Whats up everyone?
Nallore said
Whats up everyone?
Nallore said
Whats up everyone?
QueenOfTheBee said
Rewatching UFC 158 to get pumped up for UFC 175 tomorrow!!!
Kalas said
I can't even wait! I've got it set for record :D
Magic Magnum said
I was just thinking reading through that posts "You need to kill someone in the drop pod scene" just to get the feel across that this is ODST and even landing is dangerous. And then it happened and me as a player just went "Yes!" but me as a character just went "Fuck!". :P
696969 said
Ahhh fuck! Just as I got to over 4,000 chars, it fucking deleted! *sigh* I'll post tomorrow Swift and R.I.P. Ric- Er, I mean, uh, Truman </3
Kalas said
Currently extremely hungover, will write a post later.