Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

The Head Police person was at Eve's work, for a party, they had just caught one of the head assassins of Vly's guild, and decided to go have a party.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Vly was at the derelict warehouse and found a suitcase of money there before heading back to the villa
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

The Party would be going for sometime, but the leader of the assassins work would direct her to that spot... however, Eve wouldn't be recognizable... how she was, unless the assassin had a photographic memory... and could compare body types with people in different outfits.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


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(added her other appearances and job, but not allowed to reveal them in IC :3)
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the scream echoes down the ally. he kept stabbing the women as she screamed "SHUT UP YOU COWL" when the screams stopped he sighed a sigh of relief. he wiped the blood off his shirt and slid the knife back into the cane. he walked out into the street and hit the unlock button for his car. the car unlocked and he swung himself into it, he started the car and drove slowly down the road "best not draw attention". he pulled into a local club where it was rumoured the new head of police was, and with power comes all the girls. he feared he would be spoilt for choice of who to kill. he got out the car and, with knife in cane. started the hunt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

A woman met him at the entrance, she had a nice corset on and was clad in Lingerie, "Please leave your weapons, and badges and any identifying organization items in this bin please" she said, "we don't allow anyone criminal or law to carry or make any law actions while on the premise..." she said with a respectful bow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Vly was sitting in her room drinking a£300 champagne
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he tuts, pulls out a handful of knives and placed it in the bin. he takes his doctor tag. "now, may i keep the cane. its a memorial of" he has to think of a good excuse "my army days."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

(guess the Assassin won't get the first peak after all)
The woman waited on the Serial Killer, "also Doctor.... please leave your Serial killing Schtick at the door.... we don't appreciate it when our patrons are killing each other in the club.... and that cain has a sword in it..." she said, "we could hear that woman's screams for 5 blocks... but if you would be as so kind as to leave that stuff here, when you leave we'll give it back..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xiledx
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Connor heard that there was some kind of party going on. He knew not to bring anything, so he didn't. He walked on over to the entrance, hoping he could just get inside.
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"i need it to walk. may i use it? it also carry my medication and medical supplies. im a nice guy." he has his hands open. he has a ring on and is hoping to get 'lucky'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

The same woman said the same thing to Connor, and bowed, "Is this your first time?" she asked, one of the other women were keeping and eye on the Doctor.

"Sir you can't bring your weapons in," the other lady said, and handed him a Replica of his cane but with no sword and proper medical stuff, "and the ring too... We mean it or we will blow your freaking head off."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xiledx
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

What an obvious lie Connor thought to himself. That person is probably planning on killing someone there. It's not like the woman he killed was silent. He turned his attention back to the woman. Ahhh, yes, I think this is my first time here he said to her.
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"wow your strict." he grabbed the replica and handed over his real one "you break it or damage it. ill make sure you never see light again." he grabbed the cane and trotted off
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

"Then would you like to buy a membership or have your one free night on the house?" she asked, "the membership is $150 a month, not including play time with our submissive workers, and such... that is just to be a member, and for us to keep your belongings safe, as you enjoy the night.... watching the strippers is free though... and so is dancing on the floor..." she commented... "We cater to just about any kind of fetish, other than the mass killing of people, maiming, and that sort of thing... and Ladies if the good Doctor isn't going to abide by the rules Revoke his membership and send him on his way... normally he doesn't give us this much trouble, he must be on one..."

One of the other ladies let the doctor go in, "Try anything funny and we can prosecute you, just enjoy your time like the other people..."
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"no, no. ill be fine." he looks up "now, who wants to help the good doctor?!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xiledx
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I didn't bring my wallet, so I would have to have the free night. I'll bring my wallet next time
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the doctor tuns around "ill pay for him, now whos first?!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

The lady smiled, "don't worry about as long as you get your membership later we'll hold you to your word." she said then pushed him in behind the doctor, and closed the door.

It was kind of a relaxing environment, not metal and rap going off everywhere, but there was nice music playing.... Several women came over to the doctor, "nice to see your back Doctor... what are we playing tonight" one of them asked... and they took him to his favorite spot (And now You can control them User... just don't kill them or maim them... have fun)

A woman in a very nice dress, with blond hair... walked up. To Connor

With her was a girl on a leash who was blindfolded, and gagged, she had a black catsuit on that looked like it had no zipper but the one by her legs... she put out her hand when the blond told her to, offering to shake his.

"Good evening sir...." The blond said, "would you like anything? Eva Please greet our guest..."
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the doctor sat down and the girls started. the only downside was he only got turned by death and dead bodies so this was torture. he clapped, "now, will anyone nearly kill them selves?"
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