usual resting place. This was the top of an apartment building, whose residents never came up to the roof that Kasumi knew of. Up here, Kasumi had a small existence secured for herself. A rag and polish for her axe, a sleeping bag and a sharpening stone, all bought with money that Kasumi had come across one way or another. She lay back on the bag, setting her axe on her stomach and sighed, thinking to herself "Ashikabi-sama, where in this city are you?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Mao casually walked through the city pondering where her Ashikabi might be. She wasn't fretting about it too much. The Ashikabi would be found one way or another. What she did worry about though was that she only had the one bottle of Sake on her. It wasn't going to last long and she hated finishing the last one. The last bit of it dripped into her mouth little by little until not even a drop was left. With her mouth curling into a frown, Mao tossed the emptied bottle into a trash can and continued her march into the city. Now that her sake was gone, the thing that brought attention to her was the outlandish outfit she wore. It was like someone was walking around in cosplay for no reason whatsoever, however much truth was there.

A brave enough person walked up to her with a friend and asked, "Who are you dressed as?"

Mao was throughly confused. Dressed as? She wasn't trying to imitate someone to the best of her knowledge. She watched little T.V. in her time as a child and it was not something imparted on her easily as she could never keep all too many characters straight. If there was no interaction with someone she couldn't be bothered to keep that knowledge. "Umm. I don't know really? Myself I guess. How about you? Who are you dressed as?" She questioned right back.

The guy and his friend were taken aback. "I don't get it. I've never heard that line before." He obviously didn't understand.

Mao was getting a little annoyed. "Then you don't need to." Bluntly. "I'll take my leave then." She didn't really care much at this point. Walking past them she kept her eyes forward not worrying about the guys behind her. She hears something behind her, the two guys, complaining about her attitude. "Like you're any better, geez."


Sitting on the veranda of the Shrine, Amane drinks freshly made Green Tea. The Shrine is in fine shape compared how it was when her parents were taking care of it. The Dojo and Archery Range are used every now and then, but not now. All is quiet around the shrine leaving a peaceful and serene mood. Amane stares blankly towards the arch entrance of the shrine. "No visitors today." She wasn't surprised by that. People didn't visit all too much aside from festivals and when there were training camps from the local schools. It's tough when people ask for the chance to hold a camp there as males have a negative effect on her but she somehow makes it work.

Finished with the tea, Amame put her set up. The old set goes into a cabinet where it belongs and the Shrine Maiden walks outside. As with her normal daily schedule the broom is taken and used to clean the pathway from the entrance to the shrine itself. It didn't take too long to sweep the path clean since it was an everyday habit. "I wonder if we'll receive any donations." With the rise of the common era and the rise of science, the belief in the gods of the old ages has dwindled greatly. The name of the deity enshrined here has been lost to time and only rumors remain. One of the rumors implied that the deity was one that enjoyed the spirit of archery and is a possible reason archery is practiced. "Maybe there will be better luck tomorrow with that."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


"Oi! 'ho's this then?"

Something cold is pressed against a sleeping man's head. It would seem he was napping in a place where he was not welcome? But looking about, broken furniture various bottles litter the floors along with others who seem to being sleeping it off as well. Right the cold sensation. A gun, but the man shows no sign of alarm, and for a moment, yes, he did in fact fall back to sleep.

"OI! I can't say I 'pprectiate being ignored friend!"

He grasp the man by his shoulder and shakes him before placing the gun once more back against his forehead. The man squints the loud noises and bright lights are aiding in his coming too.

"Can I help you?"

The drowsy man yawned out. Perhaps he is unaware of the rather precarious situation hes in.

"Yeah, you may! What'chu doing in ma home? Fact' What you doin in mah town?"

The hammer goes back on the pistol as if to add a dramatic flare to the question.

The man being questions Is Michael Mythos, and though most would be alarmed at their imminent death it sparked a smirk only the morbid curiosity of I wonder if? Mike, for the first time squints at the man 6'4 burly, hairy......Dude should put a shirt on. Right recap, last night some sorta celebration for somebody. His capillaries remind him of the amount of drink consumed as they constrict adding pain to his rather amazing morning? His eyes search for more clues, It would seem to be night?

"What time is it?"

As the words escape his mouth, the gunmen stares. He can't even be angry, he is in utter disbelief, Without thinking he checks his watch.
"4:45....My pad simulates lunar light."

Michel nods in approval, "Nice, probably why this hangover is just barely agonizing. Can you hand me my shirt? Oh and my jacket....You can keep the belt I don't feel like looking." He stands up with a stretch. The gunman no longer even seems to care, HELL! he even got his belongings for him? Perhaps this is the same as mind control? The gunman looks around at his trashed "pad" and runs a hand through his hair.
Michael pats him on the back as he straightens his rather smooth looking blue suit jacket. "Your sister is still a crazy minx, ill tell C.B you send you regards." And with that Michael turns and walks out the front door, escaping capture!

"Wonder if it's a Tuesday. "
24 hours earlier


Neon lights, and a bass that makes it so you cant even breathe. Bodies move about each one attached a mind who seeks an escape into the moment. Dancing about in tandem with the crowd she counts the 300 the song seems to be on an unnatural interval. She closes her eyes anticipating the drop, ready to really feel the music.

"Beginning retrieval."

Though she danced as if it a choreographed performance from above it was clear she was moving through the crowded floor. Stepping free of the sea she checks the layout once more. The music never leaves her but it does not distract, more it would seem to help keep focus in the madness of shifting lights. Her eyes narrow as she spies a single man rather out of place considering the amount of...coupling, he looks to be bored....How can he not at least take pleasure in the music? Such a strange man, what is he drinking?

Unbeknownst to her, she had began to near him....Very near.

"Well this is a little bit of a switch." Utters the strange man with a smirk.

She blinks and fights back reacting as the inner voices scream to run flee along with various insults about her immaturity. She coughs into her hand, and turns away trying to act as if she didn't acknowledge his comment.

"Hes not really being negotiable tonight, just a heads up."

Not one to turn down free advice, but the man just upgraded himself from weird to fascinating. She turns back to him, "What makes you think I planned to do anything with the Mr.Lawson?" She crosses her arms and waits, rather child like in the eagerness to hear his response. But when one tries to conceal themselves, to have been read so fully....

"You don't reek of disgrace, I don't know you from "work" annnnndddd " He laughs standing up. "Well lets not spoil it. We can talk more some other time, laters."

She hides the disappointment well, but being pulled along and then giving the reward....REWARD....She can't help but at least treat him to the Audible "tch"

"Awwww shes mad."

She visibly winces as she hears the man get his last words in before vanishing out on the dance floor.
How much time had she just wasted?! She had even dulled the sound of the music, its a different beat? Damn it. That never happened back on point. She resumes her route to a man surrounded by ladies at various stages of dress, an illustration of power perchance? He did seem to be bitter as the other man had forewarned. Thankfully the distraction had not made her to far behind schedule as he was on his fifth drink. Stepping up to the man, he leaned back gathering an opinion of her.

"I am here to aquire the funds in which you have owed a Ms.White. I am to understand you will comply?"

He stared at her many would have backed down but unfortunately she viewed him for what he was, a dog. This trash just tried to intimidate her, no matter, the other man was far more interesting. Perhaps a little more flare and this one could pass for peacock? Such childish thoughts, she scolded herself as she returns to the matter at hand.

"So she sent me a plaything for the night? Ha! Tell Ms.White I decide when and how I pay her, to think she turns to call girls for what I could have turned down in an email."

He chuckles and turns away from her, as if to say he is done with it. She smiles internally as the song in the back ground reaches climax, as if to que her. A step leads into a turn her smooth movement would seem as if ballet right before her leg shoots to the sky , her heel an axe to the table. The bottle that was sat upon it quickly finds the mutts forehead.


He starts to stand his hand covering his eyes to wipe the blood, but its only a step in her dance! As he raises shes already spinning in the air using the the gap in his vision to leap above him. The man gasp in shock as he feels her thighs go around his neck. At first hes confused is this good thing? The feeling of him being pulled off his feet helped him confirm, this is a very bad situation. The following sharp pain filling his back made him blind to the Monsters movement!

"I am not a bitch. But I may have fangs."

The Sound of his kneecap popping was nauseating, The girls about seem to become aware of whats going on. Screaming and scattering like the vermin they are, distracting form the beat. She allows herself to show the disdain for the chaos, followed by stomping the dogs "Paw" with her healed shoe. The sound of her heel hitting the ground, and the mans gasp make the sound of the knee a pleasant pluck of a lyre.

"A-a-ahahaaaalright." his sobbing is so irritating.

She removes her heel from his hand, and motions for him to get moving. Watching with some pity as he squirms away from her. After a few minutes hes limping back with a rather unsightly duffle. No respect for music nor taste in apparel. A dog through and through. She takes it with a smile

"Ms.White will appreciate your compliance."

Walking out of the building was more an obligation than a desire, but she did stay to the end of the set. As she exited the interesting man was there. His smile follows up with a comment, "You look happy to see me. Already dreaming of me?" She was confused at what he meant till she figured out that a smile was on her face. Her blush almost matches her eyes, but her wit allows for a bite. "Only if my dreams are filled with disappointment." He fires back, "You know the bag is full of disappointment as well?"
The sound of a record scratching resonates in her brain. SHE DIDN'T CHECK IT. Her eyes widen as she rips it open. It was as he suggested....Papers...Money is something she doesn't really follow. But it was the goal...Its not here, the mission failed, she failed. Its over There is no value to her life. Everything is over. How can she have had such an oversight.
The feeling of two hands massaging her shoulders jerk her back out of it.
"You seem tense. Just relax. All things in time, am I right?"
Before she can respond hes handing her a card.
"I know relations formed over times of intense situations are generally bad. But I must say you are entertaining. You should come by when you have had time to do as I say. Relax Miss Red.
His smile is both scary and lovely.....As if he would murder her, or propose.....
He walks back inside with a simple.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Andrew, Kaito, and Jake walked towards the northern corner of the city of Tokyo the group talked about various things including but not limited to: Pokémon, the latest game in the Tales of ____ series, and all sorts of in-jokes especially Jake's seemingly magical sense of knowing when shit is about to hit the fan so to speak. "Remember the time when you won the paintball game when we first met Jake? You dodged a literal bullet and the enemy player hit his own guy and you somehow managed to get the other guys as well? Those were good times man." Andrew said smiling and laughing as Jake sighed. He hated that story at this point because he only dodged it because of sheer luck and the fact that he sneezed. Afterward he tripped and broke his gun and had to withdraw from the fight. Jake was on Andrew's team at the time but only because they needed a spare and Jake had some spare time. Jake was kind of a friend's friend who became Andrew's friend rather quickly. But it wasn't the game that started their friendship that was just when they met. Kaito grunted with annoyance as he HATED paintball but was a massive gaming dork like Andrew. Kaito was the type of guy who was OK at sports but he got off on his smarts and was no jock. "How droll... can't you think of or talk about something that did NOT revolve around the sport of shooting each other in the face? At least in the realm of gaming I can relate to you dweebs. Kaito said plainly as Jake groaned and rubbed his face only for a group of guys in black leather jackets to shove him aside. Kaito frowned deeply. "Have we become sixties American gangsters? Or is the thug look just in? I suppose it is better than looking like those rappers in the market today. Kaito commented as Jake flipped the group off and turned around, "Yeah I mean honestly who wears those jackets anymore? And is it just me or is the street more crowded than usual?" Andrew asked as he looked around the street and saw a bunch of people in suits, casual clothes, and other assorted equipment walking around. Normally people were all at work right now. Regardless as the group arrived at a nearby ramen shop they decided to order immediately and just eat as fast as possible. Kaito had to go play a game of Halo with his friends and Jake wanted to take a nap so Andrew supposed a quick lunch for be the best.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan023


Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Amami emerged from the Ramen stand with a smile on her face. Her stomach was now full and so she was ready and willing to go face the day. She began to casually amble towards the northern side of the city, with the intention of meeting up with some of her friends. They were old college pals who had also come to Tokyo seeking jobs, so Amami had kept in touch with them. Sure, sometimes seeing them brought about unpleasant memories, but it was a small price to pay for having such great friends. Besides, who else had she gone into a real battle with? Who else did she share such a close bond with? The answer to that question, of course, was nobody

As she was walking, she noticed a girl jumping along the roofs with a big axe on her back. Amami furrowed her brows and mumbled "What the?" However, she didn't consider it for very long, deciding "She must be practicing for a movie or something" At that, Amami continued her walk into the Northern part of the city, watching various people walk by. Eventually, Amami found a seat on a bench and began passively people watching, enjoying the view as they walked to their various destinations. She wasn't sure why, but today felt different from most days, and Amami was looking forward to uncovering the answer.

Kasumi lounged around on her roof for a few more minutes before deciding to get back out into the city. She got up and stretched with a yawn that didn't befit a seasoned warrior like Kasumi. It was light, girlish even, it was the yawn truly befitting a still young woman. She grabbed her axe from where it lay on the ground and gently locked it onto her back before taking off across the roofs of the city again. About a week ago she'd heard of a place where people could still go to practice fighting. It was a place for normal people, sure, but if she was careful then she might just get away with it. The place had been described, at Kasumi's request, to her as a Shrine, so that was what Kasumi looked for. However, then an arrow embedded itself next to Kasumi's feet, and she turned to find another Sekirei facing her. The woman wore a shortened version of a Shrine Maiden's outfit, and held a bow in hand.

"I am number 26, Kumiko, and I would like to challenge you to a duel in the name of my Ashikabi." Of course, Kumiko didn't wait for an answer either, she was already prepping another arrow. Kasumi, however, didn't want to fight without her Ashikabi. After all, what would be the point in a duel if she didn't have a cause to fight for? So Kasumi drew her axe but began to flee, heading for that Shrine. After all, she reasoned, they couldn't fight with too many normal people around. It took minutes of jumping and narrowly dodging arrows, and indeed one she didn't dodge lodged into her left arm. However, as she jumped into the shrine, an arrow caught her in the lower leg, causing Kasumi to release a loud yell of pain as she smacked into the ground with a loud THUD! She could hear Kumiko coming up to finish the job, and though Kasumi ripped out the arrow and readied her axe to block, she wasn't so sure if she could win. She got to her feet painfully, and readied to fight whether she liked it or not, even though she could hear people in the Shrine.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

With the two guys behind her now, Mao continued through the city. It was funny how little change there was no matter where she went. Maybe she just got caught going in circles. "I don't even know where to go." She complains to herself.

From her side she hears a voice, old and hoarse, "You there, girly." Looking around for the source, Mao spots it. An old man with a load of something. "Girly, help an old man out would ya?" The pack looks like it contains bottles of some sort. "I'll even give ya' something nice in return." The old man says with a wink.

"Interesting." Mao comments, "And what exactly do you need?"

"Just need you to carry this pack to my shop near here."

The Sekirei couldn't think of a reason not to. It might lead her to her Ashikabi and it felt good to help people as well. "Sure, why not. It's the least I can do for the aged." The man chuckled at the reply and handed over the bag to Mao. She didn't know why he would've guessed she was strong to carry the bag easily but at the same time, she didn't care. After reaching where she was needed, she put the bag down for the old man. It was an alcohol shop. As thanks the old man started to hand off two of his bottles of sake. Mao's excitement increased as she went to reach the bottles, that is, until they were swept away from right in front of her. "What?"

In her excitement, Mao missed the person coming from her side. The person on roller-skates seemed young, too young to legally drink. This shocked Mao at first. "Wait. . ." Then the shocked turned to irritation, "Why. . ." To anger, "YOU!" The pure fact that someone stole something is what angered her the most and not what was stole. "GET BACK HERE!" The roller skater was already a distance away, but that was nothing for Mao. Eventually catching up with him she grabs him and holds him up with a hand. "Bottle." She demanded holding one of her hands closer to one of the boy's. Unwilling to get a bruise the boy complies and hands both back. "Now get." Without complaints the boy skates away.

Now, slightly exhausted from the sprint, Mao stumbles over to a nearby bench. At first Mao didn't notice the other girl on the bench but quickly made notice. "I'm sorry, is it alright for me to sit here?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan023


Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Amami looked up in surprise when saw a teen on roller skates blow by her bench, with some objects clutched tightly in his hands. What was more surprising however was that there was a woman right on his tail. Soon, to Amami's surprise, the woman caught him and took back the objects in the boy's hands. The boy skated away rapidly, leaving the woman in the dust. The woman seemed tired, and she soon began to make her way over to Amami's bench. When she plopped down on it, seemingly oblivious to Amami's presence, Amami snuck a peek at the objects to find they were bottles of Sake

It was then that the strange woman acknowledged Amami's presence and asked if it was okay for her to sit there. Amami gave an instinctive, light giggle and smiled, saying "Well of course, I don't own the bench." She nodded in the direction of the escaping skater and commented "Nice running, I knew a few people who were runners but I was never into the sport myself, didn't much like running for no reason." She giggled again but then blushed when she realized she hadn't even introduced herself. She added hastily "Oh, by the way, I am Yamashita Amami, but you can just call me Amami."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Still inside the house, Amane had started to prepare tea when she heard a loud thud outside. Well, it wasn't just a thud but a pained voice calling out as well. No one normally came to the shrine and even when they did, it didn't lead to screaming voices. However, it was still a set of loud noises and she could only imagine what it was. Walking outside, she looked around for the noises. It was then that she finally figured it out, a girl with a humongous axe. Humongous by her standards at least as she had never seen something bigger than a fire emergency ax. Her outfit was slightly strange but that was besides the point for now. She seemed injured. If the assumed call from her earlier wasn't an indication it would be the bloodied arrow nearby. "!" The girl seemed to be defending from something, an archer? Nonetheless she needed to help the girl and Amane ran over to her, "Are you injured?" A slight tone of worry overcame her natural vocal tendencies. "Should I. . . Could I carry you inside?" Amane doubted she could even lift that axe up, even so, it was worth it to ask.

Mao smiled at Amami blushing, "Cute." However, when the girl introduced herself she nodded at her and replied, "Mao, just Mao. You can call me Mao. Nice to meet you Yamashita Amami." At this point she opens one of the bottles and drinks a bit out of it. "I will say though, running's not really my thing. I'd rather be punching or kicking to be honest but most really couldn't take a hit, you know?" Mao chuckled a little at what she just said and took a sip of sake, "Or maybe not, no offense to you, but you don't look like someone up for a fist fight or maybe you just look like someone I wouldn't want to be in on the wrong side of a fight gone wrong if that makes sense." Again she chuckled and took a sip and looked over the girl, she was cute for sure and as far as Mao could tell the woman seemed sweet and innocent. Still, looks always cover something about a person and Mao had nothing else to do. Putting an arm around the other for a little bit of leverage, Mao continued to speak, "Want a sip? It's pretty good."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan023


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kasumi looked over in surprise when a civilian ran up next to her. The woman asked if she should carry Kasumi inside, but for now no answer was given. Kasumi was still watching Kumiko carefully but thankfully the other Sekirei left after loosing one more arrow which embedded itself into the ground in front of Kasumi. Kasumi breathed a sigh of relief and replace her axe on her back. She the gritted her teeth as she reached over and yanked the arrow from her arm as well, yelping in pain and letting it drop. With that she turned to the civilian and said "No, I can walk on my own, thank you though." It was a young woman who had come to Kasumi's rescue, cute but her garb clearly showed she was the Shrine's keeper. So Kasumi gave a small bow before saying "My name is Kasumi, thank you for your help, the archer backed off when you came out."

Amami blushed further when Mao said "Cute", however she assumed that was just a joke. She giggled self-conciously but didn't do much else to that. However, as she continued to listen, she found this Mao intriguing. She cocked her head and listened, deciding on what to do. Then, Mao put an arm around her and offered Amami a sip. Ordinarily she'd say no, but she decided to live a little and replied "Sure." With that, she grabbed the bottle and took a brief swig, savoring the Sake. She smiled lightly and asked "So, what are you doing around here?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Closing the phone, she sighed.
The night prior she had failed in her objective, but Miss white was not even concerned? She allows her to remain with no questions, she was all but certain she would have been evicted for failing. Come to think of it, she didn't really request her to do it perhaps that's why she was so forgiving. But it feels like an obligation that nothing is allowed to trouble her caretaker.
Her thoughts move on to what to do to pass the time. Searching for her Ashikabi is a primarily focus, but honestly she needs more Intel before she can make an adequate grid in which to search for the man in question. Assuming it is a man.
She sighs running her hand through her hair as she feels a headache coming on from the stressful thoughts. Looking around she takes in her environment, it seems like she stopped to think in the middle of a crosswalk. The horn blowing is quite annoying. The urge to take out her stress on the vehicle was almost to much for her will.
"Are you stupid or something? Get out of the way you moron!"
She reaches for the scythe, "relax" She finds the words echo in her head, looking down she seems to have grabbed a business card from her bag.
Deluna looks at the card and then back to the man, relax echoing in her head. Relax. Relax.
Opening her eyes once more she smiled warmly at the driver. A spin a step and her heel was denting in the hood and large smile on her face. It was relaxing after all. As she removed the heel from the hood the man just stared in horror. Deluna walks to his open window, and leans over pulling back her hairs as to ensure her eyes are easy to see. The crimson gaze is put off by her calm smile. And warm words.
"Relax. All things in good time."
With that Deluna decides to go to the business cards address....
Its just a picture of a smile?
"Ha, such an interesting man!"
She begins to wander aimless, but free of her normal thinking. Just relaxed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"God damn it!" Izumi cried out angrily as she dodged a couple of the oncoming flaming slashes from her oncoming enemy. She had already been forced to nearly kill one sekirei today and she was worn out and the worse part was that this was probably the doing of someone she knew. "You're only going to make this harder on yourself you clod!" screamed the sekirei number 61 Azami as she sent another round of flame magic towards her. She seemed to hold a mixture of fire and wind magic. Wonderful! "Don't stop Azami we almost have her!" Azami's ashikabi sounded out to her as Izumi narrowly dodged the next set with a couple of rolls. This wouldn't be so god damn hard if it weren't for the fact that there was no one around her! Where was everyone? The city yesterday had been filled with people and she had been surprised she had not run into any of these fucks the other day! "I'm sorry hunny but it will take a lot more than you two to do me in. I've fought more powerful people than you blind folded!" Izumi warned the sekirei as she once again tried to slash at her leaving chunks carved out of the concrete. "Then why are you running away you bitch!?" The sekirei growled at him as Izumi pulled out her sword as she ran and prepared to slash through a small tree up ahead. Izumi didn't answer the small sekirei chasing her instead she pretended to trip but slashed through the tree instead and kept on going into a roll. Luckily Izumi was quicker than the girl despite her drained stamina and hoped that the tree would take an attack and slow her down at the same time but it was wishful thinking Izumi thought as she ran.


As Brandon's friends finished their food they all forked over their money to pay for the bill. No one ever picked up the bill in whole. Each guy pitched in unless one of them offered to take the other two out for a night on the streets of Tokyo. Kaito didn't really like walking about so he decided to run home to get to studying but Jake on the other hand ran his hand through his coarse sticky blond hair as he told Brandon he wanted to take a walk real quick like. "Bro I hope you don't plan on purposing to me you dick." Brandon said sarcastically as Jake laughed, "You got to be a LOT more handsome for me to do that you bastard." Brandon laughed as Jake did and they both left and said goodbye to Kaito who told them to get a room. As they walked down the street they noticed it was getting dark out. Jake didn't talk much which puzzled Brandon's mind as he wondered what was up with his old pal as they walked together passing the occasional passerby. "So what's on your mind man?" Brandon asked as Jake groaned and pushed his hat up as he looked into the sky. "You know big guy I get these feelings that shit is about to go down? Well I got that feelin' in my insides again and I don't know what's up am I just nervous? Or is it something else that I'm not thinking of?" Jake asked plainly as Brandon raised as eyebrow. Jake wasn't the sort of guy to make things seem overly dramatic but he laid it on real thick right there. "Yeah about that man you probably ate some bad miso soup or whatever the hell you ate in that place." Brandon said passing it off as Jake looked up at the sky questioning and grunted before pulling his hat back down and nodded at Brandon. "Yeah man I'll be seeing you later dude." Jake said as he bid his friend good night and the two went the opposite way the other went heading back to their houses. But Brandon decided it'd proably be best to cut through the park. It was under construction and not many people would be around there during the night.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Amane ushered the girl inside making note of the arrows that were lodged in her and in the ground. Leaving her alone for a little, Amane grabbed bandage wraps from another room. Kept inside a closet, these turned out a little less useful than the sticky Band-Aids that were constantly used on kids that trip going up the stairs. At least she could deal with children. Upon her rapid return she wrapped up the wounds like a novice. The least it could do for the moment was stop the bleeding. After finishing she sat nearby and just stared at her. Her outfit seemed like something out of an anime . . . Or something of the sort. She had only seen a few things of anime in the past and wasn't all too sure about it anyway. "Amane Yokoshima." Her name though a little late. "Is there anything else you need?"

Mao pondered this Amami girl's question. "What am I doing you ask? Sometimes I ask myself the same question. I'm looking for someone and to be honest, quite unsure of what they look like." Another bigger sip of sake later, "It'd make everything a whole bunch easier if you were who I was looking for you know?" A chuckle followed by a silence. To fill the void Mao sipped her sake a bit more and then offered again, "I'm hoping the person I'm looking for's not a lightweight. I'd like people I'm partnered with to drink with me after all." Where to go now? "But yea, that's about all I can comment on that subject."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan023


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kasumi gave a slight bow after her wounds were treated, and her usually hard as steel face broke into a slight blush. Kasumi could feel the blush, but she wasn't quite sure why it was there. She set her axe in front of her and replied softly "Actually, I just came here seeking a place to spar. The Archer attacked me on the way here, her name is Kumiko, and we have...reasons for fighting." Why she'd let slip that much, Kasumi didn't know, but she felt she shouldn't continue. She offered softly "If you wish, I can aid you in taking care of this shrine for a time, in return for your help." She gingerly got to her feet, wincing slightly at the pain in her leg, and locked her axe back into place on her back. It was then that she noticed Amane looking at her clothing, and questioned softly "Is there something wrong with my clothing."

She was currently attempting to pinpoint the source of her blush, and was coming up with nothing. She couldn't quite comprehend it, though on some level she knew what it meant. The only reason she'd be blushing around a stranger would be if her body had begun reacting. For now, however, she wasn't willing to act on it. She had to know what kind of person this Amane Yokoshima was if Kasumi was to bond with her. That, of course, was why she'd offered to aid in the Shrine's upkeep. It'd expose Kasumi to her more often and permit her to judge the other woman's character.


Amami furrowed her brows at Mao's description of her purpose in the area. She was looking for someone, but not someone whose appearance she knew? That was strange, but she couldn't quite call it much. [i["She must've met someone on the internet or something.[/i]" Amami decided, and after a moment of thought, realized she had nothing better to do with her time. However, then Mao finished her sentence, and she was re-considering her offer of help for a brief moment. The person she's partnered with, huh? What on Earth could that mean?

However, Amami decided that didn't matter for now. She looked over to Mao and offered "I can help you find this person." She thought for a moment, before adding "Do you know anything about this person? Anything at all?" She must know something, Amami reasoned, and maybe they could turn that something into more somethings. When those somethings added up, they could eventually find the one Mao was looking for. Amami smiled, with a plan in mind she was much more confident in her chances, then joked "I'm afraid I'm not special enough to be the subject of a hunt."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"There's nothing wrong with your clothes. They just seem off to me." Shaking her head back and forth slightly, Amane moved on to the other girl's talk of staying and training. "I don't think there's a problem. . . So long as you help take care of the place as well." She looked at Kasumi's axe. The weapon wouldn't work well in the Dojo. "When we do train though, I would like if you'd lose the axe. I have other things we can use here." Silently she got up and walked our and started to heat water for tea and returned. "Are you ill?" Amane then asked, noticing Kasumi's blushing. "Your face is flushed." Going back to the water she readies the rest of the tea and brings the teapot into the room with Kasumi. "Tea." Amane said as she presented a fresh cup of tea to Kasumi. "It should make you feel better."

Mao thought about it a little more, "Nope, I'm pretty sure I don't really know anything about them. . . Well. . . I should know the person when I see them." Her first bottle of sake disappeared after that. It was saddening, but there was more still. "You'd make for a great "prey"." She said with a giggle. "But like I said, I should know the person if I see them. I just need to go around and look at people. To be honest, you're the first person I've really sat down and talked with." And I didn't even spill anything important.
"Still, I'm just floating around the city sleeping on fire escapes and the like." A chuckle. Why stay in a hotel or something? The street was fine. "The city is an interesting place, let me tell ya."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan023


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kasumi at first nodded in acceptance, realizing she was dressed quite differently from the more conservative outfit that the shrine maiden wore. However, then the woman said Kasumi wouldn't be able to use her Axe. This dumbfounded Kasumi and at first she couldn't think of a response. During that time Amane left briefly and returned with tea. Kasumi said softly, her voice betraying some trepidation "My axe...I've wielded it ever since I was a little girl. I...don't know if it's possible for a Sek-..someone like me to fight with a different weapon than their own." Kasumi's blush deepened slightly as she realized this woman was going quite out of her way to aid Kasumi, what with the tea and the medical help despite the obvious fact that someone was after Kasumi. She slowly began to drink the tea however, saying softly "You..went out of your way for me, however, and put yourself at risk by helping me despite the fact that someone wanted to terminate me, so I will abide by your rules and do my all to ensure no harm comes to you or your shrine, Ashi-" Kumiko quickly covered her own mouth and blushed further for a moment before it lessened slightly. She'd almost called that woman "Ashikabi-sama" and it was best if she didn't do that yet, despite the fact that it grew harder to resist the urge to emerge by the second.

Amami raises an eyebrow at Mao's first barrage of words. She didn't know anything at all about this person? If that was the case how could she hope to "know them when she sees them"? Amami mentally shrugged that off though, she'd just have to trust the other woman for now. Then, she revealed that she had been sleepin on the streets, and Amami knew she couldnt stand for that! She brazenly stood and offered her hand to Mao, saying "You can sleep in my Apartment from now on them, at least until you find this person! I can't just let you stay out on the streets!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

How long had it been? Searching a city, this massive population of strangers and potential enemies. Her feeling of relaxation had long since faded, honestly she was questioning the lapse in judgement.

"Relax he says. Wander around with no rhyme or reason is how I translate that?"

She grumbles at her idiotic whim. Distracted as she is, the one following her hasn't escaped her notice. She curses her ridiculous eyes, probably what gave her away. After all she dressed a little more down to earth. The red dress fit comfortably and the black jacket....She looks about, okay maybe shes a little to dressed.
She listens and can hear the hustled pace, the fool is making this to easy. But Fighting out in the open like this is hardly a good plan, to many witnesses, not to mention the casualties and or potential shields.

"Guess I could get a morning workout in."

And with that she shot off, Graceful despite the dress and high heels. She turned down a dead end ally, and turned to face her assailant. As it comes with the territory the attacker was a young girl, she looks about 14, and dressed completely bizarre even for a sekirei's standards. A jester comes to mind, but with cat ears?

"You know I was arrested for indecent attire, but at least I had color coordination. Purple and green, but the cat ears are red?"

Rather than retort the little thing attacks her. The little clown kicks a sphere at here, to which Deluna dodges easily. What throws her off was the detonation! She reacts to the sudden force in spades, gracefully stumbling forward. She attempts to correct her step but being leaned over made her chin to pretty of a target. The Sudden trauma shakes her brain dazing her, rather than think muscle memory kicks in. Making her regain footing despite the urge to fall go ahead and count the stars she was now seeing. Just as she gets her bearing another kick lands, this time to the back of her head. Its times like these that make drilling make sense once again her muscles react before her brain saving her the impact with the ground.

"Well so much for honor, and respect in battle. Am I right."

A familiar voice fills the alley. To which Deluna reacts with a instant shout.

"Run! this is no place for you!"

A grunt follows as shes kicked in the stomach hard enough to lift her from the ground, and into the nearby wall.

The man laughs, rather loudly, he puts his hands in his pockets taking a relaxed posture calling out to her.

"Miss red, To be frank, it seems its very much not a place for you. Rather than me."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Mao was slightly shocked by Amami's forwardness in letting her into the woman's apartment. "Don't go saying things like that unless you want a girl to think you're into her." Laughter on the tip of her tongue, Mao attempts to keep a serious look on her face as she looks at Amami but loses halfway through the battle. Hearty, cheering laughter erupts from her lungs as she grabs Amami's hands to get up from sitting. "I'm joking if you couldn't tell. I will thank you though. It's the first time someone offered to take me in. It means quite a bit." Tossing her empty sake bottle in a nearby receptical, Mao flicked her red hair out and rested her hand on her hip, "I guess I'll take you up on your offer though. I don't feel like I'll find the person today." After a quick search around Mao then asked, "Well then, I guess you can lead on."
"Ashi? Ashikaga Shogunate?" Amane asked. History was one of her stronger subjects in school. Regardless, if you desire to know why I forbid your axe, it would break the Shrine's equipment easily." Quickly leave her guest, Amane heads for another room. This room in particular held many of the supplies necessary for the Dojo and Archery Range. Naginata, long pole, bows, arrows, quivers and guards. After retrieving a Naginata and a wooden staff, she headed back into the other room and let them down on the ground next to Kasumi. "These are the weapons we will be using here. Shinai are also usable but you would need to gather that on your own." She poured herself more tea after finishing her own and offered to pour more to Kasumi. Her miko outfit having ruffles in it, Amane looked down and smoothed them out. "Tell me if you ever want to train. I am available most any time."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan023


Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Amami blushed again and looked down in embarrassment, saying "Well don't get the wrong idea I'm just a nice person." With that, she added "I'll lead you to my apartment then, I've only got one bed but I've got a nice couch." So, she turned and started walking back to her apartment. After several minutes of ducking through alleyways and around crowds, she arrived at the front of her apartment building. Heading up to the 4th floor via the stairs, she stopped at the 3rd door from the right and briefly fumbled with her keys in her pocket before pulling them out and unlocking the door. She stepped in, pulling Mao along with her, before shutting the door and saying "Look around and make yourself at home I guess."

Kasumi quickly nodded, saying "Y-yes, Ashikaga." That was rather obviously a cover up, but right now Kasumi didn't care. She listened to Amane's justification for her not using her axe and slowly nodded. That did make sense, her very real axe could easily break the facility. When Amane showed her a Naginata and staff, Kasumi slowly nodded. She didn't have any experience with these weapons except fighting against them, but she decided it was best to learn new weapons as well as her own. She slowly nodded and said "I understand, I look forward to training with you." She gave a short bow and accepted the offer of more tea, sipping at it and keeping her head slightly bowed so her blush was hidden, saying "As promised, if you need help with any chores or anything else, just say so Amane-sama." Kasumi just couldn't bring herself to not give her Ashikabi, or at least the one her body wanted to be her ashikabi, the proper suffix.
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