Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

come take a relaxing and awkward bath in a magic regenerating pool with others
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

And so I have created a posting board that will make many... nothings cuz I'm so lonley
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mahz
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Mahz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Admin Seen 27 days ago

Gooseblight the goblin mage of god-moding derobes. His little green goblin's cloak crumples to the floor around him in a crescent.

He slips his little green body into the magical manapool and immediately becomes erect with power. He hadn't dosed in months! -- Not since the demons started pillaging the manafactories of the land.

He looks around, scooping some manabubbles towards him to hide his bloated goblinrod. Surely he isn't here alone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PrimalArcana
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PrimalArcana Quintessentially Quirky

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Pale-skinned with long dark hair, the saddened maiden clutches her skimpy garment around her body and goes to bathe. Embarrassed at the presence of a goblin, she disrobes on the other side and slips into the water. Immediately, an onslaught of bubbles meets her face and enters her nose, causing her to start sneezing violently.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EXMEDIC
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EXMEDIC Aggressively Losing

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Fabio Masters, having practised many a nights, ceases holding his breath and finally emerges from the water after 5 minutes or so.
Over the other side of the pool, the taunt, bronzed and muscular man spots a beauty.
He lets out a grunt, and so very grateful for the copious amounts of bubbles, makes his way over to the beauty across from him.

He licks his lips, passing right by some random sneezing woman and settles himself beside the squat emerald beauty.

"Good evening" Fabio purrs as he shakes his luscious, thick mane of onyx hair "What brings you to this particular pool on this particular night? Surely, the gods have conspired to bring us here together..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mahz
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Mahz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Admin Seen 27 days ago

((This happens before Fabio Masters' entrance))

Gooseblight hears movement on the other side of the manapool but a thick wall of manasteam clouds his view.

Fortunately, he's already turgid, so he's ready to cast a spell. Normally he has to furiously warm up. Today's looking up.

He stands up in the manawater just enough for his pelvis to emerge. He then swirls his little goblin hips until his goblinstick flops around in the appropriate arcane pattern.

Suddenly, his goblinmember ejects a bolt of magic that dissolves the manahaze and reveals a mess of dark hair that's choking on a pile of bubbles.

Still exposed, Gooseblight puts his little green goblin hands on his hips and waits for the bubble attack to subside.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EXMEDIC
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EXMEDIC Aggressively Losing

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Fabio, not only gifted in the art of breath-holding, but also enchantment, manages to wait out the thick mess of manabubbles. He could feel his nipples grow erect and his bushy carpet of soft-to-touch chest hair stand on end.
A utter beauty and a fighter? Twas not an opportunity to be passed up!

Fingers resting in their proper place, he strokes his man-teats several times clockwise, then anti-clockwise, moving closer and closer to his beloved, energy beginning to boil up inside of him as the hot, smooth manawaters encouraging him and strengthening his resolve.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mahz
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Mahz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Admin Seen 27 days ago

Some sort of inner-temple treasure seems to float up from the other end of the manapool and drift towards Gooseblight.

Wait a second. That's no heap of treasure. That's the bronze muscled body of a male human.

Gooseblight wretches. He goblinwand immediately subsides.

He crouches back into the manabath hoping to reenergize his goblinstaff, but it just floats around like a lilypad.

When the bronze man starts twirling his own nipples, Gooseblight backs away. Was this guy charging some sort of charm spell? Or perhaps some form of magic missile? This goblin wasn't about to sit around and wait. Not with his magical extent reduced to a noodle.

With his little green goblin legs, he launches off the side of the manapool towards the bubblemaiden. He's willing to do anything necessary to reinflate himself with magical vigor. Until then, he's vulnerable. A weak, wet goblin.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PrimalArcana
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PrimalArcana Quintessentially Quirky

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

After a disturbing round of sneezing, the maiden looks around at her companions in the water and is disturbed (if somewhat interested) to see two of them aroused. Upon seeing the goblin's arcane manhood dance, she begins singing an alluring siren song to draw him in and slit his throat, only after seeing the exchange occurring between her golden and green companions, her green prey drifts toward her. Her eyes darting around from face to face as she stands, the water dripping from her natural charms, she extends her hands invitingly, long claws extending themselves slowly from her fingertips.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EXMEDIC
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EXMEDIC Aggressively Losing

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

' Aha! Another competitor~ how quaint!' Fabio mused. Althought the snot-coloured enchantress had sought comfort in the bosom of this troublesome woman, he would not stray.
He would be his.

Diving into the manawater like some kind of golden, polish dolphin, Fabio decended upon the two of them. Due to the amount of oil he had applied earlier, he slipped through the water easily, coming up behind his beautiful algae-queen, hands gently caressing his lily-pad buttocks.

"Let me love you..." Fabio whispered, moving in close enough that his thick and full moutstache tickled the grassy ear-hole.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The little mage comes to the Manapool, perhaps drawn in by the fact that it's made of mana. And he's a mage. And mages have a deep love of mana. Or maybe it was the beautiful deadly maiden that had just slit a mans throat. There was that too. And then there was the fact that he literally had no place else to be. He was a black mage, an outcast--a vile, morally bankrupt little man with blue robes and a pointy hat. And an odd smell. Very odd. In fact, as he removed his dark blue robes and pointed little hat, the smell was so bad nearby plants began to shrivel and die. It was the alchemy indrediants, or so he told himself.

Slipping into the manapool, Black Mage as he called himself, felt a sense of indescribable ecstasy. Moaning and moaning as the manapool washed over him, he could feel attachment to nature itself, to the arcane, TO THE POWER OF MAGIC. Looking at the odd people in the pool with him, there was murder in his eyes. Murder in the most extreme and arcanely impressive ways possible.

Whipping out a full-length 9-inch wand, he grinned wildly, manically, eyes narrowed to slits. "I am BLACK MAGE. I am MASTER of the Arcane arts. There are none that knows this mana better than I, none who know the secrets of the earth better then I. I wield the thread of time, the very fabric of space, the very soul of the planet itself! I am master of the the magic arts, sorcerer incarnate, even the GODS fear my power, for my name is BLACK MAGE and the power I have been gifted is too much to bear." With that, Black Mage pointed his 9 inch wand at the maiden, shooting off a a strange white colored stream of Mana. Would it hit? Only time would tell.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EXMEDIC
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EXMEDIC Aggressively Losing

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Fabio moved in front of his beloved and the woman, sheilding them from the hit of white steam. It hit his beautifully chiselled face, and he shook his head out once again, bathing himself in the dense white steam.

"Ooh myyyy~" He groaned, running his hands down the length of his body, combing through his tapestry of chest hair. What a day it was to be at the manapool.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PrimalArcana
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PrimalArcana Quintessentially Quirky

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The maiden, about to slit her slimy snotty companion's throat as his lover grasped his buttocks, was belayed by the appearance of a dark, foul-smelling mage. He smelled of rotten saltpeter, burnt and melted metal, and filthy but alluring aura rolled off him of dark magic and murder. Her heightened senses caused her, like her disturbing companions, to become visibly aroused. The man made his bold, powerful testosterone-filled introduction, she retracted her talons and gazed at him in awe. His vile scent repulsed her, but his wand drew her in.

The magic...the magic...

She found herself pushed once again behind the disgusting slimy creature, pressed against his arcane manhood. Despite Fabio's shielding them, the magic filtered over his shoulders and slapped her in the face. Jumping under the water, she knocked her first companions under the waves, and went to save the now-dead plants.

Traversing back into the manapool, she walked to the mage, completely aroused, the dead plants caressing her, she sang to them and dropped them in the water, causing them to grow back. The now vicious carnivorus plants continued to stroke the maiden, reaching through the water to the mage. His vile scent did not bother them while she sang. After gulping bubbles, the plants began to clean the vileness from the mage, preparing him for the maid.

She would love him, and then kill him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EXMEDIC
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EXMEDIC Aggressively Losing

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Finally, the woman had left him alone with his dainty moss-lady. He moved in, picking up the leafy-green salad of a man-goblin and held him tight to his bosom, stroking him seductively.

"My beauty, we are alone. Oh, how I have dreamt of this day, despite the fact I met you only minutes ago. BUT IT FEELS LIKE A LIFETIME, DOES IT NOT?" Fabio sung, his nimble fingers massaging the pert green bell-pepper bottom.
Oh, he'd never felt this kind of magic before, not since he was a young atlar-boy apprentice, working for the local Catholic priest Archmage. He'd not met a man that was able to twerk nipples better than him.
The days of youth. The beautiful springtime of passion and learning.

Fabio groaned as he rubbed the small, green mistress, his man-titties excited once again by the thoughts of days gone by.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

Member Offline since relaunch

A sprawling mass of black entities, shades of something awful, blotted ink and fowl aromas overflowed the burning incense of the mana pool. It was not long before the entirety of the mana pool had been overcome, pun intended, with a sticky, black, mucous-like substance.

"Ohhhhh..." Came the grisly groan from the central mass of the entity.

In several moments the hot steam melted away the thick, black substance coaxing the pool and it's inhabitants, and the entity had revealed itself. A sprawling mass of tentacles and eyeballs, seemingly floating midair. It was the time of the season alright.

Curdling with chills and goosebumps, the mass scanned for a proper, delicious partner of which to whisper sweet nothings in their ear. It unleashed a slimy, limp appendage from its contracting anus muscles of which the coaxing black substance consistently oozed. Suddenly, something caught it's brown eyes, and several other pupils...

"My, how..." The mass shivered erratically as it's hellishly deep voice could barely find the words. "If Cockthulu doesn't acquire a taste of this gangly, viridescent lovely than I shall consume you both with the entirety of my appendage. Ohhhhh..." Just the thought caused more of the black slime to eject from it's anus, absolutely engulfing any poor individual behind him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Babachenko


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Boopsy Seymor was her name, her long raven hair draped down her back as she sauntered into the pool area. She saw the others who were already and let out a herendous moan.

She breathed in deeply and let out a long moan "You wan sum fuk?". At that she let her towel loose and reveled her tight curvaceous bodice and glided into the pool.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Architect
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Architect Rebellious Ass Kisser

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lord Pickleshine of The Euphoric Realms had been observing from his seat in the Gushing Gardens, watching over the inhabitants of the lowly mortal planet. He had been dreading this day; the arrival of Cockthulu, and its not-so-kawai brethren into the world. With its siblings, Cockthulu would ravage the planet, repeatedly, in a vicious, slavishly-repeated motion. It would be a cycle of death, then rest, then death; back and forth, back and forth. When he was ascended to his seat as a Godly king for his totally righteous adventures, Pickleshine had taken the role as Guardian of the realm. And whilst his Ambassador on Earth, Boopsy Seymor, had been dispatched to deal with Cockthulu, he feared it would not be enough.
Which meant action must be taken. A choice of deep consequences.

After millenia, he would have to intervene.

Pickleshine came shattering down to Earth; a shining, white light that seemed to leave a hazy tail in its wake.

"COCKTHULU!" he roared, pulling out his long, hot, flaming sword, harder than any metal on Earth. "FOUL MONSTER!"

He plunged into the writhing mass, slipping his rod into the soft flesh repeatedly, in and out, feeling the moist, sticky slime oozing from its body, covering his hands and chest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EXMEDIC
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EXMEDIC Aggressively Losing

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Fabio, his manhood sensing the deep arousal of the fighting beasts before him, lead him over, parting the water like moses parting the red sea.

"Oh, happy days!~" Fabio sang, still holding his slimy princess to his chest as he floated over to the cock-beast and it's foe unabashed. "And so we fight, my love. For this is the day that Euphoric has made~"

Like something out of a biblical painting, Fabio became one with the monster, tender and loving, all the while his minty-lover slipped against his chest, allowing the magic to flow through him entirely. His eyes closed in perfect ecstasy, his body moving and controlled by the absolutely pleasure as he surrendered himself to the tentacle and the tentacle bowed down to him.
It was hella poetic and shit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Babachenko


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Bla bla bla

Sexual innuendo and shit happened in this post.

Something about her chest heaving with arousal and herself being extremely moist.

It was some really good times that were had and such.
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