Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
Avatar of Genkai

Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago

[Universe 1]

Jennifer looked to the Dalek who got what it wanted. "What are you planning on doing? What are you going to accomplish? Is there someplace you can go, where you don't have to just keep killing? I mean this is a fresh start for you." Jen told it as they continued on their path now that the balkheads had been lifted. "I mean, you said the Doctor and you were so similar but I really don't see the resemblance at all. You're both going on about some war but it's over now right? Just leave it in the past and move on." She told the alien as they kept going along, it pointing its weapon at her while she had dropped hers in the hallway, deeming it pointless. "The Doctor is really great and you know what, you're not entirely awful either..." She was trying.

The Dalek suddenly came to a stop and shot up at the ceiling, creating a large hole.

Was it gonna escape? And do what?

She saw the Doctor toward him, carrying a large weapon. Instinctively she moved in front of the silent Dalek who seemed to be mulling over its place in the universe as well as what Jennifer had said to him. "There's no need to do this." She told the Doctor. "Why do you have to kill it? I mean yeah it did some bad things but it can change. And it is changing!" She protested. Why couldn't the Doctor see that? Was he so blinding by his hate that he couldn't just notice that the Dalek wasn't a blood thirsty thing anymore? The Doctor said it couldn't change and Jen gave hm a bit of a glare. Didn't he trust her word, what she knew? While limited, she knew the Dalek behind her. "You're not a killer." She told the Doctor, her look darkening.

But then the Dalek said the Doctor would make a good Dalek. She wanted to roll her eyes. Couldn't the two of them just stop? God, she felt like she was trying to separate two brats who were arguing about something that happened last week. The Doctor took aim again and she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Would he really shoot through her to get to a Dalek? It kind of broke her heart. He ended up discarding his weapon but she still wasn't happy with him. His intentions were somehow good and bad. The Dalek and Doctor exchanged more words, the Doctor explained how her DNA had somehow tainted the lone Dalek. Unable to stand it, the Dalek killed itself and it seemed for now, there was no danger. Jennifer still didn't feel any less relieved though.

Had she been feeling like herself, she would have tossed Van Statten a kiss but instead she just followed the Doctor, unable to shake the feeling of disappointment. They got back in the TARDIS and Jen walked over to him, tempted to start yelling at him. "That Dalek is wrong." She told the Doctor. "The war is over, you can't hold one Dalek accountable for all crimes just like you can't do the same to yourself. I don't know what happened back then but you're not a killer, you save and help people. You do a lot of good." Jen told him. "And you've changed just like him, when I met you, you didn't wanna be around anyone but still, you wanted to talk to that Nesting Consciousness, you wanted to talk before restoring to violence. And I really admired that about you." She smiled a little.

Then she moved over and hugged him lightly. "And you had a super awesome space ship." She teased.

- - -

[Universe 2]

As they went along, Summer asked if the world would really get overrun by the aliens, he shook his head, a little amused that she didn't get it by this point. "It won't happen, certain points in time keep things on track but for the most part, events are free to be changed in any sort of way. The reason why don't remember Carrionites is because they don't succeed." He told her. "Remember in Back to the Future when Marty went back and changed events so that when he went forward in time, his life was much better? Well that's how it works." He made a thoughtful face. He didn't want to get into it. Now wasn't the time. "Sort of." The Doctor waved a hand, certain that Summer would just trust him and hurry along.

Now time to put an end to these pests.

He looked around and suddenly one appeared, lovely.

The Doctor stepped forward, taking the invitation. Or bait, as some may call it. Summer stuck by him though his mind was back to unraveling the detestable fate they had in store for everyone. Before the man could say or do anything to Lilith, Summer stepped forward, saying she got it. He opened his mouth to stop her since he already predicted what she may do and it wouldn't work. He frowned at her attempt while it was good, it wasn't right. He shook his head. "That won't work on another one. Words are very selective and delicate. Naming them won't work multiple times and not like that, I'm afraid." He told Summer.

Lilith and Doctor then converse, his view of the witches only growing more dim. Planning an escape, she managed to snag a lock of his hair. She then flew off but not without stabbing him in the heart. While his name was a secret, there were other ways to get to him. Stumbling to his feet, the Doctor glanced to Summer before he blacked out. When he came around, Summer seemed okay which was quite a relief. "Come on, we need to hurry." He got to his feet with her help. "You're alright yes?" He had to check. She was and so he hurried with her back to the Globe Theater. When they got there, much to his horror, the play is already wrapping up. "No!" He pushed his way to the backstage, finding Shakespeare coming around, having been knocked out. The Carrionites appeared and the Doctor looked to Summer and William.

"We need powerful words, words of any sort as long as they have real meaning behind them." He said as he hurried onto the stage to see the gathered crowd in terror. With the help of Shakespeare and Summer, they settled on a handy spell from Harry Potter to drive them back to their own world, sealing the link as they vanished. "Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!" The Doctor declared, grin wide as the chaos subsided. He turned to Summer, suddenly feeling a bit drained and a bit tired. "I think we should take our leave now. I'm sorry this didn't go as planned." The Doctor said to Summer though this was becoming a habit and it wasn't as bad as it seemed. "It's been a real treat." He said to the playwright.

"The future is surely a sight to see, you two have stories of your own to write." The man smiled to them both.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
Avatar of Black Ninja

Black Ninja

Member Seen 10 mos ago

[Universe 1]

It did not take long to get to the TARDIS. Unlocking the door, the Doctor entered first knowing that Jen would close the door behind them. Heading over to the console, he did not speak but instead started to prepare the time machine to leave. He did not dare to look over at Jen as he had a feeling he would see anger and disappointment in her eyes. But she did not understand. One Dalek. That was all it took. One Dalek alone could destroy an entire city. Wipe out earth and then take on the universe. If it stayed that way, yes the Dalek would probably be destroyed but it was a smart creature. It would have found a way to start the process to create even more Daleks. His entire race would have died for nothing.

As the TARDIS started to leave, the Doctor steeled himself and glanced over as Jen came his way. He waited for her to tear into him. Patiently listening he was surprised that even though she did think he shouldn’t hold the Dalek accountable for the rest of its people she also came to his defense stating he was not a killer. That he did a lot of good. He started to shake his head. She did not really know him. He was a killer. He fought and killed. Billions of his own children died at his hands. All in an instant to end that war. When she stated she admired him he felt like a fraud. Perhaps if she knew the whole truth she would not agree with him. Stiffening a bit, he pushed her slightly away and turned toward the console.

“Thanks for your support but I don’t deserve it.” He declared not meeting her gaze. “He was right. I would make a good Dalek. To mighty civilizations gone by my hand.” He looked over at Jen, his jaw locked. “I made a choice that day.” He chuckled bitterly. “Save the universe but destroy my own people.” He looked away. “When I saw him it felt like everything I did, went to waste. I just takes one.” He said shaking his head. “Just one.” He rubbed his noise and cleared his throat. He glanced at Jen. “I’m sorry I scared you back there.” He stated. “But that’s who I am.”

And that was why he worked so hard now to give a chance. He did not want to take out the Nesting Consciousness but he would have if he needed to. He worked so hard to avoid violence and stop other civilizations from doing it. Not many people understand the true cost of war. Even the humans with their multiple wars that killed millions did not fully comprehend that full scale intergalactic, across time and space war. A war that millions died every second. But even if they did not fully understand, if he could just stop their conflict, if he could just reason with them, no one else had to die. Because in the end, everyone died. He just wished that once everyone would live. That he could step in and save everyone. But someone always died.

The warm hug caught him off guard. Despite all he said she still came up to him. He glanced down at her as she pulled back. His lips twitched as she mentioned his having an awesome space ship. Had it been anyone else he would have wondered if they just did not care. That they would allow wrong as long as they still got what they wanted. But he knew Jen wasn’t like that. She had stepped in between him and the Dalek. She had tried to talk some sense into him. And despite his anger, she still was willing to travel with him.

He shook his head. “You humans are something aren’t you?” He stated, though this time it was not meant as an insult. There was a reason why he liked traveling with human companions. They made him see things again. They showed him what it meant to be human. And she was right. He had changed a bit sense meeting with her. In a way, his hearts were actually opening up and were ready to let someone else in.

Turning back to the console he grinned. “So where to next?” He inquired. “Paris during Napoleon’s era? Ancient Egypt? The Holy Land during the crusades? Time of dinosaurs?” He looked over at her. “Or perhaps New New York?” The tension from earlier slowly fading the Doctor reverted back to his travel loving self. What was done was done. He just wondered if she would ever understand how bad the Daleks truly was. He hoped that she never would have to find out.

Suddenly the TARDIS jolted and dropped out into real time chasing a much smaller craft. Grabbing hold of the console the Doctor stared at the screen as Jen inquired what was going on. “It’s a Mauve.” He informed her. “The universally recognized colour for danger.” He chuckled when she mentioned red. “No. That’s just you humans.” He told her. “By everyone else's standards, red's camp. Oh, the misunderstandings.” He shook his head. “All those red alerts, all that dancing. No. Mauve is what everyone else uses for danger.” He told her.

The TARDIS jolted around as it chased the craft through time. When Jen inquired if it was safe, the Doctor nodded. A loud bang made him wince. “Alright. Reasonably.” He stared at the screen. Just great. “Well. Safe to us. However, it’s headed straight for London. It is probably going to cause some ruckus.” He grinned. The thrill of the chase was back on. It was good to be back.
[Universe 2]

Summer opened her eyes, her vision starting to clear. What had happened? She remembered going into the house and confronting the Carrionite and it backfiring. The woman had just laughed and then taken her out just by speaking. She looked over to ask the Doctor what happened but saw him on the ground. Forgetting herself, she quickly went over. “Doctor? Doctor are you alright?” She inquired worried.

She set her ear to his chest to see if she could hear his heart, as checking a pulse always seemed a bit difficult for her. She heard the clear thumping of one and something else. Almost like another one slowly picking up speed. Two hearts? She looked at the Doctor. She shouldn’t be surprised. He was an alien. She just didn’t think about how the interior would be different from human. She wondered what else was different. Realizing now was not the best time to figure think about it, she brushed the thoughts aside. Alright, so if his hearts were beating was he alright. She was grateful for that. It would have been a bit difficult trying to give him aid. How did one do CPR on an alien with two hearts? And the mouth-to-mouth. She felt her eyes go up to his lips. That might not have been bad. Closing her eyes, Summer shook her head as she felt the heat flood on her face. Sure the Doctor was attractive. However, that gave her no reason to think about such things. Besides, he was not doing well.

A noise caused her to look over. The Doctor seemed to start to wake up. As soon as his eyes were open he glanced over at her. Seeing that she was alright, he sat up. Slightly composed, Summer helped him up. “I’m fine.” She told him upon his inquiry. She made no mention of how worried she had been for him.

Seeming satisfied and a bit preoccupied by whatever worried him, the Doctor dashed off. Following him, Summer held all questions knowing that whatever was happening, speed was of utmost importance. Spotting the Globe Theatre Summer realized where they were going. So they had been right. The theatre had something to do with the Carrionites. Entering, Summer’s heart sank as she realized that the play was almost finished. Ignoring what the others might think, she followed the Doctor backstage where they roused Shakespeare. Heading out onto the stage as people started to scream, Summer eyes widened at the sight of so many Carrionites swirling around the room. Was it too late? Would history be erased? Would that mean she would disappear, having no longer been born?

Thankfully, it wasn’t too late. Listening to the Doctor, Summer glanced at the Shakespeare. The Doctor was right. Shakespeare would know what to say. He was brilliant with words. As Shakespeare started to wrap up, he frowned as he tried to come up with the last word. “Expelliarmus!” Summer stated remembering some of her friends use that word. It was something to do with Harry Potter or something. She had no clue what it meant. However, it seemed to work. The portal closed leaving the three of them alone in the Theatre. Everyone else had fled and the Carrionites that had been free had been trapped, sent back with the others.

Smiling, Summer exchanged a glance with the Doctor. Her smile faded a bit as she saw the tiredness in his eyes. She nodded as he stated they should leave. She shrugged when he apologized. “Hey, at least I didn’t get kidnapped or anything.” She replied. It had been an improvement. No vampire-like creatures to capture her, no Daleks to transform her. It was a bit strange actually. Then again, the Carrionites did knock her out so it wasn’t a complete loss. She smiled at the sarcastic thought. Turning, she nodded to Shakespeare as they said goodbye. “It was a pleasure meeting you.” She stated. It was. Despite the fact he hit on her the entire time.

Following the Doctor back to the TARDIS, Summer kept close. “That was nice.” She admitted, breaking the silence. “Despite the aliens trying to take over the world and all.” She glanced sideways at the Doctor.

She had come to realize that no matter where they went there would always be something like this happening. Whether it was vampires, aliens in the water or Carrionites, they would show up and the Doctor would deal with them. If asked a year ago, she would have denied and even done her best to avoid getting into trouble. But now… It was exciting. She was actually doing something. Well. The Doctor was doing it but she got to be right there and see it. She hoped this never ended. Who could go back and live after seeing all this? After realizing that the world was not safe as everyone assumed. That their existence was constantly challenged throughout time and space. She paused at the door of the TARDIS, her hand casually running along the inside of the door frame. She hoped this never ended.

Excusing herself and quickly changing back into pants, Summer made her way back into the main room, glad to have her legs free once again. Leaning against a pillar she looked at the Doctor. What had he done before he found her? She couldn’t have been the only one who travelled with him. That would have been absurd. She wondered what happened to them. Did they move on? Did they die?

Realizing she probably did not want to know, she straightened and came over to the Doctor. “So, where to next?” She inquired looking over his shoulder. Their gazes locked. “Maybe some place less… dangerous?” She teased knowing that it really didn’t matter. As long as she was with the Doctor she would be safe. Nothing would ever get between them and he would always be there.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
Avatar of Genkai

Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago

[Universe 1]

It was annoying to have him push her away again. She had hoped they were past all that. Jen figured he needed space though. And she could go for a sandwich, being nearly killed did make someone awful hungry. As she considered trying to find the kitchen, the Doctor asked where they could go next. "Ooh Ancient Egypt sounds nice. Or dinosaurs!" She grinned, her mind spinning, trying to weave a picture of what that would be like. "Then again, I'd rather not become dino chow and based on your track record, that might actually happen..." She muttered. Before a real location was settled upon, the TARDIS started going mad. "What's going on this time?" Jennifer asked as she held on and slowly made her way closer to the Doctor.

"Mauve? Isn't red supposed to mean danger?" She asked him, confused. He explained that red was a human thing and that mauve was all the rage. "Oh." She rolled her eyes. Of course she was out of the loop, she and all the other stupid humans back on Earth. "So this thing we're chasing, is it safe? It's not like a bomb or a trap?" She asked him. "What is it with London?" She muttered and held on and they jettisoned after the flying object. Soon they caught up and landed though the Doctor informed her though they were on its tail, it had crashed about three or four weeks ago. Time was weird. Jen finally got to her feet and followed the Doctor out of the TARDIS so they could see what all the commotion had been about.

"So what year is this?" She asked and looked around. If she had to guess, she would reckon it was in the 1940s or 50s. She didn't like the idea of being in the middle of a war-zone though. Jennifer looked up at the gray sky and saw it was already night. "So you gonna scan for alien life or what?" She asked him, ready to get to work. She was still a bit miffed at the Doctor being so closed off but she figured she couldn't force him to talk about things so she gave up. A voice caught her attention and the Doctor said something but she wasn't paying attention as he headed off to some small building. Jennifer heard a boy calling out for his mummy. "Hello? Kid?" She called out, not sure why a little kid would be on his own in a dingy place like this.

Jennifer turned down a few corners and looked up to see a boy on the roof looking at her. "Are you my mummy?"

"No...can't say I am. I can help you find her though." Jen offered. The boy seemed unresponsive to her offer and Jen was ready to just give up and go back to the Doctor when she heard quick footsteps hurrying towards her. Jennifer ducked behind a dumpster and saw a group of men grumbling with small pistols and knives. She couldn't make out much but they mentioned something about finding food and shelter. Jennifer couldn't help but let out a cough due to the rancid odor of a milk puddle which she seemed to be crouching in. The gang of young men looked and approached her. "Aw crap." She stood up. "I wasn't spying, I was hiding." She held up her hands. They seemed unconvinced and demanded she give them everything she had on her. "I-I don't have anything...not that it's my job to be a vending machine."

"A what?"

"Nevermind." Jen muttered. As the unsavory group approached her, she found herself backing against the wall, stepping in some sort of yellow slime.

"Come now, gentlemen, cornering an attractive lady is no way to act." Someone said and moved out of the shadows. "I've been waiting for you but let me take care of these guys first." Jack winked at Jen and the gang turned on him. He quickly threw a few punches and knocked two out cold before the others ran away with their tail between their legs. "The locals here aren't exactly the friendly sort, sorry." Jack held out a hand to help Jen out of the filth around her. "I can tell by looking, you must be a Time Agent. About time one of you showed up, I was waiting pretty damn long but I must say you are well worth the wait. My name is Captain Jack Harkness." He introduced himself and pulled Jen into his arms, a smirk flashing across his lips. "What's your name? Are you okay?"

A name?

Did she have a name? "I um...um..." She kept looking into those soft eyes of his and she suddenly forgot her abysmal track record with men she met with the Doctor, most were dorks or killers. "I'm Jennifer. I think." She smiled nervously. "I'm alright, just a little lost...I was with my..." Was she friends with the Doctor? One minute they were close and the next, she felt miles and miles away from him. "partner and he just ditched me and then there was this little boy who was looking for his mummy." Jennifer stepped back, out of Jack's arms. Even if the Doctor and her were on odd terms, it still felt weird to just have some really hot guy sweep her away. There was something about Jack that she couldn't put her finger on though, what was it?

"He, your partner?" Jack frowned.

"I-yes but we're not...we're not definitely what you're thinking." Jen said quickly, a tone of bitterness in her voice.

"Lucky me then." He grinned. "Shall we go back to my place? Have a drink and discuss business?" He offered.

- - -

[Universe 2]

Someplace less dangerous, indeed.

The Doctor could tell they were both wearing a bit thin at the moment so he had just the place in mind. "Yes, I was thinking the exact same thing." He grinned and paced around the console, putting in the location and general time. He pulled a few knobs and then gave them a few turns before the TARDIS was off again, taking them far away from the humble little seaside town. The Doctor had been to Midnight once before, he tried to anti gravity restaurant by himself and found it to be loads of fun. The Doctor was thinking of doing something else though. There was a train which ran a designated route around the beautiful planet and he had heard great things about it.

"We're going to Midnight." He declared as the ship flew through time and space. In a matter of only ten seconds, they were right smack in the middle of the luxurious spa. "This is Midnight. It orbits quite close to the sun so it's very dangerous, no human has ever been outside of this facility. Makes me wonder how it came here but that's not important." He gave a shrug. "This planet has crystals all around it, despite its danger, it's beautiful. They even have something called a Sapphire Waterfall and I've been meaning to check it out but I've been busy, running, saving the day and all that." He shrugged.

"What better time than to go now, and with someone who would enjoy it?" He smiled to Summer as they ventured out of the TARDIS. The blue box was in the middle of the large lobby of the resort, it was very sleek and minimal but had great windows to see every view imaginable. "Come on then." He grabbed her hand and hurried off to get them two tickets to go on the exclusion. He got two and headed over with Summer, letting go of her hand, to board the shuttle. It wasn't a dinky old thing by any means. No, it was sleep and comfortable and could carry about a dozen passengers without anyone feeling cramped.

"May not be a full crowd by the looks of it." The Doctor noted.

Everyone got in and the shuttle soon sped off. A dark skinned woman moved to the front and began to explain everything. "I would like to inform you all that we are taking an alternative route this afternoon but we still will get there in time. "A diamond fell on the tracks so we're doing our best to get everything fixed for tomorrow's tour but I assure you, nothing will go wrong with our group." She then began handing out various things such as peanuts, a juice box, headphones, 3D glasses and the like. The Doctor sat next to Summer, letting her take the window seat. She then moved back to the front,

"Fasten your seat belts everyone. Shields down, unfortunately the view will be shielded from view until we reach the Waterfall Palace." She explained. "Crusader 50 is very safe and capable so you're in good hands. Be aware there is no direct oxygen supply so don't touch the door panels. There is a restroom in the back, right by the emergency exits." She smiled, clearly she had done this speech many many times before. Next she used a remote to pull down screens with music videos and then a hologram art show and then another screen with cartoons, saying that they would have four hours of fun together. The Doctor eyed everyone but no one seemed engaged in the so called entertainment.

In fact, people seemed a bit antsy.

He nudged Summer and pulled out his screwdriver. "This isn't the fun I usually partake in." He muttered to her and disabled the system with a boyish smirk. Everything glitched and the hostess tried to fix it but she found it futile.

"Now what?" A young teenager muttered.

"We talk." The Doctor unbuckled his seat belt, clearly pleased with the prospect. The woman on the other side of the aisle seemed engrossed in her book so he decided not to bother her. Before they had left, he did have a brief chat with her. He spoke about always on the go and thinking that someone else should be in charge for a change. She mentioned her name was Sky and that she was trying to get over a nasty breakup with her girlfriend. The Doctor knew of romantic troubles but he decided not to bring it up and then Summer got on. But now it seemed like Sky wasn't chatty so the Doctor was fine talking to the others. The Professor, Hobbes was quite interesting.

As were the couple who were parents to the distant teenager.

Ah youth.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
Avatar of Black Ninja

Black Ninja

Member Seen 10 mos ago

[Universe 1]

“A trap?” The Doctor shook his head. “Hardly. As for a bomb. Just the size and speed of it could cause some massive damage.” He stated. “But other than that, very doubtful.” The Doctor clutched the one of the hand holds as the TARDIS flew through space and time chasing the tiny ship. As they flew he looked over at Jen. “So even though we were on its tail we that doesn’t mean we arrived at the same time.” He told her. Seeing her confusion, he continued explaining. “It was jumping all over the place, different tracks and such. It is very reasonable that we are a month or two off.” He informed her. “Not too far out so we should be good. However, we still need to check it out as whatever is on there could possibly fall into the wrong hands.” Not to mention there might be some injured aliens and the Doctor knew how some of the powers that be preferred analyzing the aliens instead of helping them and sending them on their way. Humans. Having to dissect everything. He rolled his eyes.

The TARDIS jerked finally coming to a rest. “Here we are.” He stated excited and ready to go see what the emergency was. Heading toward the door he headed outside and took a deep breath. “Ah, London.” He stated stepping out into the cool night air. “Beautiful night.” He stated looking around. Now where could the ship be? He glanced over at Jen when she inquired as to the year. “Not sure.” He replied. “A bit dark to verify accurate. Probably mid-twentieth century.” He replied. He really wasn’t too concerned about the year. Most of the time it really did not matter. Some years and events were important and therefore it was good to know the date, but in this case… He pulled out his sonic. It really didn’t matter when they were. Just as long as they got what they needed.

He looked at Jen as if she had gone daft at her next question. “Scan for alien tech?” He asked. He grunted and shook his head. “Jen, it hit the middle of London. Someone is bound to notice. I’ll just ask.” Sometimes humans were so strange. All bent on the latest technologies they usually forgot there were other ways to gathering information or doing something. He noticed a nightclub nearby. “See, all I have to do is go in there and ask. Much more personal than just scanning.” He shook his head not realizing that Jen had gotten sidetracked and was no longer with him.

Going to a side door, he unlocked it and entered. It was a nightclub alright. However, the era was early-to-mid twentieth century. He really didn’t analyze the clothes too much. Instead he waited as the woman on stage finished singing before taking the microphone. “Excellent. Bravo.” He told her. Then looking at the crowd he smiled. “Excuse me, excuse me. Did anyone see something fall out of the sky in the past month?” He inquired. See. This was the sensible way to do things. Though humans had a lot of faults they were also a curious bunch. Undoubtedly someone would have noticed. It wasn’t as if it had been tiny or had fallen outside the city.

The inhabitance of the room just stared at him in silence for a moment before laughing. “Sorry, did I say something funny?” He asked not understanding. This was very perplexing. A loud siren echoed through the night but he did not give it much thought. “It’s something I need to find.” He stated as the people started to leave. “It’s large, fell recently. Probably landed with a large,” His eyes fell on a poster. “Bang.” He stated suddenly realizing why everyone had laughed. This was World War II. The London Blitz. What worse place to crash a ship.

He shook his head and slapped his forehead. Oy. Was he a idiot . He turned and noticed Jen was not around. Well at least she wouldn’t laugh him in the face. Exiting the nightclub he ignored the air raid siren and looked around. “Jen!” He called. What was it with his companions? Couldn’t they just stay for one second instead of disappearing? “You think after nine hundred years of traveling I would find someone who actually listened. But no.” He shook his head and headed back to the TARDIS. Perhaps she had gone back in. He doubted it but it was always safe to check. As he approached a phone rang. Pausing he looked around. It rang again and he realized that it was coming from his TARDIS. “That’s not supposed to happen.” He declared frowning.

“Don’t answer it.” A voice ordered as he headed over to pick it up. “It’s not for you.”

He looked over. A young woman stood there watching him. “How do you know that?” He inquired shaking his head.

“Cos I do.” The woman replied. “And I’m telling you, don’t answer it.”

“It’s not even a real phone.” He shot back. “Not even connected. There is no reason why it should be ringing.”

The young woman shook her head. “Just don’t answer it.” She said before turning to go.

Now, there are many things you don’t tell the Doctor. Ordering him not to do something without explanation was a sure fire way for him to do it anyway. Especially if it was his TARDIS phone that should not be ringing at all. Picking it up, he spoke. “Hello? This is the Doctor speaking. Who is this?”

“Are you my Mommy?” It was a child’s voice.

The Doctor frowned. “Who is this?” There were a lot of questions that he had regarding this. First, how did the child call a phone that was not activated? Second, who was the child and where was his mother?”

“Mummy? Mummy?” The child’s voice cut off leaving a dial tone.

Looking at the phone the Doctor frowned before hanging it up. Glancing in the TARDIS he noticed that Jen was gone. Well that figured. Closing the door he headed down the alley. The young woman was hiding something and he was going to find out what it was.
[Universe 2]
Summer was relieved when the Doctor agreed. They were constantly running into trouble and though she was enjoying her time with the Doctor, overall, she still wished that the next adventure they went on did not have as much danger. Though in actuality, she should be grateful. They did have a nice stop to see her parents. And technically Shakespeare was not that bad. She frowned. Perhaps she was being ungrateful.

As they came to a rest, Summer listened to the Doctor talk about midnight. She was a bit surprised initially. It did not sound all that safe. Close to the sun. Dangerous. Couldn’t go outside. Why were they here again? Then she smiled as he answered her unspoken question without realizing it. It was a mystery and he was curious. Not to mention the Sapphire waterfall he was mentioning sounded like it would be a site to see. She wondered if she should take her camera. Probably not. No doubt it will be something that will bring up questions. So she’ll just leave it behind. It was a good thing she had a good memory and a fine hand at drawing.

Returning the Doctor’s smile, Summer followed him out of the TARDIS. Glancing around Summer was impressed. If it looked this beautiful here, what would the waterfall look like? The Doctor took her hand and she went along with him as they headed toward the shuttle. “This is lovely.” She told him. Who would have thought something like this would be out here? Summer knew that there was a lot of beauty that in the world, and in the universe. But something like this… she would probably not have thought about it. With how the large the universe was it would make sense that there would a place like this but still. She wondered how the Doctor knew about all these little spots. Were they really popular or did he just know the best locations in the universe to see?

Entering the shuttle Summer glanced around. “Nice. Gives us some room.” She stated. “Wish the airlines back home would do this.” She told him quietly. As they made their way to their seats, Summer nodded thanks as the Doctor let her take the window seat. He was so gentlemanly like that sometimes. Thinking of pleasing others.

Sitting down she listened to the spill from the stewardess and frowned as all the electronic gizmos started to come on and fill the shuttle with noise. It was going to be a long trip if they were going to have to endure this. She wished she had accepted the earplugs. She squirmed a bit as she wondered if she could possibly ask the stewardess for earplugs. However, before she said anything, the Doctor nudged her. She frowned a second as she saw him lift up his screwdriver. What was he doing? As he disabled the system a smile came on her face. “Thank you. That wouldn’t have been much fun for anyone.” She concurred. Even if it had been less noisy, she agreed with the Doctor. Something else, maybe a book would be better.

When the Doctor got up and suggested talking, Summer unbuckled as well. He was so energetic. Turning around she listened as the Doctor talked to a man and his assistant.
“I’m Professor Winfold Hobbes.” The man said shaking both their hands. “This is my fourteenth time.”

Summer looked at him. “Fourteenth time looking at the falls?” She inquired. Were they that beautiful or did he not get out much?

“I’m Dee Dee Blasco.” The young woman beside him said smiling. “I’m his assistant.”

“Dee Dee, don’t bother these fine people.” The Professor scolded before looking back at them. “I’m sort of an expert on the falls.” He told them.

The next few minutes he went on like that. Summer frowned slightly as he cut off his assistant every time she said something. After a bit of listening, the Professor asked Dee Dee to replenish his bottle. Taking the bottle she nodded and headed toward the back. Excusing herself, Summer followed.

“So why did you end up with him?” She inquired when they made it to the back.

“Oh he’s not that bad.” Dee Dee replied smiling. “I’m just a second-year student. I am lucky to work with him. I wrote a paper on the Lost Moon of Poosh. Professor Hobbes read it and decided to bring me on as his researcher. Well, at least for the holidays. And technically I do more fetching and carrying than researching but it’s good experience.” She seemed pleased with it.

Summer wasn’t so sure. But then again she understood. Sometimes you needed a professor to mentor you so you can do certain studies. Most of the time you were thankful with whoever agreed, despite their attitude and personality. She had to do that on one of her assignments. Thankfully, he mentor was pretty good. She knew another girl who had a horrible mentor. The girl had to switch after some issues arose. “Well at least you are getting some experience.” She stated. “What happened to the moon?” She inquired. It was a bit curious that a moon disappeared.

“Nobody knows.” Dee Dee replied finishing filling up the container. “It just disappeared.”

Summer frowned. That did not make a lot of sense. She’ll have to mention it to the Doctor later and see if he knew anything about it.

“Well I have to get back. It was nice talking to you.” Dee Dee said hurrying back.

Nodding, Summer looked at the other inhabitance. The Doctor was talking to a couple now with their teenage son sitting farther back a bit bored. She was not going to touch him. It wasn’t that she was rude but she knew what must teenage boys think about when talking to some girl. No thank you. She did not want to sit there as he tried to either hit on her or stumble awkwardly over his words. Besides, she was a good six to eight years his senior. It would just be awkward. Technically she could probably just head back to her seat but she didn’t want to disappoint the Doctor and make him think she did not like his idea.

Steeling herself, she headed over to the woman sitting by herself. Sitting down next to her, Summer glanced at the book before looking forward again. The woman looked at her briefly before going back to her book. They both sat there in silence for a few seconds before the woman spoke. “You and him a couple?” She inquired nodding toward the Doctor.

Summer blushed. “Who us? No. No. Not at all.” She quickly came back. “Just traveling together.”

“Good. Romance is so overrated.” The woman declared. She then proceeded to tell her life story. Nodding sympathetically, Summer did not say anything but just listened. Apparently, the woman had a lot on her plate and needed someone who cared enough to listen.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago

[Universe 1]

"I don't know...I shouldn't go too far, he could be looking for me." Jen muttered, though she wasn't sure if she believed her own words or not. The brunette wasn't sure what to do. From the sounds of it, Jack knew what was going on and was in fact, someone who could help her figure out what the Doctor was looking for. "Jack," She started to say and he stepped closer to her, closing the gap she had created. "I would feel more comfortable if we found the Doctor first, whenever we're apart for too long, bad things start to happen and..." She remembered the angels and then the mess at the school and then being nearly killed in a video game. She then thought back to being ditched by Andrew a flood of tears came bubbling over.

"What? Hey hey, come on, Jen. I'm sorry." Jack put his arms around her and hugged her. "We can look for him together, it's a dangerous place." He rubbed her back. "And you're too cute to let out of my sight. Your partner "The Doctor" sounds like an idiot if he lets you get away." Jack smiled and pulled back to help Jen wipe her face. "You must be working pretty hard to just break down like that, after this is done, let's you and I go someplace nice and relaxing. The Moon of Umexa is lovely, like it's own little garden of paradise. There are birds with vibrant feathers that can sing so beautifully. Sounds great doesn't it?" Jack mentioned as he hooked his arm with hers and began to walk with the girl who seemed to settle down.

"So you're a Captain here? Why, this is a total war-zone...?" Jen couldn't help but ask. He was an interesting man and as they talked, he told her that he could move through time and space with a handy device. It seemed to be limited, unlike the TARDIS, but from what he said, he was someone just wanted to help out and she believed him. She could be a sucker for smooth talking charm and Jack was oozing it. "It's so nice to have an actual conversation with someone and not worry about being killed or ending up in a Dalek's pit of doom." Jen laughed a little. Jack stalled and gave her a look. "What?" She asked him, Jack laughed and shook his head, patting her arm lightly. "What?"

"You faced off against a Dalek? I didn't think those things still existed. You are something else, Jen." He said to her.

"Thanks." Jen smiled and looked off, her eyes no longer burning from the tears. "I could use a vacation but with the Doctor, even those end up being ruined by something." Jen shrugged.

"Who says he's invited?" Jack smirked.

Before Jen could muster a flustered response, she heard someone up ahead. She and Jack had been wandering the back alleys of the area, trying to help her recall where the TARDIS has been parked. "Hang on, lover boy." Jen flashed him a smile before she slipped her arm out of Jack's comforting hold and jogged up ahead and peered around the corner. "Doctor?" She called out quietly. "Doctor?" She whispered. She heard someone walking not too far away but it was hard to see. Jack caught up with her and propped his arm on her shoulder. She could make out someone following someone. How odd. It seemed the Doctor was moving into the housing area and was following someone. Jen felt a bit annoyed as it seemed he wasn't worried about her at all. "What a jerk." She muttered and kicked at the ground.

"Come on." He grabbed Jen's hand and ran up to catch up with the mysterious partner of Jen's. "Hey! Hold up a sec." He said as they caught up to the man in leather. Jack looked up ahead and saw a small girl duck into a house. Jack wanted to get them back on track, he had no idea who this Doctor was but if his con was going to work, they had to hurry up. "We've been looking for you." Jack smiled, using his free hand to offer a handshake to the Time Lord. "She was worried." He glanced to a sour looking Jen, though he was just hoping she wasn't about to start crying again. "I've been waiting for you two, you're here about my little offer, we best hurry and discuss details." Jack suggested.

- - -

[Universe 2]

People, in whatever form they came, were fascinating to the Doctor. It didn't matter if you were rude or evil or old or young, he enjoyed talking to people and getting inside their heads. So when Summer excused herself, the Doctor was happy to keep talking with the other passengers. He was happy to hear about the endless tales that the husband and wife had to offer but it appeared as though their son, Jethro, had heard the stories enough to just tune them out. He laughed at their jokes, they were quite funny. Of course the Doctor could be entertained by a history book and he'd enjoy himself. Humans were so complicated and he was always happy to talk to some and see how things were.

Depending on the time and place, you would get some wild answers from the folks who called the blue planet, home. When Summer came back, he smiled but went back to talking with the others. A lot of time passed and thanks to the digital map set out in front of them, he figured they were about another few hours away. Not so bad. He was getting used to travel by another means. His TARDIS probably needed a rest and the waterfalls would be safer to get to if they acted as tourist at the moment. The Doctor got up and went to go himself some coffee. He ran into the young girl who was traveling with Hobbes.

They talked lightly before he went back to his seat and saw Summer listening to Sky.

It was good to listen, as well as talk. He was happy to see Summer could enjoy both exercises. As they moved along, Hobbes set up a projector and he began to lecture them about their destination, as well as where they were. The Doctor didn't know much about it so he was happy to sit back and let someone else to the explaining. "I am an expert in this subject." The man declared as Dee Dee helped change slides. "This planet is steeped in toxic radiation so naturally, nothing can exist outside of the bubble we left, as well as the shuttle we are in. "The palace we left actually fell from orbit and landed on the planet so there was a jump-start on making things work. It's so fascinating to think nothing can live here and yet it's so dangerous beautiful."

"Something has gotta be out there. I mean you don't really know and can't say nothing's out there." Jethro spoke up.

His parents seemed to give him looks of disapproval but the professor nodded and agreed with the youth. The lecture continued and soon concluded. As everyone was winding down, the chatter depleting, the shuttle came to an abrupt stop. Everyone looked around, not expecting such an event. The Doctor had a feeling this wasn't a chance happening or due to faulty equipment. As Dee Dee asked what was going, the Doctor quickly got up and took out his handy dandy psychic paper and quickly got into the main control room where the mechanic and driver were. He made sure Summer stayed back, sure that she could keep everyone calm, if not distracted.

After a brief discussion, there seems to be nothing wrong with the vehicle, the Doctor asked about opening the window so they could look at the landscape. They were able to do so but only for a few seconds before the filter had to be lowered back down. The Doctor couldn't make much sense of it but emergency help had been called. For now, they had to wait. The Doctor exited the cockpit and saw that Dee Dee and Summer were trying to assure everyone that things were okay. They even mentioned that there would be enough oxygen until help arrived. "Let's no worry. Biff, Val, let's hear another one of your stories eh? Or should I tell some of mine? I remember going to this party with-" His sentence was cut off as there was a sudden knocking could be heard against the hull. He held up his hands so everyone would stay quiet as he tried to listen more closely.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 10 mos ago

[Universe 1]

It was not that hard finding the young woman. The funny thing was she was easier to find than Jen. Not that the Doctor was too worried. Jen was a big girl and could handle herself. Undoubtedly she would get into some mischief but overall be alright. Besides, curiosity was driving him. Why had the young woman told him not to answer the phone? What did she know?

It did not make a lot of sense. The TARDIS phone was not working. Hadn't been for some time. It had gotten broken during his last regeneration and he hadn't taken the time to fix it. It wasn't like anyone was going to call him anyway. Most of his companions from previous regenerations had moved no. That was alright with him. It was time. It was his time as well. Technically, he hadn't had a companion since before the war. At least not until Jen came along. Therefore, there had been no need to fix the phone. It wasn't like the High Council of Gallifrey or anyone else from the war called him using that device. And since the war...well... No reason to fix it either.

He shook his head. All that did not matter at the moment. Watching his query head down another street the Doctor moved forward to intercept. Someone called out to him but he ignored it as he saw the woman duck into a house. Moving forward to catch her he stopped when someone grabbed his coat. Turning he glared at the interruption. The young man in front of him gave him an enormous smile and held out his hand. Ignoring it, the Doctor listened as the man said she was worried. He looked at Jen and was going to say something when the young man continued. The Doctor was about to shut him down but stopped when the man said something about an offer. "Yeah, sure. Hold that thought." He said before turning his attention back to Jen. "Where have you been?" He inquired. "We're in the middle of a London Blitz. It's not a good time for a stroll." Companions were funny things sometimes. Always running off and getting into things they knew nothing about. He wondered if Jen knew what little "offer" this man had. When she came back with a smart aleck reply but no additional information about the offer, he turned to the man.

"Alright. I'm listening." He said crossing his arms. There was something off about this man. He did not seem to be from around here. When he started in about some Chula worship the Doctor just stared at him, face impassive. So he was right. The man was not from here. He was human but not from this time. It raised a bunch of questions but the Doctor refrained from asking them. Instead he raised an eyebrow. He had been around the block a few times and this man was clearly up to something. Everything was off. He was trying to hard to be pleasurable. Not to mention that his "offer" seemed a bit to good to be true. "What kind of worship?" He inquired.

This seemed to get the young man flustered. Glancing briefly toward the house the Doctor turned and looked back at the man. The young woman could be gone by time they finished talking. How had Jen found this man in the first place? He glanced at her briefly while her associate tried to brush aside the question. "I can't make a purchase without knowing the details." The Doctor stated looking back at the man, his mind putting together the details. London Blitz. Time traveler trying to sell a "to-good-to-be-true" product. He was no fool. When the guy finally gave in and showed them the "worship" and confessed the Doctor listened patiently until he finished explaining before turning to Jen. "Let's go." He said leaving the young man hanging.

The good news was that he knew what had fallen. The fact that this guy had a bomb set to destroy it meant the Doctor did not have to go clean up a mess. That meant he could turn his attention to more important things. Like why did the phone ring? What did the young woman know?

Regrettably, the young man was not finished with them. Stopping again, the Doctor gave up hoping the woman was still around. The air raid was almost over and he had a feeling she would be long gone. The way she ducked into the house suggested she did not live there. The fact that he had not been keeping attention on the house and that there was undoubtedly a back entrance meant she could have easily left by now. Sighing he looked back at the man. "What is it this time?" He asked. He did not like con artists and the fact that this man was still here wasting his time annoyed him.
[Universe 2]

Time seemed to go by fairly quickly. The woman, Sky, talked for a bit about her ex, her life and everything else that seemed to go wrong. It was interesting really. Summer did not see herself as the type to be really sympathetic or caring but people seemed to think that about her and confide in her. It was a bit awkward but as all she had to do was listen, she just nodded as needed.

Thankfully, after some time Sky wound down. They both sat in silence a few minutes before the professor took it as his duty to educate everyone on the planet. It was actually a bit interesting. A planet so toxic that they had to remain in inclosed spaces. It was actually fascinating for Summer. The human race had come so far. One could still see beauty without the deadly consequences. Without this vehicle or even the original setup, they would not be able to see the beautiful diamond waterfalls. And if they were as good as she heard, that would have been a shame.

The lecture concluded and soon all the conversation faded. Without a lot of things to do, four hours could drag on. Seeing that Sky was busy in her book, Summer rose to go join the Doctor when the shuttle stopped suddenly. Catching herself she glanced around, her face mirroring the confusion on the faces of everyone else. Everyone that is except the Doctor. He just got straight up and headed toward the engine. Summer started to follow but he motioned for her to remain. Showing some piece of paper and giving some bull about being an inspector he bluffed his way past the stewardess. Standing awkwardly, Summer glanced toward the rest of the passengers.

The momentary silence broke as everyone started bombarding the stewardess with questions. Why had they stopped? What was going on? Was there enough air to survive? The poor woman tried to answer but it was obviously clear she had no idea. Taking a deep breath Summer stepped into the aisle. "Alright, everyone calm down." She said with more confidence than she felt. Standing in front of a group of people and trying to convince them everything was going to be fine was not something she was comfortable with but the Doctor had motioned her to stay behind. Undoubtedly he knew this was going to happen. Even if he didn't, Summer did not want to let him down by doing nothing while everyone panicked. "The Doctor is going investigating right now. We just need to be calm and wait patiently until he gets back." She sure hoped he had a good explanation. Otherwise they were in trouble.

"Who is this Doctor?" Biff demanded. "What's he know?"

Summer glanced at the much larger man. "A lot." She replied. "Let's just say if there's any trouble he'll be able to handle it."

A bunch more questions shot out at her before she interrupted them. "Enough. Worrying will not help anything." She declared annoyed. She was concerned too. The fact that they stopped suddenly without explanation meant something was amiss. But at least she kept control of her emotions. Gee, you think that she was in a room full of kids. Then again, they might be easier as they would probably believe. Sometimes adults were so...frustrating. Taking a deep breath she motioned with her hands for them to calm. "Everything will be alright. We just need to be calm and patient."

Honestly, she did not know how it was going to turn out. But she had learned already that no matter what happened or was going to happen she was fine. The Doctor was here and he would keep her safe.

Thankfully, Dee-Dee backed her up. "She's right. We should be calm and wait for him to come out and give us the explanation." She smiled nervously at Summer. "And the filters can keep this vehicle with enough oxygen to last for days."

Returning the smile with a nod of encouragement, Summer sighed in relief as they calmed down. "That's right. There is no serious issues. There probably isn't anything to major to worry about."

That's when the Doctor came out. Quickly brushing aside some of the worried questions, he proceeded to sidetrack them. Summer stared at him as it apparently started to work. How he did it was beyond her but these same people who were ready to bombard him with questions seemed content to let him go off on a story. Of course it did not help that it was Biff's story originally and the man seemed pleased to be at the center of attention.

That's when everything turned for the worse. The knock jolted her. The Doctor quickly shushed everyone and they listened. The knock came again. Summer watched as the Doctor went over and knocked four times on the wall. There was a pause and then there was four knocks. People started to get nervous and even Summer felt the chill run down her spine. What was out there? Suddenly the back door rattled. Whatever it was was trying to get in. Summer glanced toward the Doctor. She would be safe. She was fine. He would take care of her.

"Make it stop!" Summer quickly looked over. Sky was standing and looking toward the door, her eyes showing her terror. "She said she'd get me. Stop it. Somebody make it stop. Don't just stand there looking at me. It's not my fault." She clearly started to hyperventilate, her fear increasing.

Moving toward her, Summer tried to calm her down. "It's alright." She said. "Everything will..."

"Leave me alone. Stop. She's coming for me. She's coming." The older woman had clearly lost it. Terror had replaced all sense of reason. She pushed Summer back causing the younger woman to fall. Thankfully, that turned out to be a good thing.

The vehicle suddenly rocked and the lights flickered before blacking out. When they came back on, Sky was huddled in the corner and the seats where Summer had been had been uprooted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago

[Universe 1]

The Doctor seemed following his own interesting lead or whatever. "I wasn't strolling around smelling the roses, you were the one who ditched me." She glared at him. Jack and the Doctor ended up going back to exchanging words. To her, Jack was a great guy, saved her when the Doctor had been off on a stroll of his own. She didn't get what the issue was or why the Doctor was so uptight all of a sudden. Jack explained that the ship was by some hospital but that it didn't have anyone in it or around and that it would explode if it wasn't taken care of soon. Jen wasn't sure if it was something she should be concerned with or not.

"Go where?" Jen asked the Doctor and looked back to Jack, not sure what she should do. Or what the Doctor was even up to. It was always something crazy with him.

"I don't think you're taking this seriously." Jack told the Doctor, getting a bit annoyed. This wasn't how his ploys usually played out. He was happy to con the girl but the guy was proving to be annoyingly stubborn and seemed rather preoccupied. Jack looked to Jen and rested a hand on her shoulder. "I think it's going to be just the two of us striking up the deal." He smiled to her. "Time is running out, I have to remind you." He told the Doctor. Jennifer glanced back and forth between the guys, both clearly wanted to go in different directions and she wasn't sure she wanted to get in the middle of whatever was going on. Jack seemed like an open book but the Doctor was up to something and she wished he'd inform her.

They were partners weren't they?

Jen wasn't sure who to go with, nor did she like having to pick. "Fine, I'll go along with whatever this is," Jack waved a hand at the Doctor. "at least the company won't be too bad." He said, putting back on a charming smile for his female audience. "I don't know why you were worried about this guy, he's chasing his own shadow." Jack said. But at that moment, it appeared as though a flock of children were scurrying out the back and into the back roads. "Really? Children?" Jack asked, acting as if the Doctor was some sort of creeper. Jen rolled her eyes, it didn't really look that weird did it? It seemed the Doctor was keen to keep following so Jen tagged Jack on the shoulder and ran ahead to catch up with the Doctor.

There was a young girl with black hair who seemed to be bothered by something, or someone?

"Come on Jack." Jen laughed as she slowed down.

"Sorry, just enjoying the view." He chuckled and Jen turned around to run backwards, her face red. "Well that's even better!"

"You are such a guy." She shook her head and jogged back around so she didn't trip or anything.

- - -

[Universe 2]

Humans were very fragile things.

They had trust issues at times.

And yet the Doctor couldn't help but fell compelled to help and protect them.

They were capable of so much, no one but him was blessed with the knowledge of past, present and future.

And yet the banging on the door was not something he was very familiar with. He held his breath and waited. It happened again. This time, the man crossed over to the door and pressed his ear to it. He listened and then knocked on it himself, a very clear set of four knocks. Was it the wind? Could it be just the wind? Or was something out there? It was possible, a new life form that no one about because of the hostile planet's condition. It was possible. And yet he knew the people stuck inside the ship would not see it was an opportunity to learn, but instead they would surely panic and that was a fault with the humans which he couldn't fix, no matter what he tried.

His knocks was returned with four more, which came from outside again. It was clear this wasn't the wind or a brilliant coincidence. The Doctor looked back at the passengers and soon a wild rattling came over the vehicle. He braced himself against the door, "Everyone calm down, sit down!" He tried to take control of the situation. He knew they were stranded for a while and things were quickly coming undone. An outburst from Sky was not what they needed. The Doctor was about to say something but Summer tried herself, to get the blond to calm down.

Hysteria could spread like a disease.

The Doctor swallowed and saw the lights suddenly failed as the rocking ceased. Finally. He looked around and saw Summer getting to her feet. "Everyone alri-" He cut himself off when he saw where Sky was. Flashlights were passed out as everyone took assessment of themselves. He couldn't help but feel a change in the air around them. "Sky..." He slowly walked over to the woman. The seats were ripped apart. How? Why? Before he could say anything else, the door to the driver was opened and a blinding hot light enveloped everyone. "Close it now!" He yelled. It seemed they had truly been targeted. The Doctor couldn't make sense of anything and everyone was growing even more rabid and restless.

"Help is on the way, they had to have sent a distress signal." He assured everyone and moved closer to Sky once more as everyone fell silent. "Sky? Can you move? Are you okay?" He asked. Nothing.

"What if that noise is in here? It was heading for her...you saw her freak out." Jethro muttered.

"It is alright Sky, just...turn around. Look at me." The Doctor said quietly, ignoring the muttering behind him, they would only make things worse. Something was very different about Sky, but what? The woman turned around and then looked intently at the others. She then looked to the Doctor in the suit and he slowly tilted his head to the right, she did the same thing. Interesting. She wasn't blinking either. "Sky?" He asked.

"Sky?" She repeated.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Are you alright?" She repeated.

"Are you hurt?"

"Are you hurt?"

"You don't have to talk."

"You don't have to talk." She said again. The Doctor was trying to assess what she was thinking while putting all of the misshapen puzzle pieces together.
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