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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It is the year 2013, September 1st and it is a special day. The Sekirei plan, a secret plan developed by HMTAI INC (Hyper Medical and Technological Advancement Incorporated) has initiated it's stage one. It is the release of all 108 of them including the first ten. Magoichi Hanabi has already taken over much of the city and his partner David Summerset is already working on claiming the rest. Various Ashikabi have already winged their sekirei in total about thirty have been winged including the infamous discipline squad. However the majority if not all of the people in the city have no idea about the sekirei plan at large in their city. With the intention of finding their Ashikabi and fighting for them and their love. With dreams of winning the grand prize the ashikabi and their sekirei fight one another all for the plan made by 'The King' Magoichi Hanabi. However Hanabi has been keeping a secret to be sprung soon...the secret being that an alliance based battle will take up the majority of the plan...and they need to rely on more than themselves to find the one sekirei of destiny amongst them.

1. All rules of normal roleplays apply power playing, overpowering, and meta game along with the other typical rules.
2. All explicitly sexual scenes that aren't PG 13 (Kissing and the like are example of what is allowed on the guild) are to be taken to private messaging.
3. Clothes rip and tear and of course this is based off an ecchi esk anime but try your best not to get to explicit in your wording if you must have female or male bodies showing.
4. The singular number Sekirei up to number ten are not to be picked due to the power advantage they have on other sekirei.
5. The GM's word is law period.
6. Only two sekirei are available at the start.
7. All characters are to be at least eighteen years old.
Character Roster:
Brandon Hunter - VanceXentan
Amami Yamashita - Spartan
Amane Yokoshima - Pyromania
Izumi - Vancexentan - Winged by Brandon Hunter
Mao - Pyromania - Winged by Amami Yamashita
Kasumi - Spartan - Winged by Amane Yokoshima

Deluna - Eliminated by Discipline Squad
82, 29, 45, 101, 98, and finally 53 All eliminated in The Northern Sekirei Hunt
Character Sheets:

Ashikabi Sheet:

Special Skills: (Computer skills, karate training, military training, etc)
Sekirei Character Sheet:
Nickname: (Required for Sekireis because they are all known by an Alias of some sort Karusuba was the Black Sekirei and Yume was the Sekirei of Fate for example.)
Sekirei Number:
Sekirei Norito: By the ____ of my Pact/Contract/Pledge, My Ashikabi's ____ shall/will _____ (Examples: By my fist of the contract, my Ashikabi's perils will be shattered, By the thunderstorm of our pact,our Ashikabi's perils wil be (completely) destroyed!, By the Four Winds of the contract, My Ashikabi's dark clouds will be blown away)
Sekirei Type: (Sekirei who use their hands are called fist types, sekirei who use water are water types, etc. Put what type of ability your sekirei can use be it something like matsu's technological skill or musubi's fist type abilities)
History: (This is revolving around his or her time at the labs and how it was growing up there. Some people have fond memories of it while others complete despise it. Include his or her impression of the world and how he or she has viewed it since leaving the island and or the HMTAI Facility they were in)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Brandon Hunter
Nickname: Silver
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Sexuality: Straight

Special Skills: Gun Training - Quick Reflexes - Excellent planner and organizer
Personality: Brandon is normally very relaxed but dedicated person who has always gotten the job done for himself and his team. He likes a good challenge and gets very competitive when things start to get 'interesting' to him. He is normally polite and courteous and has a personal code that he keeps under most circumstances. He refuses to drink alcohol and he does not believe in gods nor masters only himself. He loves the chance to show people what he has in his skill set and when something doesn't live up to his expectation it get's to him somewhat. He is not above playing dirty if someone else is and one of his favorite but most underused tactics is the ambush preferring quick hit and striking. As a student he tends to be a great advisor and supervisor at club events. He is known for his love of dogs especially when it comes to volunteering at animal shelters and his favorite subject is history. When angry he tends to be very arrogant and carries himself like a jerk. Brandon detests criminals to a great extent and has taken action against more aggressive criminals. He is a firm believer in justice and an eye for an eye and he refuses to simply give up without a fight only giving up when things have become beyond hopeless.

History: Born in Massachusetts Boston he spent most of his life in the city. His father was a former soldier, a marine in the U.S.A Army, and his mother was a doctor whom took care of him after he broke his arm in a training accident put him in a hospital for a month. He spent his younger years mostly just going to school and playing with friends as he really was not much of a TV or a reading person in general. Brandon was the sort of kid who was pushed by his dad to become better however and it would effect him for the rest of his life. He loved to play games that let him play a role like cops and robbers and this helped hone his reflexes that he would train later in life. His teachers noted him as a rather kind and reasonable young man and had little trouble from him. When he did get in trouble it was simply defending himself and or his friends from bullies or otherwise rather small things like not bringing in his homework or the occasional hooky. He had no qualms fighting bullies on their own home turf and he always was one to pay back a debt owed in one way or another. His father taught him how to use a paintball gun and it turned into a hobby for him along with shooting at gun ranges. It was one of the times his dad said that he needed to be more manly and Brandon immediately took that as a challenge. He enjoyed the challenge he and his friends had when they went to fight in paint ball tournaments and he grew particularly good at anticipating and moving around the court. He was promoted to his team's strategist at major tournaments and they even won a very trophies. Each member of his team had a nickname after a metal alloy of some kind and his was Silver. He was a member of the golf club and helped promote the sport at his school. He transferred to Tokyo to go to college and he learned Japanese from the Rosetta Stone program within a couple of months.

Sekirei Character Sheet:
Name: Izumi
Nickname: The Grey Sekirei
Sekirei Number:

Gender: Female
Age: 26
Sexuality: Leaning towards Straight but Bisexual

Sekirei Norito: By the swift death of my Pact, My ashikabi's enemies will be broken.
Sekirei Type: Sword Type Sekirei - Causes her sword to channel energy which can be used for ranged slashing attacks or to form an invisible after-slash. (Think of a person blocking her attack and then getting hit somewhere else afterward. It can be blocked if the enemy has something covering that area or if the original attack is dodged.)
Personality: Izumi is a girl who is somewhat blunt and honest about how she feels. She tends to hold grudges and tends to hate people go back on their word. She however knows that there are some promises you simply can't keep. She loves birds and has a fondness for dogs. Izumi desires nothing more than to simply enjoy life but she has a fondness for a good fight here and there. She tends to curse when angry and has a strong sense of modesty. She is a person who follows the rules but only if they don't get in the way of her own rules. She dislikes when people give up without a fight but is always willing to hold out a helping hand to those she sees are in need of a true friend. She has no interest in murdering anyone but the sekirei plan has her hands in a knot. She has a particular dislike of 'The King' and his 'Bishop'. When things get really dangerous in combat she tends to lose herself to the battle and become a cold blooded killing machine losing most of her morals and her only concern at that point would be the protection of her ashikabi. She also has a tendency to become heavily sarcastic when annoyed and when in a dangerous situation that is outside of combat or a situation of importance she turns into a cautious woman who can be considered rude by some others see it as her being honest.
Born into the world on the island of the sekirei, Izumi was taken care of by HMTAI and raised by a man known as Kuro Masumoto. Her early life was filled with wonder of the world around her as she was raised alongside number twenty one Minami. She was assigned her number when it came her turn to receive it. Izumi and Minami loved each other like sisters and spent a lot of time together training and becoming stronger. When they weren't training they were often playing together or with the other sekirei around their age who were around the facilities. They promised they would do their best to become the best sekirei ever. Eventually however things took a darker turn for her and her world became bleak as she learned of her true nature and what she was destined to do. Not one to deny facts she accepted what her life would be like after the incident. Izumi not only had a bland outlook on her immediate center but she also had a rather bland look on the outer world as well due in general because of the channels she watched on the TV she watched with Kuro. However Kuro promised her things would get better in the world and maybe she would be the one to do it. It was much later when the duo of Minami and Izumi were split apart from each other. Minami was taken elsewhere away from Izumi and eventually she was taken to another area all together. Izumi spent the majority of her teenage years learning in a group that she would not tell anyone about. She was noted for having a rivalry with numbers seventy and fifty five as well during her time there. She grew to hate two people in particular for some of the events in her life being Magoichi and David. She has spent a few weeks now out in the real world living at HMTAI housing while looking for her ashikabi whom she has yet to find.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan023


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Bios to be made today, I'll make Amami for Pyro and I can make a solo Sekirei if someone doesn't want to play both, but otherwise I'll make a pair
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ok then sounds good enough.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Glad I save all my CS's to the documents folder in my computer.

Name: Mao
Nickname: The Flamefist Sekirei
Sekirei Number:

Gender: Female
Age: 21
Sexuality: Bisexual

Sekirei Norito: By the Ember of my Pledge, My Ashikabi's fears shall turn to ash!

Sekirei Type: Fist Type Sekirei - Mao can send off blasts of energy which appear as fire that have the same amount of power as the source’s power (the power at which she punched or kicked to send them off.) Since the bolts have a short ranged before losing effectiveness, it is best incorporated into her actual punches and kicks to increase their damage.

Personality: Mao is an energetic, forward and mostly optimistic individual. She doesn’t worry about speaking her mind about most situations or her feelings. She enjoys fighting but will do what her Ashikabi tells her in that respect albeit with a discontent expression, yet still understands when she’s outclassed... And outnumbered. For all she’s worth, her head is almost always cool in a fight. One of the woman’s favorite things next to fighting is sake and her tolerance for alcohol is pretty high leaving her able to drink a lot. On the other hand she despises squid in any form. She thinks them too squishy.

History: In the beginning of her existence she lived as many of the other Sekirei and raised by one of the HMTAI staff who’s name she couldn’t recall from that time. During this time she pondered her own existence. Was it worthless? Surely there were better. She spent a lot of time with sandbags. When it came time for her to be branded her number and learned what she was to do, she found purpose. Her view switched to a happy go-lucky attitude over time to where she is now. She enjoyed her time training until the point she was released into the world where she enjoyed walking the streets and seeing the people, hoping to find her Ashikabi sooner rather than later.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'll accept it like last time but in my opinion you could add a bit more to it Pyro. I'm working on increasing and changing Izumi around and Brandon as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

I'll look into updating some of it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Spartan put his CS in the wrong place. I'll see if I can get a mod to move it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Michael Mythos
Nickname: Plague.
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Sexuality: Straight.
Special Skills: Engineer, Driver, and Painting.
Personality: A masked person to say the least. He seldom lets on more than two emotions pleasure or being bored. His favorite thing is watching people squirm and break under times of pressure, or better still the ones that are made of real soul! Never without an idea, or some basic understanding, he will never allow himself to be surprised, in fact if he is ever thrown off he is able to feel another emotion, irritation. Another notable personal issue is his doubts, he knows what he is capable of but not another single living soul is true to their word. NO one.

History: A child of wealth, and political clout he is very much used to people following his instruction. In addition he is well acquainted with the expectations of others upon him, he has been handling power since he was the president of his class in middle school, till he became the lead developer in a think tank. But back tracking back to the time he spent enrolled in his classes he began to play games setting up the popular children against one another, till eventually he began manipulating the faculty and staff to pass the time. He considered the military but they have limitations and to the amount of power they can truly have.
He found himself drawn to engineering simply for the fact it challenged him. Be it cars or chemicals he dabbled in it. Lockheed and Boeing have both used him in the past, but it was rather tired of the idea that his life would involve moving nothing more than nuts and bolts. He found himself young rich and bored. Doing the only thing young wealthy Americans do, he parties. He parties hard. Thanks to his chemical engineering he began to dabble in more effective versions of his favorite "skittles" but then he got into his new favorite past time. Her Name Deluna.

Other :Theme
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I will have a cs for my sek in a few.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan023


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Amami is first, different pic because I lost it but same Bio, sorry about the mix up, still not entirely used to the new system -_-

Name: Amami Yamashita
Nickname: "Breeze"
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Sexuality: Heterosexual/straight


Special Skills: Kendo(Limited Level) - Public Speaking/Conversation - Singing

Personality: Amami is a very sweet girl by most perceptions, a girl who goes out of her way for others. She is frequently referred to by the name Breeze because of how lightly she seems to glide through conversations, always seeming to say the right things. Amami will do anything for her friends and loves them dearly, however she hides a darker side. Amami is a revolutionary, always seeing how things will be better, and she strives to make that happen. She is known to set her eyes on a goal and rush towards it, not blindly or ill-prepared, but her pride prevents her from backing down. This has been known to lose her friends, as even when odds are against her, she stands her ground, even if she has to hurt someone, or be hurt, to do so and she expects the same from others.

History: Amami was born in Japan, and progressed through school as a mildly impresseive student. She had good grades and didn't make trouble, which allowed her to reach high-school. Amami was never bullied, but she did observe others being bullied, and frequently attempted to step in. Though this usually failed, Amami could always be counted on to return, this time with followers and friends at her back.
She also learned to sing growing up, a talent she cherished having and groomed as well as she could. To Amami, singing was something special, a way to communicate emotions and thoughts in a way that grabbed attention. She also learned Kendo when she reached High School, a talent she decided to gain because she had always found swords to be fascinating.

After she finished High School at age 18 and went to University in nearby India. This, however, is where Amami's nature got her into trouble. When she arrived at the newly-minted university, she found that the whole place was as corrupt as it could be. Police happily took bribes and practically served as a private army for local crime bosses, who controlled the local government as well. Amami wasn't willing to suffer this, and so she took action.

Amami succeded in getting her followers, as always, and thus began the so called "Student Revolution". Students rose up, wielding whatever they could, to attempt to get rid of the local crime bosses. They succeded, but not without losses, something that deeply troubled Amami. The gangs, which held no power outside of the area of the university and it's outlying towns, were gone, and Amami finished college in peace. However, true to her nickname, the Breeze floated off after college, back to her homeland.

Amami went to Tokyo to get a job, however her years spent overseas weren't helpful in this regard. She was able to secure employment at a Japanese Bank, with her degree in business aiding her. However, she is still new at this job and is fairly untested. Amami, the Breeze, stands ready to live out a life of peace, however, things rarely go as planned.

Other: Amami keeps a short-sword in her room, a relic of her student revolution, and refuses to draw it unless in defense of her ideals.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ok then I'll wait until you got both to grade them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Anami looks good
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Deluna
Nickname: Bleeding Cresent
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Sexuality: Bi
Sekirei Number: #17
Sekirei Norito: By the Blood of my Contract, My Ashikabi's Desire will Eclipse all
Sekirei Type: Wind Scythe, Her technique, the "Tempest Scythe" Is an ability that is tied into her movements, as she rotates both herself and her scythe the air around her begins to follow suit. The winds themselves become her weapon pulling her enemies within her reach, at her climax the air can whip the flesh stinging it or exacerbating wounds to earn her nickname the Bleeding Crescent.
Personality: A woman who is displeased with the disgusting world and all but a few who inhabit it. Weakness displeases her, those that can not do what is needed may as well be acting against you. She tries to keep composure but her depression leads her to show her softer side far to often, her own weakness upsets her often. Constantly second guessing herself and full of regret, she searches for escape.
History: Her world has never been one with the deception of living a happy life. Her weapon in hand was the first memory she truly maintained, and her closest friend beneath her, she wonders why and how. Nightmares plagued her, blurring the line between reality and the dreams, but for her the waking moments where far greater the nightmare. Bleeding people dry and watching, it shatters you. Till your soul is bled out, Even in a controlled environment where they would be nursed back to health, you still question humanity. Your purpose is murder? No no no you are not a weapon? But wait you are a key? No a tool? What am I?
Friends seemed to be such an abstract thought once you practice techniques that are so disgusting. Her adolescence only made this more difficult when she was thrown into a larger group. But this life was just absurd wasn't it? Or was it a blessing? To know your purpose, to have an objective pre-established for you. A rather disturbing event happened, she found an answer. Nothing matters anyway. Time is brief, Spend it the best you can. Enjoy every second! Find that moment, squeeze it dry of ever last drop. Bleed it out, bleed it all out.
She entered the world looking for a Ashikabi who could really pull her out of her reality. What she found was a man who had a similar view, but not because he had some horrible childhood, no. She found a man who came to similar ideals from an understanding of what he called the "human condition". Pointing out to her that she is just as much human, if not more so than the maggots who squirm about just trying to get by. His words had an odd charm, his eyes where not hollow, this man held for her the escape she desired. For he too had a dark way of bleeding others dry.
(I am off to my night class, but I wanted this up for consideration. My grammar is poor, but this is the gist of the pairing. I am planning on a second but I wanted to see what you thought of this one first.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I would appreciate changing what her super mode can do. It's kind of hard to understand in my opinion. Sekirei tend to use outside sources for power during their norito super mode anyways. My sekirei for example uses energy to conduct either a super powered slash or to unleash a deadly sharp energy slash. Think of Danzo's Awakening from Naruto Shippuden Storm 3. You can look at his moveset on youtube if you need a specific visual style to see what I mean.

Other sekirei control wind (mutsubi), gain increased power (Yume), or gain stronger versions of their normal attacks (sekumei, kazehana, Benisubasa etc)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I edited it and was Mike's cs appropriate?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yeah now it's just OP leaving you with an almost incredibly easy way to kill just about anyone outside of the original ten discipline squad members. If you want to control air currents to make air slashes in a similar way to Izumi without the charge or just simply use the wind to be able to make you swing your scythe faster or for a harder swing that would be acceptable on the other hand.

Your ashikabi on the other hand seems ok.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan023


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Kasumi
Nickname: The Viking Sekirei
Sekirei Number: 46
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Sexuality: Straight

Sekirei Norito: By the strength of my pledge, my Ashikabi's burdens will be split

Sekirei Type: A Weapon User, Kasumi fights with her Greataxe, she fights with it very quickly and, when empowered by her Norito, she has been known to cleave through solid steel and keep going afterwards. Her fighting style is a balance between speed and power, and Kasumi always goes for very balanced strikes.

Personality: Like all Sekirei, Kasumi is very devoted to her Ashikabi, to the point of death. Her Ashikabi also holds considerable sway over Kasumi, more than they may hold over some other Sekirei, in that her emotions are very easily altered based on what her Ashikabi says and does and feels. With others however, Kasumi could be compared to the very steel she can cleave through. Generally silent and completely implacable, Kasumi is a very dedicated warrior. Even outside of battle, she stays very quiet with anyone who isn't her Ashikabi, and trys not to show how she is feeling to others.

History: Growing up, Kasumi's adjustor was a man by the name of Hideyori Matsumodo, a Sergeant in the JSDF. He instilled in her the importance of tactics and of battle, telling her that there was no such thing as a fair fight. In fact, she had been told that if she ever found herself in a fair fight, then her tactics had failed. He also taught her about the importance of love, and thus the importance of her Ashikabi. She was always taught that her Ashikabi would be weaker than her, so she needed to be strong enough to fight for her Ashikabi.

So, when she was taken to train with the other Sekirei, that was all she did. She'd eat and sleep just enough to stay in top condition, unlike some other sekirei, and then train. She became very heavily adept with her great axe, and by the time she was aged 17, she was already able to weave through routines that would've made the veteran warriors of the Middle Ages, when the Great Axe was still used, quite jealous. Soon, however, the time came for her to be released into the city, and Kasumi found herself adrift. While looking for her Ashikabi, she regularly found herself disgusted by the vast majority of humanity, as most of what she saw, outside the average person, was the below average. She saw the murderer, the rapist, the cheater, and though she intervened any time she saw either of the first two, that didn't change the fact that it still happened. However, this just made her appreciate the soldier, the loyal husband, the dedicated student, even more, and one day, her Ashikabi would be just as appreciated.

(Her Ashikabi comes later tonight unless someone else makes one)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Need a norito.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'll phrase it different I can see how its viewed as op atm. I didn't mean to make it seem so God tier technique I apologize. I added more build up and dialed it back to put more importance on her prowess with the weapon as to not make her seem an elemental monster.
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