Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Hold on guys, I'll check this out too!" Two says as she runs after Kirby.

"...I swear, her 'can-do' personality is going to get her in trouble," Four mumbled under her breath.
"Phanuel, you can go and rest now," Five said, desummoning her Daemon,"Lookie lookie, what a group this is. I'm Five."

"Oh, that's sudden, nice to see you Five. I always planned to kill you first!" Zero growled at the sight of her sister, and then suddenly swung her sword at her. Yet, Five blocked the sword with her cross-like sword, laughing a bit at her attempts to kill her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Arin heard the snickering himself and already knew what it was.

Kirby stopped when a bunch of men-like shadows came into view.

Mikey looked at the shadows. "What are those?" He asked.

Arin turned to Mikey when he asked a question and then turned to face the shadows. "These are shadows that a certain necromancer likes to send after me." He said, hoping these things wouldn't try anything. He avoided saying the necro's name as the very thought of it would annoy him. He kept his calm demeanor however.

Shredder spotted the turtle and smirked. "Where are your fellow turtles? Or did they somehow change forms?" He said, referring to his four new friends.

"My fellow turtles didn't change forms, I just happened to meet to these guys." Mikey countered as he got out his Numchucks.

A few shadows looked down to see something poking through the ground and picked it up. It was a needle, There were several more needles ahead. The shadows grabbed them and started throwing them at the one Hunter had claimed as 'dino-boy'(Arin).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xiledx
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Vlad saw that the people weren't any kind of threat, or they would have killed the other people they had just met. He decided to come out of the shadows. "Hello" he said to the group, while still gripping his sword tightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Shadows eh? This is some party!" Two said as she summoned her large sword and wildly swung the blade at the shadows, her blade glowed blue from her Intoner magic.

Four only sighed, she didn't like where this was going.
"Dummy, stand back. Five and I have a score to settle..." Zero said to her dragon before clashing swords against Five.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Arin was able to dodge the needles since he was looking right at the shadows.

The shadows that were swung at attempted to dodge the sword, but one was cut by it. The shadows started throwing needles at the group. Most of them were more focused on Arin than the others.

Mikey would have helped if he weren't stuck in a conversation with the Shredder.

Kirby opened his mouth to inhale some of the shadow-men.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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"Argon Charr," the Mandalorian looked over the doctors groups in-till he spotted Revan. "Holy Sith! Your Revan," he said with sudden surprised falling of the back of Phanuel.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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Ayaka sighed knowing that this was Hunter's doing. "Why does HE have to be on this island anyway," she said annoyed as she started using her wind powers to blow needles away from Arin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Hunter had been following his shadows, but stayed far away enough to where he wouldn't be seen just yet. He continued watching the shadows from afar, making sure they would not fail. If they did, he would give them severe punishment.

Mikey tried to hit Shredder with his numchucks when he felt something sharp hit him in one of his arms. This caused him to look away from his enemy and try to pull the needle out. "Is there a nurse somewhere around here?" He joked.

Noticing the orange-masked turtle was distracted, Shredder used his steel claws to slash at Mikey's shell.

One shadow waved at Arin and then pointed to the ground, indicating where they got the needles from.

Arin looked down only to see there were in fact needles poking out of the ground. He wondered why he and the others didn't feel these earlier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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The Doctor froze as they began fighting. "Oi! Why are you two fighting?" He asked. The Dpctor took out the sonic screwdriver.
Slowly near the group, three Dalek came to them. They were not to far away from them
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Riku charged into the Frey slashing at the enemies slowly approaching the group. Kotoha slashed at them with her sword not using her hidden disk ability yet.Unless the opposition grew.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leda


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

joker found himself in the middle of a frozen wasteland, he only woke up a few hours ago and was confused as to how he got here. " Command, command, this is 1st lieutenant pilot Joker reporting in I seam to be stranded in some wasteland need evac how copy " He said over and over into his radio, but it was useless as he heard nothing but static " Great " He put his radio back on his belt. "Guess I'll keep walking" He said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"It's quite humble of you to go for me first Zero, guess you haven't seen the other sisters yet," Five teased as she managed to hit Zero several times with a stabbing motion.

"Well, decided to start off with the dumbest of the Intoners first, and you're in that category," Zero only retaliated with a strong slash attack with her pink Intoner energy.

"How rude...I'll be sure to give you quite the rough treatment then," Five playfully frowned and both of them continued fighting. Though, it was obvious to see that Zero wanted her sister dead.
"What a pain. Two, mind using th-" Four sighed and asked.

"Gotcha!" Two interrupted her sister, and then began to echo out her voice which resonated with her power as an Intoner. Soon, Two was encloaked by that much blue energy, she was like a glowing blue silhouette.

"Heheh...looks like your Intoner form is always strong as usual..." Four said as she stepped back to let Two do the work. Like a freed beast, Two ferociously slashed at the shadows with her sword at a lightning fast speed. With this Intoner form, Two was like an actual physical goddess by just her raw power alone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Two Daleks saw Joker and came over. They said "Identify yourself!"
The three Daleks came up the group(The Doctor's) "identify yourselves'" the middle Dalek said "Timelord technology detected. It is the Doctor! Exterminate him!" The Doctor froze seeing his old foes. "Everyone near the TARDIS now!" He said glaring
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Riku tched. "Mechanial foes are my specialty Doctor. Let me turn them into scrap for you.." She said deciding to show off her skills as a Al Bhed.

Kotoha backed up closer to the Doctor. She had a power disk ready to go. As the Daleks approached strange cracks were slowely beginning to form on the ice walls and ground..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Roku went over to the TARDIS as instructed.

Some the shadows that were slashed at disappeared, while few still remained.

Hunter noticed how his shadows were decreasing in numbers. Now, he was frustrated, but he didn't show it. He flipped open his spell book to see if there was anything stronger than shadows. He was searching for a spell that would summon the undead. Zombies? That could work, but they are slow. He thought to himself as flipped to another page. Vampires? Maybe, but they'd be too obsessed with blood. He called his shadows off before walking away to find a new hideout.

The remaining shadows threw a few last needles at Arin before they were called off. Most obeyed, but one stayed. (Hey, I rhymed. Or at least I think I did). The last one wanted to continue fighting until it heard its leader snap his fingers. This was the only one that could talk. "But....this girl is interesting. I wanna keep going!" It shouted in protest.

Hunter walked over to the talking shadow before looking at Arin. "You might have won this time, but I'll make sure you fail next time, dino-boy." He said as dragged the last shadow by the ear to wherever he was going.

Arin heard what the necromancer called him. Dino-boy? He just shrugged at the nickname before turning his girlfriend, but winced before he could say anything. He looked over at his left shoulder to find a few needles there which made him slightly annoyed. He attempted to pull the dang needles out.

Mikey looked at his group. "Hey, you can't just leave me alone with Shredder here." He said.

Kirby had transformed into Needle Kirby after swallowing some of them. He heard Mikey and ran over to where he was and began throwing his own set of needles at Shredder.

Shredder did not expect the needles. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!." He shouted as he looked for whoever did that. He found a pink fluffball with a needle helmet on its head. "What's with the pink thing?" He asked.

Mikey shrugged in response to Shredder's question. "I don't know, but he appears to be helping me." He threw his Numchucks at Shredder who stumbled backwards before the Numchucks returned to Mikey's hands.

Shredder knew he had only two choices left, keep fighting or retreat. He chose retreat. "You and your friends haven't seen the last of me." He said as retreated back to his Headquarters where his leader(Kranng) would be awaiting his victory or failure.

Alexander saw the Deleks and hopped off Five's pet before running over to the TARDIS. He had no fighting experience therefore he had no idea what to do. He decided to only follow the Doctor's orders for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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"There's no need to run Doctor "Argon said firing one his missiles at the center Dalek.
"85,000 volt Hammer barrage!" a several fist shaped electric fist impacted several of the shadows. Ricden landed next to Two "Im going to have to ask you shadows to come along quietly," the marine said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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((Um, I think the shadows are gone now.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Doctor shouted "Don't attack them!" He cursed as the Dalek shot the missile. The three shouted "Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!" They fired at the group but the TARDIS protected them with a Forcefield. He said "fantastic." The Doctor looked at the group "everyone get in the TARDIS now!" He unlocked the doors and once they we're in he closed the door locking it. His tried to think. He began remembering the screams of the timewar. Everything that happend in it that he caused.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Alexander and Roku both went inside the TARDIS and took their seats once inside.
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