Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

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duck55223 said
No, because I got help from the really good ships of Keyguy and Numburg, I dont need to use my own ships.Start a PM but keep between me and you only. Once we have worked everything out I will post it as one big thing in the IC.

Okay, I'l do it tomorrow GMT.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toaw


Member Offline since relaunch

Also since we are giving general locations on where are ships are expected to land
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Thanks Toaw for the original image

PS : Let's get some more IC's running!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 23 days ago

I'm the first to leave! I shall arrive first and claim the most fertile lands!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 1 yr ago

darkwolf687 said
I'm the first to leave! I shall arrive first and claim the most fertile lands!

The cove shall be mine!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 23 days ago

Maybe... Maybe...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toaw


Member Offline since relaunch

Sovi3t said
The cove shall be mine!

I shall conquer the Coves fertile lands, and trade its riches to your nation at twice the price just to mock your failure :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 23 days ago

I've gotta be honest duck, I'm a bit worried about you being able to have 2 fleets with 12000 colonists and 6000 soldiers each to sail across a massive ocean with enough food to last a year, as well as the equipment and goods they will require in the new world, when you have about 10 ships total, most of which are small. Even if you could fit all that aboard, are you not concearned about the inevitable rapid spread of disease from having 320000 people squeezed on 10 ships?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 7 mos ago

decided to redraw my colonial paths

The one heading to the east is the one that was just launched, the one heading to the west has yet to be launched.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 23 days ago

... Do I need to talk about the logistics of taking 18000 people the long way around the globe on 5 ships tops... Surely someone is noticing the problem with that? That's 3600 people per ship plus all the equipment, goods and resources they are supposedly being sent with, going the LONG way around the world. They'd need more food, and I don't think all the preservatives under the sun keep if fresh that long in this time period...

As an ally, I think you need to reconsider your numbers because if I'm honest I don't think most will survive this journey. Remember those random events Gowia was talking about? Well, I'd say pretty high on that list would be the chance of someone having brought a disease onboard or some of your food stores going off, and given your ships massive passenger numbers, that could be very, very dangerous indeed...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 1 yr ago

darkwolf687 said
... Do I need to talk about the logistics of taking 18000 people the long way around the globe on 5 ships tops... Surely someone is noticing the problem with that? That's 3600 people per ship plus all the equipment, goods and resources they are supposedly being sent with, going the LONG way around the world. They'd need more food, and I don't think all the preservatives under the sun keep if fresh that long in this time period...

Yea.. on top of that they will probably rebel due to the cramped conditions on the ships...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 23 days ago

These conditions are pretty much on par, possibly worse, than the slave ships. This won't end well. I'm not one for going overly realistic, but I think we do need to consider the passenger numbers plus crew we're sending here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 1 yr ago

darkwolf687 said
These conditions are pretty much on par, possibly worse, than the slave ships. This won't end well. I'm not one for going overly realistic, but I think we do need to consider the passenger numbers plus crew we're sending here.

Well, the ships departed so ICLY you really can't do anything, unless you launch a rescue mission...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 7 mos ago

I adjusted the numbers 1000 colonist, and 1000 soldiers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 23 days ago

Lets hope Gowia lets you get away with that after someone else posted xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 1 yr ago


edit : when we doing a docking IC?
edit : does anyone even check there pms beside darkwolf
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 23 days ago

Sorry about having to stick that post on the end people, I forgot to reply to ducks envoy so had to do it now xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The United Vanjanan Empire shall claim the cove and all the fertile lands within through way of monetary transaction and further colonization. Our superior vessels shall reach the New World quickly due to their advanced construction, and then we shall begin the (mostly) peaceful absorption of any natives that may exist into our glorious empire!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Keyguyperson said
*Ahem*The United Vanjanan Empire shall claim the cove and all the fertile lands within through way of monetary transaction and further colonization. Our superior vessels shall reach the New World quickly due to their advanced construction, and then we shall begin the (mostly) peaceful absorption of any natives that may exist into our glorious empire!(TotallynotimperialistIpromise)

My fleet left earlier, so uh yea

But we can coincide and eliminate these native
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toaw


Member Offline since relaunch

Sovi3t said
Works,edit : when we doing a docking IC?edit : does anyone even check there pms beside darkwolf

Pfft reading PMs not until they let me delete old ones ;) but in all seriousness I'm sorry I completely missed your PM Sovi3t
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