Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Polyurethane


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"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the first gladiatorial munera since Ancient rome. Every person here has been sentenced to death, but why should we pay to keep them alive, all they are is mooching until the death penalty they deserve is finally served in 80 years when they die of old age. So now today you will witness 8 prisoners Fight! We have brought them here each in there own separate containment units and after the fights will store them in a low quality, and low costly prison. So! Before we begin our program this evening a little about the events that are about to transpire. We are recreating the 'Gladitorial Munera' which went on in ancient roman times, movies and television series have been made about those events but now this television series is created to display the actual events. Now you can witness murderous criminals kill each other and serve each others death sentences. These games are going to work a lot like how they used to. The editor will make the ultimate decision as to whether or not the loser dies, but he must also listen to the crowd. Also the losers may beg for mercy which is also in the hands of the editor, and in turn the crowd. Should someone kill an opponent who's fate has not yet been decided, or has been said otherwise, he will be executed in the center of the arena. So the contestants must show self control and wait for the signal. Now a little bit about who will be fighting this evening! We have 8 prisoners who all have either a death sentence... or a life sentence.

Our first gladiator's name is Kyler Mikal. He is 35 years old and is a little smaller, only standing about 5'4" weighing in at 140 pounds. And why is he here? Well from what we know his family was abusive to him, and one day he finally snapped. Murdered his entire family. After that he found a girl from high school and raped her. And to top it all of he pulled off two bank heists, it was the second one in which he was caught.

Next we have Jarred Walston. 38 years old 6'8" weighing approximately 270, he could be a dangerous opponent, just like any one of them could be. Now this one is actually interesting there's been a lot of controversy as to whether or not he is guilty for his crime. He claims that the day before the murder took place he had lost his helmet, and when they found the helmet only his prints were on it. As much as they tried they couldn't find any other evidence leading to anyone besides him. But we're not the justice system, we're not the people who sent him here to die BUT you can be the person to decide his fate when he is in the Colosseum tonight!

Moving on, Ken Hall. He is only 19 years old, is 6'1" and weighs in at 153 pounds. Now this is one messed up dude, possibly the sickest in the head here tonight. He would knock people out put them in wholes then fill those holes up with the blood of other victims. Then after a few hours he would chop off their arms and allow them to bleed out.

Here's an interesting one. Sofia LeBlanc, she's only 16 years old, stands 4'8" and weighs 103 pounds. Apparently what happened was that the girl saw her father murder her mother, so she went for the knives threw one into his eye socket, then jumped on him and stabbed him multiple times. This was definitely personal. The neighbors saw a blood smeared window and notified the police, and this is when she was arrested for murder.

Next up we have Grace Tully, who is a lot like Sofia in terms of body type. She's 5' even, and 95 pounds and 20 years old. The detectives found a trail of evidence leading back to her to one murder particularly, although it is unknown whether or not that has been her only murder. If not she had done a very well job at covering the others up.

This next guy is pretty muscular, he's going to be good with his hands I can tell. His name is Aleksey Litovchenko. He is 35 years old, stand's 6' tall and weighs 188 pounds. He was the light heavyweight champion until he had to take a drug test and failed. Some say it could have been the drugs, some say it was just life dishing out more than he could handle. After he was stripped of his title and kicked from UFC, him and his supportive wife moved down to Miami Florida. Aleksey opened where he trained anyone who wanted to learn with unbeatable prices, he would even negotiate with you. Well everything's going great, when one evening him and his wife are crossing the street when two cars come flying by. He was lucky enough to only suffer a few broken bones and bruises because of his endurance. Unfortunately his wife wasn't so lucky, she was in a coma. The people who had hit him and his wife were eventually tracked down, one died resisting arrest and the other got away with it because of some friends in high places. This wasn't good enough for Aleksey, oh no. He took matters into his own hands. He tracked the man down, kidnapped him, tortured him, then burned him alive. But he wasn't caught for this one until later. Then one day he's walking down the street when a hooker approaches him and he loses it, he beats the hooker to death and kills what were expected to be protection for the hooker. In court he confessed to the three murders AND the murder of the man who put his wife in a coma. With video evidence no less! And now while he's locked up being prepared to be released into the arena, his wife is somewhere out there awake now. And maybe she'll even watch tonight, we allow all families of the prisoners to watch on HBO for free.

Next up is Wilson Wredrun. He is 39 years old, 5'9" and 260 pounds. Funny story here, Wilson was charged with hit and run, and first degree murder... While driving Jennifer Lynne, one of the senators who helped this show become reality. Apparently what had happened was that an accident had occurred ahead of him, and when he went to swerve out of the way he hit a 14 year old boy who had been waiting to cross the street. Instead of waiting for police and explaining he fled the scene and the Senator home. There was a lot of chaos happening in the car I'm sure and something happened because police got report of a man beating a woman, and when they arrived at the scene he had beaten her face in. It was like a watermelon was smashed by a hammer.

And last, but not least, we have Aiden Kaiser. Standing at 6'1" and weighing in at 175 pounds. This kid was remarkable when it game down to business. He was an orphan and nobody adopted him so he had to live out his entire life in the orphanage. Well when they released him on his 18th birthday he went straight to work. He knew what he wanted and how to achieve it. Pretty smart kid, in a matter of 3 years he started out with simply another desk job to CEO of G.O.M. Resources. Sounds like a pretty good guy, what could go wrong? why is he here? You're asking all of the wrong questions. 'How did he become the CEO?' is the question you need to ask. Well one day the CEO invited Aiden over to his penthouse to congratulate him for progressing through the company so quick. Well apparently Aiden got a little jealous because he threw his boss off of the balcony, from a penthouse on the 32nd floor. Needless to say it was a mess. At first Aiden played innocent and called 911 telling them his boss had just leaped from the balcony, committing suicide. After that he went on to become CEO. He then traveled the world a little and lived a fun life. Unfortunately the widowed wife of the former CEO didn't believe the stories. So she used only a small amount of the money she inherited and received for his life insurance, to hire a detective. It wasn't long before they were able to find video footage from surrounding buildings, and Aiden was tried for murder. The judges said Aiden had tried to bribe them but they wouldn't back down. Aiden may have done well but his fortune was no match for hers." The announcer said, his voice echoing throughout the entirety of the Colosseum.

While the announcer spoke, and the crowds cheered, beneath the stands the prisoners were being wheeled into their cells as if they were luggage. They were in small, singular confinement units which would be opened once they were in their cell. Four were taken to each side so they could be released to fight on opposite ends. In the northern cells they unloaded Aiden, Sophia, Aleksey, and Jarred. On the south side the unloaded the rest which included; Wilson, Grace, Kyler, and Ken. Each of the prisoners were in an individual cell and each one had a guard watching them to make sure they didn't rough each other up through the bars.

"Prisoners listen up. When you walk out of your cell on your way to the arena there will be an area full of weapons and armor. after you leave your cell the door will be closed behind you, and from that point on there will be no guards, only walls keeping you confined to one path. Everything there is trash, this is what you will start with. As you win fights you'll be rewarded, and with that money you can purchase better equipment that we will store for you. When you return to your side of the arena there will be a hole in which you can place your items. IF your opponent is dead you have the right to loot anything you can carry, but only one trip there's no going back. These events do not always end in death. When you have your opponent to a point where you can kill him or her, you will look up to the editor. He will decide the fate of your fallen foe. Should any of you sorry bastards have bad eye site there will be a big screen above the north entrance which will be below the editor himself. Should you act otherwise you will be executed on the spot by snipers we have set up in the back rows of the seats. There will be an introductory ceremony before the first fight is decided. It will be a few minutes so take some time to get to know your future opponents, or use that time to prepare yourself. What you do in this time is the only freedom you have left. " A guard said as he paced in front of the cells, one guard on each side. Now all they could do was wait a few minutes until it was announced whose fight would be first.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Trumpetino


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Discomforting numbness pumped through Wilson Wredrun as he was wheeled out into the Colosseum. For a moment, amidst the hazy groggle of disjointed thoughts, he feared that he'd been pumped with anti-psychotics and muscle relaxants. Someone's out to get you, boss, his brain growled at him, Book it, or you'll die in this joint. HIs fingers leapt into action, and mindlessly gripped the bars of his cage with his meaty, calloused fingers. The clean steel felt alien to grime-caked fingers, having subsisted in filth and squalor prior to today.

Today! Today! Today!

Today, he was going to die. No, someone was going to die. Yeah. He'd kill someone and they'd die, and he'd go right on home to the gym, and stop by his favorite burger joint afterwards and shoot the shit with the manager and go home with a big juicy burger in his gut while he watched re-runs of the Three Stooges. Then he'd chortle down a shot of whiskey and go to sleep with an ecstatic buzz, and dream of the clear blue sky. Yeah.

Nah. That's not how life works anymore, boss. His brain reached out to him again, and a slight urgency seeped into him as he finally blinked. No, he hadn't been drugged - he'd lost track of the time, and it just snowballed until he lost his self-awareness somewhere along the way. The gears of his mind began to grind, and suddenly he heard his name among flashing lights and a cheering crowd.

"Next up is Wilson Wredrun. He is 39 years old, 5'9", and 260 pounds..."

There it was. All of the haze cleared out in an instant - he could feel the bars, smell the squalor, hear the roar, and taste the blood. Everything seemed over-saturated and sharp, like he'd just experienced an adrenaline rush for waking up He blinked his large, thoughtful eyes, and glanced about him.

They! They! They!

He understood at once that the people beside and across from him were his opponents. His equals, so to speak - only they carried the distinction of being paraded around like a zoo animal. The first one, Grace, caught his eye. She reminded him of the ice sculptures he used to carve, as a younger man, during the winter - fragile and easy on the eyes, but liable to break when thrown around.

Then he looked to Kyle, and Ken, and it suddenly occurred to him that all of these people were small and fragile. It staggered his mind for a moment - had he lost so much weight, to be paired up with these little twigs posing as killers of men? He squeezed the bars in his grip, and felt his powerful muscles tighten around his dense bones, and he knew that he hadn't. Glancing across from him, he saw much of the same - so light! So small! So...

Except for that one. What was he? Italian? You don't know shit. You missed all his info while you was hazed up, boss.. Fine, let's assume he's Italian, smart-ass. He looked fit, and strong, and young, and Wilson strongly felt that he was the only threatening presence on the field. He had muscles, but he wasn't porky like Wilson, or old. Wilson had slipped out of his prime almost ten years ago, and this guy looked rife with tightly-packed energy under all that skin.

Jesus. Only one fair fight among all these folks? Why all of the small-fries? Are they just lambs to the slaughter, appetizers for the two big bad wolves?

At long last, Wilson turned his thoughts and feelings into words - audible for those in the cells near him, though not directed at them.

"Jesus. This ain't a brawl. It's a goddamn snuff film, and me and him's the stars."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mach2
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Mach2 Mad Hops

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Grace's so-called confinement unit wasn't overly confining. Had she the desire to do so, she could have stretched out easily. As it was, she simply chose to sit in the centre of the space. Despite the amount of room she had, she still felt like a dog in a cage. This was hardly what she'd signed up for when she'd let herself get caught.

Grace listened intently to the loudspeaker as the names of the contestants...contestants? This isn't a contest. You're prisoners, and this is a future murder scene. as the names of the prisoners were announced. But it wasn't names that mattered to her. It was the actions associated with them. Grace was judging them all; based upon their crimes.

The very first name sent fury coursing through her veins. Kyler Mikal. She had heard of his case before she had even entered this Colosseum. The bank heists were excusable. Money was one of the last things Grace cared about. The murder of his family...less so. Those were lives, and he had ended them. But the most inexcusable of his crimes was rape. That word was like a match, igniting the fire that was Grace's rage. If she came within a few feet of that man, he'd better pray to the God she didn't believe in. Listening to his height and weight, she realized that the fight between them would be evenly matched. He was only a few inches taller than her. He wasn't huge. She could take him down, make him pay for his crimes.

Not like the giant who was announced immediately after. Jarred Walston. Grace felt her eyes widen slightly when she heard his height and weight. He dwarfed her by well over a foot, and weighed three times as much as her. Damn, was all she could think to herself.

The rest of the names sank into her mind, imprinting themselves in her flawless memory. Ken Hall - his crimes the bloodiest she had ever heard of. Something was not right in his mind. His end would be a mercy killing. Sofia - a girl who reminded Grace somewhat of herself. Small, underestimated, with family issues galore. Her crimes were forgiven. Aleksey - the man clearly would know how to fight. Although she didn't like the thought of potentially going up against him, Grace knew he had to die. The woman he'd beaten, the prostitute, she had been innocent. A profession that lacked respect and virtue, but innocent nonetheless. Wilson Wredrun - for a moment, she was about to deem him as innocent for his crimes. Then the announcer mentioned him beating a woman. At that point, he was added to her hit list. And the last one, Aiden Kaiser - his murder joined Grace's list as well, but not as high a priority as the others.

Rules were detailed, but Grace paid less attention to those. For now, they were being wheeled into a common area. Her and three of the other prisoners were released from their confinement units, placed in holding cells. She eyed them up, and felt them eying her at the same time. She saw the hemophile, the blood-lover, Ken. Glancing in the other direction, she saw Wilson looking at her - undoubtedly wondering how the hell a girl her size had ended up in this place. She returned his glance with an even stare, her dainty face devoid of expression. But their brief moment of eye contact ended quickly, and Grace turned to look at the last prisoner in the Southern cells.

Kyler. Rapist.

The unblinking stare she affixed him with would have been downright unsettling to the average person. The girl's expression was neutral as ever, but her eyes were filled with uncontrolled hatred. If looks could kill, Kyler would have been dead seven times over. The bars between them were the only thing that was stopping her from attempting to kill him with her bare hands. There would be time for that later. Had some of her parents' religious teachings sunk in when she was younger, she would have been praying to fight him right now. There was nothing Grace wanted more than to overpower him, as he had overpowered whichever poor girl had been so unfortunate as to be his victim. I'd beat him down. Pin him on the ground and break his fingers. Make him apologize. A finger bone, one at at time, until he says he's sorry. Says it for the audience to hear, and maybe that girl is watching.

She shook her head, the motion barely perceptible, and forced herself to focus once more. Wilson was speaking. "Jesus. This ain't a brawl. It's a goddamn snuff film, and me and him's the stars."

Grace turned her head, looking back over her shoulder at him. Her body remained turned towards Kyler. "Jesus ain't listenin'," she told him, mocking his rough accent. She remained silent for a second, debating whether she wanted to continue speaking or not. She dropped the rough speech pattern, speaking in her normal quiet voice. "Don't worry. I don't snuff easily."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Derpestein
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Derpestein The Neckbeard Stroker

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kyle had been sat in his confinement unit, barely listening to the Announcer. So this was how he was going to go. Either death from the other 'contestants' or death by firing squad. He would prefer the former. Atleast he wouldn't be killed by the goddamn cops, which he oh so dearly wanted to avoid.

The only things the announcer said that Kyle had payed attention to was the other contestants.
'Wilson. Goddamn, Wilson. He was going to be a shitton of trouble. Taller and stronger...Fuck.
Grace. Serial killer. Mysterious. Sorry, girlie, this isn't the streets where you can just poison the water or use the string to suffocate. This is true combat. True combat that I have seen and survived many times.
Jarred was an even match for me, it looked like. Nothing more to say.
Aiden. a businessman in the world of warriors. Heh.
And...The Italian guy. Couldn't pronounce his name if I wanted to.
Oh right. Sophia. A fucking highschooler. Seriously?'

As he was wheeled to the common area, he zoned out for a bit.

Then Wilson spoke in his rough accent, something that Kyle didn't give a damn about. "Yeah yeah...Shut your face, you ass."

"Jesus ain't listenin'," he heard from Grace.
"don't worry, I don't snuff easily."
He scoffed.
"This isn't a serial killers' world. You don't have time to plan everything, missy..." He muttered, loud enough to be heard.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

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Jarred didn't listen much to the announcements. He was to busy have a mental break down in his cage. "Why am I here why am I here why am I here..." He said over and over in his cell he would look around at his fellow 'contestants' and think about what they had done. Every single one seemed to be in here for some sort of murder and half of them seemed to be the smart kind of criminals that could find some way to booby trap one of the weapons into an explosive or something.

Jarred's mind was racing faster than Usane Bolt and he had to think quick. He scanned the contestants he could see for a moment and as he did a thought came to him, one that might just save his life or end up getting him killed all the more faster. Jarred shakily scooted across the floor of his containment to the side closest to the psychopath murder and he whispered fairly Whitley but just loud enough for the man to hear "Psst hey! Hello?" Jarred said hoping to get the mans attention.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Polyurethane


Member Seen 7 mos ago

They wheeled Aiden's confinement unit to the cells in which they would be held and he walked in as he listened to the announcer talk about his opponents. He didn't belong here, he wasn't a fighter. He was a business man. Some of the people who were being read out were massive. Then there were the small girls, who seemed like they would be oh so fragile. But every one was here for murder, which means every one of them were capable of ending a life today. Aiden took a seat in his cell and waited for the first battle to be announced. While he was seating there he heard someone trying to speak to him. He looked around and noticed nobody else could hear the man. From the looks of it, and the description given by the announcer this was most likely Jarred. He was too short to be the other guy that big.

"What is it. What do you want?" Aiden asked as he scooted closer to Jarred's cell. Whatever could he want in this of all situations. We were being sent to our deaths and he felt like a nice chat.


"Our first fight will be Aiden Kaiser vs Wilson Wredrun! I've got a feeling as to who's coming out on top in this fight. Betting booths will be in the corridors surrounding the Colosseum, as well as food stands should you need food or drink while you watch these criminals slaughter each other!" the announcers voice sounded out through out the Colosseum. "The first fight will start in 5 minutes, and our warriors today will select weapons not even fit for petty thieves. Aiden will be fighting from the Northern end, while Wilson will be entering from the South end. Again the fight will start in five minutes so make sure you are in your seats and ready for the action."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sturmgewehr


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Aleksey ignored the others. He stood quietly and patiently in his confinment unit as he was getting ready to enter the arena. This was going to be one long night. He never asked for this. All he wanted was to spend his life sentence in prison and maybe one day he would have the chance to get out on bail. Especially since his lawyer was still working on that. As he stood on the floor on his butt and with his legs crossed, Aleksey balled his hands into fists and rested his head against them.

As he was paying attention to what the announcer said Aleksey could help but notice that the fool made one huge error regarding him. Well two actually. First off he didn't kill four people, he killed three. And second, the hooker he beat up was still alive when he left the scene. "Idiot!" Muttered Aleksey obviously reffering to the announcer. None of the other contestants impressed him, well maybe the 270 pounder, Wilson or something. A guy that huge will be one hell of a challenge. However Aleksey remembered that the announcer said something about a guy named Ken Hall.

What attracted him about Ken was his mode of operation, the way he was killing his victims. Aleksey rised on his feet as he grabbed the bars of his unit and looked towards the other side of the arena, where the other fighters where. "Ken Hall! You killed one of my best friends you mother fucker! Oh you are so dead!" Muttered Aleksey praying that Ken will be pitted against him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GarlandChaos
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GarlandChaos Pixilate

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Sophia smirked when she heard the descriptions for the other criminals.

"Pfft. Just because I'm small doesn't mean I can't kick their asses all the way to China and back," she jeered. "I'm much faster than all those brutes."

She paused for a moment.

"...Except for maybe that rapist Kyle and that other murderer girl, Grace. Ken is absolutely freaky." She shuddered.

"Jarred, Wilson, and that Italian muscle-basket could all maul me if they get close enough. But that won't happen! ...Hopefully."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mach2
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Mach2 Mad Hops

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As Kyle spoke, Grace turned once again to glance in his direction. "This isn't a serial killers' world. You don't have time to plan everything, missy..."

Outwardly, she showed nothing but confidence. The left corner of her mouth twitched up into the slightest of smirks. Her gaze remained even, staring at Kyle for just a second longer than anyone would be comfortable with before looking away. Her posture was rigidly perfect, shoulders back, pulled up to her full height.

But inwardly, she realized the truth of his words. They weren't on the streets of New York City. When she'd left a trail to follow, when she'd let herself get caught, she had taken a huge leap of faith. Now, she was wondering if she that leap had been too great. She'd had no idea what to expect. She'd known only that she would have the chance to end the lives of those who deserved to die.

Grace was an efficient killer on the streets, where she had the cover of night and the shadows of darkness on her side. Where she could fold herself up so small she could hide anywhere in a person's home, and strike when they least expected. But here? In an arena? If there was close combat, she was dead in the water. A single punch could be the end of her frail little body, especially if it came from that giant Jarred.

This feeling she felt...it was not unlike fear.

She prayed inwardly that there would be somewhere to hide when she entered the arena. If they were being supplied with weapons, no matter how poor, perhaps they would also be provided with a dynamic and realistic playing field. If she could disappear into the cracks and crevasses where no one would think to look, she might stand a chance at surprising her opponent.

Grace was drawn out of her internal reverie by the sound of the announcer's voice again, proclaiming the first brawl. Aiden against Wilson. The former was at the far end of the common area, but the latter was at her end. He had been the confident one, the one who had believed this to be a snuff film. Well, this will be interesting, she thought to herself, sitting down cross-legged in the centre of her cell.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 9 days ago

Jarred was glad but not relived that he had gotten Aidens attention "I don't know how they do these fights wether we're all in at once doing our own fights or what not but if it happens that it's all fights at once I could attempt to help ya out with the sap that your fighting. A sort of tag team situation." Jarred said crossing his toes in his shoes hoping he would agree.
Even if the weren't all fighting at the same time it would be nice to think there's still a chance.

"So are you in or are you going lone wolf." He asked sweatng more than a pig in an oven.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Trumpetino


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Jesus Christ, boss. Where do they get these people?

He glanced first to Grace, finding her reply unbearably cheesy and Kyle's unbearably edgy. He decided Kyle's response was the worst of the two, and glanced towards him with unimpressed contempt.

"Jesus, are you even listenin' to what yer sayin'? Guess nobody suspects a fool 'till he opens his damn mouth."

Wilson was honestly staggered to imagine that they thought there was a fair fight ahead. The fight was anything but fair - did they suspect that their smaller size would lend them some kind of an advantage? Oh, fer chrissake's, he thought, and decided to continue the thought verbally - half meant to keep his mind off of the impending combat, and half to put a little rain on the two's parade.

"You kids know you're too small to be doin' this, don'tcha? Watch too many goddamn karate movies. You ain't got the advantage 'cuz you're smaller. You ain't got the muscle mass or the bone density." He cracked a lopsided grin, glancing between Kyle and Grace with shifty eyes under his floppy cowboy hat - the only notable piece of appearal, outside of his prison tatters. "You see that little girl just down the way? Weighs as much as a twig? She'll be the first to go, I promise you. It ain't about speed - it's about momentum. And you ain't got no momentum without either of those things. That lil' girl throwin' a punch would be like tossin' a rat at rhinocerous."

He shakes his head, not mocking them but speaking matter-of-factly "You lot ain't gonna snuff easy, that's for sure." He glances sidelongs at Grace. "You're gonna snuff real, real hard."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Derpestein
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Derpestein The Neckbeard Stroker

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kyle laughed. Hard. "Exactly. Are you even listenin' to what yer sayin'? Guess nobody suspects a fool 'till he opens his damn mouth." Kyle bit back, mocking Wilsons' accent, his words filled with sarcasm and venom.

"How many people have you killed? Two? One was vehicular slaughter. One was beating a woman to death." He chuckled. "You have barely any experience."

"Besides...None of your punches will matter when there's a shiv in your fucking neck." Kyle said.
"Go. Fight. Good luck n shit. Only cause I want to be the one to kill you myself." He muttered under his breath.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GarlandChaos
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GarlandChaos Pixilate

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sophia decided to strike up a conversation with someone.

"Hey, Aleksey!" she called out. "What are you gonna do if you survive this shtick?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Polyurethane


Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Ladies and gentleman! Make your way to your seats, because the first fight starts now! We have Aiden Kaiser, versus Wilson Wredrun! This should be an interesting fight. Aiden only weighing in at 175 and standing 6'1, while his opponent stands 5'9" and weighs 260 pounds! We dug up some dirt on the two fighters. When Wilson wasn't driving around the late Jennifer Lynne, he was working out at the gym, so he has a massive strength advantage over Aiden. Aiden on the other hand spent his spare time, which for being the CEO of GOM resources he had a lot of, studying human anatomy. From our research we believe Aiden may have been a sociopath, which would explain why he was constantly bored. Now going over the rules once more! The fights last until one opponent either dies, or gives into his opponent and is spared by the Editor. We only want to bring you the best in The Colosseum and we are making this an accurate modern portrayal of the ancient gladiator games. And tonight, it will be a fight to the death! Only one gladiator will leave The Colosseum tonight!" the man announced over the speakers that were set up in the Colosseum.

The sound of the crowd's cheers roaring was heard below where the prisoners were being held. Aiden looked away from his conversation to the gate where he would soon be released. It seemed as though he was up next, and he was fighting quite a brute.

"Release the gladiators!" the voice of the announcer rang through out the Colosseum.

In this moment the gates to both Aiden and Wilson's cells were opened. The path led to a section where they would be able to select weapons you would only use if your life depended on it. Which sure enough they were.

"I'll do whatever it takes to survive..." Aiden said as he stood up and left the cell he was in. He walked down the path way and looked at the weapons they had to choose from. All of horrible quality. Rusty weapons of all sorts. Aiden reached for a pair of chef knives that were laying around then walked out onto the field. He looked around at the dirt around him, and the stands full of cheering people ready to watch a man be slaughtered.

When Aiden's opponent came out onto the field the omnipresent voice announced. "FIGHT!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 9 days ago

Jarred watched the fight from his cell. Even though the fight hadn't started yet he watched with stress. He was terrified more so now knowing there would be no chance of tag team with another one of the people. Jarred sat in his cell and tried to calm himself by thinking of the good things that have happened in his life.
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