Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dervish
Avatar of Dervish

Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 6 days ago

Retro title card courtesy of the swanky Captain Jenno!

A Dervish Production


Accepted Players: CLOSED

The Galaxy’s always been a dangerous place, full of opportunity, adventure, credits and purpose for those of the mind to look for it. The people gathered here today, the only thing we share is skirting galactic law and the fact that some asshole with a lot more money than any of us wants us dead. So shall we get started, or do you want to wait until more of us wind up dead before deciding we should do something about it?

The year is 2178CE, a time of overall galactic peace and the ending of the batarian threat to Alliance colonial claims. After the Skyllian Blitz of 2176CE, Alliance forces had been systematically hunting down pirates and criminals associated with the ill-fated attack on Elysium, and the Anhur rebellions began, beginning a two year struggle to end slavery on the batarian and human colony, resulting in the abolitionists achieving victory over the pro-slavery Na’hesit factionists. It is a time of law being enforced in formerly lawless sections of space, the Attican Traverse no longer standing independent of Alliance influence. While many grumble the perceived loss of independence of the “suffocating” Systems Alliance charter, most citizens are welcoming the regular military presence, as both the attacks on Elysium and Mindoir were fresh on everyone’s minds. Most recently, the ruthless attack on the moon of Torfan has crippled the threat of criminal activity against human colonies, and Alliance patrols are systematically hunting down the remaining pirate anchorages across the traverse.

While most are celebrating the downfall of the pirate menace, there are some who see the sudden aggression against the criminal element of the galaxy as a threat to not only their freedom, but their very existence. Pirates, smugglers, slavers, and guns for hire alike have flocked to the lawless Terminus Systems, entering a competitive and often lethal struggle to ply their trade against other organized groups, many of whom are not keen to share their home turf with newcomers. Others remain in the Traverse, balancing the risks with the increased opportunity left in the vacuum their former competitors left behind. While several groups are soon were caught, there are more than a few that had flourished beyond anything they could have previously imagined. Bolder, larger criminal organizations began to emerge from this, and a stretched Alliance Navy was powerless to watch every corner. The galaxy is a big place, and the rapidly expanding Systems Alliance was beginning to understand just how vast it really was.
Along with the law-skirting groups came the demand to do something about it. While some worlds hired security from the big name contractors such as The Blue Suns and Eclipse, there was a demand for a much more widespread and permanent solution. Something that would ultimately bring stability and safety to the colonies. To the surprise of many, an asari billionaire rose to the challenge.

Rebekha Gaela, the chairwoman and head of Siame Industries, is the leader of a private military corporation and arms manufacturing firm that has long established itself as a powerful and professional fighting unit and security firm in systems outside of direct Council protection, and even on the fringes of Outer Council space. Gaela, a shrewd matriarch who takes as much after her turian father as her asari mother, has been a rising profile with a rapidly expanding enterprise, annexing and buying out anything smaller than Siame Industries with startling efficiency, largely due to the fact that systems controlled by the security branch are among the most safe and secure in the galaxy, and the PMC branch has been constantly grabbing headlines for the daring, ruthless raids into criminal bases across the galaxy, even deep within the normally lawless Terminus Systems. There are rumours that Rebekha Gaela has several criminal firms under her thumb and unprecedented access to information brokers across the galaxy, and while unsubstantiated, has done wonders to keep her skeptics from meddling too much into her affairs.

Very recently, Siame Industries signed an agreement with the Systems Alliance to bolster security in the Attican Traverse in exchange for a hefty contracting fee and the authority to install instillations on any colony world that would accept them, putting pressure on the criminal element even further with more raids, blockades, and other enforcement practices that were previously non-existent. Retreating to the Terminus Systems yields just as few safe havens; using her own forces and the various client outfits under her employ, Rebekha Gaela has taken her personal war against galactic crime into the previously untouched safe havens in the Terminus Systems. Even Omega, the antithesis of the Citadel, is beginning to feel the squeeze. Gaela gets stronger by the day, and for the mercenaries and criminals of the galaxy, there’s a lot fewer friendly faces than there were a year ago.

Desperation follows those on the wrong side of the law, from hired guns to smugglers, assassins to drug dealers, no one is safe. However, there are those who aren’t going to lay down without a fight. On Cartagena Station, a gathering of largely unaffiliated men and women from all walks of life gather to discuss one thing:

Pay back.

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Welcome to Mass Effect: Wanted, an RP about a group of law-loathing, ruthless, and morally dubious mercenaries, smugglers, bounty hunters, drug pushers, assassins, thieves, and just about any other sort one would not wish to run into in a dark alley. Long accustomed to the freedom of the stars to earn fame and riches in often ruthless and morally objectionable manners, your character will be caught up in a galaxy that’s becoming a much smaller and unforgiving place. Working with a loosely affiliated group of (largely) strangers with a singular common interest, it will be up to the players to work together to fight back against the encroaching danger of Siame Industries and increasingly ruthless criminal outfits who have acted as your character’s rivals and enemies for years. If you are a fan of the criminal story lines from the video games, from taking down pirate bases on some uncharted world in Mass Effect 1 to going undercover with the mercenaries in Mass Effect 2 to save Arch Angel to earning their allegiance in Mass Effect 3, this game may just be the right stop for you.

As you may have gathered, this game takes place a few years before the first Mass Effect game (five years, to be exact!), freeing us from the confines of the Reaper Invasion, the geth, and the Collectors. This game will focus much more on untold stories using the lore and setting from Mass Effect as a backdrop. While it is an original tale with player created characters and organizations as a continuity of the series of Nova games myself and several players had been running for two years, everything that happens in the timeline and series has and will happen here, and in many ways, will be reacted to in such a fashion: It’s another news headline, unless your character was an active participant in those events. I do ask that when you are creating a character, do take the Timeline into consideration and try to make a believable and relatable individual. Our goal here is storytelling, and this is not a tale about grizzled war heroes with N7 designations on their chests, it’s a tale of people who live in remarkable times on the wrong side of the law. If you think along the lines of Firefly and you’re on the right track, only there’s possibly a chance your character is a remorseless sociopath who has a warrant in 13 systems for murder. The choice, as always, is up to you.

The game will be run by GMs, but players are free to control minor NPCs and guards (a privilege I may alter or revoke if I find it’s being abused), but anything story/ mission related is expressly GM territory. However, each player will have a chance to help craft their own personal Loyalty Missions in a similar vein to Mass Effect 2. While the primary aim of this RP is for our characters to be taking the fight back to Rebekha Gaela and her forces in a sweeping underdog story, Mass Effect has always been about exploration and taking on assignments that aren’t strictly related to the main plot (75% of Shepard’s activities revolved around impressing the people he wanted to sleep with, after all). Given the cast of characters this game will feature, many of them are likely to have their own agendas and rivalries that need to be dealt with. This game will eventually feature a vast collection of characters, organizations, and places of interest and it will be because of the collaborative dedication and creativity of the players.

All players will start off on Cartagena Station, an out of the way staging area in a largely unenforced corner of space. It will act as a gateway into the story, where the team will quickly depart on the first of many missions together.
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1. You God Mod or your character turns out to be Cerberus Agent Mary Sue, expect a horrific death and no refund. This includes irritatingly perfect characters with relationships with characters from the video games, cheap attention seeking drama, reacts to things based on Out of Character information (e.g. the player knows about a group of thugs up ahead and the character warns people about it and the like), are flawless, and have painfully generic backgrounds that exist only to generate sympathy for that character or to cheaply justify a trait, and are perfect at everything. Be creative, make someone believable. No special snowflakes.

3. Approved races only. This means no geth, yahg, Collectors, protheans, virtual aliens, Leviathans, et cetera that make no sense in the time line or playing capacity. Approved races are; human, turian, asari, salarian, drell, krogan, bartarian, quarian, vorcha. Races such as elcor, volus, and hanar are very unlikely to work, but I’m willing to entertain the idea if it’s a well justified character.

4. Technology is limited to a pre-Mass Effect technology level. Ergo, no thermal clips and weapons from the first game will feature quite a bit. Geth, Collector, Cerberus and Quarian weaponry likewise is prohibited in this timeline, as is anything manufactured after Mass Effect 1. Keep in mind that this isn’t a stats driven game, so a cheap gun will be quite effective, and if your character can’t afford an extremely rare or expensive firearm, chances are they won’t have access to it right away. If you aren’t sure, ask!
5. Original characters only, thanks. Obvious rip offs of established characters will also not be tolerated.

6. If your character is biotic, take into consideration restrictions and social issues coming from having it relative to their cultures. If a race cannot have biotics, don’t pretend they do. Read the wiki pages for more information. I don’t want to see a half dozen biotic turian applications because turian biotics are quite uncommon, for instance. This ties into the whole no special snowflakes thing.

7. If you want to make up an organization or company or whatever for your back story, that’s allowed as long as it doesn’t mess around with canon or contradict the timeline or give your character an unfair advantage that can be exploited.

8. Character deaths are a possibility, but unlikely. Characters will frequently get wounded in fire fights, sometimes severely, but I won’t be completely ruthless with character deaths. Unless there’s no logical way for a character to survive a situation, you won’t have to fear an unexpected and punishing death (for instance, I won’t as a GM say there’s a sniper watching an alley way and instantly headshot the first person who steps out into it).

9. Pre-made characters are permitted, provided you update them to fit this RP and take the time to make them fit into this continuity and timeline. Please no copy/paste jobs without taking into consideration CS formats and the rules.

10. If you need to have a leave of absence or know you’re going to be away/ busy, please let me know. Real life comes first, and I’m not going to boot you out of the game if something comes up. But please inform me as soon as possible you’re going to be away, if I hear nothing after 2 weeks, I will most likely write out your character and look for a new player.

11. Writing requirements are a minimum of 2 well written paragraphs per post, preferably more. Acceptable spelling and grammar and so on so forth applies. It’s an Advanced game, you know what to expect.

12. If someone hasn’t posted for a while and they’re holding everything up after a few days, don’t worry about posting order. It’s going to be a loose order as it is; just give everyone a chance to reply before you go ahead. An exception to this rule is if your characters are in a conversation that doesn’t affect anyone else, which I do ask you refrain from speed posting and consider a collab.

13. Please don’t be overly reliant on collaborations. I know they make dialog more natural, but in my experience, they are a huge reason games get slowed down since you have to wait for everyone involved to reply. Please put a priority on posting in the thread and only do collabs when necessary, I don’t need to see 2-3 weeks of no activity because everyone’s busy PMing each other back and forth. Let’s keep the game moving, guys.

13. Romances are fine and dandy, but try not to make it a personal focus. If you feel the need to be a smut monster, please take that shit to PMs. Likewise, if you’re making a character with the sole intention of scoring, I will hook them up with a volus after a long night of intoxication and they be mocked ruthlessly for all eternity. Character development, people. Make it natural.

15. As mentioned before, this RP will be a cooperative effort and outside of the story arc, everyone is responsible for creating the situations and adding to the scenes and controlling NPCs and enemies. Just keep it reasonable and bear in mind the flow and pacing of situations. If a fight’s coming to a close, I do not want to see a horde of YMIR mechs being dropped off. Likewise, if the situation doesn’t call for something, don’t do it. For instance, if the team’s at a home base, do not randomly have it being attacked. Let the GMs start and conclude battles and we’ll all get along fine.

16. If you do not post in the IC or OOC within two weeks, your character will be moved to the inactive list, and if a third week goes by without any notification, your character will be written out of the story and recruitment will open up to take your character’s place. That said, I am a reasonable guy. Tell me you’re going to be away for a while, that’s fine. Disappear without a trace without an emergency to back it up, then I’m giving your slot to someone who actually wants it.
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Profile Reconstruction

Name: Your character’s name and any nicknames or aliases they may have.

Race: Your character’s race. Please follow the guilde lines established earlier on.

Gender: Male, female, mono-gendered, you know the drill.

Age: Make this race appropriate. For ease of reference, assume most races have comparable life spans, except for salarians (40 year life expectancy), asari (1,000 year life expectancy), and krogan (1,400-1,600 year life expectancy). Keep in mind that chances are your character is younger or middle aged and full of piss and vinegar, so you probably don’t want to make your character a 1,200 year old krogan with space-dementia. If anyone has solid information on race life expectancies, please share with the class.

Class: Soldier, Adept, Engineer, Vanguard, Infiltrator, Sentinel. Feel free to establish a sub-class as well.

Appearance: A detailed description and/or picture of your character. Please, no anime pictures. I will not be able to take your application seriously imagining an effeminate blue-haired boy with flowing long hair and keeper-sized eyeballs taking on the horrors of the galaxy with his stick arms.

Background: A detailed and accurate history and upbringing of your character from childhood to now, with consideration of timeline events and what’s stated for lore. We’re trying to keep this accurate, and this section helps me determine your writing ability and dedication to wanting to be in this RP. As well, the more information you provide, the better you understand your character and play them better. If your character had a particular role or were special forces or something notable, please describe their time in that service and how they got in/ out of it. I don’t want to see something like ‘And Johnny was a Spectre’ tacked on as an afterthought. If you write a two short paragraph bio, it tells me you didn’t put any thought into it. If you think your character can hold up for a month and a half without a GM, it’s probably good enough.
Equipment: Weapons, armour, and other important bits like Omni-tools and biotic amps and things that aren’t necessarily featured in games but your character takes with them. Check the wiki page for more information. Also, grenades are included in here and not in the power section. There will be certain weapon restrictions given the timeline and availability, but most are fair game, including ME3 weaponry. Just remember this is a Play by Post RP, so weapon stats are not a concern in this game. A cheap shotgun’s going to kill someone just as effectively as an expensive one, depending on barriers and shields. A $200 SKS is just as likely to ruin your day as a $2700 TAR-21.

Weapon List

Equipment List

Powers: Up to five or six different powers your character will use. Tech powers are restricted to Engineers, Sentinels, and Infiltrators. Biotics are restricted to Adepts, Vanguards, and Sentinels. I’m pretty easy going with the rest of it.

Power List

Talents: Indicate your character’s proficiencies that aren’t reflected by powers. Pick up to five or six.

Talent List
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Organizations and People of Interest

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dervish
Avatar of Dervish

Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 6 days ago

Character List

Legacy Characters/ Players

Tanya Carson, Human Engineer Mechanic Played by Dervish

Mark Russo, Human Soldier Played by Voltaire

Jaerdi Tal, Salarian Engineer Played by Sundered Echo

Kosso Irak, Drell Adept Played by Mosis Tosis

Henrik Kjell Andersson, Human Soldier Shock Trooper Played by Legion X51

Character/ Player List


Saseen V'nalas, Asari Vanguard Played by AmazinglyVivid

Iosif Sevchenko, Human Engineer and Pilot Played by Zombiedude101

Kali'Zael nar Stalingrad, Quarian Engineer Played by Halo

Loral'Zanis vas Korvus, Quarian Engineer and Medical Technician Played by Sixsmith

Reserve Character Roster

This is a list of characters that were not accepted in the initial 8 newcomers, or are awaiting an opportunity to have their character introduced.

Traja, Turian Vanguard Cabal Played by RainDash

Killed In Action

Kesik Bal'uim, Batarian Infiltrator Played by Cpt Toellner

Daryna Elehex, Drell Adept Played by Cyra

Ka’Birheil Valok, Batarian Soldier Played by Vakte

Aran Nykerius, Turian Engineer Hacker Played by Hank
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cpt Toellner
Avatar of Cpt Toellner

Cpt Toellner The Hero We Deserve

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dervish
Avatar of Dervish

Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 6 days ago

Profile Reconstruction

Name: Tanya Carson

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 30

Class: Engineer, Mechanic


Picture commissioned by Riley Stark, many thanks!

Tanya stands at 5'06" and sports a lean, strong frame of the Alliance Marine she once was. She sports a piercing gaze with her dark grey eyes and a non-regulation crop of nearly black hair that gives her a somewhat wild appearance. She carries herself in a confident but independent way.

Background: Born 2148CE to a Systems Alliance Marine named Lieutenant-Commander Eric Carson, Tanya was born a month after the Prothean relics were discovered on Mars. Tanya’s father was initially a member of the British Armed Forces, but when the Systems Alliance Charter was formed a year after Tanya’s birth, he found himself transferring to the newly formed alliance of 18 independent nations with the hopes of being among the first humans to see another solar system. The discovery of the Prothean artefacts confirmed what he always suspected; there was other intelligent life in the galaxy. Lt. Commander Carson signed on with 4th Frontier Division, attached to the 6th Fleet, and the Carson clan found themselves among the first colonists on the newly discovered Terra Nova.

Tanya’s family had a long history of military service, and she is able to trace her ancestry back to the Napoleonic Wars. The firstborn males had a tendency of enlisting in the military, a proud Carson family tradition, although that was by no means the only member of the family in the service; during the Boer War, seven Carson brothers fought in South Africa, and only four came home. The man who would eventually end up becoming Tanya’s great-great-great-great grandfather brought home his Lee-Enfield rifle and passed it down to his firstborn son upon his deathbed. This was the beginning of a well-established family tradition.

Terra Nova was the first home Tanya remembered, and the dark, barely hospitable planet seemed perfectly normal to her, although she noticed her parents often argued over their new home. Terra Nova was a dark, mostly desert world with scorching temperatures and an atmosphere with high concentrations of methane and carbon dioxide, making it uncomfortable for the initial Earth-Born colonists to acclimatize to. Their argument was put on hold when an incident at Shanxi in 2157CE caused the 4th Frontier Division to assign regiments on loan to the 2nd Fleet as a reaction force, with the promise of being returned to the 6th Fleet after the incident was resolved. This incident would become the First Contact War, and Lt. Commander Carson’s first encounter with extra-terrestrial life would prove to be fatal. He returned to Terra Nova to a grieving wife and an only child.

Tanya was only 9 when she lost her father, and instead of growing to hate the aliens who killed him, she wanted to know who they were. She had grown up on the knee of her father, telling her stories of great wars long past and the deeds of her ancestors. This was no different, only the enemy wasn’t human. Her father died a hero, and while she missed him terribly, she was proud of him. He may have died, but he took out half a platoon before he succumbed to his wounds, the man who came to their prefabricated home told them.

To Tanya, these turians were probably like the Dutch, French, Russian and German enemies of her ancestors’ past. If they could learn to forgive each other after decades, if not centuries, of fighting, maybe the turians wouldn’t be so different. To her surprise, her prediction came true shortly after the counter-attack and Tanya was shocked to discover there were more aliens out there than just the turians, and they were the ones who stopped the war.

While Eric Carson didn’t leave a son behind, his daughter was more than willing to pick up the mantle. Despite her mother, Belle’s, protests, Tanya took to wanting to learn how to be a marine like her father, and get off of Terra Nova to see who these aliens were in person. She threw herself into learning how the family vehicles worked, as her father had shown her, and continued shooting with her father’s hunting rifle. Her life was becoming increasingly surrounded by machines as well as her school studies, and she was on a fast track to joining the Alliance as a combat engineer.

Her dreams were almost derailed by a falling for a boy named Gary she had grown up with on the colony whose father was close to hers, and both never came home from Shanxi. The two threw themselves at becoming mechanics and he had all but convinced her that the colony needed people with their skills. It was true, in their suburb in Scott, barely anyone knew how to maintain their own vehicles, as most of the skilled members were in the Alliance and needless to say occupied elsewhere. They were even set to get married after a whirlwind romance when Gary was killed on his motocycle the week before the ceremony, leaving Tanya bitter and alone. Three months later, in 2166CE, Tanya enlisted in the Systems Alliance 63rd Division and specialized as a combat engineer shortly afterwards. Before she left Terra Nova, her mother presented Tanya with the old Lee-Enfield rifle and her father’s medals, and her blessing to do what all Carsons were born to do.

In 2170CE, Tanya and the 63rd Division found themselves moving in respond to the bartarian slaver raid on Mindoir. Tanya did not know much about the bartarians other than they didn’t see eye to eye with humanity over colonization rights, but the brazen attack on the colony left her shocked. Her unit deployed and she had her first taste of combat, and it was not a positive experience. Her unit was heavily outgunned and the casualties were staggering; the 63rd was unable to break the bartarian lines and attempt to rescue the colonists. Tanya found herself running off less than 4 hours of sleep in two days, and the new A-61 Mantis Gunships and M29 Grizzlys were in constant need of repairs due to the chaos of combat. While the men and women of her platoon fought off a bartarian counter attack, Tanya fought in the way she knew best; fixing the hell out of anything that needed it. Because of her efforts, there was enough armour and air support to keep their line from collapsing. She was awarded a Distinguished Service Medal for her actions.

After the battles in Mindoir, the 63rd was deployed in various regions of the galaxy, and Tanya had found herself becoming rather bitter at the whole affair. She had regular nightmares about what she’d seen on the colony, and couldn’t shake the feeling of that happening to Terra Nova. For the next 3 years, Tanya served with the Alliance until she decided to retire with honours after seven years of service in 2173CE. She returned home for a time until she grew restless, realizing her place was with the galaxy. She was quietly pleased with herself when by chance she made contact with several like-minded individuals that decided to take their chances and pool their combined wealth and expertise to form a mercenary outfit. As one of the founders, Tanya signed on as a combat engineer and mechanical specialist and set out with the others to form this new partnership.

This outfit would turn out being the creation of Nova, in which her and her five associates chipped in what earnings they had put aside to pay for a retired turian frigate called the Tyrus. After much retrofitting and preparation, the Nova soon began to take on work, slowly building networks and contracts and taking on the small jobs that few others could be bothered to touch before they began to take some major risks; Nova would go on to ambush and steal a weapon shipment from the Blue Suns on Omega and pull of an information heist on Kahje against one of the most predominant hanar crime lords in the galaxy, finally breaking them free from being an obscure no-name group to one that was being sought out to pull off sensitive jobs.

While the team kept an informal and democratic way of doing things, many of the crew never meshed well on a personal level. For most of the team, Nova was a way to escape their past and start over, and Tanya was no exception. While she kept most of the team at an arm’s length for most of her time with the outfit, she did eventually come to confide in a few of her comrades, in particular the drell reformed criminal Kosso Iraak. Within each other, they finally found a stable and trusting partnership that would ultimately end up being the deciding factor when the two chose to leave the team to strike out on their own, as word was spreading that the Citadel forces were looking to prohibited retired military vessels from civilian use, and it was well known that stealth prototypes like Tyrus should have never have ended up in civilian ownership in the first place; it was only by a clerical error that the shipyard was sold the old turian frigate, and the reason that it was sold for a greatly discounted price. Tanya felt that Nova’s days were numbered, and the repercussions for getting caught were far more than she was willing to pay. Taking her cut and departing with Kosso, the two went on to buy a small interstellar-worthy transport ship to take up their own line of work.

The next year would prove taxing but rewarding as the duo began their independent career, leaning on experience obtained working with Nova. Before long, Tanya and Kosso had a comfortable smuggling and occasional bounty hunting racket going on, never staying in one place too long. As the crackdown on the Traverse began to happen, the duo managed to slip through the cracks, being too small and mobile to get caught up in the heavy-handed tactics the Systems Alliance had so far been employing. However, it all came to a head when Siame Industries came onto the scene; for the past few months, both guns for hire have been narrowly eluding death or capture as safe havens become more scarce. It had come to the point where Tanya and Kosso agreed that they couldn’t run forever. Reaching into their pool of contacts, the two made the decision to do something extremely desperate. They were going to fight back, all with the help of a group of strangers who were just as likely to stab them in the back as they were to help.

”We’ve had worse ideas; remember that time a bunch of strangers were shitfaced in Flux and decided it would be a good idea to form a mercenary company?”


Elanus Risk Control Services M-15 Vindicator Assault Rifle

Ariake Technologies M-23 Katana Shotgun

Elanus Risk Control Services M-3 Predator Heavy Pistol


Kassa Fabrication Polaris Omni-Tool

Devlon Industries Explorer Light Armour

Incendiary Grenades


Energy Drain

AI Hacking




Combat Drone








First Aid
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Voltaire


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Reserving my spot as the human tank. :P
Still making some relatively minor edits to the background which i should have finalized by tonight.

Name: Mark Russo

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 44 - Born 2134

Class: Soldier

Appearance: With a chiseled expression and a dry, if abrasive, sense of humor delivered with a low growl, Mark can be intimidating to some since he stands at six feet before his armor is even on. He’s past caring about his looks very much, having the mindset that “At my age, if anything is going to attract a woman, it wont be my pretty face.” So, while not in his battered-to-shit armor (which isnt too often, hes very paranoid,) his “casual wear” consists of navy blue BDU pants, a form fitting grey t-shirt under a vintage OD green field jacket and matching baseball cap. Despite being a bit past his prime, Mark maintains a muscled physique with regular workouts, it being necessary to do his job to the best of his ability… should he ever actually try to do his best. In addition, Mark remains in a near constant state of inebriation. With a flask (and cigarettes) always on his person, he’s never quite drunk, but never without a good buzz either.

Background: [edits pending] Born to a blue collar working family on Earth, Mark was a young boy when humanity discovered mass effect physics and began its forays into the deeper reaches of space. Like many people during the age, he had a deep fascination with what could possibly be found farther into the solar system. He had no means to follow his dreams of space travel however. He wasnt an especially good student and didnt excel at anything. He was just average.

As time went on however an option opened up. The Systems Alliance was founded, providing anyone a path into space by simply joining the military. Mark signed up as soon as he turned 18 along with several good friends who shared his dreams of glory and discovery. Mark soon discovered that while he wasnt smart enough to lead the way to the future in a laboratory, he excelled in the military. He soaked in every aspect of his training and strove to be the best at all of it. And he succeeded. Mark quickly achieved the rank of Staff Sergeant and given command of the squad he and his friends had been assigned to.

Soon, humans made their first encounter with another intelligent race. Unfortunately it was a violent encounter with the turians, which sparked what is now called the First Contact War. Mark’s unit was temporarily reassigned to the 2nd fleet to fill out the reinforcement ships. He was assigned to a ship under the command of one Lt. Commander Carson. And though they met by chance and he was only able to associate with the man for a brief time, they were quickly becoming friends

During the invasion Mark’s unit was selected to carry out a search and rescue mission for VIPs. The turian forces quickly picked up on the human troops however, and moved to engage. Over the course of the fierce battle, the human platoon sustained heavy losses and soon only a handful of men remained including Mark. He and his squad refused to surrender and held the small research outpost against several turian attacks. The human troops continued to fall one by one, but the turians could not break through the small defensive line, in no small part, because Commander Eric Carson managed to deliver a devastating orbital strike before his frigate was destroyed by the turian fleet. Shortly after, turian forces decided the outpost was no longer worth the cost of life and ordered their own orbital strike in turn, putting a swift end to the resistance. Mark was one of only a few survivors, and to this day he cant help but blame himself for the death of his squad mates, which included all of his oldest friends from Earth.

A month later, human reinforcements arrive at Shanxi and break the turian occupation. Mark, who was being held in a prison camp on the ground, used the opportunity to lead a prison break, and with the help of soldiers and civilians alike, took control of the camp back from the now stranded turians. Still furious at the loss of his men and filled with a hatred for the alien invaders, Mark personally executed the remaining turians that had been captured during the prison break.

Before the humans and turians can engage in a full scale interplanetary war, the Citadel Council intervenes and negotiates a reluctant peace. As things slowly calm down, the Alliance learns of Mark’s actions, including the execution of the unarmed turian prisoners and is dishonorably discharged in order to save face with their newly discovered neighbors.

Dishonored and abandoned by his military, alone, and filled with conflicting emotions about the loss of his friends and alien life, Mark decided he might as well do the only thing he knew how. Keep fighting. He roamed the galaxy, drifting from planet to planet, selling his skills as a killer to anyone who could pay. At first he planned to work exclusively for humans, but he quickly realized that was too limiting. Aliens comprised most of the galaxy at the time, and if he was to be successful hed just have to suck it up. Over the years his hatred began to dwindle as he discovered that aliens werent so different after all. They could be just as corrupt and twisted as humans and vice versa. He realized that it didnt matter where you were, there was always some slimy little shit ready to pay good money for the head of some other slimy little shit’s head. Regardless of race. And so his hatred has been replaced by cynicism and distrust for everybody, including humans.

Mark has been dealing with the dregs of society for over two decades now. Security, assassinations, piracy, the works. Twenty years of fighting and killing for money or just because someone pissed him off. And though he’s getting on in his years, his skills have been honed to a razors edge, and his tactical prowess is second to none. He doesnt turn down jobs that are beneath him, but he doesnt exactly try very hard when he’s assigned weak details either.

While working a security detail for a small time weapons dealer who was attending a lavish boat party on Khaje, Mark found himself caught up in the affairs of an up and coming mercenary group called Nova. They intended to steal information from the owner of the yacht who was some kind of big shot in the black market. Things didn't go quite according to plan however. Though they retrieved the information, their target activated the vehicle's self destruct sequence, hoping to drag everybody on it to a watery death. Mark assisted members of the Nova crew in escaping, and used this to convince them to let him join their little crew. He believed this might offer him a second chance at being something more than just a gun for hire, he'd be a gun for hire with partners.

Unfortunately the partnership didn't last. A few months later some of outfit's founding members left, and one by one the crew went their separate ways. Mark was alone in the galaxy once again, and though he hated to admit it, the dissolution of the group had an affect on him. During his brief time working with Nova he had begun to grow fond of a few of them. For the first time in 20 years he had started to feel a connection with the men and women of the Tyrus that he hadn't felt since his discharge from the Alliance. It stirred some of the old coals of bitterness that had lay dormant since those early days after his fall from honor, and he returned to his work with a vengeance. Where before he wold carry out assignments with a detached coldness, now he would go out of his way to terrorize his targets when hunting a bounty or assassination target. Some of Mark's old fury had risen again.

But as the years past, it was becoming more difficult to find work, the council races were cracking down on the criminals, vigilantes, and soldiers of fortune where they could, and had their sights set on the Terminus Systems know. They even hired a new company to help clean up the garbage. Siame Industries was having a profound and annoying effect on the mercenary market. Competition was stiff, and though his freelance approach to business kept him off the radar for the most part, the big outfits were getting their members the best jobs, and offered some measure of protection from Siame and the council. Embittered and annoyed, Mark spends his days competing for work the best way he knows how in the ass end of the galaxy, by gunning down anything in his way brutally and efficiently.

Weapons and Equipment:

Primary- M-96 Mattock
Secondary- M-5 Phalanx

-Carbon fiber combat knife
-Fragmentation grenades
-Flash bang grenades
-Smoke grenades

Armor- Heavy Predator, upgraded with Kinetic Buffer- Heavily modified over the years with scavenged plates since hes had the same armor for who-knows-how-long. Its original appearance is indiscernible.


Adrenaline Rush
AP ammo
Incendiary ammo
Disruptor ammo
Cryo ammo


Assault training
Assault rifle
Sniper rifle
Combat armor
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zombiedude101
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Zombiedude101 Urban

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Least to say I'm definitely interested, assuming I can balance this with the other RP I'm presently involved and kinda heading.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crya


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I see the due date for the characters is July 5th. Is that when we're starting? Because I'll be on vacation from the 3rd-7th without PC access, but I still totally want to be in this RP. You look like you know your RP's lore, which is nice for a change.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 6 days ago

Crya said
I see the due date for the characters is July 5th. Is that when we're starting? Because I'll be on vacation from the 3rd-7th without PC access, but I still totally want to be in this RP. You look like you know your RP's lore, which is nice for a change.

I've spent long hours scouring that damn Wiki the past two years, I hope I figured something out by now.

And the 5th is when I cut off applications and start doing the rating for it, all of next week I'm pretty much gone and hoping you guys don't graffiti my beautiful thread with lewd pictures and asbestos.

So no rush!

Also, for everyone; if you aren't one of the 8 that are accepted to start, but your sheet is quality Colombian Smack, then I'm keeping it in a Reserve roster and will call upon those players to take the place of any drop outs, which happens in just about every RP.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Makatsume Haru

Makatsume Haru

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Then I'll be taking this spot to later edit in my Quarian Infiltrator. ^.^

After taking quite some time, here is my CS.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mosis Tosis

Mosis Tosis

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Kosso Irak
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Race: Drell
Class: Adept


Kosso is tall (6 ft, 5 in) with a wiry frame bolstered by a lean musculature. His skin is a green so pale it borders on gray, and his face is quite unremarkable, by Drell standards, free of noticeable scars or other deformities.

Background: Kosso was born in the year 2146 CE on the Hanar homeworld of Kahje. His parents, both closely tied with a notable Hanar family, respected the contract between the Drell and the Hanar immensely, and continued their tradition of service by offering their son's loyalty as well. From a young age, Kosso was groomed to become a bodyguard for a wealthy Hanar client. His childhood was an isolated, lonely experience. Within one of the smaller "dry-domes" on Kahje's surface, most days were spent being trained in the art of combat. It was here he picked up skills that would guide him throughout his life; he became proficient with all manners of close-quarters combat, and by the age of 13 could disarm and incapacitate any enemy that his mentors threw at him.

Though he showed great promise, especially in the use of biotics, in his teenaged years Kosso decided that he didn't want to spend the rest of his life on Kahje as a simple guard. He wanted to see the galaxy and to live a fulfilling life, and to that end he stowed away on a freighter bound for the Citadel, leaving behind his very ashamed parents. And so it was that Kosso arrived on one of the seedier wards of the citadel at the age of 16, with only a few credits to his name and no idea of where to go next.

Life was not easy for Kosso. He found odd jobs here and there, but his surly attitude and lack of any marketable skills kept him coasting in and out of employment. It didn't take him very long to realize that the grand life he wanted for himself was still nowhere within reach, even though he had left the bright, confining bio-domes of Kahje behind. He had a choice to make: catch a ride back home, or find a job that utilized the skills he had spent the majority of his childhood honing. He chose the later. A job as a bouncer at a dirty, lower-ward strip club evolved into a career within the lower rungs of a small organized crime group operating solely on the Citadel. Here, his skills finally served him well. For a while, he worked as a simple henchman: performing shakedowns, the occasional robbery or participating in the latest smattering of gang violence. His actions may have been morally reprehensible, but that didn't matter. He had been groomed since birth to serve as an unthinking tool for a Hanar's benefit; now, he exercised his new-found free agency with a sort of unrestrained glee. Every job was one he chose to do, and each was exciting, adrenaline filled and vivid.

That was all well and good, but it turns out that living without a plan for the future isn't always the greatest idea. Kosso was eventually buried in debt, all of it owed to the very crime lords he worked for. Loans had been given and not repaid, and now some very powerful people were getting angry. Just when he thought he might have to flee the Citadel, Kosso was approached by an Eclipse recruiter, who seemed impressed with his biotic prowess and offered him a position in the group, where he could be further trained. At this point, Kosso owed both C-sec and his own employers a lot of money, and with no other options, he accepted.

For the next few years Kosso did occasional contracts for Eclipse and further honed his biotic powers. He stayed away from jobs that involved potential murder or assault, instead working with illicit substance transport and, quite ironically, working as a bodyguard for certain wealthy clients. Luckily for him, Eclipse was not too demanding of its members, and allowed him to choose most of his own contracts as long as he did exceptional work (which he always did). As promised, Kosso's biotic skills were also tested and trained. Kosso had never been around so many other biotics before, and his drive to succeed within the group drove him to become a master biotic, with his own close-quarters combat style.

This was a comfortable life, and it enabled Kosso to pay off his debts and even accumulate a small amount of savings. Just when he was thinking about dropping out of the group, however, he met an Asari maiden named Suna. Suna was a highly-esteemed Eclipse commando, and the two became fast friends during their first job together. Afterwards, they became lovers, and developed a strong relationship over the following years. They worked incredibly well together, playing off of each other’s strengths, and soon they found themselves high within the ranks of Eclipse, an elite two-person strike team that could be called upon to resolve the missions that regular Eclipse commandos were not subtle or witty enough to accomplish. Specifically, the two practically ran Eclipse’s smuggling operations. Red sand, pilfered weapons, stolen tech: they saw it all, and their actions made them practical heroes of the criminal underworld.

Kosso didn't quite believe in the concept of "soulmates," but Suna was almost enough to change his mind. However, the Drell could never shake the fact that he would die long, long before his partner (who was only around 200 years old), and convinced his lover to start living to the fullest, in an attempt to cram as many exciting experiences together as possible before he died. Suna, touched by his passion and vigor and looking for a little excitement herself, consented.

The two began a wild and dangerous gambit. They took whatever interesting contract they were offered by Eclipse, no matter how dangerous or strange. They dove headlong into the galactic drug trade in which they had before only dabbled, sampling as much product as they sold. At the same time, they began (secretly) selling information about Eclipse to any and all buyers, including the Alliance, C-sec and the Shadow Broker's network of spies. It was a dangerous and exhilarating game they were playing, and they knew that if they were caught they would be executed by the very group that employed them. But it did have its rewards, and between the contracts and the information leaking on the side, the two became very wealthy. They used their money wildly and without regard for the future, and they were happy. Those were the best years of Kosso's life.

Of course, that couldn't last. Kosso planned one of his largest and potentially-profitable betrayals: he alerted C-sec about a very important Eclipse smuggling deal happening on the Citadel, and helped them set up a sting operation. The operation was botched. Kosso lost his lover, and Eclipse caught on to his betrayal. Luckily, his wealth and the vast network of allies he had built for himself in the years prior gave him means to escape, at least temporarily. Though he knew he should head to the borderworlds, small colonies where he could lie low, something kept him hanging around. Perhaps it was a sense that he had unfinished business, perhaps it was just a continuation of his self-destructive behavior. Whatever it was, he spent a couple of years bouncing around the galaxy, with Eclipse assassins always one step behind. Somehow, he managed to evade them time after time, their constant failures only edging them on. Humiliated that one of their own had managed to betray them (if only for a while), Eclipse stayed on the hunt.

No matter how good he was, Kosso knew he couldn’t evade his pursuers forever. Finally, with his credits dwindling and his luck about to run out, he caught wind of a small group of people with big aspirations to form a mercenary squad. The would-be merc company was looking for a suitable ship to house their operations, and Kosso, realizing that he had stumbled upon an opportunity he could not ignore, contacted them and set them up with one of his old friends in a Volus shipyard. With his help (and the majority of his remaining credits), the team was able to grab a ship that was well above their paygrade: A sleek, relatively modern Turian frigate to be named the Tyrus. In return, Kosso joined the new mercenaries, ensuring himself a way to utilize his skills while finally dodging the heat that had followed him for the last few years.

His time with Nova was interesting, certainly. Though he never really trusted the majority of his crewmates, working as part of a group helped him realize that his lone wolf lifestyle just wouldn't cut it anymore. When the group disbanded (due in part to the fact that the ship Kosso had recommended to them turned out to be highly illegal), he set out to make a new living with the one Nova crew member he'd actually bonded with, the human ex-marine Tanya. The two of them worked exceedingly well together, and Tanya became the first person in nearly three years to earn Kosso's (nearly) complete trust. The two of them bought their own scrapper of a ship and wandered the galaxy for the next two years, taking odd jobs, smuggling illicit materials and hunting the occasional bounty.

It was a good time, probably one of the best Kosso had had in a long time. Of course that meant it couldn't last. With Siame industries beginning to pose a new threat to their way of life, the two of them decided it was about time they actually did something about it.


Elanus Risk Control Light Duelist Armor (in chest, leg and arm pieces. Modified to be worn in unison with traditional Drell longcoat)
Elanus Risk Control Predator Pistol
Polaris Bio-amp


Warp Ammo
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Profile Reconstruction

Name: Urdnot Bragar
Race: Krogan

Gender: Male

Age: 1,000 Years

Class: Solider

Appearance: (See Under Armour)

Jarbok stands at 7 Feet, wieghing in a weight of over 600 to 800 Pounds (Mostly Muscle). His skin is a mix of Red and Green , with his yellowish brownish puplils. His Armour is a Dark Black with a Red Stripe in the middle, and orange markings on the side plates


Urdnot Bragar, began life on Truchanka. He served under Clan Urdnot for years and years to come. His basic solider training was due to Clan Urdnot. During his time of Truchanka, he become more or less of a krogan “supremacist”. He was known mainly, for one event that got him into Clan Urdnot. That event was he executed two Turian Diplomats and and Asari Mistress for them, who’s ship wound up lost in the system and later crashed on the plant. Many other fellow clanmates describe Bragar to be more or less… “iron fisted” . Urdnot Bragar was also found of drinking “Rynol” , he participated in various competitions more or less, beating his opponents (Which often were non-Krogan)

Urdnot Bragar then left life on Truchanka, to a Blood Pack ship heading to Omega. On Omega he primary assisted the Blood Pack in kidnappings, beat downs and the usual robbery. During Omega , Bragar experienced a change, his krogan “Supremacist” views began to fade away and away. He accepted various races, but also began to like the life, on a mining rock. He enjoyed the life, and also the seedy underworlds. Bragar obtained most of his weapons on here as well, thru cheap prices of course. He met one of his close friends, a Vorcha named Siddark , and a Batariain named Erolo. The three become good friends, and still served under the Blood Pack Banner. Erolo even allowed Bragar to stay in his loft, while Siddark was nearby to the Vorcha strongholds on the lower levels. Life was great on Omega for Bragar, cheap contracts and a easy way of making money. He even drank more and more Rynol “again , with non-krogan opponents.

However, things changed. Siddark informed both men of a contract, a contract that involved moving a Asari Hostage to a ship. Straight forward has Siddark told it, grab the girl , take her to the ship and go. Erolo nodded, has he called one of his other friends, Clan Junok Wodu. Bragar suddenly let out a punch hitting the gut of Wodu. The pair fought, messing up Erolo’s place in the process. Until finnaly , Erolo both men in the leg. Bragar complained, of having to work with a enemy for this contract. But Siddark insisted, he even sent an advance of 5,000 credits to Bragars account. Bragar hesitanly agreed, before giving an eye to Wodu. The Four men moved there way to the docking bays, The plan was simple, Bragar moves to the ship with Erolo, Siddark and Wodu watch the door. Things went well until Escilpe began wrappling in. Erolo powered up the ship has Bragar fought off the Mercs, he rode the ship with Erolo. A well placed Sniper Shot later murdered Erolo, has the ship went out of control. Bragar managed to drive the ship, he however looked to the lifeless body of the Asari, turned out she was a fake. Bragar drove the shuttle out. Pisst beyond believe but knowing that failing this contract or trying to take vegence against Siddark and Wodu would result him being killed and chased by the blood pack and the eclipse.

Over the next few months , Bragar did freelance works. Portection of Cargo, smuggling goods into the citadel , beats-downs, average work has he called it. Bragar didn’t realy enjoy the change of scenery, missing the bright lights and the seedy underworld of Omega, however work was work. Bragar mainly preferred to stay under the light of C-Sec. Over time in the Cidatel, he somewhat began to trust Humans and Asari’s abit more (Turians and Salarians he really didn’t like still ) . Bragar however did have somewhat of a close call with the law. He was suppose to transfer a package to the Salarain’s Diplomaint Office. His contact was reported to be inside of the cidatel. Has he passed C-Sec Scanners, with ease, he noticed Siddark bringing processed in C-Sec , due to him being a Vorcha. Bragar suddenly grabbed the nearly pistol he could found and shot Siddark in the head .. twice. He pilldrived through the guards, mostly Humans and the odd Turian, before he took a shuttle out of the Cidatel.

Now, Bragar was wanted in the Citadel for Murder and Assault , on Omega for betraying the Blood Pack, failing a contract. He had nowhere to go.. or did he? Bragar flew to Truchanka , in hopes of just staying low with Clan Urdnot. Turns out, has he flew, he was intercepted by a black and white ship with a huge "Siam Industries, the ship ordered him to slow down. Bragar agreed, docking with the ship. Two humans armed with pistols came up, has they viewed Urdnot Bragar. The men were shaking abit, has he slowy moved on back to his own space ship, has soon as they saw this , they started firing, Urdnot grabbed his shotgun and busted two shots into the males, he moved to see the name tag on of them, labled “ Siame Industries “ . Urdnot shoke his head, has he slowly went to his own ship, has backup slowly tried to advance on his position

Bragar docked with Cartagena Station, to have a rest and refuel and restock. He sat on the chair, has he viewed the variety of men and women hoping to clear his name.. but also uncover the truth about Siam Industries and there role in the galaxy..


FireStorm Shotgun
Tsunami Assault Rifle
Omni- Tool


Cryo Ammo
Incendiary Ammo
Disruptor Ammo
Concussive Shot
Adreline Rush
Blood Rage

Talents -

Assault Training
Assault Rifle
Combat Amour

Will input more later
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crya


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Profile Reconstruction

Name: Daryna Elehex (Aliases: Khel Daryna, Hex. Extranet Aliases: UglyAsari919, DaddysDrell919)

Race: Drell

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Class: Adept Manipulator (Custom Subfield)

Appearance (Art by Katakanasta):

Background: Daryna's parents, Era and Tivan, were guards for a Hanar merchant vessel supplying Hanar merchants across the galaxy. They didn't know each other before enlisting, but it was very nearly love at first sight for the pair as they were both assigned to guard the captain, and they couldn't resist their feelings for each other. Note that Daryna's mother and father were only eighteen and nineteen respectively, and this was their first mission off Kahje. They broke the rules of the very conservative, disciplined captain by having relations while on duty and were kicked off on their current stop, Omega in a bout of fury. The captain declared that by betraying him, they betrayed all Hanar and didn't deserve to live on Kahje. They were stranded on Omega for nine months, Tivan providing for her mother, Era, who was impregnated on the ship.They married while on Omega. They were lost, never experiencing a world that wasn't Kahje, and they were overwhelmed and vulnerable. Era volunteered to be a test subject for an elusive, mad Batarian scientist, who would expose the fetus to Element Zero in dangerous combinations and doses with other drugs, however Era was told that the baby was receiving medicines and vaccines that could prevent her from dying from Kepral's Syndrome. In return, the Batarian gave Era some food and supplies.

Daryna was born in a dirty back alley of the lowest of Omega's slums, with only Tivan there to help the process along. Not long after, they managed to stow away on a public transport vessel headed for Kahje. It was dangerous, especially for the baby, but it was for Daryna that they risked it. Era never told the scientist her plans since it was so sudden and he only got to see Daryna once when she was a few days old. Their vessel never reached Kahje, however, but was waylaid by pirates, taken by a vicious Krogan pirate-warlord known as Ravanor Irdon. Everyone was sold into slavery who was riding above-deck, and Irdon took over the ship. The Elehexes managed to stay hidden for one more day before they were discovered. Irdon was furious, but he also saw that they had a baby with them. He asked Tivan for their family name, and then asked for the name of the baby. When Tivan told him, he and his wife Era were killed, but even Irdon could not bring himself to murder the baby. A Krogan pirate, Khel Galdor, offered to take the baby and sell her, however he took sympathy on her and her parents, deserted the pirate band and raised her on his own on Illium, where his girlfriend, an Asari named Weliyah, lived. This dysfunctional family was shaky at first, and always dirt poor, but they survived, and eventually grew a very good, close relationship. Weliyah and Galdor eventually married and agreed to officially adopt Daryna when she was around a year old.

Daryna Elehex's early life, full of death and surprises, would also be a prediction of her future. She lived in the slums of Illium, overlooking the beautiful city where the beautiful Asari lived. Weliyah was a merc and Galdor was an engineer. Daryna grew up with many repressed feelings. She went to school with Asari, and she was the only Drell she had ever known. She didn't learn about Drell in school until she was eleven, and previously had to educate herself on the extranet and from what her adoptive parents would tell her about her race, so she always was an outsider. She thought her entire life that the standard of beauty was Asari: Asari fashion, Asari speech, and most importantly Asari looks. As a blue Drell, she was often called the "Ugly Asari" by her classmates, and always believed that she was ugly. She discovered she was gay in her early teen years and admiring the beauty of Asari only made her feel worse, so she was all but asexual for most of her life. Daryna has never had more than a passing relationship.

Daryna has had medical problems all of her life. Her eidetic memory, when it triggers, causes her to become very dizzy and unstable, and sometimes she has eidetic memories that never happened in the first place. In a good month, this will happen only around five times. When she's undergoing high stress, this could be a daily problem. In middle school, when she was being bullied and at her lowest point, she had a whole other life in fabricated eidetic memories that only a specialist helped her sort out. This means that she has a serious problem separating fact from fiction, but has tried to be in contact with the best therapists to help her with this. This disorder is called "Olindra Syndrome" and occurs naturally in around one in five million Drell babies. As less than 400,000 Drell were rescued by the Hanar, it is likely that Daryna is the only person to suffer this disorder among her species. It is speculated that without a cure, the memories will grow more frequent as Daryna gets older, rendering her incapable by the time she is fifty. Since it became relatively extinct after the Drell ascension from their home planet, nobody bothered to develop a cure or really any treatment besides archaic therapy that only has some success. Unknown to Daryna, this disorder was caused by the experiments she suffered while in the womb by the Batarian scientist. Daryna regularly meditates nowadays and practices other "zen" techniques to lower her stress levels and prevent these false memories from occurring. Her actual eidetic memories could also trigger either temporary deafness, blindness or (ironically) amnesia. She has somewhat severe short term memory loss and keeps a journal to remind her of things she forgets, in addition to other memory problems. Altogether, these problems affect Daryna's life daily, but she has found the strength to cope with them.

Daryna began to publicly show ability for biotics when she was eleven. She always had the ability, but she hid it. She thought that only Asari should have biotics as that is what the schoolchildren told her, so she always felt wrong for her powers. She thought that biotics were a special privilege that she didn't deserve. When Weliyah discovered this, she sent Daryna off to a nearby school for training (as Illium is an Asari world, training Daryna in biotics was not a difficult task). Daryna surpassed the expectations of the other students and even the teachers, which ostracized her even more. She was a freak; nobody could speculate how she became so powerful, not even Khel Galdor, who only knew her parents as homeless stowaways who could never afford eezo treatment.

Nevertheless, Daryna progressed and trained her abilities. She found that some simple biotic tasks came difficult to her, however one talent, the rare ability known as "Dominate", came naturally. She was able to control the minds of her fellow students an even her teachers, for a very short while, who were trained to resist such biotic ability. Her teachers decided that Daryna was too dangerous to be taught an expelled her at the age of 14. Khel Galdor was furious and wanted to see his little girl achieve her full potential, so he called on the old favor of his great-uncle, a retired traveling Krogan vanguard warlord named Khel Jarr, to take Daryna as an apprentice. Together, Jarr an Daryna traveled the galaxy together. Jarr taught Daryna that she had inner strength and helped spark her confidence, although the original self-doubt from her childhood remains with her. Together the pair mostly visited different bars and viewed landmarks and scenery of different planets, as Jarr did not have long for this world and wanted to see it all before he died. Jarr was undoubtedly a being of incredible power, but he never had time to train an apprentice. He tolerated Daryna's presence because Galdor was his favorite nephew, but he never taught her anything and often forgot she was with him. Daryna only learned what she could observe from Khel Jarr.

By the time he did die, Jarr was 1611 years old and Daryna was 20. She returned to her parents, and by then Khel Galdor had started his own business of repairing ships and wanted Daryna to join him. Weliyah, however, wanted Daryna to undergo a 'Maiden' stage that Asari went through, where she would enjoy life and learn her place in the world. Daryna agreed, and explored Illium. She discovered that her Dominate ability allowed her to become very rich, very fast. She could walk into any house and make people give her their most precious belongings, which she would sell. She could just make people give her money, but she enjoyed the life of thievery. She could send money to her parents and there was a part of her that felt that the Asari owed her whatever she wanted from years of torment. She quickly became famous on Illium, reputed to be an elusive thief who could knock on your door and you'd invite her into your house as she stole treasures right under your nose. Obviously, her biotic talents were not well known. Part of her manipulation was to leave the image of an Asari in the minds of her victims, so Illium law enforcement, at best, got conflicting reports on who the thief was and never got very far in their searches.

Daryna liked this reputation and tried to keep her biotic talents a secret. When she was 22, she left Illium and continued to steal from the richest people in the galaxy. She devised increasingly complex heists involving dominating more people, as the most enjoyable part of the experience for her was building her confidence and showing herself that she had influence and power. As her entire life was spent living as a outcast and a freak, she was glad to feel respected and even feared. She also enjoyed the thrill of the chase when/if she was discovered. Her habit of implanting false identities in the minds of her victims expanded, and she created various personas (some of which inspired by false memories) for victims to remember. Several thieves on galactic watchlists are actually Daryna's fabrications.

Daryna didn't much care about Siame during her thievery. She could get around the mercenaries without trouble, however her parents were less able. Weliyah, still employed as a merc, was killed on a mission in Illium by Siame, who had recently established their presence. They found her identification on her body and traced her back to Khel Galdor, who occasionally dealt in black market goods to get parts to repair ships. They seized him and arrested him on behest of an unknown employer. Daryna does not know where he is to this day, but has vowed to destroy Siame to avenge her mother and free her father along the way.

She carries an edge pistol made by Elkoss Combine, although she rarely uses it and doesn't have much experience with it.

As of now, Daryna does not wear armor. She wears a black hoodie, black jeans and black boots. She protects herself with biotic shields.




Basic Armor
Manipulator (Special Adept Class for Daryna)

Final Notes: I plan to, by July 5th, create a dossier similar to what the Shadow Broker has on the squaddies in ME2. I thought that really allowed you to get inside their heads. Also, for loyalty missions, I'm debating between these plot points in her life:

-Returning to Kahje to discover her roots, Drell culture, and her ancestry.
-Finding Ravanor Irdon, the man who killed her biological parents, and take revenge.
-The mad Batarian scientist tracks her down and attempts to perform more experiments on her
-She frees Khel Galdor from imprisonment (I was thinking this could be more of an end-game quest)

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
Avatar of Sundered Echo

Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Not often you see a female Drell being played...
I don't think Mosis will mind having another Drell Adept either.
And another Clan Khel! Thats always good to see, I wonder if he's any relation of Khel Zhar... Not that Zhar cares for clan relations anymore.

Also on the Krogan front, Jarbok is an entirely unknown clan, and its not as though we are lacking for choice in clans. There are a host of other minor inconsistencies I could point out but I'll let Derv do that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Makatsume Haru

Makatsume Haru

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Just finished my CS and edited my first post. Lemme know what you think. :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 6 days ago

Funny you should say that, Crya; I was fully intending to make a Shadow Broker-inspired set of in-character exchanges, Extranet activity, and otherwise behind the scenes things that don't fit into the main story but flesh out characters, their interactions and relationships with one another, or just for humour's sake, so it's good you had that in mind; because it's totally happening in an official way. I will develop it more when I decide if I want to have it be a part of the primary thread or a secondary thread. We'll see!

Sovi3t, I do need to stress this game is Advanced level, and I'll be blunt that at the moment, your sheet as it is would not be one of the 8 I pick for the first roster. Here's a list of krogan clans, established by the lore:

Clan Drau - Drau Sorze is a "ruzad", or "judge", in the Republic of Ghurst on Tuchanka.
Clan Forsan - this clan's leader declared being hit by pyjak dung is grounds for executing the trader responsible for introducing them to Tuchanka.
Clan Ganar - Ganar Wrang, an exiled krogan battlemaster, founded the Blood Pack mercenary group.
Clan Gatatog - led by Gatatog Uvenk on Tuchanka.
Clan Hailot - clan leader Hailot Wrund controlled Garvug prior to the corporatist invasion in 2185.
Clan Jorgal - a clan known to have one of the longest krogan breeding lines.
Clan Jurdon - an enemy of Clan Urdnot on Tuchanka.
Clan Khel - Khel Burrum is a krogan competing at Pinnacle Station.
Clan Nakmor - a small clan located in the Kraddack Wastes; Warlord Nakmor Krall is a clan member.
Clan Quash - Quash Hurgott is a Blood Pack commander.
Clan Raik - source of the word "Aralakh", meaning "Eye of Wrath", which became the common name used by the galaxy to refer to Tuchanka's star.
Clan Ravanor - the clan runs a mining operation on Tuchanka; Warlord Ravanor Tusk is a clan member.
Clan Talyth - a clan who projected to rebuild a dreadnought on the planet of Tuchanka with the help of Elis Valterus.
Clan Thax - the clan of krogan businessman Thax Vorak.
Clan Urdnot
Clan Weyrloc

I'm not going to be going into detail right now because I'll be doing that after I get back from my vacation need with with all the submitted sheets, but hastily written down "journal" entries with lots of ellipses, sandwiching actions in text-speak stars, and for a fabled "interesting life", what basically amounts to a week and a couple scattered days hardly emphasizes much of a life at all. The Background section is not supposed to be filled out like a journal; it's supposed to tell me who your character is, what events shaped him, and to find out what your writing ability is like. So far it's... lacking.

I appreciate your enthusiasm for getting something up so fast, but as stands, you might not be a good fit if that's representative of your role playing ability. Take a look around at the other sheets submitted so far and ask yourself if you'd be able to match comparable writing standards and character development.

Makatsume, I'm going to be doing a bit more formal of a review later and I need to be getting to sleep, but I will be reading your sheet over in short order! So far, I like what's been posted from most of the players, and if anybody has any questions or concerns, feel free to ask!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AmazinglyVivid
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AmazinglyVivid Obfuscating Reality

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm working on an asari vanguard at the moment! It should be up later tonight or tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Thinking about going back to the drawing board for my char due to infiltrators being so common (again).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Voltaire


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I was reading through Makatsume's character and in a total "shower thought" moment, couldn't help but think that Quarians bring out everybodies inner latex fetish.

Hope I haven't ruined Quarians for anybody. XD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vakte


Member Offline since relaunch

I shall dig up Barb and rework him for this. Will take a couple of days as I am still stuck with overtime. July is when I get a semblance of a social life back as well lol
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