Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


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"sir..." one of them waves a gorey film that he has been looking forward to for so long. "Watch this, play with us..." (User can do what he likes without killing them)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CandiKane


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Kris was trotting up the street, looking for something interesting to write about. She loved night time walks to find something new or just to relax. She saw two men standing in front of a doorway that they disappeared into. Kris curiously walked up to the door, "Hello," she said and looked the woman in the door up and down, noting her clothing. "I assume this is a club?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

"Yes,. would you like a membership?" the woman asked... "And howcome everyone from the Chateau is here, rarely do we get this many of you, anyways, We also offer one free night..." she said... "This club serves most fetishes outside of death and gore physically... and if you would please leave anything like your wallets and such here... you can take your money in though..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by User
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"put it on, lets see it." the girls started to move around him doing rather sexual things. he was annoyed he had no weapons, but decided to live in the moment
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CandiKane


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"No, I'm not interested in a membership, just a story," Kris said shaking her head, "The only reason I'm here is because all the other curious occupants of the Chateau are here, and when we all get together things tend to get interesting," Kris said with a laugh. "I don't have anything with me except my notebook and pencil, may I bring those in?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

The girls put it on for him, and let him watch, it was lovely for him, and they pleased him.

(Where is Connor? If you are wondering what to post look back one page near the bottom)
"We don't allow Reporters in Sorry..." the woman at the door said. "if you come in it is as a guest and you keep what you see to yourself... unless the others at your home want to talk about it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CandiKane


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"I'm not a reporter, I just write for myself." Kris said, the idea of being a reporter appalled her, as she didn't like having to deal with deadlines. "May I go in if I leave them?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by User
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the doctor sees the girl at the door. "ill pay for her entrance" he was itching to kill someone now. "now, where's my kissing?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

"Still please don't take them in" the woman said, "Yes, but this is your only free night, you'll need a membership next time..." she said.

The lady looked at him, "Members only and first times get a free night, not accseptions" she said, then his women grabbed him and pulled him back to his privet room and had fun kissing and doting on him and showing him splatter flicks.... but all would defend themselves if he tried to kill. "If you enjoy killing so much, why did you come back? Did you miss us?" one of his girls asked.

A woman in a very nice dress, with blond hair... walked up. To Connor

With her was a girl on a leash who was blindfolded, and gagged, she had a black catsuit on that looked like it had no zipper but the one by her legs... she put out her hand when the blond told her to, offering to shake his.

"Good evening sir...." The blond said, "would you like anything? Eva Please greet our guest..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xiledx
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Connor walked around a bit until he found the strippers. He decided to sit down and watch them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

The lady looked at him, "Members only and first times get a free night, not accseptions" she said, then his women grabbed him and pulled him back to his privet room and had fun kissing and doting on him and showing him splatter flicks.... but all would defend themselves if he tried to kill. "If you enjoy killing so much, why did you come back? Did you miss us?" one of his girls asked.

The lady with the pet walked over to Connor, and slapped him with her fan, "it isn't nice to ignore a beautiful woman... when she talks to you, or when another one offers her hand to you to shake..." she said. "Apologize and I may think about sparing you a session...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CandiKane


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Kris nodded, and put her notebook and pencil in the bin. She walked in and looked around, wrinkling her nose at the strippers and sat down at a table taking everything in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

A few women and men came over and asked if she needed anything, all wore different outfits, and looked to have different fetishes, not all were strippers ether.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CandiKane


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"I'm alright, thank you though," Kris said, then paused, "Actually, do you have something to drink, that's non-alcoholic." She said, slightly embarrassed at her intolerance towards alcohol. Why are you even here? She thought to herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HollywoodMole


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Damien let out an extremely heavy sigh and yawned before walking out. We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of IT HELL! It was pretty obvious he hated his job. It wasn't that he hated IT, however, most people that called in didn't even know how to boot a PC up. Damien was trudging like someone emptied a factory of led into his boots, he then looked at his watch... 15 minutes? 15 minutes late... "Wait, 15 minutes? DAMN IT!" Damien ran down the street like a madman while screaming this. He began to hum the Sonic theme... until he tripped and face planted on a bin. People began to laugh at him, he would normally yell a lot but he didn't have the time. He got up and tried to run, before tripping over the same bin and falling over again. Yelping a lot attracted attention. And he sort of just lay there... "I'm just gonna order pizza and call in sick, screw it." Damien walked up the hill looking like an infected ferret.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


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One of the girls went and got her a tray of everything non boozish, anything from Apple Juice to Soda was on there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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"I really hate meeting in places like this..." Mumbled a masked man who sat at the bar. In front of him sat a full glass of water that had it's top covered with a costar. The man constantly tapped the bar with his index finger as his eyes darted around the room. After a few moments a well dressed gentleman sat next to masked man and casually slid a envelop to him. "I want the usual done, get into the account, transfer their funds into mine, leave behind the usual dirt, and I assume I don't have to tell you to do it with out a trace." The man said before he took a drink from his glass of whisky. The masked man gave three quick nods as he took the envelop and placed it in his jacket. The well dressed man then rose and went off to enjoy himself in the club, leaving the masked man behind. The masked man sat there for a few moments, being passed by and offered 'serves' by the club's workers. He shook his head each time and continued to sit there before his wrist watch let out a beeping noise. A sigh of relief could be heard before the man pulled out a laptop and turned it on. "God I hate these places.." The man mumbled again, though when it came to Darwin he never liked any place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CandiKane


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"Thank you," Kris said and took a Sprite. She didn't even know why she came, she hated places like this. Right when she was going to get up and leave she spotted a man in a mask sitting at the bar. "Curious," she said and watched the exchange with the other man. She looked at the back of the man, wondering why he was there. She sat back down and sipped her Sprite, feeling slightly like a stalker, but curiosity won out and she watched the man, wondering why he was there, as he looked out of place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Some girls came over to Darwin, "You look board, would you like to play?" one of them asked, all were dressed in very appealing outfits.

The Woman Tending to her bowed, "you are welcome..."

she said, I will be your waiter the rest of the night, if you need information, what this place calls fun, a privet room to rest, whatever you like..." she said. "My name is Raven" she said. "also if you don't like what I have on I have a maid uniform i can wear..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CandiKane


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Kris looked up at the woman, "Wear whatever you feel most comfortable in, I don't mind." She said and took another sip of her Sprite.
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