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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Darwin's eye twitched slightly as his fingers moved restlessly over the keys of the laptop, his hands being a near blur. He offered a side glance to the women that came up to him and offered their serveries to him. "I only chess and I'm sorry I can't offer you a game at the moment... though I would like another glass." He said as he nodded to the still full glass of water next to him. "And six cubes please."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

"Thank you" she said, sitting by her, "I find this one most comfortable..." she said softly, "I think one of your people or two works here... and i feel sorry for your friend, looks like Azra is going to beet him soon, for insulting her." then "Ahem" "Anyways if you want to play or whatnot, that is what I am here for, but if you are not into Yuri make out, I can understand that..."

The Lady catering to the Darwin nodded and got him a drink.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CandiKane


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"My friend? You mean that man over at the bar? I don't really know him," Kris said, "Is there anything I can do to help, though?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Darwin gave two quick nods as a thank you when he received the drink from the girl, his hands having yet to stay still as he typed on the key board. "Also will you please fix your hair." He said, his eyes fixed on the screen of his laptop. "It is... uneven."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

"no the one watching the strippers, Conner I think his name is..." Raven replied. "Help me?" she asked, "Um... Normally I am here to help not be helped... if you want to help so much why not come with me and we'll get you an outfit..." she said, "that is if you want to help, also if you just want to try them on or have some fun too..."

The woman that was waiting on Darwin looked upset...

"you don't like my hair?" she asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CandiKane


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"Ah, that one, well I don't know if I want to mess with her," Kris said and laughed uneasily while looking at the woman by Conner. "I'd...um...rather not...yeah," Kris said awkwardly as her cheeks burned. "Why do you do this job anyway?" Kris asked curiously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HollywoodMole


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Yeah, yeah I'm REALLY sick. Ok, thanks, bye." Damien said while pinching his nose. "Thank god, now." Damien picked up the phone again. "Yup, just drop that off at the door, Yes great." Damien waited around for a couple of minutes. "Thanks, aaaand heres your money aaand your tip." Damien grabbed the pizza box. "PIZZA PARTY!" Damien yelled out. "With myself? Even better!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

"Because it pays like $150/hr" Raven said, "All I have to do is look pretty, and do as I am told, though Since I don't offer sexual services to men, or let men play with me, I am not paid as much as those getting $350 to let people use them as they wish." she commented, "I don't envy them, and then someone like Eva over there, who plays pet to her Dominatrix Azra, gets payed a lot more due to the strict measures we have on pets, they ride the whims of the Dominatrix, if she wants her to be played with, she has to obey, basically being payed major money even more than the others just to be played with like a toy, and whatnot.... I have never tried it so i am not sure what they do."

Azra, smacked Conner again with her fan and left him sitting by Kris and Raven, Eva sat politely when told to, "Good Girl Eva..." Azra said. "the nerve of Some men... and from that Chateau... too... atleast Eva has better manners... Right girl?" she said, Eva nodded and made a happy whine sound from her mouth, she was gagged and blindfolded in a black latex catsuit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"The hair on the left side of your head is at least .3 cm longer than the hair on your right side... it is uneven." Darwin said as he continued to type. If anyone would look at the screen they would see it was a sequence of binary code rolling across the screen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CandiKane


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"True, but I don't think I could live that life," Kris commented, "I mean, after a while don't you feel like you're just an object? I dunno," Kris said and took a sip of her Sprite. She looked up as Connor was dumped at the table, "Are you ok?" She asked and looked at Raven, "Is Azra always like this?" She asked incredulously, "Beating people up because they don't acknowledge her?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

She looked at Darwin, "sorry... maybe some other girl should wait on you?" and walked off. The Bartender laughed.

Raven Nodded, "You should talk to her or she gets upset," she replied, "Eva is just her pet, till she is ready to go, Eva plays pet to different dominatrices too..."

Eva put her hand out for Kris to shake... "Are you going to Greet her?" Azra asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Victor slowly stumbled to the door his vision blurring and his head throbbing, the gash on the left side of his head was bleeding and his entire front was covered in blood. He pushed the front doors open and stepped inside with his eyes wide and blood literally dripping off of him. He didn't say a word as he went to the nearest sink which happened to be in the kitchen and started washing the blood off of himself, "Damn this country."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

All that was left at the house was the assassin and that was it, the others were at the club.
(Unless someone draw lines to dots, Eva can remain Eva without being noticed :3 because she has a blindfold and gag on and any defining marks on her are covered, to anyone she is just a red haired pet)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CandiKane


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"Of course," Kris said and looked down at Eva, "Hello, I'm Kris," Kris said and shook Eva's hand, then looked up at Azra, "Hello," she said flatly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Darwin's brow raised slightly as the woman walked off but he didn't take his eye off his screen. "May I inquire why you are laughing." He asked the bartender.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HollywoodMole


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Damien sat on a chair eating pizza. "Pizza parties don't really work without more than five people, eh." He had finally finished the pizza, in 5 minutes. "Oh god." He fell on his side and he felt like his insides would explode. "Pizza doesn't feel good now does it?!" Damien stamped on the floor. "OW! Why would I do that?!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Azra smiled, "That wasn't so hard was it, that is all I wanted, Thank you..."
Eva Shook her hand, the latex on it was very smooth and warm from her body, she formed a smile, and blushed a little bit.
Raven Smiled too, "Azra isn't mean unless you ignore her..." she commented, "And it seems busy tonight... right Azra?" she asked.
Azra nodded, "I would have gone home and let Eva go home but so many people are here, and Kris, you and raven look so cute sitting side by side like that... She seems to be a good fit for you... I hope you become a member, or even want to work here too..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CandiKane


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"Cute?" Kris said and her cheeks got red, "Um, no, I'm not...yeah. And I don't think I'd really want to work here." She said and looked down at Eva, "Who is she outside of here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

"I am not allowed to say who she is outside of here" Azra said, "but she is my pet here, while she is on shift, while I am on shift..." She looked closer at her, "why not try it, I will let you work for one night here, but... I am also a Dominatrix so employee training is also my privilege... and you will be getting a sexy outfit to... if you want to work, Raven can get you outfitted and she will with you, because I think you are so cute together... you will also get paid for your night... it will be worth your time."

Raven blushed, "Well, I guess, but she would have to be willing to work... I am glad you think we look cute together though... but she seems not inclined to work... but it is up to her in the end."

"Yes it is" Azra said, "And don't worry only the bravest or some of the shyest people, work as pets, or strippers, you won't be required to do ether... but I will treat you like any other employee in training and that we hired..."

Eva just sat politely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CandiKane


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Kris mulled it over, "Well, I suppose I could try it, just for tonight..." She said and looked up at Arza, "Show me what to do." She stood up, still a bit uncertain, but willing to try.
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