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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leda


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"What the hell?" Joker said looking really confused, "Who were those guys, who the hell are you?" the man saw the things that attacked him firing missles and decided that now wasn't the time to be asking questions, and hurried onto this thing the strange man called the TARDIS
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xiledx
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Vlad saw the Daleks start attacking the other people. He didn't want to go into a police box that can somehow fit a lot more people than it should be able to. Probably something from a different world that has more space on the inside than on the outside. But, he didn't have time to think. He ran into, what did he call it, the TARDIS? and leaned against a wall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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Ayaka began trying to help Arin pull the needles out.

Starfire of course was about to throw some of her starbolts at the enemies until the Doctor for whatever reason told them not to attack them. She just flew back toward the TARDIS. Once inside, she asked "What are those things? And why do you not want us to attack them?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Riku looked upset but when the machines attacked she ran inside with the group."ok not a good idea to attack." She said disappointed.

Kotoha went back into the box just as from the cracks came some strange looking creatures that were red and had swords. .

"Nanashi Renju..!" Kotoha said as a group neared the box.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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He turned and said "they are the Daleks....a creature who hide in a metal shell. They are believe their race is the best and want universal extermination. I stopped them so many times...but how could they survive the war...." The Doctor cursed and threw a chair in anger. He had to think of a plan. "Their metal shells are near impenetrable. The eyestalk is their weakness. Shoot there but you have to have total concentration when your doing it. If not they will be unharmed." He went to the conselmand tried to think how they can get away. "The heat source...I have the quardinates in the sonic screwdriver. If I give the TARDIS the quardinates we might be able to go there." The TARDIS shook a bit as the Daleks shot it. He used the screwdriver and pulled a lever "hang on!" The TARDIS Made it's iconic noise and teleported to the heat source.
The Daleks looked at the creatures "Identify yourselves!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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The Nanashi grunted at the machines as they could not talk but one grunted out.."nana..shi.." Riku and Kotoha listened. Kotoha wanted to go out and fight her enemies but they did indeed need a plan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

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Revan sat back, awaiting for when they arrived at the destinations
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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After pulling the last needle out, Arin had to make one last comment before calming himself. "The next time I turn dinosaur, I'm gonna find that guy's hideout." He calmed himself after that statement and smiled. "Now, where were we?"

Mikey laughed at Shredder's last statement. "Don't they all say that?" He asked.

Kirby returned to himself and stood beside Mikey.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Apparently, Zero and Five were so focused on their fight, they were left behind.
Two reverted back to normal, stretching and saying,"That was awesome, I want to go again!"

Four only sighed at her older sister's energetic self...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Ace just bought himself some doughnuts before he saw some strange blue circle which tried to suck him in. He put the doughnuts in his mouth before turning into a dog and trying to run away from the sucking circle. Before he knew it, he was sucked in along with his doughnuts. He was knocked out once he hit the sand. After coming to, Ace saw he was on an island. He looked beside him to see his true love, a bag of doughnuts. He was still a dog. He picked the bag up and ran to wherever his feet would take him.

A portal opened in the forest and a young boy with cat ears and tail fell out near Arin's group. He stood up and looked at them. One person in the group caught his attention, a girl who also had cat ears and tail. Is she a half-breed too? He walked up to the girl, examining her.

Arin saw this and almost thought this guy was flirting with his girl. "What are you doing?" He asked just to be sure he wasn't.

Seth looked up at the man. "Um, I saw her ears and tail and wanted to see if she was another half-breed or not." He answered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Argon jumped on bored the TARDIS before it left looking dumbfound at the interior "its bigger on the inside..." is all that he could say.
"Can any tell me whats going on?" Ricden ask the nearby people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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Ayaka saw this boy with ears walk up to curiously to her. It's as if he's never seen another Neko or something.... "Can I help you?" she asked of him when Arin asked him what he was doing. "Half breed?" Was he saying he's only half Neko?


Starfire decided on waiting until they got to where the heat source was while thinking about what the Doctor had said about the Daleks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Seth looked at her. "Yeah, I'm a Nekovamp. Meaning half vampire and half neko." He explained once he finished examining. He then realized how nice he was being. No, no, no! I'm not supposed to be nice. What would my father think? Of course, he showed no emotions.

Arin nodded at the Nekovamps explanation.

"I guess I've just haven't seen any full nekos since my mother left." Seth said, still showing no emotion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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The Doctor Came out and saw it was clear. "every its all clear.." He walked out and sighed. "How did they survive the war? I was sure they were destroyed......" He said. The Doctor said "We need a plan...the Daleks are going to find us soon. They will lock on the TARDIS' signal."
The head Dalek said "Daleks go after the Doctor!" "We obey!" The two Daleks levitated and flew to the heat source. He three Daleks told the Nanashi "You will be Exterminated!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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The Nanashi grunted and charged at the Daleks swords raised. Riku though. "Hmm anyway to jam the signal? If not I could."

Kotoha saw the two enemies about to clash.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

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Not too far off in the colder plane, a small group of Elsens, bundled in warmer clothing were walking around. "Do....you really think there is anything to use here?" one of them said softly. "There must...why else would they bring us here..." another responded. The Elsens were already visibly shaken by their unfamiliar enviroment, shaking and shuffling through the snow. Another of the group of 5 noticed a distinct feeling. "Do you feel that....it's different. It feels warmer" they spoke, pointing in the direction of the energy they detected, the same heat source the Tardis was headed for. "We..should go that way" they all said as they shuffed their hurriedly
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