Don't worry...I can satisfy you, give you what you want and then some, till you can't take anymore!
liferusher said
Ugt I want to make a post but I would have to catch up first but I dont have time for that *cries and goes back to reading
Lennon79 said
I think I may have missed a bit here...But okaeri Ursa. Is that another pair of incestuous siblings or am I too drunk to have read the CSs properly...
Major Ursa said
No, it's just a grown up harlequin baby and the guy she thinks is her best friend, mister-handsome-prince-charming-friendly-friend-charisma-buddy-not-gonna-throw-a-newborn-puppy-to-a-wall-just-cause-someone-said-it-was-kind-of-cute-and-he-wanted-to-see-them-react-to-it-going-boom-splat-man...@_@"