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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

All this talk of insects makes me want to make an Aburame clan member, and a perhaps a female just to be different. (never seen a female Aburame)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lawless
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Lawless The Ghost

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AeronFarron said
Pheromones are incredibly important to hornets as a species. Natural hornets donr speak and really communicate with motions or verbal cues. They communicate via pheromones. So if my character can simulate and manipulate the very thing all hornets use as communication, that is a lot more control than you think. She can easily simulate a "friendly" pheromone, which given the aggressive nature of the hornets you've created would be incredibly powerful. Aggression in insects and animals (humans included) typically means that they don't have cognitive responses, they don't stop and analyze, they follow their basic nature. Couple a horde mindset (which they seem to have) with a base nature, add in extreme aggression, amd the fact that they are not summons: they probably identify friend or foe as well as attack commands by pheromones.Now, I'll forgive you not reading my temp before you formulated your response. Had you done so, you'd have seen that the largest species of hornets (that I've made and was accepted) for Hornet summons had chosen to become her signature summons and to basically raise her. Her kekkei genkai evolved, over time, to allow her to understand them in their natural form of communication, as they lack the type of mouth that allows them to speak as a human does. Since the hornets communicated just as natural hornets do, she can understand them via pheromones, flight patterns, as well as behaviors and the seasons. Her summon is not restricted to one species, but all hornets. Now, when I made this, I wasn't expecting anyone else to choose to control hornets(what a coincidence), so I made the summon a blanket summon (much like most summons) So yes, she can summon your hornets.

You my friend are jumping to conclusions. I read your character's abilities, as well as the pheromone bit after you initially responded. I'm not asking you how natural hornets act or move, Red Chimeran Hornets are a creation of my own. Hardly natural. They move based on Akira's directions, not pheromones. I dunno if you read any of my attacks revolving around the Red Chimeran Hornets, but pheromones weren't stated to be a factor at all. To say your character understands a hypothetical hornets based on a trait I never stated they used is simply ludicrous. So unless you can simply read the mind of these hornets, then no, you can't understand them nor control them.

"Summoning contracts do not give one control over the thing summoned at all, usually it is an understanding between the summoner and the thing summoned. Not to mention it doesn't give one control over something that someone else summoned, even if it is the same species."
As I said before, it makes my hornets no difference if you summon your own, simply because you want to show that you. You will not be directing any of the Red Chimeran Hornets that Akira has, births, or controls. Good day. I have things to be editing. If you so choose to respond immediately I'll get back to you either in PMs or here if the GMs allow it. I'd rather not continue bickering about a simple issue regarding Hornets that I created that you want to stress the possibility of you controlling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

yoshua171 said
All this talk of insects makes me want to make an Aburame clan member, and a perhaps a female just to be different. (never seen a female Aburame)

Already doing that.

You claimed her rank was Chuunin but according to her history she refused to take the exam. Are you simply saying she's Chuunin-level but actually a Genin or what? Also, explain this: "There is a secondary set of seals placed on both the blade and Iyana's left hand. She is currently unaware of what the properties of these seals. There is some kind of mechanism on the grip of the blade, but she is unable to activate it at current time." If you'd rather keep this secret, pm me, just want to be sure its nothing crazy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

SoleAccord said
Already doing that.

You claimed her rank was Chuunin but according to her history she refused to take the exam. Are you simply saying she's Chuunin-level but actually a Genin or what? Also, explain this: "There is a secondary set of seals placed on both the blade and Iyana's left hand. She is currently unaware of what the properties of these seals. There is some kind of mechanism on the grip of the blade, but she is unable to activate it at current time." If you'd rather keep this secret, pm me, just want to be sure its nothing crazy.

Aww, you no fun, now I almost feel like I can't.

As to that, well to be honest it has been so long since I originally made the character that I don't remember exactly what those seals do. I'll figure it out and PM you something when I do.

As to the history, I need to edit it anyways. She's a chuunin (officially and skill-wise). She refused to take it the first time she was offered, not the second. I'll specify stuff. Doing it now. There will be personality edits as well :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

You've stated yourself:
"While his skills as a ninja weren't the most impressive among his peers, Akira takes the spot light from his kin due to his ability to host the red chimeran hornets. A dangerous parasitic insect by nature that ravages the body of most organisms it is allowed to infest. Known as the red mist to many other countries, the red chimeran hornets are native to Iwagakure as dangerous pests that devour all who cross them.

The only other ninja said to have successfully hosted the cruel insects was the First Tsuchikage."

A direct quote. These things are living and breathing. They don't rely on chakra to live, nor do they have a reason to follow your character.

1. How do they communicate? If not pheromones, then what? What keeps them from attacking each other and using each other for their offspring to grow in? The Queen? How does SHE communicate with them?

2: Why exactly does the Queen allow him to control her? Why did she submit, because he gives her chakra?? Why is it HIS chakra? What made him so special? How does HE communicate with HER?

3: If every other hornet belonging to this species uses a host, why does the Queen need chakra? Does it increase her power or something?

4: What in the hell are they feeding off of? The Queen is feeding from chakra for whatever reason. Obviously, if these hornets are within him and hatch in him, that means that they have to EAT their way through his body to get out through his pores, right? Does her have some ability that keeps internal bleeding at bay? Super healing that heals the eaten portions right after the nymphs pass? If the queen is the only one that can breed and doesn't fit the breeding pattern of the rest of her subspecies, then why did you mention the breeding rituals of the ones that don't pertain to your character's circumstances?

5: I did read your attacks. They rely on a swarm/horde mentality to attack. You wrote that in yourself. Does your character communicate telepathically with the swarm to use them as an attack? If so, why bother with the Queen? If not, then does that mean that there is a time delay so he can ask the queen's permission? If they communicate, can the queen refuse? Can she even think? Is she unconcerned with passing on her genetic data via breeding? How does she even produce these eggs if all of the drones are, you know, being sacrificed?

You didn't make a species, you made a tool. Well, my character uses the same tool, just be happy I gave you a heads up.

Just make these things bees. Easy, simple, no problems. Besides, you already have your clan somehow raise them in harmony...when Hornets are natural predators of Bees, but screw logic right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

You can but I'm just saying I already planned to put one in here. I've got an antagonist to finish creating before that. If all goes well, we could start tonight if Pierce and myself finish all we need to.

Please do.

Alright. You take care of that and then you should be all set. Everything checks out.

EDIT - You're still doing this? If you guys can't come to an understanding, a mutual one, then just do what Pierce said, not rendering someone completely helpless is all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Piercing Light
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chukklehed said
Also, because everybody else is doing it, Tsukiko really has no sexual preference, having lived in a forest during the past year while she would have been forming such a preference, so I guess she's bi-curious?

Do you know how many bisexual women are in this?... no really, can you tell me? I've lost count DX.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

SoleAccord said
You can but I'm just saying I already planned to put one in here. I've got an antagonist to finish creating before that. If all goes well, we could start tonight if Pierce and myself finish all we need to.

Please do.

Alright. You take care of that and then you should be all set. Everything checks out.

EDIT - You're still doing this? If you guys can't come to an understanding, a mutual one, then just do what Pierce said, not rendering someone completely helpless is all.

Done and done :)

To be fair, Aeron brings up a few good points.... Though, for the most part, they are semantics related and thus unnecessary overall. However, functionally those points would provide interesting and potentially immersive/useful information.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

yoshua171 said
Done and done :)To be fair, Aeron brings up a few good points.... Though, for the most part, they are semantics related and thus unnecessary overall. However, functionally those points would provide interesting and potentially immersive/useful information.

Alright, accepted.

Honestly I'm not really into the debate about bug mentalities, nor am I exactly chill with the attitude of 'I was accepted, so therefore I'm right' when the issue wasn't exactly about Law's jutsu. The guy doesn't want his hornets NOT under his control, but Aeron did say just have a strong enough relationship that it wouldn't work. It's between them, but I don't want this to be an ongoing issue before the RP even begins. Worst comes to worst, they simply won't fight each other. Or, they can just set some boundaries now. Simple.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Matsuka Furenji
Title: Beastmaster
Age: 31
Gender: Female


Matsuka tends to keep to herself around people her age, but she acts as a mentor to the younger generation. She normally seems like she doesn't care, but she can't stop herself from trying to help people who are in trouble. This normally stoic demeanor sloughs away when she's drinking though, and she becomes extremely loud and open.

Recent History: Matsuka is regarded as a genius in her field, having made her first pact when she was 10. Since then she has acquired over 50 different pacts, though very few people have seen them all. She started fighting for the rebelion as soon as the battles began, requesting a spot on the front line.

Allegiance: Rebelion Konoha

Chakra Nature: Earth, Wind, Water

Rank: Jonin


Summoning Jutsu

Earth/Water/Wind Release - Beast Transformation
-Matsuka transforms herself into a wolf, turtle or owl respectively. While transformed, she obviously cannot make handsigns and must turn back into a human before using other Jutsus.

Earth Release - Hundred Blades
-Matsuka places her hands upon the ground, making a series of sharp blade like stones erupt from the ground around her, facing outward. She can then wield those blades from the base like a katana.

Earth Style - Rock Clone
-Matsuka creates a clone of herself from the ground which is far more durable than a normal clone.

Skills: Kendo

Tools: Summoning scrolls, one for every summon. The Sage animals all have large scrolls, which she keeps strapped to her back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I just can't. This guy is giving these hornets sentience and abilities akin to summons, without actually calling them summons. It's like he wants an Aburame without having the drawbacks of the Aburame. He wants to circumvent nature without a reason why. I was just giving him a head's up, "Hey, my character can do this, just letting you know."

If bugs can keep genjutsu at bay, then my character's pheromones can keep his hornets at bay. Same concept. My character can't CONTROL nature, only influence it.

You have your warning. I'm not pulling any punches, nor am I compromising my character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lawless
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Lawless The Ghost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Okay, so I took out Akira having a large chakra reserve >.> And him being able to use (Swordsmanship) and have a sword (Katana) V.V

As for the bit regarding chakra consumption in order to produce battle ready offspring, I have concluded that it makes sense for Akira to fill the queen to the brim with chakra to produce 60 eggs. The amount of chakra in the best form of measurement I can think of that you can relate to is based on the rank of normal jutsu. This technique would require the amount of chakra one might deem suitable for that of a C ranked jutsu.

And AeronFarron, I begin to wonder if it is you that hasn't read my profile.
For the most part, they share a hive mind with the queen which as I've stated Akira has a connection with. I don't truly feel the need to explain the connection to you. Not to mention, it is Akira who can directly influence the actions of even Red Chimeran Hornets you summon due to his connection to the Queen. ._. So summoning them while fighting him wouldn't be particularly useful and would turn against you. I don't quite feel obliged to answer your other questions because I'm unsure if you're attempting to be sarcastic, but I am quite comfortable keeping them as hornets. I prefer them as this, and will not change them simply for your pleasure. You have all hornets at your command, except these Red Chimeran Hornets which I've created. I don't see how this should affect your character in any negative manner unless of course she so attempts to 'use' them against Akira.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lawless said
Okay, so I took out Akira having a large chakra reserve >.> And him being able to use (Swordsmanship) and have a sword (Katana) V.VAs for the bit regarding chakra consumption in order to produce battle ready offspring, I have concluded that it makes sense for Akira to fill the queen to the brim with chakra to produce 60 eggs. The amount of chakra in the best form of measurement I can think of that you can relate to is based on the rank of normal jutsu. This technique would require the amount of chakra one might deem suitable for that of a C ranked jutsu. And AeronFarron, I begin to wonder if it is you that hasn't read my profile. For the most part, they share a hive mind with the queen which as I've stated Akira has a connection with. I don't truly feel the need to explain the connection to you. Not to mention, it is Akira who can directly influence the actions of even Red Chimeran Hornets you summon due to his connection to the Queen. ._. So summoning them while fighting him wouldn't be particularly useful and would turn against you. I don't quite feel obliged to answer your other questions because I'm unsure if you're attempting to be sarcastic, but I am quite comfortable keeping them as hornets. I prefer them as this, and will not change them simply for your pleasure. You have all hornets at your command, except these Red Chimeran Hornets which I've created. I don't see how this should effect your character in any negative manner unless of course she so attempts to 'use' them against Akira.

Simple, because she can summon ALL hornets. ALL of them. No matter what you say. Her hornets gave up control WILLINGLY, so no, you can't control whatever she decides to summon.

And I was being very serious. You want to make a species? Make a species.

A hive mind? You're kidding right? 1: That requires a higher level of thought natural bugs do not, have not, and cannot possess unless they are a summon. 2: So you're telling me that your character controls the ONLY queen? The for this species that can reproduce at will except for this ONE QUEEN that just so happens to be omnipotent? Um...ok? 3: If these things are known in other countries, shouldn't that have...you know...migrated? What keeps them in one country? How has that country not been decimated?

I'm not doing this for me. I'm doing this so no one cries "FOUL" when I have my character unharmed by your hornets due to her pheromones and intimate knowledge of hornets as a species and subspecies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Lawless said
Okay, so I took out Akira having a large chakra reserve >.> And him being able to use (Swordsmanship) and have a sword (Katana) V.VAs for the bit regarding chakra consumption in order to produce battle ready offspring, I have concluded that it makes sense for Akira to fill the queen to the brim with chakra to produce 60 eggs. The amount of chakra in the best form of measurement I can think of that you can relate to is based on the rank of normal jutsu. This technique would require the amount of chakra one might deem suitable for that of a C ranked jutsu. And AeronFarron, I begin to wonder if it is you that hasn't read my profile. For the most part, they share a hive mind with the queen which as I've stated Akira has a connection with. I don't truly feel the need to explain the connection to you. Not to mention, it is Akira who can directly influence the actions of even Red Chimeran Hornets you summon due to his connection to the Queen. ._. So summoning them while fighting him wouldn't be particularly useful and would turn against you. I don't quite feel obliged to answer your other questions because I'm unsure if you're attempting to be sarcastic, but I am quite comfortable keeping them as hornets. I prefer them as this, and will not change them simply for your pleasure. You have all hornets at your command, except these Red Chimeran Hornets which I've created. I don't see how this should affect your character in any negative manner unless of course she so attempts to 'use' them against Akira.

Alright, accepted.

So this argument is still going on ...how about you two just ...avoid each other? Obviously you're not gonna get along that well in the rp and this seems to be becoming ...very intense.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

What? There's an argument? I try to tune out things like that because they're bad for my mental stability.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Avoiding is good. Very good.

But now this has got me thinking of things to add to my own character to flesh her out. If nothing else, this has given me the time to really flesh out that fighting style of hers that I've been avoiding like the plague.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

And hell, this was pretty pointless. A simple warning devolved into this. My bad everyone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

chukklehed said

Gods I love you
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lawless
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Lawless The Ghost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I, honestly, still don't see what the problem was but I'm perfectly fine having Akira run into one less empire lackey in the rp. Especially if they tried to give me a headache before Akira was even accepted. ._. I'll be on the chat, if I'm needed, just ask for Lawless.
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