Wait...I thought Fuyuki was the trap...are they both traps? Oh god the things running through my mind now.
The book of bad juju said
Me and fuyuki are in the girl's dorms, Princess Tomo and Ueda are in the music room, Kyle and the trap are outside the gates, with Ami stalking them. jivusa's incestuos pair are still in their rooms. Fiona, i have no idea, since she only talked with ami that one time. That should be everyone, unless i'm missing people who have yet to post after the timeskip.
The book of bad juju said
in my mind Fuyuki's just a crossdresser since he wears boy clothes in normal sitations.Kaori actually believes herself to be a girl and is actively taking hormonal therapy to correct her body.There's a difference, even if it is just a pronoun.
Ursa Major said Now...to wait for Nikujaga...
Major Ursa said
Well...I guess I am back, and whiff la random pair of...'friends'. Sorry for, you know, jerking you guys around like this...*rolls onto back, exposing belly submissively*3:
LovelyAnastasia said
Uuuuuursaaaaa! *glomps* How did I miss this?! You're baaaaack! I'm so happy!